"I Was There" With The Yanks On The Western Front, 1917-1919
Cyrus Leroy Baldridge
9 chapters
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9 chapters
These Sketches were made during a year's service as a camion driver with the French army in the Chemin-des-Dames sector and a year's service with the A.E.F. as an infantry private on special duty with "The Stars and Stripes," the official A.E.F. newspaper. Most of them were drawn at odd minutes during the French push of 1917 near Fort Malmaison, at loading parks and along the roadside while on truck convoy, and while on special permission to draw and paint with the French army given me by the Gr
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The lids we wear— Dungeree style... The tin derby with winter knitted helmet... Old "rain-in-the-face"... The charming red-and-white effect... Fuzzy-wuzzy... The tank helmet... Some managed to hang on to the old reliable... With the French army... With its canvas overcoat on He used to hunt rabbits in Kentucky The job that's never ended—Cleaning up for inspection First time in two weeks! Montmeuril The letter from home reading The Ration Detail—a job which no one relishes. Each day the other fel
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"Johnny Redlegs"—guardian of the "Soixante-quinze." (the famous French "75") ...and the doughboy who tries to keep just the right distance from the covering barrage fire. "I know a girl at home who looks just like you." 6 June "The Bugs"—Two men, French style tanks An Indian M.P.—"A Chance to get even" A Survival of the old regular army Among the first sent across They served with the French in '17 Reading their shirts Her boy too... American and French field artillery gun crews camped together
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Built for speed and with light pack to match R.B.—Belleau Wood 1918 A Marine "Steady, buddy!" Baldridge Paris 1919 Never too far gone for a smoke But he wears the Legion of Honor and the "Croix de Guerre" In an abri waiting for the "Gothas" (big German planes) to go home The veteran of the Spanish-American war tells 'em how it ought to be done R. Lufbery—Sketched at the Lafayette Escadrille field near Longpont as the aviator was getting into his "union suit" preparatory to flying in a Chemin-des
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Chemin des Dames '17 American being taught by Frenchman to drive truck so that the latter may return to his farm. France/17 Moving up— over a corduroy road hastily laid down by a gérre (engineer) regiment in war-wasted land. The piece of wall on the right is all that remains of a French village of five hundred inhabitants ( Arabic script ) Arabian Knight ( Arabic script ) Between drives he works on the railroad ( Arabic script ) On other days he rides a camel in Algeria Senegalaise types / volun
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The water wagon filled with red-hot coffee going to the ration dump via shell fire and not losing any time about it— Outside Belleau wood—June '18 He's been on every front from Chateau-Thierry to the Rhine Coblenz—1919 After the German Retreat Cleaning up old quarry used by Fritz as a barracks—Chemin-des-Dames "Wagon Soldiers" (nickname for artillerymen) Made in America—France Aug. 1918 "Marraines" (Godmothers) who kept their poilu godsons at the front in good cheer with letters and packages fro
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The Gardener's Cottage In 1870 he lost an arm, in 1917 he lost a son and everything he owns Lafayette Escadrille Men— Marcus who helps keep the big planes in order Pilot Observer Loupont France Nov—'17 Making brooms from brushwood at Antibes for use on army roads. The Signal Corps The gold star France, Aug. 1918 Both under Arms—The "pepère" of the '89 class and the Marie-Louise of the last call—Soissons France/17 Cafè group of poilus listening to an American popular song for the first time, sung
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For some of us the War will never end. In an old Roman cellar two floors underground where civilians went during air raids as bombing planes passed over on their way to Compiegne, Paris, and interior cities. This "cave" was considered absolutely safe, but in October 1918 was completed demolished by one "155" shell. Mess and distribution of mail at the "non-com" school for the M.T.C. at Longpont Far from Broadway—S.R.O.—Christmas 1917 at a YMCA hut Dressing a gas burn case "Mission Ambrine" Compi
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"Maison Comtois" A second floor billet Outpost at Hershback Germany Madelon of the village, who washed our clothes—and who still has some of those we had to leave when we pulled out of the sector in the middle of the night Neat but not gaudy As we come home—on the transport. Troops coming home from Marseilles go by way of Africa and stop to coal at Oran. Here the doughboy rests the French Arab soldier with whom He fought side by side at Soissons. Ready to go Home Reading the Draft Covenant for t
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