Descript.] This first from seed gives
roots in the ground, which shoot forth
threads or strings, grosser or finer as the
property of the plant wherein it grows,
and the climate doth suffer, creeping and
spreading on that plant whereon it fastens,
be it high or low. The strings have no
leaves at all on them, but wind and interlace
themselves, so thick upon a small
plant, that it takes away all comfort of the
sun from it; and is ready to choak or strangle
it. After these strings are risen to that
height, that they may draw nourishment
from that plant, they seem to be broken off
from the ground, either by the strength of
their rising, or withered by the heat of the
Sun. Upon these strings are found clusters
of small heads or husks, out of which
shoot forth whitish flowers, which afterwards
give small pale white coloured seed,
somewhat flat, and twice as big as Poppy-seed.
It generally participates of the nature
of the plant which it climbs upon;
but the Dodder of Thyme is accounted the
best, and is the only true Epithymum.
Government and virtues.] All Dodders
are under Saturn. Tell not me of physicians
crying up Epithymum, or that
Dodder which grows upon Thyme, (most
of which comes from Hemetius in Greece,
or Hybla in Sicily, because those mountains
abound with Thyme,) he is a physician
indeed, that hath wit enough to
choose the Dodder according to the nature
of the disease and humour peccant. We
confess, Thyme is the hottest herb it usually
grows upon; and therefore that which
grows upon Thyme is hotter than that
which grows upon cold herbs; for it draws
nourishment from what it grows upon, as
well as from the earth where its root is, and
thus you see old Saturn is wise enough to
have two strings to his bow. This is accounted
the most effectual for melancholy
diseases, and to purge black or burnt choler,
which is the cause of many diseases of the
head and brain, as also for the trembling of
the heart, faintings and swoonings. It is
helpful in all diseases and griefs of the
spleen, and melancholy that arises from the
windiness of the hypochondria. It purges
also the reins or kidneys by urine; it
opens obstructions of the gall, whereby it
profits them that have the jaundice; as
also the leaves, the spleen: Purging the
veins of the choleric and phlegmatic
humours, and helps children in agues, a
little worm seed being put thereto.
The other Dodders do, as I said before,
participate of the nature of those plants
whereon they grow: As that which hath
been found growing upon nettles in the
west-country, hath by experience been
found very effectual to procure plenty of
urine where it hath been stopped or hindered.
And so of the rest.
Sympathy and antipathy are two hinges
upon which the whole mode of physic
turns; and that physician who minds
them not, is like a door off from the hooks,
more like to do a man mischief, than to
secure him. Then all the diseases Saturn
causes, this helps by sympathy, and
strengthens all the parts of the body he
rules; such as be caused by Sol, it helps by
antipathy. What those diseases are, see
my judgment of diseases by astrology; and
if you be pleased to look at the herb Wormwood,
you shall find a rational way for it.