The Ku Klux Klan
Annie Cooper Burton
17 chapters
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17 chapters
The Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan
President, Wade Hampton Chapter, No. 763, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Los Angeles, California Cover Design by Howard Willard Typography by Taylor's Printery WARREN T. POTTER PUBLISHER AND BOOKMAKER 511-12 Baker-Detwiler Building LOS ANGELES, CAL. Copyright, 1916, by WARREN T. POTTER All Rights Reserved To Father...
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The Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan
The great Ku Klux Klan sprang up like a mushroom, a Southern organization formed in a time when no other power in the world could have saved the suffering South from the utter disorder which prevailed during the awful period following the War between the States. The stigma attached to the name Ku Klux Klan by the uninformed masses has, at this late day, been practically removed, thanks to that Southern author, Thomas J. Dixon, who through "The Clansman" swayed public opinion the right way; and t
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This Organization shall be styled and denominated, The Order of the (then follows three stars; no other name given)....
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We, the Order of the * * *, reverentially acknowledge the majesty and supremacy of the Divine Being, and recognize the goodness and providence of the same. And we recognize our relation to the United States Government, the supremacy of the Constitution, the Constitutional Laws thereof, and the Union of States thereunder....
14 minute read
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This is an institution of Chivalry, Humanity, Mercy, and Patriotism; embodying in its genius and its principles all that is chivalric in conduct, noble in sentiment, generous in manhood, and patriotic in purpose; its peculiar object being, First: To protect the weak, the innocent, and the defenseless, from the indignities, wrongs, and outrages, of the lawless, the violent, and the brutal; to relieve the injured and oppressed; to succor the suffering and unfortunate, and especially the widows and
44 minute read
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Section 1. The officers of the Order shall consist of a Grand Wizard of the Empire, and his ten Genii; a Grand Dragon of the Realm, and his eight Hydras; a Grand Titan of the Dominion, and his six Furies; a Grand Giant of the Province, and his four Goblins; a Grand Cyclops of the Den, and his two Nighthawks; a Grand Magi, a Grand Monk, a Grand Scribe, a Grand Exchequer, a Grand Turk, and a Grand Sentinel. Section 2. The body politic of the Order shall be known and designated as "Ghouls."...
26 minute read
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Section 1. The territory embraced within the jurisdiction of this Order shall be coterminous with the States of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee; all combined constituting the Empire. Section 2. The Empire shall be divided into four departments, the first to be styled the Realm, and coterminous with the boundaries of the several States; the second to be styled the Dominion, an
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Section 1. The Grand Wizard, who is the supreme officer of the Empire, shall have power, and he shall be required, to appoint Grand Dragons for the different Realms of the Empire; and he shall have power to appoint his Genii, also a Grand Scribe, and a Grand Exchequer for his Department, and he shall have the sole power to issue copies of this Prescript, through his Subalterns, for the organization and dissemination of the Order; and when a question of paramount importance to the interests or pr
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Section 1. The Grand Wizard shall be elected biennially by the Grand Dragons of Realms. The first election for this office to take place on the first Monday in May, 1870 (a Grand Wizard having been created, by the original Prescript, to serve three years from the first Monday in May 1867); all subsequent elections to take place every two years thereafter. And the incumbent Grand Wizard shall notify the Grand Dragons of the different Realms, at least six months before said election, at what time
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Section 1. The Tribunal of Justice of this Order shall consist of a Court at the Headquarters of the Empire, the Realm, the Dominion, the Province, and the Den, to be appointed by the Chiefs of these several Departments. Sec. 2. The Court at the Headquarters of the Empire shall consist of three Judges for the trial of Grand Dragons, and the Officers and attaches belonging to the Headquarters of the Empire. Sec. 3. The Court at the Headquarters of the Realm shall consist of three Judges for the t
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Section 1. The revenue of this Order shall be derived as follows: For every copy of this Prescript issued to Dens $10 will be required; $2 of which shall go into the hands of the Grand Exchequer of the Grand Giant; $2 into the hands of Grand Exchequer of the Grand Titan; $2 into the hands of the Grand Exchequer of the Grand Dragon, and the remaining $4 into the hands of the Grand Exchequer of the Grand Wizard. Sec. 2. A further source of revenue to the Empire shall be ten per cent. of all the re
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Section 1. No one shall be pressed for admission into the Order until he shall have first been recommended by some friend or intimate who is a member, to the Investigating Committee (which shall be composed of the Grand Cyclops, the Grand Magi, and the Grand Monk), and who shall have investigated his antecedents and his past and present standing and connections, and after such investigation, shall have pronounced him competent and worthy to become a member. Provided , no one shall be presented f
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This Prescript or any part of the Edicts thereof shall never be changed, except by a two-thirds vote of the Grand Dragons of the Realms, in convention assembled, and at which convention the Grand Wizard shall preside and be entitled to a vote. And upon the application of a majority of the Grand Dragons for that purpose, the Grand Wizard shall call and appoint the time and place for said convention; which, when assembled, shall proceed to make such modifications and amendments as it may think wil
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The origin, mysteries, and Ritual of this Order shall never be written, but the same shall be communicated orally. Deo adjuvante, non timendum....
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1. No one shall become a member of a distant Den, where there is a Den established and in operation in his own immediate vicinity; nor shall any one become a member of any Den, or of this Order in any way, after he shall have been once rejected, upon application for membership. 2. No Den, or officer, or member, or members thereof, shall operate beyond their prescribed limits, unless invited or ordered by the proper authority to do so. 3. No member shall be allowed to take any intoxicating spirit
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I. White, II. Green, III. Yellow, IV. Amber, V. Purple, VI. Crimson, VII. Emerald. Cumberland....
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To the lovers of law and order, peace and justice, we send greeting; and to the shades of the venerated dead we affectionately dedicate the Order, of the * * *. Ad unum omnes. RESURGAMUS...
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