Anti-Slavery Opinions Before The Year 1800
George Buchanan
6 chapters
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6 chapters
To which is appended a fac simile Reprint of Dr. George Buchanan's Oration on the Moral and Political Evil of Slavery, delivered at a public meeting of the Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Baltimore, July 4, 1791...
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Before 1800.
Before 1800.
I purpose this evening to call the attention of the Club to the state of anti-slavery opinions in this country just prior to the year 1800. In this examination I shall make use of a very rare pamphlet in the library of General Washington, which seems to have escaped the notice of writers on this subject; and shall preface my remarks on the main topic of discussion with a brief description of the Washington collection. In the library of the Boston Athenæum, the visitor sees, as he enters, a somew
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Since the preceding pages were in type, I have seen, in the library of the New York Historical Society, the printed minutes of the first convention held by the Abolition Societies of the United States, which met at Philadelphia, January 1, 1794, and was several days in session, of which mention was made on page 59. These minutes show that my statement of the societies represented needs correction. The Rhode Island Society appears to have had no delegates present. The Virginia Society appointed d
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Abolition of SLAVERY,
Abolition of SLAVERY,
* * * * * * * * * * * * At a special meeting of the " Maryland Society for promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and the Relief of free Negroes and others unlawfully held in Bondage ," held at Baltimore, July 4th, 1791 ,— " Unanimously Resolved That the President present the Thanks of this Society to Dr. George Buchanan , for the excellent Oration , by him delivered this Day—and at the same time request a copy thereof in the Name and for the Use of the Society." Extract from the Minutes. Joseph To
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Citizens and Fellow-members , Summoned by your voice, I appear before you with diffidence; the arduous task you have imposed upon me, would have been better executed by some one of greater abilities and information, and one more versed in public speaking. However, my feeble executions shall not be wanting to promote the intentions of so laudable an institution; and while I endeavour to fulfil the purport of this meeting, I shall hope not to fail in proving its utility. Too much cannot be offered
24 minute read
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[36] A whip with nine tails. [37] Massachusetts. [38] This was thrown out as a conjecture of what possibly might happen, and the insurrections in St. Domingo tend to prove the danger, to be more considerable than has generally been supposed, and sufficient to alarm the inhabitants of these States....
17 minute read
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