Historical Tours In And About Boston
American Oil Company
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Compliments of AMERICAN OIL COMPANY...
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You are now in the Historic City of Boston, the Birthplace of American Liberty. The Boston you see around you today is the capital city of the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with a population, in its Greater Boston area, of 2,307,897, and it covers 1022.6 square miles. The town was settled over three hundred years ago by a God-loving people of rugged character, industry and vision. Today it has grown into this great modern manufacturing and commercial center. It boasts of two hundred unive
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Boston Common
Boston Common
The Boston Common is a tract of land, containing nearly fifty acres, bought in 1634 by Governor Winthrop and others from William Blaxton, who held his title by right of possession gained prior to the settlement of Boston in 1630. It was set apart for common use as a cow pasture and training field, and amusingly still retains that status. As you enter the Common, pause for a moment at the little cemetery on the Boylston Street side for here lies buried Gilbert Stuart, the noted portrait painter,
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Park Street Church
Park Street Church
The Park Street Church was erected in 1810 on the site of the Granary where the sails of the “Constitution” were made. Brimstone was stored in the basement in 1812, giving the church the name of “Brimstone Corner.” Here, on July 4, 1832, “America” was first publicly sung. Leaving the Park Street Church, we turn left on Tremont Street and move on to the OLD GRANARY BURYING GROUND...
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Granary Cemetery
Granary Cemetery
Here lie buried most of the personages of Historic Boston. Nine early governors—Bellingham, Dummer, Hancock, Bowdoin, Eustis, Sumner, Adams, Sullivan and Gore. Also Peter Faneuil, Paul Revere, the parents of Benjamin Franklin, Robert Treat Paine, who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Mary Goose (Mother Goose), and Thomas Fleet, who arranged and published the Mother Goose Rhymes. Here also lie buried in one grave Crispus Attucks, Patrick Carr, James Caldwell, Samuel Maver
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King’s Chapel
King’s Chapel
King’s Chapel was founded in 1686. The first chapel was built in 1688 the present one in 1749 of old English architecture. Here the British worshipped during the siege. By a strange turn of events, this Tory Church became the First Unitarian Church in the United States in 1785. Although it is still considered Unitarian, it retains many of its Episcopal symbols such as the cross, communion table, Apostle’s Creed and Ten Commandments on the altar. This Chapel is open daily to the public from 9 a.
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King’s Chapel Burying Ground
King’s Chapel Burying Ground
This was the first burial ground in Boston. A stone bearing the inscription “Captain Welden, February 18, 1630” proves this statement. Here lie buried Governor John Winthrop, Lady Andros, wife of Governor Andros, John Cotton, John Davenport, the founder of New Haven, Conn., William Dawes, who made the famous ride on another route with Paul Revere, Mary Chilton, who, according to tradition, was the first woman of the Mayflower’s little band to touch the American soil. It is interesting to know th
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Franklin Printing Office
Franklin Printing Office
It was here that young Benjamin Franklin learned the printer’s trade in the office of James Franklin, his brother, where the “New England Courant” was published. We turn right, following the narrow alley and walk along the City Hall Annex to School Street, where, if you will face to the right, you will see a statue of Benjamin Franklin which marks the first location of...
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The Boston Public Latin School
The Boston Public Latin School
This gave the street its name. Here Franklin, Hancock, Samuel Adams, Cotton Mather, Henry Ward Beecher, Edward Everett Hale and many others received their early education. Proceeding left on School Street, we come to Washington Street, on the north corner of which stood the Old Corner Book Store building, erected in 1712 and known far and wide as a center of literature and a meeting place for book lovers. Cross Washington Street, turn right and we come to the...
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Old South Meeting House
Old South Meeting House
Here the men of Boston gathered to protest against forcing Massachusetts citizens into the English Navy, to demand the withdrawal of British troops and to decide the fate of the hated tax on tea. It was used by the British as a riding school during the siege of Boston. The present building, erected in 1789, is open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., daily. Admission, twenty-five cents. Leaving the Meeting House, turn left to Milk Street. Almost across the street, 17 Milk Street, was...
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The Birthplace of Benjamin Franklin
The Birthplace of Benjamin Franklin
It is occupied today by a building housing the Boston Transcript. Here is a bust of Franklin on the front of the building above the second floor windows. Retracing our steps, we turn right on Washington Street and proceed to THE OLD STATE HOUSE...
