Short Reasons For Communion With The Church Of England
Thomas Tregenna Biddulph
12 chapters
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12 chapters
SHORT REASONS FOR COMMUNION With the Church of England;
SHORT REASONS FOR COMMUNION With the Church of England;
OR, THE CHURCHMAN’S ANSWER TO THE QUESTION, “WHY ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH?” “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”— Ephes. iv. 3. “Beseeching Thee to inspire continually the universal Church with the spirit of truth, unity, and concord; and grant that all they that do confess Thy holy name, may agree in the truth of Thy holy word, and live in unity and godly love.” Com. Service . Sold at the Depository , 6, Clare Street, Bristol ; And by Seeley and
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I maintain communion with the Church of England , not MERELY because my parents and forefathers were members of her community . The connexion which my parents and forefathers held with the Church of England I consider to be a sufficient reason why I should continue in communion with her, if there be nothing contrary to the law of God in such a connexion.  For the fifth commandment peremptorily requires me to “honour my father and mother;” and, assuredly, this duty implies reverence to their exam
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I maintain communion with the Church of England , not MERELY because she is ancient and venerable . Her antiquity is a sufficient reason to justify my continuance in her communion, if it can be shown that nothing materially differing from the primitive and apostolic Church, in doctrine or discipline, has, in the long course of her existence, been introduced into her constitution.  For the more ancient any Church can prove to be, the nearer is the approach to the source of Divine authority and sa
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I maintain communion with the Church of England , not MERELY because she is established by law . This , like the two former reasons, is a sufficient one to enforce my continuance in communion with the Church of England, unless she be found, after due inquiry, to be contrary, in her constitution or doctrines, to the word of God.  For I am required to “submit myself to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake.”  Nothing can justify my departure from a church so established, but the well-known de
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But I maintain communion with the Church of England , because her government is episcopal , i.e. by Bishops ; this being the mode of Church government which existed in the primitive Church , and was founded by the Apostles of our Lord . In stating reasons for conformity which are to be comprised within a few pages, it is impossible to enter at large into the proof of the fact here asserted, viz. that the primitive church as founded by the Apostles of our Lord, was episcopal; or, in other words,
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I maintain communion with the Church of England , because her doctrines are fixed by articles of Religion , which appear to me to be derived from and perfectly conformable to the Scriptures of Truth . I AM fully aware that some among the ministers of the church to which I belong, may have entered into her service without understanding or fully approving the articles to which they subscribed their assent and consent, and consequently may preach doctrines differing from those of the church whose m
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I maintain communion with the Church of England , because her mode of worship is primitive and scriptural , and in my judgment best calculated to promote general and individual edification . “Mr. Wheatly has proved (referring us to the testimonies of Josephus, Philo, Paul Fagius, &c.) that the ancient Jews did always worship God in public by precomposed forms.  Dr. Lightfoot not only affirms the same thing, but sets down both the order and method of their hymns and supplications.  Now it
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I maintain communion with the Church of England , because her Liturgy is scriptural in its doctrine , plain in its style , comprehensive in its addresses to the throne of mercy , and therefore adapted to general use . In confirmation of this reason, I shall content myself with the declaration of one, whose testimony may have the more weight in consequence of his being unconnected with the Church whose liturgy he has extolled, the eloquent and candid Robert Hall.  At the Leicester Bible Society h
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I maintain communion with the Church of England , because a separation from her , without a sufficient reason , would , in my opinion , be a great sin . “ There is, undeniably, such a sin as schism , against which we are precautioned in the New Testament, as being one proof of carnality in a religious professor, (1 Cor. iii. 3.) and as being diametrically opposite to the duty of ‘endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace’.” “By schism we are to understand a causeless sece
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I maintain communion with the Church of England , because I have discovered no sufficient reason for a separation from her . I WISH it to be distinctly understood that I judge no man, however his views of this subject may differ from my own.  Every man must act according to the guidance of his own conscience, after having seriously and diligently used all the means within his reach, by reading and prayer, to obtain information and direction.  It is not to those who conscientiously dissent from o
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Let not my brother churchman, however, satisfy himself with being a member of the visible Church; but let him examine himself whether he be a living branch in the true vine, united to Christ by faith, and bringing forth the fruits of righteousness by virtue of union with Him.  Let him inquire whether he have ever experienced conversion to God,—whether his heart have been humbled, spiritualized, and comforted by those doctrines which he professes to believe as derived from Scripture, and by that
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Two Dialogues between Thomas Steady and William Candid about going to Church.—Extracts from the Epistle of St. Clements to the Corinthians.—Arguments in favour of Infant Baptism; with Extracts from Bishop Bradford’s Sermon on Baptismal and Spiritual Regeneration.—The Churchman Instructed in the Book of Common Prayer.—The Churchman’s Directory in the Study of the Holy Scriptures; or Helps in reading and hearing the daily Lessons, the Psalms, and the Epistles and Gospels in the Church Service, &am
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