30 Tempting Spaghetti Meals: Easy, Economical, Delicious
Campbell Soup Company
33 chapters
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33 chapters
How spaghetti can help you serve more delicious, more nourishing meals FOR LESS MONEY
How spaghetti can help you serve more delicious, more nourishing meals FOR LESS MONEY
It takes real planning to feed a family both economically and well. But you’ll find Franco-American Spaghetti a big help in solving your problem. Few foods provide so much real nourishment and deliciousness—at such low cost. Serve it by itself as a main dish or in combination with other foods. Franco-American Spaghetti furnishes plenty of protein for building muscles. It is especially rich in carbohydrates needed for energy. It combines with other foods to make a variety of satisfying, delicious
58 minute read
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WHY YOU SHOULD Insist on Franco-American
WHY YOU SHOULD Insist on Franco-American
It makes a big difference which spaghetti you serve. Franco-American is different as can be from the ordinary ready-cooked kind. Its tangy, tempting sauce is rich with the luscious goodness of fine ripe tomatoes and golden Cheddar cheese. It’s seasoned to savory perfection with costly spices—a skillful blend of eleven different ingredients. “Far better than I could ever make,” good home cooks tell us. Yet you can enjoy this “millionaire’s dish” for less than three cents a portion! A can of Franc
53 minute read
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1 can Franco-American Spaghetti 1½ cups flaked salmon 1½ teaspoons minced onion 4 strips bacon ½ teaspoon salt Place a layer of Franco-American Spaghetti in a shallow, greased casserole. Add some of the flaked salmon and the onion. Alternate layers of spaghetti, fish and onion till all are used. Arrange bacon strips cut in half over top. Bake in hot oven (425° F.) about 20 minutes, until casserole is well heated and bacon crisp. Serve with green peas, salad of shredded cabbage and seeded raisins
30 minute read
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1 can Franco-American Spaghetti 1 cup ground left-over meat (beef, corned beef, ham) ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon parsley, chopped fine 2 eggs, slightly beaten Chop Franco-American Spaghetti and mix thoroughly with other ingredients. Fill buttered custard cups three-fourths full. Place layer of brown paper over bottom of shallow pan and fill with hot water. Put in custard cups and bake in moderate oven (350° F.) for 30 minutes. Serve on hot platter garnished with parsley. Deli
27 minute read
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HEARTY SOUP DINNER Makes a hit on frosty fall days
HEARTY SOUP DINNER Makes a hit on frosty fall days
2 large onions 2¾ cups water 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti ¾ teaspoon salt 2 cans Campbell’s Beef Soup Parmesan cheese Slice onions and cook in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Chop Franco-American Spaghetti a little and add with soup to onions. Bring to a boil and serve at once in soup plates with Parmesan cheese and crackers. Try large fruit salads or cup-cakes with chocolate sauce for dessert....
24 minute read
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OYSTER CASSEROLE DE LUXE Grand for Friday or any day
OYSTER CASSEROLE DE LUXE Grand for Friday or any day
2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour ¾ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon chopped parsley ½ cup milk (about) 1½ dozen oysters 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti Buttered bread crumbs Melt butter in saucepan and blend with flour and salt till smooth. Pour oyster liquor in cup and add milk to make ¾ cup. Add gradually to flour mixture, stirring constantly till smooth and slightly thick. Add parsley. In a greased baking dish place a layer of spaghetti, dot with oysters and cover with whi
42 minute read
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CHICKEN ROYAL* Fit for a king!
CHICKEN ROYAL* Fit for a king!
