Portuguese Portraits
Aubrey F. G. (Aubrey Fitz Gerald) Bell
4 chapters
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4 chapters
TO THE COUNTLESS FORGOTTEN HEROES OF PORTUGAL In burning sands or Ocean’s blinding silt, In Africa, Asia, and the icy North, They lie: yet came they home who thus went forth, Since of their bones is all their country built. Not seven, nor seventy, names exhaust the tale of Portugal’s great men. The reader need but turn to the fascinating pages of Portuguese history. There he will find a plentiful feast set out before him—the epic strife between Portuguese and Moor, Portuguese and Spaniard, and d
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(1261-1325) Co’ este o reino prospero florece. Camões , Os Lusiadas . Um Dinis que ha de admirar o mundo. Antonio de Sousa de Macedo , Ulyssippo . When Henry of the French House of Burgundy became Count of Portugal in 1095 he merely held a province in fealty to the King of Leon, but by his son, the great Affonso I’s victories over the Moors it almost automatically became an independent kingdom. The second king, Sancho I, who has so many points of resemblance to King Dinis, further established th
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(1360-1431) Mas quem podera dignamente contar os louvores deste virtuoso barom, cujas obras e discretos autos seemdo todos postos em escrito ocupariam gram parte deste livro?— Fernam Lopez , Cronica del Rei Dom Joam . Fifty years after the death of King Dinis it seemed as if the kingdom that he had so carefully built up was to crumble away like dry sand. The disorders and extravagances of King Ferdinand’s reign had brought it to the verge of ruin, and the marriage of his only child Beatrice with
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(1394-1460) Ca trabalho seria de se achar antre os vivos seu semelhante.— Gomez Eannez de Azurara , Cronica de Guiné . Mestre insigne de toda a arte militar.— D. Francisco Manoel de Mello. O homem a quem a Europa deve mais.— José Agostinho de Macedo , Motim Literario . For some years before his death, Nun’ Alvarez might well rest satisfied with the prosperity which largely by his own exertions had fallen upon his country. Nor was it a careless or degenerate prosperity. The five noble sons of Kin
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