The people of Crestline honored the President with a large assembly, prominent among whom were: Mayor P. W. Pool, Hon. Daniel Babst, John G. Barney, Alexander Hall, B. F. Miller, John Whittle, John F. Castle, C. F. Frank, Dr. W. P. Bennett, L. G. Russell, A. Howorth, G. B. Thrailkill, E. S. Bagley, D. L. Zink, J. P. Davis, T. P. Kerr, W. R. Boyd, E. W. Hadley, Samuel Gee, C. C. Hall, D. S. Patterson, and Richard Youngblood.
Mayor Pool welcomed and introduced the President in a brief address. General Harrison responded:
My Fellow-citizens—Already some seven or eight times this morning, beginning before breakfast, I have been called upon to talk briefly to my fellow-citizens who have gathered at the various points where we made brief stops at their request. The story I must tell you is the same old story I have been telling them—that I am very grateful for your friendly expressions and presence; very grateful for the kindliness which speaks through those who address me, and for the kindness which appears in all your faces. It is pleasant to know that as against all enemies of our country we are one, that we have great pride, just pride in our birthright as American citizens, just pride in the country of our adoption as to those who have found a home here with us. It is the people's land more than any other country in the world. Mr. Lincoln felicitously expressed it to be a "government of the people, by the people, for the people." [Applause.] They originate it; they perpetuate it. If it does not miss its purpose it is administered for their good. [Applause.] And so to you upon whom the burden of citizenship now rests, you who have the care of these homes and the responsibilities of womanhood; to these lads who will soon be citizens, and to these girls who are coming on to womanhood, to all I express my thanks for your friendly greeting. [Applause.] To every one of you I wish the most abundant success; that every home represented here may be a typical American home, in which morality and purity and love sit as the crowning virtues and are household gods. Our country is prosperous, though not all have attained this year the measure of success which they had hoped for. If there was any shortness of crops anywhere, already the fields are green with the promise of another year. Let our hearts be hopeful, let us be faithful and true, and the future of our country and our own comfort are assured. [Cheers.]