Five Young Men: Messages Of Yesterday For The Young Men Of To-Day
Charles Reynolds Brown
14 chapters
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14 chapters
These addresses were given in the United Church on the Green, New Haven, Connecticut, on the Sunday evenings of Lent. The audiences were made up largely of men, many of them Yale students. I have brought the addresses together in this little book with the hope that they may have a certain value in their appeal to a wider audience of young men who in school and college, in their homes and in business life, are making those determinations which will decide the issue for them in those exacting year
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The Young Man Who Was a Favourite Son
The Young Man Who Was a Favourite Son
Which would you say is the harder to bear, adversity or prosperity? I am not sure. If I were a betting man I would not know on which horse to put my money. The Bible says, "The destruction of the poor is their poverty." The narrowness and the meagreness of their lives, the lack of access to the highest interests seems to drive them oftentimes into the coarser forms of indulgence which are their undoing. The Bible also says, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a r
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The Young Man Who Was an Athlete
The Young Man Who Was an Athlete
What a roomy place the Bible is! It is not filled up with model men and women. It is not filled up with nice little boys and girls, all neat and sweet, good enough to be angels right off with no alterations. It is peopled with imperfect, blundering folk like ourselves. Some of these samples of human life are offered to us for our imitation, and some by way of warning. The wide variety exhibited shows how God can use and bless the better elements in many a life where the wheat and the tares grow
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The Young Man Who Became King
The Young Man Who Became King
In some wise way when the door of opportunity opens upon a trying situation there comes forth a man of sufficient size to perform the task. When the time is ripe for the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther is ready and walks in. When the day arrives for Napoleon Bonaparte to be sent to St. Helena and the peace of Europe restored, the Duke of Wellington, representing British tenacity, is ready. When the hour has struck for American slavery to be destroyed by words and laws and grape-shot, Willia
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The Young Man Who Was Born to the Purple
The Young Man Who Was Born to the Purple
"In the year that King Uzziah died"—it was more than a date, it was an experience! The king had been a wise and good ruler. He had served his country well for fifty-two long years. He showed an interest in the welfare of his people—"He loved husbandry and dug wells for them in the desert." He caused vineyards to be planted on the slopes of Carmel and he increased the herds of cattle which grazed in the lowlands. He fortified his capital by building towers at the valley gate and at the turning of
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The Young Man Who Changed the History of the World
The Young Man Who Changed the History of the World
Why do you write it 1917? "April 1, 1917," that was the way you wrote it this afternoon in your letter to her. There was a time when it was not so. The Hebrews were dating their calendars from what they supposed to have been the period of the creation. The Romans reckoned their time from the founding of the city on the seven hills. The Greeks reckoned their time from the first Olympic games. But to-day if you meet a Hebrew, or an Italian, or a Greek in any part of the world and ask him, "What ye
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Along the Friendly Way
Along the Friendly Way
Reminiscences and Impressions. Frontispiece, 12mo, cloth, net Dr. Ludlow has observed keenly, and thought wisely and deeply; he has read extensively, traveled widely, and rubbed elbows and wits with men great and little of many nations and under varying conditions. He is the "full man" of which the philosopher speaks. And all these intellectual and spiritual riches garnered from many harvests he spreads before the reader in a style that is remarkable for its felicity of phrasing, the color of it
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The Napoleon of the Pacific: Kamehameha the Great
The Napoleon of the Pacific: Kamehameha the Great
Illustrated, 12mo, cloth, net The history of the great chieftain who, in the closing years of the eighteenth century, effected the union of the eight islands of the Hawaiian Archipelago and welded them into a kingdom. Both student and general reader will find THE NAPOLEON OF THE PACIFIC a richly, stored mine of deeply interesting information, extremely difficult to come at in any other form. CLARA E. LAUGHLIN...
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Foch the Man
Foch the Man
New Revised and Enlarged Edition with Additional Illustrations. Net W. B. McCormick in the N. Y. Sun says: "Miss Laughlin has let nothing escape her that will throw light on the development of his character. A revelation of the man who at sixty-seven put the crowning touch to the complete defeat of Germany's military pretensions." FREDERICK LYNCH, P.P....
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The One Great Society
The One Great Society
A Book of Recollections. 12mo, cloth, net Records of some personal reminiscences and recollections of the author, who, as preacher, editor and prominent member of one or two international organizations, has met many of the world's prominent men in the fields of divinity, philanthropy, literature and reform....
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The New Citizenship
The New Citizenship
The Christian Facing a New World Order. Net "Characterized by the thoroughgoing, wide-reaching scholarship for which Professor Robertson is internationally noted, but also by his fine common sense, felicity of diction and strength and beauty of style. It is a book for busy laymen and book-reading women, as well as for preachers."— Baptist World . GEORGE WOOD ANDERSON...
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Problem—or Opportunity?
Problem—or Opportunity?
Which is it the Church is Now Facing. 12mo, cloth, net Mr. Anderson, an evangelist, has seen service with the American boys on the battle-front, and impelled by his vivid experiences oversea, addresses himself afresh to the problems and opportunities now facing the Christian church. A plea for a more devoted working and application of the program Christ laid out for His followers, to the clamant needs of humanity at large. C. B. WILLIAMS, Ph.D., P.P....
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Citizens of Two Worlds
Citizens of Two Worlds
12mo, cloth, net "A volume of addresses growing out of the spirit of this new age of democracy and brotherhood, which speaks to the hearts of struggling men and women who want to solve the age's economic and social problems by following the teachings of the Nazarene. Sermons which show how to reach up to heaven for the dynamic and inspiration to reach down to earth and help its needy millions."— Christian Work . WILLIAM C. SCHAEFFER, P.P....
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The Greater Task
The Greater Task
Studies in Social Service. Cloth, net "This author believes that the kingdom of God is coming; that it has come; that it will continue to come in ever greater and greater power and glory. He writes with force and illumination, and brings home with great effectiveness, both to the individual and the Church, the sense of duty and the broad scope of obligation and opportunity in the present crisis. A book of real leadership and merit."— Christian Guardian ....
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