By The Golden Gate
Joseph Carey
13 chapters
4 hour read
Selected Chapters
13 chapters
This work now offered to the public owes its origin largely to the following circumstance: On the return of the author from California and the city of Mexico, in November, 1901, his friend, the Rev. John N. Marvin, President of the Diocesan Press , asked him to contribute some articles to the Diocese of Albany . From these "sketches" of San Francisco this book has taken form. There are chapters in the volume which have not appeared in print hitherto, and such portions as have been already publis
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Choice of Route—The Ticket—Journey Begun—Pan-American Exposition and President McKinley—The Cattle-Dealer and His Story—Horses—Old Friends—The Father of Waters—Two Noted Cities—Rocky Mountains—A City Almost a Mile High—The Dean and His Anti-tariff Window—Love and Revenge—Garden of the Gods—Haunted House—Grand Cañon and Royal Gorge—Arkansas River—In Salt Lake City—A Mormon and His Wives—The Lake—Streets—Tabernacle and Temple—In St. Mark's—Salt Lake Theatre—Impressions—Ogden—Time Sections—Last Spi
25 minute read
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Arrival at Oakland—"Ticket!"—On the Ferryboat—The City of "Live Oaks"—Mr. Young, a Citizen of Oakland—Distinguished Members of General Convention—Alameda—Berkeley and Its University—Picturesque Scenery—Yerba Buena, Alcatraz and Angel Islands—San Francisco at Last. It was on the morning of Wednesday, October the second, 1901, when I had my first view of that Queen City of the Pacific coast, San Francisco. Our train, fully nine hours late, in our journey from Salt Lake City, arrived at its destina
12 minute read
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San Francisco—Her Hills—Her Landscapes—Population of Different Decades—The Flag on the Plaza in 1846—Yerba Buena its Earliest Name—First Englishman and First American to Build Here—The Palace Hotel—The Story of the Discovery of. Gold in 1848—Sutter and Marshall—The News Spread Abroad—Multitudes Flock to the Gold Mines—San Francisco in 1849. As we stand on the deck of the bay steamer and are fast approaching the San Francisco ferry-house which looms up before us in dignity, we look out on a great
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St. Andrew's Brotherhood—Patras—The Cross at Megara and the Golden Gate—Portsmouth Square and its Life—Other City Squares and Parks—Golden Gate Park, its Beauty, Objects and Places of Interest—Prayer Book Cross—Chance Visitors—Logan the Guide—First View of the Pacific Ocean—"Thy Way is in the Sea"—The Cemeteries of San Francisco—World-wide Sentiment—Group Around Lone Mountain—Story of the Graves—Earth's Ministries—Lesson of the Heavens. When my companion Ashton and I landed at the Market Street
15 minute read
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Triangular Section of San Francisco—Clay Banks, Mud and Rats in 1849—Streets at That Time—Desperate Characters—Gambling Houses—Thirst for Gold—Saloons and Sirens—The Bella Union—The Leaven of the Church—Robbers' Dens and Justice in Mining Camps—The Vigilance Committee and What It Did—San Francisco Well Governed Now—Highway Robbers and the Courts—Chief of Police Wittman and His Men—A Visit to Police Headquarters—The Cells—A Murderer—A Chinese Woman in Tears—A Hardened Offender. The traveller to t
18 minute read
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The Streets of the City—Numbers and Names—Example of Athens—Names of Men—Names of States and Countries—American Spirit—Flowers and Trees—Market Street—Pleasantries—Mansions of California Avenue—Grand Reception—Art in California—Cost of Living in 1849—Hotels and Private Houses now—Restaurants—New City Hall—Monumental Group—Scenes and Representations—History of a Cannon—Chance Meeting with General Shafter—Mission of the Republic. The streets of the city! They are an important feature, and the trav
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A Visit to Chinatown—Its Boundaries—A Terra Incognita—Fond of Mongrels—My Licensed Guide—The Study of the Signs—Men of All Callings—Picture of the Chinaman—Devoid of Humour—Confucius—Great Men from Good Mothers—Confucius to Women—Mormonism and Mohammedanism—How to Regenerate China—Slaves of the Lamp—Chinamen Impassive—Aroused to Wrath—How They Dress—The Queue—"Pidgin" English—Payment of Debts—Bankrupt Law—Suicide. When in the City of the Golden Gate you will not fail to visit the Chinese Quarter
19 minute read
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In Chinatown—A Chinese Editor—His Views of Chinese Life—A Daily Paper and the Way in Which it is Printed—A Night School—The Mission of the English Language—A Widow and Her Children—Pair of Small Shoes—Binding of the Feet and Custom—Mrs. Wu Ting-Fang on Small Feet—Maimed and Veiled Women—The Shulamite's Feet—An Opium-joint—A Wretched Chinaman—Fascination of Opium—History and Cultivation of the Poppy—The East India Company and the Opium War—An Opium Farmer—How the Old Man Smoked—De Quincey and His
22 minute read
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In Chinatown—A Musician's Shop—A Secret Society—Gambling Houses—"The Heathen Chinee"—Fortune-telling—The Knife in the Fan-Case—A Boarding House—A Lesson for Landlords—A Kitchen—A Goldsmith's Shop—The Restaurant—Origin of the Tea-Plant—What a Chinaman Eats—The Tobacco or Opium Pipe—A Safe with Eight Locks—The Theatre—Women by Themselves—The Play—The Stage—The Actors—The Orchestra and the Music—The Audience—A Death on the Stage—The Theatre a Gathering Place—No Women Actors—A Wise Provision—Temptat
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In Chinatown—Conception of God—The Joss House—Chinese Mottoes—The Joss a Chinaman—Greek and Egyptian Ideas of God—Different Types of Madonnas—Chinese Worship and Machine Prayers—The Joss-House and the Christian Church—Chinese Immigration—Chinamen in the United States—A Plague Spot—Fire Crackers and Incense Sticks—The Lion and the Hen—The Man with Tears of Blood—Filial Piety—The Joss—Origin of the World—Creation of Man—Spirits of the Dead—Ancestral Rites—The Chinese Emperor—What Might Have Been—T
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First Services—Drake's Chaplain—Flavel Scott Mines—Bishop Kip—Growth of the Church in California—The General Convention in San Francisco—A Western Sermon—Personnel of the Convention—Distinguished Names—Subjects Debated—Missions of the Church—Apportionment Plan—The Woman's Auxiliary—The United Offering—Missionary Meeting in Mechanics' Pavilion—College Reunions—Zealous Men—A Dramatic Scene—Closing Service—Object Lesson—A Revelation to California—Examples of the Church's Training—Mrs. Twing—John I.
28 minute read
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A Well Equipped Fire Department—Destructive Fires—Scene at the Call Office—Loyalty to the Flag—The Blind Man and Bobby Burns—Street Scenes and Places of Interest—Market Street System—Mission Dolores—Effect of Pictures—Franciscan Missionaries—A Quaint Building—The Mosque a Model—The Presidio—The Spanish and American Reservation—Tents—Cemetery—The Cliff House—Sutro Baths—Museum—Seal Rocks—Farallones—Golden Gate—What it Recalls—Golden Poppy—John C. Fremont—Drake and the Golden Hind—A Convenient Har
17 minute read
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