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The Old State House
The Old State House
Here the first Town House was built in 1657 in the earliest market place of Boston. The present building was built in 1713, burned in 1747, and immediately rebuilt with walls of the former building being utilized. Here met Colonial Courts and Legislators, town and city governments and the General Court of the Commonwealth. It was used as a City Hall from 1830 to 1840. It is open to the public from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., daily. From the windows, one may look out on the Washington Street side and see
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The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre
A tablet on the wall tells the story. A circle in the pavement marks the place where fell the first martyrs in the cause of American freedom. Continuing down State Street, we come to the...
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Custom House
Custom House
For the minute, let us forget historic Boston and take a rapid trip in the elevator to the tower 490 feet high where we may obtain a wonderful panorama of the city and take a splendid aerial photograph on a clear day. Leaving the building, we turn right on Milk Street and proceed to Oliver Street. Turn left on Oliver and follow to Atlantic Avenue where you then turn right to Pearl Street. Here on a building is a marker to the...
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Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party
The marker reads “Here formerly stood Griffin’s Wharf at which lay moored December 16, 1773, three British ships with cargoes of tea. To defeat King George’s trivial but tyrannical tax of three pence per pound, about ninety citizens of Boston, partly disguised as Indians, boarded the ships, threw the cargoes, three hundred and forty-two chests in all, into the sea and made the world ring with the patriotic exploit of The Boston Tea Party.” Leaving this most historic point, we retrace our steps b
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The Durgin & Park Restaurant
The Durgin & Park Restaurant
Let us enter this old place. For over one hundred and fifty years it has been used as a restaurant. Your grandfather or even your great grandfather may have eaten here. We are met by a most gracious host and food is served to us fresh from the market. When you have eaten enough and absorbed a satisfying amount of the atmosphere of this fascinating spot, you will find almost diagonally across the street the famous old FANEUIL HALL...
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Faneuil Hall
Faneuil Hall
Faneuil Hall, affectionately called “The Cradle of Liberty,” was built in 1742 by Peter Faneuil. It was given to Boston as a Town Hall. Burned in 1761, it was rebuilt in 1763. This is one of the few buildings in Boston which is in the same condition today as it originally was, with the exception perhaps of steel staircases, electricity, and steam heat. The Hall is still used for public meetings. This was the center of Revolutionary movements in Boston and the Colonies, and was used by the Britis
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Paul Revere House
Paul Revere House
The oldest house in the City of Boston, built in 1660 and purchased by Paul Revere in 1770; here he resided until 1800. The immense fireplaces, the ancient wallpaper and many other features from the Colonial period make it a most interesting house to visit. Admission twenty-five cents. Open from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., daily. PAUL REVERE’S HOUSE Leaving the Paul Revere House, we turn left at North Bennett Street and proceed to Salem Street where we turn right on our way to the...
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Old North Church
Old North Church
This is the oldest church edifice in Boston. It was built in 1723. The signal lanterns of Paul Revere displayed in the steeple of this church on April 18, 1775, warned the people of the march of the British to Concord and Lexington. Don’t fail to ask the sexton to show you the old communion chest recently found, and the statues which are reported to have been seized from a French ship, bound for a monastery in Montreal. Illustrated history of the church and admission to the steeple will cost fif
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Copp’s Hill Burying Ground
Copp’s Hill Burying Ground
Here is the tomb of Edmund Hartt, builder of “Old Ironsides,” Robert Newman, the patriot who displayed the signal lanterns in the tower of the Old North Church, and many other men of Colonial times. Leaving Copp’s Hill Burying Ground, turn right on Charter Street and proceed to Commercial Street. Then turn left, following Commercial Street around to the Charlestown bridge, turning right on Chelsea Street, on the Charlestown side of the bridge, and right again at Navy Street, leading to the entra
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Boston Navy Yard
Boston Navy Yard
The Boston Navy Yard has been in continuous operation since 1800. It covers approximately 123½ acres and has nearly one and one-half miles of waterfront, three dry docks, a marine railway, ten ship piers, and about one hundred and fifty buildings within its enclosure. It is designated as a building yard. All rope used in the United States Navy is manufactured here. Another interesting fact is that the chains used overseas in planting mines that formed a net against German U boats were made at th
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United States Frigate Constitution
United States Frigate Constitution
Built by Edmund Hartt and launched September 20, 1797, “Old Ironsides,” as she is familiarly known, was in about forty engagements and never suffered defeat. She has been rebuilt and restored to her former condition by the school children of the United States. Leaving the “Constitution,” we travel back to the main gate and out on to Chelsea Street once more. Here we turn right on Chelsea Street and left on Tremont Street to the...
