The Anglers Of Arz
Roger D. Aycock
2 chapters
14 minute read
Selected Chapters
2 chapters
Illustrated by BOB MARTIN
Illustrated by BOB MARTIN
[Transcriber Note: This etext was produced from IF Worlds of Science Fiction January 1953. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]...
10 minute read
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There were two pinkish, bipedal fishermen on the tiny islet.
There were two pinkish, bipedal fishermen on the tiny islet.
The third night of the Marco Four's landfall on the moonless Altarian planet was a repetition of the two before it, a nine-hour intermission of drowsy, pastoral peace. Navigator Arthur Farrell—it was his turn to stand watch—was sitting at an open-side port with a magnoscanner ready; but in spite of his vigilance he had not exposed a film when the inevitable pre-dawn rainbow began to shimmer over the eastern ocean. Sunrise brought him alert with a jerk, frowning at sight of two pinkish, bipedal A
14 minute read
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