2 cans Franco-American Spaghetti 1 cup stuffed olives, sliced ¾ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper ½ teaspoon paprika 2½ cups of chicken meat 2 tablespoons butter Buttered bread crumbs To spaghetti, add stuffed olives and seasonings. Arrange a layer of mixture in bottom of greased baking dish. Spread all the chicken over this and dot with butter. Cover with remaining spaghetti and sprinkle with buttered crumbs. Bake in moderately hot oven (375° F.) for 30 minutes or till crumbs are browned. Garnish
35 minute read
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SPAGHETTI WITH FRIZZLED BEEF A tempting, jiffy dinner on your “afternoon out”
SPAGHETTI WITH FRIZZLED BEEF A tempting, jiffy dinner on your “afternoon out”
¾ cup dried beef 2 tablespoons butter 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti Pick dried beef into small pieces. If it is very salty, freshen 10 minutes in cold water and drain well. Melt butter in hot frying pan and frizzle beef till slightly browned. Add Franco-American Spaghetti and mix. Cook over low flame till heated through. Serve with buttered baby beets and cole slaw, with boiled custard over sliced peaches for dessert....
24 minute read
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CRISPY MEAT PATTIES An easy way to make tempting croquettes
CRISPY MEAT PATTIES An easy way to make tempting croquettes
½ cup bread crumbs 1 cup chopped, cooked vegetables (carrots, beets, peas) 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce ¾ teaspoon salt 1 cup ground left-over meat 1 egg, slightly beaten with 1½ tablespoons cold water 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti Chop Franco-American Spaghetti fine and mix with vegetables, Worcestershire, salt and ground meat. Shape into cakes, dip in bread crumbs, then in beaten egg and again in crumbs. Chill 20 minutes in refrigerator. Sauté in hot fat (375° F.) 1 inch deep in a heavy f
33 minute read
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THRIFTY MEAT SCALLOP Delicious made with left-over ham, corned beef, pot-roast
THRIFTY MEAT SCALLOP Delicious made with left-over ham, corned beef, pot-roast
2 cans Franco-American Spaghetti 1½ cups left-over meat ¾ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper Buttered bread crumbs Chop Franco-American Spaghetti a little. Grind meat and add seasonings. Arrange in alternate layers in shallow, greased baking dish, finishing with spaghetti. Cover with buttered crumbs. Bake in moderately hot oven (375° F.), till scallop is heated through and crumbs are slightly browned (20 minutes). Excellent with fried apple rings. Serve prune whip for dessert. THIS FRANCO-AMERICAN
25 minute read
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LIVER EN CASSEROLE A tempting meal in one dish
LIVER EN CASSEROLE A tempting meal in one dish
¾ lb. beef liver Seasoned flour 4 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup boiling water ¾ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti 1½ cups cooked string beans 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento Buttered crumbs Buttered crumbs Wipe off liver with a damp cloth and cut in small pieces. Dip in flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Melt 3 tablespoons butter in hot frying pan and panbroil liver 3 minutes, turning once. Remove from pan and mix with Franco-American Spaghetti and s
46 minute read
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It’s easy to make vegetable dinners so attractive that everyone enjoys them. Simply select vegetables which contrast in flavor, color and texture. From each of the following choose— 1 green leafy vegetable (spinach or other greens, Brussels sprouts, cabbage) 1 white vegetable (cauliflower, onions, white turnip, etc.) 1 yellow vegetable (carrots, squash, corn), Franco-American Spaghetti 1 red vegetable (beets, red cabbage)...
19 minute read
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TASTY OVEN DINNER Prepared in a jiffy
TASTY OVEN DINNER Prepared in a jiffy
12 small onions ¼ cup grated American cheese 8 sausages 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti Parboil onions and arrange around edge of shallow, greased baking dish or large glass pie plate. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Meanwhile panbroil sausages till slightly browned. Mix with Franco-American Spaghetti and turn into center of baking dish. Bake in moderately hot oven (375° F.) till spaghetti is heated through and cheese is melted. Serve with clover rolls and large fruit salads....
