Massasoit's Town Sowams In Pokanoket
Virginia Baker
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Massasoit’s Town Sowams in Pokanoket
Massasoit’s Town Sowams in Pokanoket
ITS HISTORY LEGENDS AND TRADITIONS Author of The History of Warren, R. I. in the War of the Revolution PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR Warren, R. I. 1904 Copyright 1904 by Virginia Baker...
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Massasoit’s Town Sowams in Pokanoket
Massasoit’s Town Sowams in Pokanoket
A peculiar interest centres about everything pertaining to the great Wampanoag sachem Massasoit. Massasoit has always, and justly, been regarded as one of the most remarkable of that group of illustrious aboriginal chieftains with whom the early white settlers of New England were associated. But while the student of history is familiar with the story of the Indian king’s life-long allegiance to our forefathers, while he admires in the untutored savage virtues few Christian monarchs have possesse
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Historic Localities in and About Sowams
Historic Localities in and About Sowams
Touiset. Indian name of a neck of land lying between Kickemuit and Cole’s Rivers. The western portion of it is in Warren, the eastern in Swansea. Indian relics have been exhumed from its soil, and, perhaps an Indian village was once located upon it. April 10, 1673, Tottomommuck, sachem of Seaconnet (Little Compton, R. I. ), sold “land in Swansea called Towsett,” [26] to Nathaniel Paine. In the early records of Swansea Touiset is generally termed “The Sheep Pasture.” It was laid out in 106 lots w
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The Grand Deed of Saile of Lands from Osamequin and Wamsetto his son, dated 29th March, 1653.
The Grand Deed of Saile of Lands from Osamequin and Wamsetto his son, dated 29th March, 1653.
To All People to whome these presents shall come, Osamaquin and Wamsetto his Eldest Sone Sendeth greeting. Know Yee, that wee the said Osamequin & Wamsetto, for & in consideration of thirty-five pounds sterling to us the said Osamequin and Wamsetto in hand payd By Thomas Prince Gent: Thomas Willett Gent: Miles Standish, Gent: Josiah Winslow, Gent: for And in the behalfe of themselues and divers others of the Inhabitants of Plimouth Jurisdiction, whose names are hereafter specifie
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Timothy Brooks
Timothy Brooks
Timothy Brooks was the son of Henry and Susan Brooks of Woburn, Mass. He married (1st), 1659, December 2, Mary, daughter of John Russell. She died at Woburn, 1680. He married ( 2d ), 1680, Mehitable, daughter of Roger and Mary Mowry, and widow of Eldad Kingsley of Swansea. Timothy Brooks had several children of some of whom we find record as follows: Timothy, born, 1661, October 9. Married, 1685, November 10, Hannah, daughter of Obadiah and Abigail (Bullock) Bowen. He was a Baptist minister. Rem
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