Canal Reminiscences
George William Bagby
3 chapters
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3 chapters
Canal Reminiscences:
Canal Reminiscences:
Recollections of Travel in the Old Days ON THE James River & Kanawha Canal. BY GEORGE W. BAGBY. RICHMOND: West, Johnston & Co., Publishers . 1879. Copyright Secured. Printed by Whittet & Shepperson, Richmond, Va....
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My first thought was to print these reminiscences in a newspaper. But our papers are unable to pay for contributions. It was not so in the former days. Well do I remember when the Dispatch cheerfully gave me its dollars, not merely for stories and sketches, but for trifles like the “ Weekly Rekord uv amewsments ,” which I then kept, and which seemed to please our good people of Richmond, who were then doing so well in business that they were easily pleased. And truly in those times they were a l
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Canal Reminiscences.
Canal Reminiscences.
AMONG my earliest recollections is a trip from Cumberland County to Lynchburg, in 1835, or thereabouts. As the stage approached Glover’s tavern in Appomattox county, sounds as of a cannonade aroused my childish curiosity to a high pitch. I had been reading Parley’s History of America, and this must be the noise of actual battle. Yes; the war against the hateful Britishers must have broken out again. Would the stage carry us within range of the cannon balls? Yes, and presently the red-coats would
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