24 minute read
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STUFFED CABBAGE Make this an oven dinner
STUFFED CABBAGE Make this an oven dinner
1 medium-sized cabbage 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti 3 tablespoons finely chopped green pepper 1 cup left-over meat (corned beef, ham), cut in pieces 1 teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper Cut away center leaves of cabbage, leaving thickness of 3 or 4 leaves outside. Mix other ingredients, fill cabbage shell and fasten together with toothpicks. Set on rack in covered roaster. Pour ½ inch boiling water in bottom of pan, cover and bake in moderately hot oven (375° F.) 30 minutes. Brush with melted bu
36 minute read
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BEEF GOULASH This calls for “seconds”
BEEF GOULASH This calls for “seconds”
1 lb. round steak 2 tablespoons butter ⅛ teaspoon pepper ½ teaspoon salt ¾ teaspoon paprika 1 green pepper, chopped 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti, chopped 3 tablespoons flour 1 can Campbell’s Consommé expanded with 1 cup water 2 medium onions, sliced Cut steak into 1-inch dice. Melt butter in pan over hot fire and brown beef. Sprinkle with seasonings and add onion, cooking till yellow. Stir in flour till smooth and add expanded Consommé and green pepper. Cover and simmer about 45 minutes, till
44 minute read
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¾ lb. chopped beef ¾ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons butter 1 can Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti Add seasonings to meat. Melt butter in hot frying pan and brown meat. Add mushroom soup, without the addition of water, and Franco-American Spaghetti, mixing well. Cover and cook over low flame till heated through. Serve with Brussels sprouts; apricot whip for dessert....
21 minute read
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POACHED EGGS IN SPAGHETTI NESTS Children love this delicious, healthful luncheon
POACHED EGGS IN SPAGHETTI NESTS Children love this delicious, healthful luncheon
1 green pepper, diced and parboiled 4 eggs 2 cans Franco-American Spaghetti Salt and pepper Mix green pepper with spaghetti and heat in saucepan. Poach the eggs. On each hot luncheon plate make a nest with a quarter of the spaghetti. Place egg in center, sprinkle with salt and pepper and garnish with parsley. A tempting dish for Sunday night supper, too, and easy as can be to prepare. Serve with mixed fresh vegetable salad; fresh berries or preserved fruit and cookies for dessert....
27 minute read
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RUSSIAN STEAK Tender and tasty
RUSSIAN STEAK Tender and tasty
¾ lb. chopped beef 1 can Franco-American can Spaghetti 2 teaspoons salt ¼ lb. mushrooms, cut fine 1 egg, slightly beaten 2 cups shredded carrots 2 cups boiling water 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Chop Franco-American Spaghetti fine, mix with chopped beef, ½ teaspoon salt, slightly beaten egg and shape into 12 small cakes. Dust with flour on each side. Cut mushrooms fine and brown in hot fat in a heavy frying pan. Brown meat cakes. Add boiling water, 1½ teaspoons salt and shredded carrots. Cov
36 minute read
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SPAGHETTI RING with VEGETABLES and COLD CUTS A tempting “company” dinner
SPAGHETTI RING with VEGETABLES and COLD CUTS A tempting “company” dinner
2 cans Franco-American Spaghetti 1 pimiento, chopped 2 tablespoons green pepper, chopped ¾ teaspoon salt 3 eggs, slightly beaten Mix all ingredients well and turn into greased ring mold. Put brown paper into shallow pan, add hot water and place ring mold in it. Bake 50 minutes in moderate oven (375° F.), or until firm. Unmold on serving dish or chop plate and fill center with buttered vegetables (as string beans, diced beets or chopped spinach). If desired, surround ring with overlapping slices
33 minute read
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SAVORY LUNCH CASSEROLE A favorite with children or grown-ups
SAVORY LUNCH CASSEROLE A favorite with children or grown-ups
3 slices bacon, chopped 2 cans Franco-American Spaghetti ½ teaspoon salt 1½ cups cooked lima beans ¼ cup grated American cheese ¼ cup buttered bread crumbs Cook bacon till crisp and add to spaghetti. Add salt to lima beans. Alternate layers of spaghetti and lima beans till all are used. Mix grated cheese with buttered bread crumbs and sprinkle over top. Bake in moderately hot oven (375° F.) for 30 minutes, till cheese is melted. Serve with a green salad; fresh fruit cup and cookies for dessert..
