Some Reptiles And Amphibians From Korea
George William Byers
3 chapters
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3 chapters
Some Reptiles and Amphibians from Korea
Some Reptiles and Amphibians from Korea
BY ROBERT G. WEBB, J. KNOX JONES, JR., AND GEORGE W. BYERS In 1954, two of us (Jones and Byers) collected reptiles and amphibians in Korea incidental to field studies relating to hemorrhagic fever. The 382 specimens thus obtained were deposited either in the Museum of Natural History of The University of Kansas (KU), or in the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan (UMMZ), and are the basis for the present report. Continuous American military operations of one sort or another in Korea s
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Listed below are all localities mentioned in the accounts of species; the latitude (north) and longitude (east) are given for each. All place-names can be found in "Gazetteer to maps of Korea," 3 vols., AMS 2, U. S. Army Map Service, September, 1950, and, except for the two marked by an asterisk, can be located on AMS map series L552 (Korea, 1:250,000). The McCune-Reischauer system of romanization of Korean names is used....
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Literature Cited
Literature Cited
Babb, G. H., Jr. 1955. An annotated checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Korea. Bull. Philadelphia Herp. Soc., 1:17-23. Bogert, C. M., and Oliver, J. A. 1945. A preliminary analysis of the herpetofauna of Sonora. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 83:297-426, 8 pls., 13 figs., 2 maps, March 30. Boulenger, G. A. 1882. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia s. Ecaudata in the collection of the British Museum. Taylor and Francis, London, xvi + 503 pp., 30 pls. Chang, M. L. Y. 1932. Notes on a collec
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