A Queens Delight
10 chapters
3 hour read
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10 chapters
A right Knowledge of making Perfumes, and Distilling the most Excellent Waters.
A right Knowledge of making Perfumes, and Distilling the most Excellent Waters.
LONDON, Printed by E. Tyler , and R. Holt , for Nath. Brooke , at the Angel in Corn-Hill , near the Royal Exchange. 1671. A QUEENS DELIGHT OF Conserves, and Preserves, Candying and Distilling To preserve white Pear Plums, or green. To preserve Grapes To preserve Quinces white. To preserve Respass. To preserve Pippins. To preserve fruits green. To preserve Oranges and Lemons the best way. An approved Conserve for a Cough or Consumption of the Lungs. To make conserve of Any of these Fruits. To dry
9 minute read
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A QUEENS DELIGHT OF Conserves, and Preserves, Candying and Distilling Waters.
A QUEENS DELIGHT OF Conserves, and Preserves, Candying and Distilling Waters.
Take the Plums, and cut the stalk off, and wipe them then take the just weight of them in Sugar, then put them in a skillet of water, and let them stand in and scald, being close covered till they be tender, they must not seeth, when they be soft lay them in a Dish, and cover them with a cloth, and stew some of the the Sugar in the glass bottom, and put in the Plums, strewing the sugar over till all be in, then let them stand all night, the next day put them in a pan, and let them boil a pace, k
57 minute read
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Touching Candies, as followeth.
Touching Candies, as followeth.
Take Gum-Dragon, and steep it in Rose-water, then take the Rosemary flowers, good coloured, and well pickt, and wet them in the water that your Gum dragon is steeped in, then take them out, and lay them upon a paper, and strew fine Sugar over them; this do in the hot sun, turning them, and strewing Sugar on them, till they are candied, and so keep them for your use. Take the deepest coloured red Roses, pick them, cut off the white bottoms, and dry your red leaves in an Oven, till they be as dry
9 minute read
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Touching Marmalets, and Quiddony, as followeth.
Touching Marmalets, and Quiddony, as followeth.
Take two quarts of Damsins that be through ripe, and pare off the skin of three pints of them, then put them into an earthen Pipkin, those with the skins undermost then set the Pipkin into a pot of seething water, and let the water seethe apace untill the Damsins be tender. Cover the Pipkin close, that no water gets into them, and when they are tender, put them out into an earthen pan, and take out all the stones and skins, and weigh them, and take the weight with hard sugar, then break the suga
6 minute read
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Touching Pastrey and Pasties.
Touching Pastrey and Pasties.
Take three pound of the finest Wheat Flower, one pound of fine Sugar, Cloves, and Mace of each one ounce finely searsed, two pound of butter, a little Rose-water, knead and mould this very well together, melt your butter as you put it in; then mould it with your hand forth upon a board, cut them round with a glass, then lay them on papers, and set them in an Oven, be sure your Oven be not too hot, so let them stand till they be coloured enough. Take Plums of any sorts, Raspiss are the best, put
19 minute read
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Touching Preserves and Pomanders.
Touching Preserves and Pomanders.
Take an ounce of Juniper, an ounce of Storax, half a dozen drops of the water of Cloves, six grains of Musk, a little Gum Dragon steept in water, and beat all this to paste, then roll it in little pieces as big as you please, then put them betwixt two Rose-leaves, and so dry them in a dish in an Oven, and being so dried, they will will burn with a most pleasant smell. Take an ounce of Benjamin, an ounce of Storax, and an ounce of Laudanum, heat a Mortar very hot, and beat all these Gums to a per
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Touching Wine.
Touching Wine.
Take four Gallons of Claret Wine, eight ounces of Cinnamon, three Oranges, of Ginger, Cloves, and Nutmegs a small quantity, Sugar six pound, three sprigs of Rosemary, bruise all the spices somewhat small, and so put them into the Wine, and keep them close stopped, and often shaked together a day or two, then let it run through a gelly bag twice or thrice with a quart of new Milk. Take Elder-berries when they be red, bruise them in a stone Mortar, strain the juyce, and boil it to a consumption of
2 minute read
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Choice Secrets made known.
Choice Secrets made known.
Dissolve two or three ounces of fine seed Pearl in distilled Vinegar, & when it is perfectly dissolved, and all taken up, pour the Vinegar into a clean glass Bason; then drop some few drops of Oyl of Tartar upon it, & it will cast down the Pearl into fine Powder, then pour the Vinegar clean off softly, then put to the Pearl clear Conduit or Spring water; pour that off, and do so often untill the taste of the Vinegar and Tartar be clean gone, then dry the powder of Pearl upon warm
34 minute read
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Take of Cinamon one dram, Ginger half a dram, the three sorts of Saunders, of each of them three quarters of an ounce, Mace and cubebs, of each of them one dram, Cardamom the bigger and lesser, of each three drams, Setwall-roots half an ounce, Anniseed, Fennil-seed Basil-seed, of each two drams, Angelica roots, Gilly-flowers, Thyme, Calamint, Liquorish, Calamus, Masterwort, Pennyroyal, Mint, Mother of Thyme, Marjoram, of each two drams, red Rose-seed, the flowers of Sage and Betony, of each a dr
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The Table.
The Table.
Ale of health and strength. 87 Almond Bisket. 14 Apricock cakes how to make. 25 Aqua mirabilis, Sir Kenelm Digby's way. 96 Aqua Coelestis. 102 Cake the Lady Elizabeths way. 62 Cakes how to make , &c. 61 Cakes of Pear-plums. ib. Clear cakes of Plums. 57 Collops like bacon of Marchpane. 69 Cherry water. 28 Cordial Cherry water. 88 Cherry water by the Lord Spencer. 89 Chips of Quinces. 27 Cordial water by Sir Walter Raleigh. 80 by the Lady Malet. 81 by Doctor Muntford. 96 by Doctor Butler.
12 minute read
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