Government And Rebellion
E. E. (Ezra Eastman) Adams
4 chapters
36 minute read
Selected Chapters
4 chapters
A sermon delivered in the North Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Sunday Morning, April 28 1861,
A sermon delivered in the North Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Sunday Morning, April 28 1861,
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Rev. E. E. Adams.
Rev. E. E. Adams.
An evil man seeketh only rebellion; therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.--Prov. xvii. 11. We have in these words this plain announcement--that Rebellion is a crime, and shall be visited with terrible judgment. Solomon here speaks his own convictions; God declares his thought, and utters his sanction of law. This is also the expression of natural conscience,--vindicating in our breast the Divine procedure, when the majesty of insulted government is asserted, and penalty applied.
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I. What is a good government?
I. What is a good government?
No citizen looks for an absolutely perfect form of nationality--of law. But we have a right to ask for good government. We have been accustomed to think that it depends more on administration than on principle; and the line of the poet, "That which is best administered, is best," is a proverb, to the sentiment of which we too freely yield. No doubt a government with bad statutes and wrong laws, may be so administered as to produce a tolerable degree of national comfort and development for a seas
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II. We come now to the question, What constitutes rebellion against good government?
II. We come now to the question, What constitutes rebellion against good government?
There may be criminal rebellion even against a wicked and oppressive government. The people may take the law into their own hands, and put to death, or imprison their rulers, without first having tried constitutional methods of redress. But I speak of rebellion against good government--such as we have already had in review. There is a difference between insurrection and rebellion. The former is an act of a people or population against a single statute, or against a portion of the legislative ena
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