I. Archelaus was a citizen of either Athens or Miletus, and
his father’s name was Apollodorus; but, as some say, Mydon.
He was a pupil of Anaxagoras, and the master of Socrates.
II. He was the first person who imported the study of
natural philosophy from Ionia to Athens, and he was called
the Natural Philosopher, because natural philosophy terminated
with him, as Socrates introduced ethical philosophy. And it
seems probable that Archelaus too meddled in some degree
with moral philosophy; for in his philosophical speculations he
discussed laws and what was honourable and just. And Socrates
borrowed from him; and because he enlarged his principles,
he was thought to be the inventor of them.
III. He used to say that there were two primary causes of
generation, heat and cold; and that all animals were generated
out of mud: and that what are accounted just and disgraceful
are not so by nature, but only by law. And his reasoning
proceeds in this way. He says, that water being melted by
heat, when it is submitted to the action of fire, by which it is
solidified, becomes earth; and when it is liquefied, becomes
air. And, therefore, the earth is surrounded by air and influenced
by it, and so is the air by the revolutions of fire. And
he says that animals are generated out of hot earth, which
sends up a thick mud something like milk for their food. So
too he says that it produced men.
And he was the first person who said that sound is produced
by the percussion of the air; and that the sea is filtered in
the hollows of the earth in its passage, and so is condensed;
and that the sun is the greatest of the stars, and that the
universe is boundless.
IV. But there were three other people of the name of
Archelaus: one, a geographer, who described the countries
traversed by Alexander; the second, a man who wrote a poem
on objects which have two natures; and the third, an orator,
who wrote a book containing the precepts of his art.