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Bunker Hill Monument
Bunker Hill Monument
Here you will see a granite obelisk, two hundred and twenty-one feet high on Breed’s Hill, within the lines of the American Redoubt which was the center of the Battle of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775. Open to the public daily from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., the admission fee being ten cents. Leaving the monument, we go down Lexington Street to City Square where we take the elevated train to North Station. Arriving at North Station, go downstairs and take the subway back to Arlington Street where we leav
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The Start
The Start
Let us get into our automobile in front of the Hotel Statler on the Providence Street side. Swing left around the island and right at Arlington Street and again right at Boylston Street along which we drive to Charles Street, where we turn left. Proceed along Charles Street with the Boston Common on our right and the Public Gardens on our left and continue to the first rotary traffic circle where we swing around, by the AMOCO Service Station and cross the Longfellow Bridge (made famous by Longfe
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Memorial Drive
Memorial Drive
This drive runs along the beautiful Charles River on which the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University boat crews train. As we roll along the drive, we come to the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology on our right. From this school have graduated many of our best technical men. On our left as we drive along, we see Harvard Bridge, the Tech Boat House and the Weld Boat House. Across the Charles, we see the Harvard Business School, while on our right we begin to pass t
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Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Sometimes called “The Cemetery of Poets” for here are buried Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Charles Sumner, Edward Everett, Louis Agassiz and Phillips Brooks. Run the car about one-tenth of a mile along the cemetery fence and stop. Through the fence one can see the beautiful tomb of Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Science Church. After admiring the beautiful setting, we turn our car about and travel back to Mt. Auburn Street, where we turn righ
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The James Russell Lowell House
The James Russell Lowell House
THE JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL HOUSE Built in 1767. Used as a hospital during the Battle of Bunker Hill. Later Benedict Arnold used it as his headquarters for three weeks. James Russell Lowell was born here in 1819. Follow Elmwood Avenue to Brattle Street where we turn right. On our left we see the Fayerweather House and the Nichols House, both built in 1660. Further down Brattle Street, we come to the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow House, built in 1759. Turning left at Mason Street we pass Radcliffe Coll
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Cambridge Common
Cambridge Common
Directly in the center of the street we find the tablet which marks the spot where stood the famous elm under which Washington took command of the Army on July 3, 1775. The tree itself collapsed of old age in 1923. Turning right we come to...
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Christ Church
Christ Church
Built in 1761 by the Tories, it was used by the Provincial troops as a barracks during the siege of Boston and the lead pipe’s of the organ were melted for bullets. Washington attended services here New Year’s Eve 1775. We pass from the Church yard to the Old Burying Ground which contains the bodies of numerous Colonial people. At the edge of the cemetery we find an old granite milestone which bears the inscription “Boston 8 miles 1734.” Entering our car we swing left around the Common following
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Harvard University
Harvard University
This is the oldest and in many ways the most distinguished school of learning in the United States. Built in 1636. However, this priority is oftentimes disputed as William and Mary College in Virginia claims its date of charter to be 1617. In order to visit Harvard you should set aside a whole day. Secure a guide by applying to Room L in University Hall, and everything of interest will be included in this day’s adventure. Today let us continue by turning right on Kirkland Street, passing the Har
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Here at the corner of Pleasant and Massachusetts Avenue occurred a minor skirmish when Colonists attacked a British Commissary. Next we come to Jason Street on which stands...
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The Jason Russell House
The Jason Russell House
It was near this point that the first battle on the fateful day of April 19, 1775 was fought. Over half of the Colonists killed that day met their death here in a fearful hand to hand struggle with the British. This house is open to the public April to October, admission free, from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. We will continue on our way till we come to the Lexington Green. We park our car in front of...