29 minute read
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SPAGHETTI MEAT LOAF A thrifty favorite
SPAGHETTI MEAT LOAF A thrifty favorite
1½ lbs. chopped beef 2 tablespoons melted fat 1¾ teaspoons salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper ½ teaspoon sage 1 onion, minced 1 egg, slightly beaten 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti, chopped fine Mix meat and fat with seasonings. Add chopped spaghetti and slightly beaten egg, mixing well. Shape into a loaf and bake in greased baking pan in moderate oven (350° F.) for 50 minutes. If desired, thicken juices in pan with flour and add hot water to make a gravy. Delicious with spinach and creamed carrots. For des
33 minute read
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BACON SCALLOP An easy way to make a tasty dinner
BACON SCALLOP An easy way to make a tasty dinner
8 slices Canadian bacon 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti 1 can Campbell’s Pepper Pot Soup ¼ cup hot water Buttered bread crumbs Panbroil Canadian bacon slightly. Mix hot water with soup and add to spaghetti. In shallow, greased baking dish put alternate layers of spaghetti mixture and bacon. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake in moderately hot oven (375° F.) about 30 minutes, till heated through and browned on top. Delicious served with buttered green cabbage, pickled beets and banana-gingerbrea
30 minute read
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CASSEROLE OF VEAL A tempting dish for cool days
CASSEROLE OF VEAL A tempting dish for cool days
1 slice salt pork 2 lbs. breast of veal 1 teaspoon salt 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti sauce 6 small cooked carrots 1 cup cooked green peas or string beans 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Buttered bread crumbs SURE, BOB, BRING HIM HOME. WE’LL HAVE FRANCO-AMERICAN Dice the salt pork and melt out the fat. Cut up veal and sear in hot fat. Add salt and hot water to cover. Simmer, closely covered, for one hour. Chop spaghetti and mix with vegetables and veal. Put in greased casserole. Thicken 1 cup
40 minute read
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TEMPTING FRIDAY LOAF A grand emergency dish, too
TEMPTING FRIDAY LOAF A grand emergency dish, too
1 can Franco-American Spaghetti 2 cups red salmon, flaked 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 tablespoon parsley, chopped ¾ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons melted butter Chop spaghetti and mix well with other ingredients. Pack in greased loaf pan and bake in moderately hot oven (375° F.) for 30 minutes. Serve with beet greens and buttered parsnips. Cup cakes may be baked at same time as loaf and served with hot nutmeg or fruit sauce....
26 minute read
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SPANISH SPAGHETTI Tastes as good as it looks!
SPANISH SPAGHETTI Tastes as good as it looks!
3 tablespoons fat 1 medium-sized onion, minced ¾ lb. hamburger 1 cup celery, cut fine 2 tablespoons pimiento, chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 1¼ teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon paprika 1⅓ cups hot water 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti Cook onion in fat till yellow. Add hamburger and brown. Mix with green pepper, pimiento, seasonings, celery and water. Cook 15 minutes. Add Franco-American Spaghetti and cook 10 minutes more. Serve with sliced buttered carrots; baked red cinnamon apples for dessert....
