The Expositor's Bible: Index
S. G. (Samuel Gardiner) Ayres
11 chapters
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11 chapters
Editor of "The Expositor," etc. LONDON HODDER AND STOUGHTON 27 PATERNOSTER ROW 1905 BY S. G. AYRES, B.D. WITH PREFACE TO THE EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE BY W. ROBERTSON NICOLL, M.A., LL.D. AND INTRODUCTIONS BY W. H. BENNETT, D.D., D.Lit. Professor of Old Testament Exegesis at New College, London AND WALTER F. ADENEY, M.A. Professor of New Testament Exegesis at Lancashire College, Manchester LONDON HODDER AND STOUGHTON 27 PATERNOSTER ROW 1905 Copyright, 1905, by A. C. ARMSTRONG AND SON 3 and 5, West Eighte
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By the Editor. , W. ROBERTSON NICOLL, M.A., LL.D. The Expositor's Bible has been published in a period of exceptionally active work in Biblical criticism. A survey of recent study in the Old Testament and in the New by very competent scholars is supplied in this volume. I confine myself to general considerations. Whatever criticism has accomplished or has not accomplished, we may be sure that the supremacy and the finality of the Bible are as they were, and will continue secure and unassailable.
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By W. H. Bennett , M. A., D. D. Professor of Old Testament Exegesis at New College, London I.—PLAN OF THE SERIES The Expositor's Bible is unique. There have been innumerable commentaries, homiletical, didactic, exegetical, and critical; mostly dealing with the books text by text, or paragraph by paragraph. This series adopts a different method. It aims at bringing out the general teaching of each book, and of each of the divisions into which the book naturally falls. The reader is furnished with
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By Walter F. Adeney , M. A. Professor of New Testament Exegesis at Lancashire College, Manchester I.—CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXPOSITION When we pass from the volumes of the Expositor's Bible that deal with the Old Testament to those which expound the books of the New Testament we discover less departure from the traditional attitude. And yet a very little knowledge of the enormous amount of research which has been prosecuted during recent years in the fruitful field of primitive Christian literat
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Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
The Gospel of St. Mark By the Right Rev. G. A. CHADWICK, D.D. , Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. "The exposition is original, full of life, striking, and relevant. He has given us the fruit of much careful thought, and all students of the New Testament and preachers of the Gospel will be grateful to him. This is, in short, an unusually good book."— British Weekly. The Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon By the Rev. ALEXANDER MACLAREN, D.D., D.Lit. "In nothing Dr. Maclaren has written is ther
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Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
The Epistle to the Galatians By the Rev. Prof. G. G. FINDLAY, D.D. , Headingley College, Leeds. "In this volume we have the mature results of broad and accurate scholarship, exegetical tact, and a firm grasp of the great principles underlying the Gospel of Paul presented in a form so lucid and attractive that every thoughtful reader can enjoy it."— Professor Beet. The Book of Isaiah Chapters I.-XXXIX. By the Rev. Prof. G. ADAM SMITH, M.A., D.D. "This is a very attractive book. Mr. George Adam Sm
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Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
Judges and Ruth By the Rev. R. A. WATSON, D.D. "This volume deals chiefly with a book considered by some one of the most difficult of expositions from a Christian point of view. While feeling this to be the case, the writer is able to deduce valuable instruction from the history by the only legitimate mode, that of remembering that the character and laws of God are essentially unchangeable, though the amount of their revelation must vary with the capacity of those who receive it.... The moralisi
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Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
The Gospel of St. John. Vol. I. By the Rev. Prof. MARCUS DODS, D.D. "Dr. Dods' exposition, besides being characterised by all the literary grace by which his previous works are distinguished, is also thoroughly evangelical in tone, without, however, being at all narrow; while the arguments which this portion of Scripture so powerfully suggests in proof of the divinity of Christ are handled in such a way as will carry them home to all who accept the narrative as authentic."— Scotsman. The Acts of
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Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
The Epistles to the Thessalonians By the Rev. Prof. JAMES DENNEY. D.D. "As an expositor we are able to say that Mr. Denney seems to have entered very fully into the spirit of the Apostle Paul, and to have succeeded in expressing very clearly, and impressing very forcibly, the general meaning of the Apostle's words.... It is a very ably written work, and one which is well calculated to make the Apostle's teaching in these two epistles more intelligible and more telling."— Scotsman. The Book of Jo
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Subscription price,24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
Subscription price,24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
The Epistle to the Philippians By the Rev. Principal RAINY, D.D. "A piece of good and thorough work, the work of a sound and well-read expositor, and especially of an orthodox Scotch divine."— London Quarterly Review. The First Book of Kings By the Very Rev. F. W. FARRAR, D.D. F.R.S. , Dean of Canterbury. "Dr. Farrar brings his versatile literary powers to bear upon these majestic and imposing scenes, with all his gifts of poetic description, his wealth of quotations, and his aptitude for pictur
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Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
Subscription Price, 24s. Separate Volumes, 7s. 6d. each.
The Epistle to the Romans By the Right Rev. HANDLEY C. G. MOULE, M.A., D.D. , Lord Bishop of Durham. "We do not hesitate to place it in the very front of the little group of volumes which are the best examples of this carefully edited work. It would be pleasant to linger upon this commentary, upon the clearness with which the great evangelical doctrines of the Epistle are explained and enforced, upon the earnestness of its personal appeal, and the charm which often marks its language; but the ju
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