Pickett Or Pettigrew
W. R. (William R.) Bond
5 chapters
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5 chapters
AN HISTORICAL ESSAY, [REVISED AND ENLARGED.] BY CAPT. W. R. BOND, Sometime Officer Brigade Staff Army Northern Virginia. “Tell the truth and the world will come to see it at last.”— Emerson. SECOND EDITION. W. L. L. HALL, Publisher . Scotland Neck, N. C. DEDICATION. To the memory of the brave men of Hill’s Corps , who were killed while fighting under the orders of General Longstreet, on the afternoon of July 3rd, 1863; whose fame has been clouded by the persistent misrepresentations of certain o
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The first edition of this pamphlet appeared a short time before the publication of the Official Records relating to Gettysburg. Consequently many things of importance to the subject treated were unknown to the writer. Such facts as he possessed of his own knowledge or could gather from his comrades and other sources, together with a lot of statistics secured from the War Department, were published and with gratifying results. Very many of the statements then made and which were not open to succe
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General James Johnston Pettigrew.
General James Johnston Pettigrew.
The family of Johnston Pettigrew was one of the oldest, wealthiest and most influential of Eastern Carolina. His grandfather, Rev. Chas. Pettigrew, was the first Bishop-elect of the Diocese of North Carolina. Be was born upon his father’s estate, Bonarva, Lake Scuppernong, Tyrrell county, North Carolina, on July 4th, 1828, and died near Bunker’s Hill, Va., July 17th, 1863, having been wounded three days before in a skirmish at Falling Waters. He graduated with the first distinction at the Univer
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Pickett or Pettigrew?
Pickett or Pettigrew?
Longstreet’s assault on the third day at Gettysburg, or what is generally, but very incorrectly, known as “Pickett’s Charge,” has not only had its proper place in books treating of the war, but has been more written about in newspapers and magazines than any event in American history. Some of these accounts are simply silly. Some are false in statement. Some are false in inference All in some respects are untrue. Three divisions, containing nine brigades and numbering about nine thousand and sev
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East Las Vegas, N. M. Enclosed please find 25c. in stamps in payment for Pettigrew’s Charge. I have read it with much interest. I think you have made a good case and that you are right. I was at Vicksburg the same day—the Adjt. 81st Ills. Vols. Infty. I am yours truly, J. J. Fitzgerald , Post Dept. Comd’r Dept. N. M. G. A. R. Abbeville, S. C. , July 1st, 1896. Dear Sir:—I enclose 25c. in stamps for which be kind enough to send me your pamphlet entitled, “Pickett or Pettigrew?” if you have any co
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