A Check-List Of The Birds Of Idaho
M. Dale (Martin Dale) Arvey
4 chapters
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4 chapters
A Check-List of the Birds of Idaho
A Check-List of the Birds of Idaho
BY M. DALE ARVEY UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Volume 1, No. 10, pp. 193-216 November 29, 1947 University of Kansas LAWRENCE 1947 University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History Editors: E. Raymond Hall, Chairman, H. H. Lane, Edward H. Taylor Volume 1, No. 10, pp. 193-216 Published November 29, 1947 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas PRINTED BY FERD VOILAND, JR., STATE PRINTER TOPEKA, KANSAS 1947 21-6960...
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A Check-list of the Birds of Idaho
A Check-list of the Birds of Idaho
By M. DALE ARVEY There is comparatively little literature dealing with the avifauna of Idaho, mostly because relatively few persons have done field work in the state. In the ornithological literature, there is nothing even comparable to a "state list," so that when birds supposedly unreported previously from Idaho are found, it is difficult to know whether or not they should be recorded as "new" to the state. The present paper has been prepared in the hope that it will stimulate additions to, an
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Gavia immer elasson Bishop. Lesser Loon. Uncommon resident in the lakes of northern Idaho, and generally distributed. Merrill (1897:350) states that the species is common and resident at Fort Sherman. Gavia stellata (Pontopiddan). Red-throated Loon. Davis (1935b:234) records specimens taken in migration in Minidoka County at the Minidoka Irrigation Project, and Rust (1915:121) states that this species is rare in Kootenai County. Colymbus grisegena holböllii (Reinhardt). Holboell Grebe. Merrill (
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Aldrich, J. W. 1944. Notes on the races of the white-breasted nuthatch. Auk, 61:592-604. 1946a. New subspecies of birds from western North America. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 59:129-136. 1946b. Speciation in the white-cheeked geese. Wilson Bull., 58:94-103. Aldrich, J. W. and Friedmann, H. 1943. A revision of the ruffed grouse. Condor, 45:85-103. American Ornithologists' Union Committee. 1931. Check-list of North American birds. Lancaster Press. 1944. Nineteenth supplement to the American Orni
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