A Dialogue Between Dean Swift And Tho. Prior, Esq
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On that memorable Day, October 9th, 1753.
On that memorable Day, October 9th, 1753.
Quæ Gratia Curram Armorumque fuit vivis, quæ Cura nitentes Pascere Equos, eadem sequitur Tellure repostos. Virg. Æn. vi. Transcribers Note: Inconsistent spelling has been retained as in the original text. ERRATA Page 7. Line 19. for Phrases read Praises. P. 11. L. 18. for attack read attack'd. P. 14. L. 25. for they r. the Ladies. P. 17. L. 22. for emnently r. eminently. P. 18. L. 25. for Henepius r. Henepin's. P. 26. L. 26. for their r. the. P. 27. L. 13. for brag r. boast. P. 33. L. 25. for ru
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