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Buckman Tavern
Buckman Tavern
In this historic tavern the Minute Men gathered and waited in the tap room for the British. We stand in front of the old bar and almost seem to hear the clank of the tankards. There are the old bullet moulds, the powder horns, the bullet holes left in the old door from stray shots of the British, the old bedrooms and furnishings which carry you back to those days when the Colonists fought for liberty. Admission to the tavern is free. Leaving the Tavern, cross the street to the Green and view the
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Hancock Clark House
Hancock Clark House
HARRINGTON HOUSE Built in 1698 and enlarged in 1734. From 1698 to 1805 it was occupied successively by Reverend John Hancock and Reverend Jonas Clark. Adams and Hancock were staying here the morning of April 19, 1775, when Paul Revere rode into town warning them that the British were coming. You will find the contents of the house most interesting. A historian is present to answer questions. Admission is free. House open 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. Leaving the house turn the car around and drive back to
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Jonathan Harrington House
Jonathan Harrington House
Jonathan Harrington was the first mortally wounded Minute Man. He made his way from the Green to the house, falling dead at his wife’s feet. WAYSIDE Passing by the house, we come to the old burial ground on our left. Turning right and following Massachusetts Avenue, we come to U. S. Route 2A, where you will see a marker on the right hand side of the road which reads as follows: “This bluff was used as a rallying point by the British April 19, 1775. After a sharp fight they retreated to Fiske Hil
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“The Wayside”
“The Wayside”
This was the only house ever owned by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It was also the girlhood home of Louisa M. Alcott and was later occupied by Margaret Sidney (Mrs. Daniel Lothrop), authoress of “Five Little Peppers.” It is interesting to know that three authors with no connection or relationship all occupied this house. Miss Margaret Lothrop, daughter of the authoress, now owns the house and will personally conduct you through it. Don’t fail to stop. You will live with Hawthorne, Alcott and Sidney unde
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Concord Bridge
Concord Bridge
Here we see the grave of the unknown British soldiers and the Minute Man statue, erected to the heroes “who fired the shot heard round the world.” You will be impressed by the beautiful surroundings and the silence. When you have dreamed long enough, get in the car, drive back to Concord Green, turn left on to Route 126. Follow 126 out of town. You will come to...
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Lake Walden
Lake Walden
Here the great nature author, Thoreau, wrote many of his works. Continuing for about 7 miles on Route 126 to Wayland, we come to Route 20, the old Boston & Albany Post Road. We turn right and drive westward about 5½ miles through So. Sudbury till we reach a roadway on the right leading to...
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“The Wayside Inn”
“The Wayside Inn”
Originally called Howe’s Tavern and later Red Horse Tavern, in 1863 it was named “The Wayside Inn.” It was here that Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the “Tales of a Wayside Inn.” The house and grounds are now owned and maintained by Mr. Henry Ford. At the gatehouse you will find the stage coach used to bring General LaFayette to Boston for the laying of the cornerstone of Bunker Hill Monument in 1825. WAYSIDE INN Register, step up to the bar and order your lunch, after which you may wander thro
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State House
State House
STATE HOUSE Located on Beacon Street at the head of Park Street. The hill on which the State House stands was originally called Treamount, later this was changed to Sentry Hill when it was used as a lookout, and after the erection of the Beacon in 1634-1635, it received the name of Beacon Hill. The cornerstone of the “Bulfinch” front of the State House was laid on July 4, 1795, and the extension was built in 1889 at a cost of four million dollars. The construction of the east and west wings was
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Public Gardens
Public Gardens
This is about one-half the size of the Common and contains an artificial pond of irregular shape, the beauty of which is enhanced by the graceful swan boats which glide over its surface. A monument commemorating the discovery of ether is erected at one side of the Gardens; thousands of men and women visit this shrine yearly. Proceed through this beautiful Shrine of Nature, coming out at Arlington Street and Newbury Street, on the corner of which stands the PUBLIC GARDENS...
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Ritz Carlton Hotel
Ritz Carlton Hotel
This is one of Boston’s finest hotels, noted for its hospitality, excellent food and social events. Continuing on down Newbury Street, we come to Berkeley Street, on the corner of which stands...
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Museum of Natural History
Museum of Natural History
The building is full of New England economic, geological, and special mineral collections, mammals, birds, fishes, fossils, plants, marine invertebrates, and insects beautifully mounted. The building is open to the public free of charge daily from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., and on Sundays from 1 to 4:30 p. m. Leaving the Museum of Natural History, turn right at Boylston Street and proceed to...
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Copley Square
Copley Square
This is architecturally considered one of the finest municipal squares in the country, if not in the world. On your left is Boston’s famous...
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Trinity Church
Trinity Church
The facade of this church is one of the richest examples of ecclesiastical architecture in the city. Mr. H. H. Richardson was the architect. Interior decorative work by John LaFarge. St. Gaudens’ statue of Phillips Brooks is on the Huntington Avenue side. In the cloister are stones from old St. Botolph’s Church in Boston, England. Bishop Brooks was rector of Trinity from 1869 to 1891. To the left of the church and across St. James Avenue is the...