27 minute read
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3 eggs ¾ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti, chopped 1 tablespoon butter Separate yolks and whites. Add seasonings to yolks, beating till thick and lemon colored. Chop Franco-American Spaghetti and mix with egg yolks. Beat whites till stiff, but not dry, and fold into first mixture till well blended. Heat omelet pan and butter bottom and sides. Spread omelet evenly, cooking over low heat till delicately browned and puffy. Set in oven a fe
33 minute read
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½ cup scalded milk ¾ cup soft bread crumbs ¼ cup melted butter 1½ tablespoons minced onion ¾ cup grated cheese 1½ tablespoons chopped parsley 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon paprika 3 eggs, well beaten 2 cans Franco-American Spaghetti Pour scalded milk over bread crumbs. Add butter, onion, parsley, grated cheese and seasonings. Add well-beaten eggs. Put spaghetti in well-buttered glass loaf dish or baking dish and pour cheese mixture over it. Bake in moderate oven (350° F.) till firm (about 50 minute
31 minute read
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TUNA CAKES with Mushroom Sauce
TUNA CAKES with Mushroom Sauce
1 can Franco-American Spaghetti 1 egg, beaten 1½ cups flaked tuna fish ¾ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper ½ cup water ½ cup bread crumbs 1 tablespoon butter 1 egg, slightly beaten with 1½ tablespoons cold water 1 can Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento Chop spaghetti fine. Mix with beaten egg, flaked tuna fish, salt and pepper. Shape into cakes and dip in crumbs, then in egg and again in crumbs. Chill in refrigerator 20 minutes. Fry in h
39 minute read
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1 teaspoon prepared mustard 1 teaspoon onion juice ¾ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 cup ground tongue 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti ¼ cup water Buttered bread crumbs Mix seasonings with ground tongue. Then mix with spaghetti and water. Arrange in greased baking dish and cover with buttered crumbs. Bake 25 minutes in moderately hot oven (375° F.) till heated through and brown on top. Delicious with spinach and buttered carrots. Serve pineapple gelatine with whipped cream for desse
26 minute read
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STUFFED PORK CHOPS with savory spaghetti
STUFFED PORK CHOPS with savory spaghetti
4 pork chops, cut 1¾ in. thick 1 can Franco-American Spaghetti, chopped 3 tablespoons diced green pepper 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 tablespoon melted butter Split lean meat in half, cutting to bone. Mix remaining ingredients thoroughly and stuff chops. Draw edges together with one or two toothpicks and dip in flour well seasoned with salt and pepper. Arrange in greased baking pan, with remaining spaghetti mixture around chops, and bake in a hot oven (400° F.) 40 minutes, turning once. Serve with b
30 minute read
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JIFFY CHOP PLATE As zestful as it looks!
JIFFY CHOP PLATE As zestful as it looks!
1¼ lbs. sausage cakes or 1 to 1¼ lbs. chopped beef 1 teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons minced onion 2 cans Franco-American Spaghetti Brussels sprouts, peas or asparagus tips Fry sausage cakes. Or if beef cakes are preferred, mix chopped beef and seasonings, shape into 8 cakes and panbroil. Meanwhile heat Franco-American Spaghetti and cook whichever vegetable is desired. Heap spaghetti in center of a chop plate or large platter. Around it alternate meat cakes and small mounds of vegetab
32 minute read
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FRANCO STEAK CASSEROLE A savory dinner for four hungry people
FRANCO STEAK CASSEROLE A savory dinner for four hungry people
¼ cup flour 2 teaspoons salt 1½ teaspoons paprika ½ teaspoon pepper 1 lb. round steak, cut in serving pieces ⅓ cup fat 2 medium-sized onions, sliced 2 cans Franco-American Spaghetti 1 cup cooked tomatoes, strained 1 cup hot water Mix flour with seasonings and roll steak in it. Brown onions a little in hot fat and add to tomatoes. Sear meat quickly and put in large greased casserole. Place spaghetti, tomatoes and onions on meat. Blend remaining seasoned flour with fat in pan until smooth. Add hot
37 minute read
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A delicious hot meal packed full of nourishment
A delicious hot meal packed full of nourishment
You know how hard it is to find a food that your children will like, and which is really good for them. Franco-American Spaghetti is just that. It is packed with nourishment—rich in proteins to build bone and muscle, and in carbohydrates for quick energy. Hundreds of letters from mothers tell us that their children are quick to see the difference between Franco-American and every other ready-cooked spaghetti. Once your family has enjoyed the tasty deliciousness of Franco-American Spaghetti—with
39 minute read
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