The Great Civil War In Lancashire (1642-1651
Ernest Broxap
22 chapters
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22 chapters
The Great Civil War in Lancashire
The Great Civil War in Lancashire
(1642-1651) BY ERNEST BROXAP, M.A. MANCHESTER At the University Press 1910 University of Manchester Publications No. LI. To ASPHODEL [Pg vi] [Pg vii]...
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There has not hitherto been a separate History of the Civil War in Lancashire, and I venture to think that the present study, by a native of the County, may suitably find a place in the publications of the University of Manchester. It is merely intended to be an account of the Civil War within the borders of the County, religious and social questions and the general course of the war being touched on only so much as is necessary to make the narrative intelligible. The principal sources of inform
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There has hitherto been no separate account of the Civil War in Lancashire. The two best accounts in more general works are in Edward Baines' "History of Lancashire" and in Halley's "Lancashire Puritanism and Nonconformity." Baines is a capable historian of sound judgment, but there are now available sources of information which he could not use, and which subsequent editors could not very well include; and the latter book is written from a particular standpoint. The last edition of Baines' work
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Note on the Site of Lathom House.
Note on the Site of Lathom House.
Almost incredible as it seems, not only has old Lathom House completely disappeared but it is impossible to decide with any certainty where it stood. The present house is not large and was evidently all planned at the time it was built, which was early in the eighteenth century. It is said that it stands on a part of the former site, and certain parts of it, of darker stone than the rest, are supposed to have come from the former building; moreover a hundred yards or so before the house (which f
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No. I. STUDIES IN ANATOMY from the Anatomical Department of the University of Manchester. Vol. iii. Edited by Alfred H. Young , M.B. (Edin.), F.R.C.S., Professor of Anatomy. Demy 8vo, pp. ix, 289, 23 plates. 10s. net. (Publication No. 10, 1906.) "All the papers contained in the volume are real additions to the knowledge of the subject with which they deal. For three of the studies Prof. Young is either in part or wholly responsible, and he is to be congratulated on the vigour shown by the Manche
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No. I. AN INTRODUCTION TO EARLY WELSH. By the late Prof. J. Strachan , LL.D. Demy 8vo, pp. xvi, 294. 7s. 6d. net. (Publication No. 40, 1908.) "The Grammar as a whole is of course a very great advance on the pioneer work of Zeuss; Dr. Strachan had fuller and more accurate texts to work with, and possessed a knowledge probably unsurpassed of the results of recent progress in Celtic philology, which he himself did so much to promote."—Professor Morris Jones in the Manchester Guardian . "To Welshmen
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No. I. A STUDY OF THE BACCHAE OF EURIPIDES. By G. Norwood , M.A., Assistant Lecturer in Classics. Demy 8vo, pp. xx, 188. 5s. net. (Publication No. 31, 1908.) "The interest of Mr. Norwood's book, which ... is a very welcome addition to the bibliography of Euripides, and a scholarly and interesting piece of work, displaying erudition and insight beyond the ordinary, lies in the way in which, by applying Dr. Verrall's methods ... he first shows up difficulties and inconsistencies, some of which hav
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No. I. THE LANCASHIRE COTTON INDUSTRY. By S. J. Chapman , M.A., M. Com., Stanley Jevons Professor of Political Economy and Dean of the Faculty of Commerce. Demy 8vo, pp. vii, 30. 7s. 6d. net. (Publication No. 4, 1904.) "Such a book as this ought to be, and will be, read far beyond the bounds of the trade."— Manchester Guardian . "There have been books dealing with various phases of the subject, but no other has so ably treated it from the economic as well as from the historical point of view."—
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No. I. CONTINUATION SCHOOLS IN ENGLAND & ELSEWHERE. Their place in the Educational System of an Industrial and Commercial State. By Michael E. Sadler , M.A., LL.D., Professor of the History and Administration of Education. Demy 8vo, pp. xxvi. 779. 8s. 6d. net. (Publication No. 29, 1907.) This work is largely based on an enquiry made by past and present Students of the Educational Department of the University of Manchester. Chapters on Continuation Schools in the German Empire, Switzerlan
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No. I. THE LITERARY PROFESSION IN THE ELIZABETHAN AGE. By Ph. SHEAVYN , M.A., D.Lit., Special Lecturer in English Literature and Tutor for Women Students; Warden of the Hall of Residence for Women Students. A series of brief studies dealing with the conditions amidst which the profession of literature was pursued under Elizabeth and James I. It treats of their relations with patrons, publishers, and reading public, and with various authorities exercising legal control over the press; and discuss
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No. I. MEDIÆVAL MANCHESTER AND THE BEGINNINGS OF LANCASHIRE. By James Tait , M.A., Professor of Ancient and Mediæval History. Demy 8vo, pp. x. 211. 7s. 6d. net. (Publication No. 3, 1904.) "Patient and enlightened scholarship and a sense of style and proportion have enabled the writer to produce a work at once solid and readable."— English Historical Review . "A welcome addition to the literature of English local history, not merely because it adds much to our knowledge of Manchester and Lancashi