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Copley Plaza Hotel
Copley Plaza Hotel
It is and has been for twenty years New England’s distinctive society hotel. The main ballroom is decorated in the style of Louis XIV with marble bases and gray Sienna stone for walls. The Sheraton Room opening directly off the lobby is furnished in Italian Renaissance style. The main cafe contains the celebrated Merry-Go-Round bar, a unique attraction. Directly in front of you is the...
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Boston Public Library
Boston Public Library
Designed after the style of the Italian Renaissance by McKim, Meade & White, the interior of the building is of great beauty and visitors come from all parts of the world to admire it. Famous murals by Pierre Cecile Puvis de Chavannes, Edwin Austin Abbey, and John Singer Sargent will hold you spellbound. Visitors are advised to purchase the handbook of the Boston Public Library, on the second floor, for thirty-five cents in order to remember the various art treasures. BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRA
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Christian Science Church
Christian Science Church
Rising over the city’s roofs and spires is the great white dome of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, affectionately known as the “Mother Church.” In Boston, the Christian Science movement was founded, and its administrative center is there. The branch churches of Christ, Scientist, are to be found in almost every part of the civilized world. The original edifice, completed and dedicated in 1895 with a seating capacity of 1,000 persons, soon became inadequate to accommodate those desiring to
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Horticultural Hall
Horticultural Hall
Here Boston holds most of its famous flower shows. Across the street is the home of SYMPHONY HALL...
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The Boston Symphony Orchestra
The Boston Symphony Orchestra
The Boston Symphony Orchestra is something more than half a century old. More notable than the span of its years is its place in the growth of musical America. In 1881, the late Major Henry L. Higginson realized the first dream and aspiration of his life by founding in Boston an orchestra of European standards, a phenomenon then unknown in America. The idea had come to him as a student in Vienna. It was an ambitious dream of an impecunious young man but after many years, having made his fortune
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New England Conservatory of Music
New England Conservatory of Music
The New England Conservatory of Music was founded in 1867. Hand in hand with the development of modern America, it soon reached a leading position among music schools in this country. Students from many parts of the world have come to this seat of musical learning and, again, have departed with a thorough technical and artistic training in their possession. The school buildings are especially adapted for the many details of thorough musical instruction. There are three concert halls, with a tota
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Boston Opera House
Boston Opera House
Located on the corner of Opera Place, which was formerly called St. Stephen’s, for years it has been used for the Metropolitan Opera singers, as well as local opera. Leaving the Opera House, we again turn right on Huntington Avenue and proceed to the...
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Museum of Fine Arts
Museum of Fine Arts
The Boston Museum of Fine Arts occupies the unique position of being one of the few museums in the world created and supported solely by private citizens. The Museum is well equipped with guides who are commissioned to explain to the visitors any part of the collection about which one wishes to know. In this little book, we cannot begin to describe the contents of the Museum of Fine Arts, but we hope you will discover its beauties for yourself. BOSTON MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS After leaving the Museum
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Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Here is a marble palace, once the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lowell Gardner, filled with rare treasures from all over the world. Catalogues may be purchased at the door for a small sum which will enable you to go through this beautiful museum which is open to the public on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., the charge of admission being twenty-five cents. On Sundays, the Museum is open from 1 to 4 p. m., admission free. It is closed on all national holidays and during the
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Suffolk Downs Race Track
Suffolk Downs Race Track
the latest and one of the largest race tracks to be built in America; a marvelous piece of engineering—the transformation of a city dump into a spot of beauty as well as a great place of amusement for a sport loving people. Continue to the 1-A arrow and follow it around to the first stop light, then follow the car tracks to Revere Beach Parkway. Turn left, follow the Revere Beach Parkway with the ocean on your right, and...
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Revere Beach
Revere Beach
the famous Coney Island of New England on the left. It is here that thousands seek relief from the city’s heat during the summer and the sandy beach is crowded with people. Follow the shore line. The point of land seen extending out into the water as you approach the rotary traffic is Nahant. Follow the rotary traffic around to your left and you come to Route 1-A again, passing over the new General Edwards Memorial Bridge. Continue over Route 1-A to the town of Lynn, turning right at Washington
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you will be pleased with the natural beauty of the surroundings, and it is here that artists come from all over the country to paint pictures of a “stern and rockbound coast.” Follow Route 129, passing the Civil War Monument on your left, to Puritan Road and bear right, soon passing on your left the...
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New Ocean House
New Ocean House
famous for its cuisine and genuine New England hospitality. Now you begin to pass many beautiful summer estates, coming out once more at Route 129 where you turn right and follow along, admiring these lovely homes. Swing right at Commercial Street in Marblehead, following to Gregory Street where you turn left, passing on the right the Hotel Marblehead and the Fo’cas’le, plainly marked by a huge anchor by the side of the road. You are now in historic...
