Other points visited were Clearfield, where the veterans of Lamar Post and Colonel Barrett at the head of a committee received the distinguished excursionists. At Curwensville the party became the guests of A. E. Patton, and the President shook hands with 1,500 residents.

Philipsburg was reached at 3 P.M. The entire population of the town welcomed the President. The Reception Committee comprised Major H. C. Warfel, Hon. Chester Munson, J. B. Childs, O. P. Jones, S. S. Crissman, W. E. Irwin, Dr. T. B. Potter, Capt. J. H. Boring, M. G. Lewis, Henry Lehman, H. K. Grant, Al. Jones, W. T. Bair, Geo. W. Wythes, A. B. Herd, John Nuttall, and A. J. Graham. The President and Mrs. Harrison were driven through the city, which was elaborately decorated.

Returning to the station Mayor Warfel introduced the President, who said:

Citizens of Philipsburg—I thank you for this very cordial expression of your esteem. You must excuse my not addressing you at any length because of the very limited time at our disposal. I again thank you.