Writings Of John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams
3 chapters
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3 chapters
Mr. Adams : I have been deputed by my fellow-citizens, of all parties , to bid you a hearty welcome to this city. I have been directed, Sir, to tender to you the hospitalities of the people, and of the corporate authorities of this, and of our young, but flourishing, sister of Allegheny. We have not strewed flowers in your path, nor erected triumphal arches at your approach, but greet you with the homage of grateful hearts, as evinced in this spontaneous outpouring of the people. Here, Sir, is t
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Fellow-Citizens : Before I attempt to address you, and to respond to the eloquent discourse pronounced under circumstances so unauspicious to eloquence, I must apologize for my appearance before you. I had expected to have had the honor of meeting you on this day and at this time; and arrangements were made to render it convenient to yourselves, but it so happened that the bark on which we had taken our passage, as if anxious to arrive at the end of her voyage, and partaking of my feelings, arri
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Pittsburgh , March 29, 1847. Hon. John Quincy Adams , Washington City, D. C. , Dear Sir : A day or two after I had the honor of addressing you at the instance of the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, I met you at the hospitable table of Col. Robinson. To me, and to all around, the conversation was most entertaining. All the leading incidents connected with the history of Western Pennsylvania, from the Whiskey Insurrection down, seemed to be as familiar to you as to any native to the "manor b
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