The Country Housewife And Lady's Director In The Management Of A House, And The Delights And Profits Of A Farm
Richard Bradley
19 chapters
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19 chapters
Asparagus, preserv'd.   Ditto Drest the Dutch way.   Ditto with Cream. Artichoakes, to dry.   Ditto preserv'd.   Ditto pickled.   Ditto fryed.   Ditto in Suckers, to eat raw. Apricot Wine. Alamode Beef....
9 minute read
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Brandy, Laurel. Birch-Wine. Brewing. Beef Cake-Soup.   Ditto to Pot like Venison. Beef, to Collar. Brocoli, to boil. Butter, good in Suffolk. Buckingham -Cheese, to make. Butter, why good or bad.   Ditto in general. Butter, what Milk is good.   Ditto made over the Fire.   Ditto wash'd.   Ditto churn'd in Summer.   Ditto churn'd in Winter. Beans, preserv'd, the Winter. Berberries, to pickle. Beet-Roots, red, to pickle.   Ditto fryed. Boar's-Head imitated. Brawn, to Collar. Boar, when to be put up
24 minute read
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Capon, to dress. Carps, to stew. Cellars, which are best. Cowslip-Wine. Cheese, spoiled.   Ditto what concerns its Goodness.   Ditto why bad in Suffolk.   Ditto Good from one sort of Cattle.   Ditto preserv'd in Oil.   Ditto Marygold.   Ditto Sage.   Ditto Sage in figures.   Ditto Cheshire.   Ditto Cheshire with Sack.   Ditto Gloucestershire. Cheese, Cream.   Ditto Why the Aversion to it. Churns, the Sorts. Clove-Gilly-Flower Syrup. Cucumbers, to pickle. Codlings, to pickle, green.   Ditto to pi
30 minute read
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Dairy, how to build. Different Sorts of Goosberries. Different Sorts of Currans. Ducks, wild, to roast. Ducks, wild, hash'd....
6 minute read
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Eels, their time of Breeding.   Ditto in plenty. Eggs, to prepare six ways. Eels, to clear from Mud.   Ditto to roast.   Ditto to Pitchcot.   Ditto to Collar. Elder-Flowers, to dry. Elder Vinegar. Elder-Wine, red.   Ditto white. English -Wine....
12 minute read
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Fowls and Birds, the Difference. Fowl, to dress.   Ditto to farce. Fricassee of Chickens, brown.   Ditto white. Fish Gravey for Soups. Flounders, pickled. Frontiniac -Wine imitated. Fruits preserv'd for Tarts. Florence -Wine imitated. Frontiniac -Wine to make. Fowls, the Sorts. Fish, to boil firm. Fish boiled, the Sauce....
15 minute read
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Geese, when to buy.   Ditto to fat.   Ditto to roast.   Ditto how to kill. Grapes, ripe early. Grape-Wine....
6 minute read
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Herb-Soup, the Foundation. Hops. Hare, to pot. Herbs, to dry. Hare coursed, how to keep.   Ditto hunted, to dress.   Ditto the Pudding for it.   Ditto to roast. Hare, to stew. Hung-Beef. Herbs infused in Spirits....
11 minute read
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Larks, to dress....
1 minute read
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Malt, which is good.   Ditto Liquor, to bottle. Mountain-Wine, to imitate. Milk, to be examin'd. Mace in Rennet. Mead, small, to make. Metheglin or strong Mead. Mushrooms. Mushroom-Gravey.   Ditto Ketchup. Mushrooms, stew'd.   Ditto broiled.   Ditto fry'd. Mushrooms, a Foundation for Sauce. Mushrooms, to powder.   Ditto to pickle. Melons, green, to pickle, like Mango. Mussels, scallop'd.   Ditto fryed.   Ditto pickled. Morillas, to dress. Morillas, to dry.   Ditto in Ragoust.   Ditto to fry....
21 minute read
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Orange-Flower Cordial. Onions, pickled. Oysters, from Colchester. Oysters, to stew. Orange-Wine. Oysters, in Scallop Shells. Oysters, roasted. Oysters, pickled. Onion-Soup....
6 minute read
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Pidgeon, wild.   Ditto tame, the Sorts.   Ditto Carrier, its use.   Ditto broiled.   Ditto in Paste or Dumplings.   Ditto stew'd. Portmanteau Pottage. Pike, to roast.   Ditto to bake. Pease, preserved all the Year. Pickled Walnuts.   Ditto Cucumbers.   Ditto for Mangoes.   Ditto Kidney-Beans.   Ditto Nasturtium -Seeds. Partridges stew'd with Sallery.   Ditto roasted. Pheasants, their Sauces.   Ditto to dress. Potatoes. Perch, with Mushrooms....
18 minute read
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0 minute read
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Rennet, how made in Essex.   Ditto another way. Rennet-Bags, which are good. Rennet-Bags, how to make them good. Rennet with Spice. Red Surfeit-Water. Rosa Solis, to distil. Raspberry-Wine. Red Goosberry-Wine. Rabbit, roasted with a Pudding....
12 minute read
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Sausages of Fish. Sausages, of Pork. Soup of Herbs. Shrub, to make. Sauce Royal, or Travelling-Sauce. Spinach, stew'd. Sallads, to dress. Sage-Wine. Skerrets, to dress. Salsify, to dress. Scorzonera, to dress. Saffron, to cure. Snipes, to roast. Soup, a L'Hyvrogne....
13 minute read
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Tokay-Wine, to imitate. Travelling-Sauce. Tench, which is best. Trout in Season. Trouts, to pot. Tragopogon, to dress. Truffles, to broil. Truffles, to stew. Truffles, ragou'd. Turkey, to dress....
9 minute read
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Veal-Glue. Visney. Venison, and its Sauces....
2 minute read
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Water-Soochy. Wines, boiled. Wines, fermented. Wines, to help, by Sugar. Wines, of St. Helena, reform'd. Woodcocks, to roast. * * * * * TO THE LADIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, &c. The Reason which induces me to address the following Piece to the Fair Sex, is, because the principal Matters contained in it are within the Liberty of their Province. The Art of Oeconomy is divided, as Xenophon tells us, between the Men and the Women; the Men have the most dangerous and laborious Share of it in the Fi
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A great Variety of the most curious Receipts for Dressing all the Sorts of Flesh, Fish, Fowl, Fruit and Herbs, which are the Productions of a Farm, or from any Foreign Parts. Contained in Letters, and taken from the Performances of the most polite Proficients in most Parts of Europe . Now publish'd for the Good of the Publick, By R. BRADLEY, Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, and F. R. S. To which is Added, From a Poulterer in St. James's -Market, the Manner of Trussing all Sort
22 minute read
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