Introduction To Our Bird Friends
Lenwood Ballard Carson
101 chapters
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101 chapters
Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps
Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps
It makes little difference to this bird whether you call him “Water-witch, Hell-diver, Dabchick or Pied-billed Grebe,” for these are only a few of the names by which he is known. His only concern is finding a pond, lake or other water, well supplied with crayfish, minnows or insects on which he feeds. Leeches are a favorite morsel. The short, thick bill of this grebe is distinctive, even in winter when the black encircling band from which it gets its name, is missing. General appearance is brown
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Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias
Altho protected by the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty, this heron often finds himself the target for thoughtless hunters. Not that he would make a tasty dish, but any bird which stands 4 feet high with a wing spread of almost 70 inches is in constant danger. His favorite feeding grounds are wet meadows or pastures, ponds, lakes or streams. Most of his food consists of rough fish which he catches expertly, either standing patiently in shallow water until a fish appears, or walking slowly along the
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Snow Goose Chen hyperborea
Snow Goose Chen hyperborea
This medium-size goose is the most abundant member of the family and can be identified by white plumage and black wing tips. He is often called “wavy,” in the northern part of his range, while southern hunters refer to him as a “white brant.” His Latin name describes him as “a goose beyond the north wind.” We see him only as a migrant, either going to nesting grounds in Northern Canada or returning to his winter home on the coast of Louisiana and Texas. A somewhat larger relative known as the Gr
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Common Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
Common Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
The Mallard drake with green head, purple chestnut breast, reddish feet, white collar, black and white tail with a curled feather, combine to make a colorful duck. The female, more in keeping with her motherly duties, is content to wear a trim suit of buffy gray, streaked with brown. The orange to greenish-olive bill and pale orange-red feet give perfect clues to her identity. Any pond, puddle, lake or stream is not overlooked by this bird and he is especially fond of shallow water where he can
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Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura
Vultures play an unusual part in nature’s drama. They, along with Sexton Beetles, other insects and animals, form the sanitary unit. When we consider the heavy toll of wildlife along our highways, we can appreciate the usefulness of such a unit. Lacking talons, vultures are not equipped to catch their prey, but feed on whatever nature provides. This vulture is almost eagle size, with a wingspread of 70 inches and can be identified by his long tail, small head, 2-toned wings, and habit of soaring
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Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis
Red-tails, like other hawks, show a great variation in plumage. The dark phase of a Western Red-tail compares favorably with the plumage of an adult Golden Eagle, but the smaller size and the reddish upper tail surface which reflects the sun as the bird soars, furnishes the clue. Typical plumage shows a dark belly-band with bright, reddish upper tail, while some birds show a light breast and belly. This bird prefers open woodlands or a dead tree with fields adjoining. There he may sit for hours,
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Sparrow Hawk Falco sparverius
Sparrow Hawk Falco sparverius
This little falcon, about the size of a Robin, is also known as Kestrel. Calling him a Sparrow-hawk is misleading, for insects and spiders, along with a generous portion of mice, go to make up his daily fare. Grasshoppers seem to be a special delicacy. Like other birds, he feeds on whatever is available. In cities, this includes English Sparrows. The smallest of the hawk family can be found along highways where he uses telephone poles, wires or dead trees, while scanning the fields and fence row
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Prairie Chicken Tympanuchus cupido
Prairie Chicken Tympanuchus cupido
Those who live near prairies and brushy grasslands have a chance to become acquainted with this brown hen-like bird which formerly ranged over much of the middle west. Cultivation and hunters have reduced the numbers until they no longer are common. The large size, the short, dark, rounded tail, the heavily barred underparts, the rounded wings, all are descriptive of this bird. In flight he reminds you of king-size Meadow Larks, flapping then sailing, as he journeys to and from favorite feeding
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American Coot Fulica americana
American Coot Fulica americana
This slate-gray bird with white bill and white patch under the tail, belongs to the rail family but spends more time with ducks. He swims with a jerky motion of the head, dives like a grebe, walks out on the shore and eats grass like a goose. Yes, the “mudhen,” for that is what he is commonly called, is quite versatile. When taking flight, he either runs into the breeze or skitters across the water for a short distance until he can gain sufficient speed to gain altitude, then away to safety. Coo
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Killdeer Charadrius vociferus
Killdeer Charadrius vociferus
The killdeer is the common plover which we see in pastures, meadows, fields or on shores of ponds and lakes. Freshly mown alfalfa fields, short grass or stubble, even newly plowed fields attract them. They gather in loose flocks to feed on exposed insects or worms. Their usual pace consists of a short run, a quick stop to check for some juicy morsel, then another short run. All stops are accompanied by a jerky movement as if undecided whether to spring into the air or stay on the ground. Even th
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Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia
Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia
Any pond, lake or stream will be visited sooner or later by these little sandpipers. You find them teetering along shores, picking up insects and small crustacea which form the diet. Mud banks, sandy shores, pebbly mountain streams, half-sunken logs, all furnish happy hunting grounds. The teetering tail is distinctive and no other sandpiper has the round black spots on his breast and none has the fluttering flight. They seem to tip-toe thru the air with very short wingbeats. Young and adults in
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Black Tern Chlidonias niger
Black Tern Chlidonias niger
This tern is distinctive, especially in summer plumage when the black head and body, short, slightly notched tail, slate-gray wings, combined with the erratic flight, tells us it has to be a Black Tern. In winter plumage these birds have white heads and bodies with backs and wings darker than other terns. They show dark spots around the eyes and back of neck. In fall migration you find birds of this species in various stages of dress, but there are usually a few which carry enough black to give
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Mourning Dove Zenaidura macroura
Mourning Dove Zenaidura macroura
There is something about a dove which makes you want to know him better. Could it be his low mournful call? (And why do we call it mournful? Someone described it in that manner, and while it is not as colorful as other bird notes, it has a restful and pleasing quality.) Could it be the graceful flight which shows the pointed tail with the white trimming? Could it be dainty steps which seem to fit his personality? Perhaps the way he drinks by inserting his bill and swallowing water until he has h
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Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus
This slim, long-tailed bird is far more common than people suspect for he seldom is seen. He prefers to move slowly thru the heavy foliage, peering under each branch and leaf for the leaf-eating worms which form his diet. Wooly worms, which other birds seem to shun, are relished by him. His long bill is a perfect tool for breaking into webs where he creates havoc with the wiggly inhabitants. Cuckoos are larger than Robins and their long tails make them look even longer than the 12¼ inches which
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Screech Owl Otus asio
Screech Owl Otus asio
The Screech Owl is the smallest of the eared owls, about robin size. In fact he often nests in holes built by larger woodpeckers such as flickers. Like other owls, he hunts at night when his quavering call blends with the murmur of the night breeze. Mice, shrews, beetles, moths, crayfish, frogs and small birds seem to furnish a well-rounded diet. These small owls have 2 distinct color phases, one a rich brown, the other a soft gray. Both blend with the bark of trees thus giving them protection.
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Nighthawk Chordeiles minor
Nighthawk Chordeiles minor
He’s not a hawk, but like other members of the Goatsucker family, often feeds at night. This gray-brown, robin size bird with white bars across the wings, often is called a “bull-bat.” Early morning and late evenings seem to be favorite feeding times for then insects on which he feeds, are on the wing. During the day you will find him sitting horizontally on some sheltered limb, his colors blending perfectly. He looks more like a knot or broken stub than a bird. He leaves his resting place with
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Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica
Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica
Unlike swallows which bend their wings, this bird holds his wings straight, but the natural curve gives the appearance of a bow. The long wings make him appear larger than the small sparrow size which he attains. This sooty-black swift is the only member of his family which visits the eastern part of America and since he has adopted chimneys as his favorite nesting and roosting sites, he is not hard to find. Few birds seem so perfectly fitted for living in the air and except when nesting or roos
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Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris
This, the smallest bird found in the area, can be confused only with large moths such as the sphinx or hawk moths. Both the moths and hummingbirds like to feed on deep-throated flowers such as honeysuckles, petunias and trumpet-vines but the moths prefer late evening or early morning while the hummer never passes up a chance to explore such flowers with his long brush-like tongue with which he gathers nectar. This combined with small insects and spiders goes to make up his diet. Brightly colored
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Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon
Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon
Rarely in the bird world, is the female more colorful than the male. The Belted Kingfisher is one example, for the female sports brown flanks and breastband in addition to the blue-gray belt worn by her mate. These birds, larger than Robins, can be confused only with the Blue Jay; however, their plumage is blue-gray. Near creeks, ponds, lakes or other bodies of water they may be seen flying low over the water or hovering momentarily before plunging after some minnow, crayfish or other food which
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Downy Woodpecker Dendrocopos pubescens
Downy Woodpecker Dendrocopos pubescens
The sparrow-size Downy Woodpecker resembles his robin-size cousin, the Hairy Woodpecker, but his notes are a little softer and his tapping a little faster for his short bill can produce no such wallop as the heavy-billed Hairy. The outer tail feathers are barred, instead of the black and white pattern of the latter. Both males show a red spot on the nape which is lacking on the females. General coloring is black and white. While this friendly little woodpecker relishes suet, he does not let his
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Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus
Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus