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a typical old New England town with its narrow streets winding around like the cow paths of old. Here are interesting old houses and doorways and the rustic cottages of the fishermen which attract artists from all over the world. Turn right and then left through these narrow streets, pausing where you will at gift shops, antique shops and boat yards. Ride to the end of the town so that nothing may be missed in this quaint New England fishing village. When you come to a sign saying...
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“Fort Sewall”
“Fort Sewall”
park your car and walk down the narrow lane to view this fort built in 1742 for defense against French Cruisers. The U. S. S. Constitution sought shelter under the fort’s guns when chased by His Majesty’s ships Tenadoes and Endymion on April 3, 1814. The fort was named after Samuel Sewall of Marblehead, who was Chief Justice of Massachusetts in 1814. Retrace your ride, admiring the Marblehead Yacht Club on the opposite side of the bay, to a sign which says “One Way Street” on the corner of which
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Old Witch House
Old Witch House
on the right. It is the oldest house in Salem, and is said to have been the home of Roger Williams as early as 1635. Continue down Essex Street, admire the old doorways which are numerous and have been the inspiration for many paintings, to Boston Street. Turn around the Joseph Hodges Choate Monument and go back up Essex Street. At...
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No. 393 Essex Street
No. 393 Essex Street
pause for a minute and view a rare old Colonial house, the home of the Reverend Thomas Barnard, the first pastor of the North Church. At Summer Street, one is obliged to turn right and again left at Chestnut Street, passing the railroad depot on the right. Turn right onto Washington Street and then left onto Derby Street which follows straight through to Turner Street. Turn right down Turner and...
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The House of Seven Gables
The House of Seven Gables
is located at the foot of the street. It has been restored to its ancient condition—a rare place to visit. A hidden stairway runs from the attic and it has many other thrilling features. The ancient garden adds much to its loveliness, and as a special treat for the visitors, they may also go through the Hooper Hathaway house, once known as the old bakery, and which formerly stood at Washington Street, north of the entrance to the tunnel. OLD DOORWAY—SALEM Retracing your way along Turner Street,
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Nathaniel Silsbee
Nathaniel Silsbee
shipmaster, merchant and senator from Massachusetts 1773-1850. Follow the Common around to the left and turn right on Mall Street traveling down to...
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Number 14 Mall Street
Number 14 Mall Street
It was here that Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote “The Scarlet Letter.” Turn right at the end of Mall following this street to Route 1-A, swinging left around the traffic dummy, follow Route 1-A toward Beverly. Bear right on Route 127 which you follow to Gloucester. As you pass...
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Beverly Farms
Beverly Farms
you will see estates which rival the Arabian Nights for grace and beauty. Next in order is GATEWAY TO A NORTH SHORE ESTATE...
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One of the oldest towns on the North Shore. The old Town House built in 1809 is still used as a Congregational Church. The little one story houses scattered here and there carry you back to the days of the Puritan Fathers. The old cemetery in which the first interment was made in 1661 is also interesting....
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Here is the scene of Norman’s Woe made famous by Longfellow’s poem “The Wreck of the Hesperus.”...
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You are now entering one of the most famous fishing ports in the world. You will find “The Tavern” a most delightful place to eat if you care for sea foods. At the traffic dummy swing right and then left at Thurston’s Spar Yard and follow Rogers Street along the waterfront to the main office of the...
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Frank E. Davis Fish Company
Frank E. Davis Fish Company
No one should pass through Gloucester without stopping here. Frank Davis is an old-fashioned fisherman who knows how to prepare fish in an appetizing manner. His mackerel, lobster and codfish are shipped by mail and Railway Express all over the United States. Here you may secure a souvenir booklet containing many delicious sea food recipes. GLOUCESTER Proceed to Pearce Street where turn right on to Main Street. Follow to the...
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Gorton-Pew Fish Company
Gorton-Pew Fish Company
To see the name Gorton is to think of fish. Here one can secure permission to visit the canneries. The history of this great company goes back to 1623 when the Pilgrim Fathers founded Gloucester. There is every evidence to prove that the present officers are descendants of the original settlers even though the present company had its organization in 1849. It is interesting to note that the pilgrims shipped the first cargo of fish to Spain in 1623....