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No. I. SKETCHES OF THE LIVES AND WORK OF THE HONORARY MEDICAL STAFF OF THE ROYAL INFIRMARY. From its foundation in 1752 to 1830, when it became the Royal Infirmary. By Edward Mansfield Brockbank , M.D., M.R.C.P. Crown 4to. (illustrated). Pp. vii. 311. 15s. net. (Publication No. 1, 1904.) "Dr. Brockbank's is a book of varied interest. It also deserves a welcome as one of the earliest of the 'Publications of the University of Manchester.'"— Manchester Guardian . "We have a valuable contribution to
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No. I. THE PHYSICAL LABORATORIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER. A record of 25 years' work. Demy 8vo, pp. 142, 10 Plates, 4 Plans. 5s. net. (Publication No. 13, 1906.) This volume contains an illustrated description of the Physical, Electrical Engineering, and Electro-Chemistry Laboratories of the Manchester University, also a complete Biographical and Bibliographical Record of those who have worked in the Physics Department of the University during the past 25 years. "The book is excellently
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No. I. ARCHIVES OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER. Edited by A. Sheridan Delépine , M.Sc., M.B., Ch. M., Director of the Laboratory and Proctor Professor of Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology. Crown 4to. pp. iv. 451. £1. 1s. net. (Publication No. 12, 1906.) "The University of Manchester has taken the important and highly commendable step of commencing the publication of the archives of its Public Health Laboratory, and has issued, under the able and judicious ed
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No. I. INAUGURAL LECTURES delivered during the Session 1904-5, by the Professors and Lecturers of the Faculty of Theology, viz.:— Prof. T. F. Tout, M.A.; Prof. A. S. Peake, B.D.; Prof. H. W. Hogg, M.A.; Prof. T. W. Rhys Davids, LL.D.; Rev. W. F. Adeney, D.D.; Rev. A. Gordon, M.A.; Rev. L. Hassé, B.D.; Rev. Canon E. L. Hicks, M.A.; Rev. H. D. Lockett, M.A.; Rev. R. Mackintosh, D.D.; Rev. J. T. Marshall, D.D.; Rev. J. H. Moulton, D.Litt. Edited by A. S. Peake , B.D., Dean of the Faculty. Demy 8vo,
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No. I. GARDEN CITIES (Warburton Lecture). By Ralph Neville , K.C. 6d. net. (Lecture No. I, 1905.) No. II. THE BANK OF ENGLAND AND THE STATE (A Lecture). By Sir Felix Schuster . 6d. net. (Lecture No. 2, 1905.) No. III. BEARING AND IMPORTANCE OF COMMERCIAL TREATIES IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. By Sir Thomas Barclay . 6d. net. (Lecture No. 3, 1906.) No. IV. THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE AND THE STUDY OF THE GREEK TESTAMENT (A Lecture). By James Hope Moulton , M.A., Litt.D. 6d. net. (Lecture No. 4, 1906.) No
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Celtic Series.
Celtic Series.
A GLOSSARY TO THE BLACK BOOK OF CHIRK MANUSCRIPT OF THE WELSH LAWS. By Timothy Lewis , B.A. Demy 8vo. This will include a complete glossary to the oldest copy of the "Laws of Howel Dda," contained in the "Black Book of Chirk," and will be based on the photographic facsimile of that manuscript which is about to be published by Dr. J. Gwenogvryn Evans in his collection of Welsh texts. [ In Preparation . THE LANGUAGE OF THE ANNALS OF ULSTER. By Tomás O'Máille , M.A. Demy 8vo. The objects of this di
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Economic Series.
Economic Series.
THE COTTON INDUSTRY IN SWITZERLAND, VORARLBERG, AND ITALY. A Technical and Economic Study. By S. L. Besso . Demy 8vo. [ In the Press ....
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Historical Series.
Historical Series.
THE CIVIL WAR IN LANCASHIRE. By Ernest Broxap . Demy 8vo. [ In the Press . THE CROMWELLIAN CONQUEST AND SETTLEMENT OF IRELAND. By Robert Dunlop , M.A., formerly Berkeley Fellow. Demy 8vo. This work will consist of a series of unpublished documents relating to the History of Ireland from 1651 to 1659, arranged, modernized, and edited, with introduction, notes, etc., by Mr. Dunlop . [ In Preparation ....
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Medical Series.
Medical Series.
DISEASES OF THE EAR. By W. Milligan , M.D., Lecturer on Diseases of the Ear and Nasal Surgeon to the Manchester Royal Infirmary. [ In Preparation . DISEASES OF THE EYE. By C. E. Glascott , M.D., Lecturer on Ophthalmology, and A. Hill Griffith , M.D., Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Manchester Royal Infirmary. [ In Preparation ....
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Biological Series.
Biological Series.
THE HOUSE FLY. Musca domestica (Linnæus). A Study of its Structure, Development, Bionomics and Economy. By C. Gordon Hewitt , D.Sc., Dominion Entomologist, Ottawa, Canada, and late Lecturer in Economic Zoology in the University of Manchester. [ In the Press ....
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Publications of the John Rylands Library issued at the University Press.
Publications of the John Rylands Library issued at the University Press.
CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS IN THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY (1899). 3 vols., 4to. 31/6 net . CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PRINTED IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND, and of Books printed abroad, to the end of 1640 (1895). 4to, pp. iii, 147. 10/6 net . THE ENGLISH BIBLE IN THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY, 1525 to 1640 [by Richard Lovett], with 26 facsimiles and 39 engravings (1899). Folio, pp. xvi, 275. 5 guineas, net . BULLETIN OF THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY. Vol. I (Nos. 1-6) (1903-1908). 4to, 1-468. 6/- net . A BRIE
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