14 chapters
6 hour read
Selected Chapters
14 chapters
By William Jennings Bryan In His Image . James Sprunt Lectures. 12mo, cloth….$1.75 Heart to Heart Appeals . 12mo, cloth….$1.25 The cream of Mr. Bryan's public utterances on Prohibition, Money, Imperialism, Trusts, Labor, Income Tax, Peace, Religion, Pan-Americanism, etc. The Prince of Peace . 12mo, boards….60c. Messages for the Times . 12mo, boards, each….35c. The First Commandment. In simple, unaffected language, the author enlarges upon the present-day breaches of the First Commandment. The Me
4 minute read
Religion is the relation between man and his Maker—the most important relationship into which man enters. Most of the relationships of life are voluntary; we enter into them or not as we please. Such, for illustration, are those between business partners, between stockholders in a corporation, between friends and between husband and wife. Some relationships, on the other hand, are involuntary; we enter into them because we must. Such, for illustration, are those between man and his government, b
30 minute read
Jesus Christ not only endorsed the Old Testament as authoritative, but bore witness to its eternal truth. "Think not," He said, "that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" (Matt. 5: 17, 18). When one's belief in God becomes the controlling passion of his life; when he loves God with all his heart, with all his s
37 minute read
The question, What think ye of Christ? propounded to the Pharisees by the Saviour Himself, demands an answer from an increasing number as each year the circle of the Gospel's influence widens. It is a question that cannot be evaded. In every civilized land an answer is made, by word or act, by each individual who is confronted by the facts of His life. It is in the hope that I may be able to assist some in answering this question that I devote this hour to the inquiry. Was Christ an impostor? Or
35 minute read
When the mainspring is broken a watch ceases to be useful as a timekeeper. A handsome case may make it still an ornament and the parts may have a market value, but it cannot serve the purpose of a watch. There is that in each human life that corresponds to the mainspring of a watch—that which is absolutely necessary if the life is to be what it should be, a real life and not a mere existence. That necessary thing is a belief in God . Religion is defined as the relation between God and man, and T
2 hour read
I have chosen this subject because I have found some young men, and even some young women, who seem to misunderstand the invitation extended by the Master. The call of the Gospel falls, at times, upon deaf ears because religion is regarded as a thing that is necessary only when one comes to prepare himself for the life beyond. In earlier times many Christians misinterpreted the Christian religion and, withdrawing themselves from companionship with their fellows, devoted their time wholly to prep
35 minute read
The fact that Christ dealt with this subject is proof conclusive that it is important, for He never dealt with trivial things. When Christ focused attention upon a theme it was because it was worthy of consideration—and Christ weighed the soul. He presented the subject, too, with surpassing force; no one will ever add to what He said. Christ used the question to give emphasis to the thought which He presented in regard to the soul's value. On one side He put the world and all that the world can
40 minute read
The Bible differs from all other books in that it never wears out. Other books are read and laid aside, but the Bible is a constant companion. No matter how often we read it or how familiar we become with it, some new truth is likely to spring out at us from its pages whenever we open it, or some old truth will impress us as it never did before. Every Christian can give illustrations of this. Permit me to refer briefly to four. My first religious address, "The Prince of Peace," was the outgrowth
32 minute read
By way of introduction, allow me to say that I fully recognize the difference between a presentation of fundamental principles and an application of those principles to life. While an application of principles arouses greater interest it is more apt to bring out differences of opinion and to excite controversy. But the Christian is always open-minded because he desires to know the right and to do it. He "prove(s) all things and hold(s) fast that which is good." Therefore, he welcomes light on ev
34 minute read
Some have prophesied that with the spread of the newspaper public speaking would decline—but the prediction has not been fulfilled and its failure is easily explained. In the first place, the written page can never be a substitute for the message delivered orally. The newspaper vastly multiplies the audience but they hear only the echo, not the speech itself. One cannot write as he speaks because he lacks the inspiration furnished by an audience. Gladstone has very happily described the influenc
24 minute read
P. WHITWELL WILSON Author of the "Christ We Forget " The Vision We Forget A Layman's Reading of the Book of Revelation. $2.00 "Certainly this is the most entertaining treatise on the Revelation ever written. Will make the Revelation a new book in the reading of many Christians. It brings the Revelation down into the present day and makes it all intensely vital and modern." C.E. World . The author of "The Kingdom in Mystery."_ Thinking Through the New Testament An Outline Study of Every Book In t
1 minute read
Children's Gospel Story-Sermons A New Volume of Talks to the Young. $1.25 The stories are drawn from history, mythology, the daily newspapers, biography, and fiction. They are all interesting, and the author always makes a plain, sensible, evangelical application of them, well calculated to help boys and girls. [Illustration: Children's Gospel Story-Sermons.] Author of "If I Were You ." To Be or Not To Be Brief Talks with Children and Young Folks. $1.25 In Mr. Chambers' new volume of "Five Minut
1 minute read
President, Chicago Theological Seminary Evangelistic Preaching With Sermon Outlines and Talks to Children and Young People. $1.50 "The best help on this important subject that we have ever seen. Sets forth with skill and completeness the method of evangelism that best appeals to the men and women of the present day."— C.E. World . [Illustration] Sec. The National Federated Evangelistic Committee Evangelism Its Justification—Operation—Value. $1.75 "It is a text-book and a call. Every chapter is f
1 minute read
Pres. Babson's Statistical Organization Making Good in Business $1.25 The famous Business Expert here applies a fundamental knowledge of business principles to daily business life. The latest work by the author of "Fundamentals of Prosperity" is crammed with the most valuable sort of hints and suggestions for the attainment of a successful business career. [Illustration] WILLIAM GEORGE JORDAN Author of "Self Control", etc. The Trusteeship of Life A Study in the True Values of Existence $1.25 A n
1 minute read