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Rockport or Cape Ann
Rockport or Cape Ann
ROCKPORT If you are not too tired you may continue on your way over the shore road making the complete trip around Cape Ann, a promontory which extends out into the Atlantic Ocean with its beautiful entrancing rocks, beaches and rolling sea. This route is a most interesting panorama. You will pass the largest lobster fishery in America. It is impossible for you to get lost as the road winds around and back into Gloucester, where you may retrace your ride along Route 127 to Beverly where you foll
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One of the many beautiful parkways for which Boston is noted. As you ride along you come to Moraine Street, on the corner of which is...
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“The House of the Shamrock”
“The House of the Shamrock”
affectionate name for the home of the Honorable James Michael Curley, three times mayor of Boston and later governor of Massachusetts. His life has been one of romance and reads like a page from Alger—a poor boy, who through his own efforts became governor of the Commonwealth. We continue on Route 3 to the junction of Route 37 and turn right on to Granite Avenue, soon crossing the...
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Neponset River
Neponset River
It is a salt water river which rises and falls with the tides. A little further along on your left is...
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The Wollaston Golf Club
The Wollaston Golf Club
Considered one of Boston’s finest clubs although it offers little in scenic beauty. The course is well laid out and the hazards good. ADAMS MANSION Follow Granite Avenue to East Milton. Turn left at Route 135. This is Adams Street. This street received its name from the two Presidents. Follow straight on this street until you come to...
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The Adams Mansion
The Adams Mansion
Both John Adams and John Quincy Adams made this old mansion their home during the later years of their lives. John Adams celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of Independence Day on July 4, 1826 in this old house. Open 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., admission 25c. Leaving this charming old place, continue on Adams Street to Hancock Street which you follow to the...
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First Parish Church
First Parish Church
It was established in 1689. Both John Adams and John Quincy Adams are buried in this church. In order to go down to the crypt, it is necessary to get in touch with the janitor or sexton who is always willing to accommodate those desirous of visiting the final resting place of these two early Presidents. Leaving the Church, follow Hancock Street to School Street and turn right. Follow the street car tracks along School Street, turning left at Franklin and continue to the...
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John Adams House
John Adams House
Here on October 19, 1735, John Adams, the second President of the United States, was born. It is a most interesting house, having much of the old furniture, and is kept in good condition. Next door is the...
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John Quincy Adams House
John Quincy Adams House
Here on July 11, 1767, the sixth President of the United States was born. It is filled with antiques and evokes stirring memories. Historians are in both houses to answer questions. Both houses are open every day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Admission 25c to each house. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS HOUSE After you have visited these two historic houses, turn the car around and retrace your journey over Franklin to School Street, turning right and continue to Quincy Avenue where you again turn right and follow
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This town was noted in history for being the location of Arnold’s Tavern where the committee of safety met in the days of and before the Revolution. You pass the outskirts of Hingham, Duxbury, and soon come to the center of Kingston. You are now nearing Plymouth, whose historic doors are always open....
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It is a city with thriving industries and all the pleasures to be found in New England’s summer resorts. If you wish to study the historic side, it would be wise for you to close your eyes to the modern side of this community and drive along Route 3 to Chilton Street where you turn left and then right again at the waterfront and continue to...
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Plymouth Rock
Plymouth Rock
PLYMOUTH ROCK The rock is located easily. A beautiful canopy of granite has been erected over the historic stone. To protect it from souvenir hunters, it was necessary to build a steel fence around it. To the stranger who does not know the true topography of Massachusetts but who recalls various poems and songs, it is always a surprise not to find a “stern and rock-bound coast.” Sand is in great abundance, the beaches and sand bluffs extending in all directions. Recalling your history, you can p
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Cole’s Hill
Cole’s Hill
This is where the Pilgrims buried their fast diminishing band in the dead of night so that the Indians lurking in the forests could not determine how many were left. It is a recorded fact that of the one hundred and two Pilgrims who landed, nearly one-half were buried during that first sad winter. The Indian monument standing near the sepulchre is of Massasoit, the great sachem of the Wampanoags. He was the friend of the Pilgrims and, in reality, their preserver for, without his kindness, they a
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Leyden Street
Leyden Street
Originally named First Street. Just to the left of the junction of Carver and Leyden Streets was the site of the first “Common House” raised in Plymouth. This interesting street has many markers on it telling the story of Goodman, Winslow, Brewster and Howland. Walking straight up Leyden Street, crossing Main Street, we come to...
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The First Parish Church (Unitarian)
The First Parish Church (Unitarian)
This was the church organization of the Pilgrims. The first church on this site was erected in 1683. The present church is the fifth to be built on this site and was completed and dedicated on Forefather’s Day 1899. On your right when facing the First Parish Church is...
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The Church of the Pilgrimage
The Church of the Pilgrimage
This is the Congregational Church and was the result of a division over doctrinal matters in 1801. The present church was built in 1840. Proceed up the stone steps at the right of the First Parish Church and you will come to...
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Burial Hill
Burial Hill
Here you will find all the interesting graves marked plainly with yellow signs—Governor Bradford, Edward Gray, Thomas Clark, John Howland, John Cotton and others. As we stand here amid these historic and humble hero dead, we read these significant words on the obelisk in memory of Governor William Bradford: “Do not basely relinquish what the Fathers with difficulty attained.” You will have no trouble locating the site of the first fort where five cannons were placed after great difficulty in 162
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Middle Street
Middle Street
This street was once known as King. Little remains of Colonial days except the street to remind us of old Plymouth. Turn left at Carver on to...
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North Street
North Street
You will find the Edward Winslow House built in 1754. He was very loyal to the Crown during the Revolution and so the house was confiscated. Going back to your car, get in and go toward the Cape on Water Street and soon after you pass Leyden Street, you come to...
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Town Brook
Town Brook
Here was the drinking water of the Pilgrims. In days of yore, it was full of alewives, which gave the Puritans fish at their very door. Even today, trout lurk in many a dark corner of the brook. In 1909 the town purchased the land here and established the beautiful Brewster Gardens. Continue on Water Street to Sandwich Street. Almost in front of you is...
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John Howland House
John Howland House
It was built in 1666 and is called the house of the last Mayflower Pilgrims in Plymouth. It was restored and put in complete repair by the Howland descendants in 1909. You may drive in and visit, admission 25c. Open 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. A little way towards the Cape and you come to Winter Street. Turn left and find...
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The Old Harlow House
The Old Harlow House
It is known better as the Kendall Holmes House after the last family to live there. It is extremely interesting. The architecture is simple and therein lies its beauty. The old stairways and open fireplaces all remain as they were built. The occupants have enjoyed and loved this old house and so during all these generations there has been no need to restore as loving hands have cared for it. Retrace your way towards Boston and on the corner of Chilton and Court Streets is...
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Pilgrim Hall
Pilgrim Hall
It was built in 1824 by the Pilgrim Society and rebuilt and enlarged in 1880. It is filled with many historic and antique articles. Park your car in the space provided a short way down Chilton Street that you may take your time visiting here. Open to the public daily, admission 25c. PILGRIM MONUMENT After your visit here, drive your car across Court Street and up Clyfton Street, turning right on Allerton Street and you arrive at the...
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Pilgrim Monument
Pilgrim Monument
A national monument completed October, 1888, in honor of the Forefathers of Our Country. Total height eighty-one feet. When you have read the inscriptions and you have satisfied yourself regarding the humble beginning of this great country, drive down Cushman Street to Court, turn left and follow Route 3 to Kingston where on your right there is a sign marked “Duxbury-Marshfield.” Bear right on this road passing soon on your left the...
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Major John Bradford House
Major John Bradford House
built in 1675. It is open to the public and contains many interesting things. Continue on this old road to...
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Here is easily found the Myles Standish Monument, also the site of Myles Standish’s old house. After your visit here, retrace your journey to the center of Duxbury, taking the right hand road to Route 3-A which follow to Alden Street, turning right for the...
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John Alden House
John Alden House
Alden built this house in 1653. It is a quaint old house and has all the charm of the old Colonial homes. From here go back to Route 3-A. Turn right and follow to a triple fork in the road with signs marked “Marshfield.” Take right hand fork called Careswell Street to...
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Governor Edward Winslow House
Governor Edward Winslow House
It was built in 1699. Contains many antiques. Everything is arranged to look as if it were still 1700. It is interesting to note that some of the old colonists lived in sumptuous style. Excellent luncheons, teas and dinners are served here at moderate prices. The dining room is the old carriage house and the barn has been turned into a beautiful modern kitchen. The house is open June 1st to October 1st, admission 25c. Leaving here turn left on Webster Road and see the final home of Daniel Webste
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Just as Boston is proud of the part it has played in the history of America, so the American Oil Company is proud of its part in the history of the gasoline and automotive industries. Starting in 1910 with one horse-drawn tank wagon, the American Oil Company has grown until it reaches from Maine to Florida and inland. The American Oil Company developed Amoco-Gas, the first and original special motor fuel, in 1915. Amoco-Gas revolutionized the gasoline and automotive industries—made possible toda
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