The Eastern Kingbird, altho slightly smaller than a Robin, is “monarch of all he surveys,” and is ready and willing to defend his territory against all comers. His happiest moments seem to be spent in chasing hawks, crows, herons or vultures and he is the first to see their approach and give the alarm. Then, like a fighter-plane, he speeds high in the air and dives on the intruder. Such aerial attacks are of short duration for the larger bird soon escapes to a safer location. He then drops back
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Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe
Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe
Unlike many of the flycatchers, this bird which is only a little larger than the English Sparrow, is easily identified. His black bill, lack of wing bars or eye ring is distinctive but his habit of jerking or waving his tail is conclusive. The habit of repeating his name over and over in a low but emphatic tone gives little doubt of his presence. Some people might confuse this call with the high notes of the Black-capped Chickadee but when once learned there is little resemblance. The Phoebe is
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Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris
Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris
A sparrow-size bird with black tail, which flushes from the road while you travel along, is the Horned Lark. When you travel slower you will find that he walks when he moves around, never hopping like birds which prefer trees. Other marks to look for are a black crown, black line extending from the beak, curving back and down over the cheek and a black patch below the white or yellow throat. A white or yellow line, depending on the subspecies of the bird you see, separates the crown from the bla
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Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
This friendly bird discovered long ago that barns or sheds made excellent cover for its adobe nest and now you often will find from one to several of these mud structures neatly plastered on the beams of buildings. This is a happy arrangement for both the tenant and landlord, for the swallow more than pays the rent on the space used, not in cash but in the thousands of insects which make up his food. The swallow gets whatever protection is offered. A Barn Swallow is identified easily. No other s
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Purple Martin Progne subis
Purple Martin Progne subis
This, the largest member of the swallow family, has adopted the many-roomed apartments which man is glad to furnish. For there are few people who do not take pleasure in watching the graceful flight of this bird as he flaps and sails above your trees. His low-pitched, gurgling notes help to identify him. They arrive from their winter homes rather early in spring and often are heard or seen by the latter part of March. Heavy mortality can result when late snows or icy rains cut down the quota of
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Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
You may admire him greatly or hate him intensely. It depends on what he is doing when you form your opinion. A flock of these blue and white birds with large crests and black chin-straps, add color and cheer as they pass thru the timber. They often are conversing in a series of soft musical tones which are pleasing to the ear when all is serene. Moments later they discover a sleeping owl, cat or snake and the flock changes into a group of loud-mouthed bullies. Such is the way of a Blue Jay. Duri
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Common Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos
Common Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos
In many areas there is no other with which this 19-inch all-black bird could be confused. His steady wing beat, his characteristic call of “caw” or “ca-ah,” his flocking habits in fall and winter help to identify him. Along the Atlantic and Gulf shores, the smaller Fish Crow is found, while on the western prairies the White-necked Raven which is slightly larger, may be confused with the Crow. Mountainous areas and seacoasts also have the Common Raven, which is much larger, but all show the color
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Black-capped Chickadee Parus atricapillus
Black-capped Chickadee Parus atricapillus
Altho smaller than a sparrow, this little bird is hardy. He does not leave his summer home and move to a warmer climate just to dodge the snow and sleet. You will find him feeding just as happily in a snowstorm as on a warm spring day, always consuming small insects, their eggs or larvae. Exploring the trunks of trees, hanging upside down on the end of a limb, or hunting larvae on tender leaves, it makes no difference to this sharp-eyed bird. Those of you who feed birds will find the chickadee o
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Tufted Titmouse Parus bicolor
Tufted Titmouse Parus bicolor
This sparrow-size cousin of the chickadee has a tuft of feathers which gives him a striking appearance. The tuft, nape, back, wings and tail are slate gray, while the cheek, throat, breast and belly are white with a pinkish-brown patch just below the wing. Habits are similar to chickadees and he often can be found feeding in loose flocks with these and other small birds such as Downy Woodpeckers, nuthatches and Brown Creepers. Together they form a useful team for what one species misses by his m
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Brown Creeper Certhia familiaris
Brown Creeper Certhia familiaris
There is no other bird quite like the Brown Creeper. He is well named for his brown plumage with lighter stripes gives him perfect protection as he climbs spirally up some rough-barked tree. His curved bill, sharp claws and long tail, all serve a distinct purpose in helping him find his food. Hackberries or other rough-barked trees serve as his hunting grounds and there you will find him checking the cracks and crevices as he starts from the base and works upward, sometimes checking the larger l
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House Wren Troglodytes aëdon
House Wren Troglodytes aëdon
Most Americans seem to have fallen in love with the House Wren. It could not be his beauty for he lacks the distinctive markings found on other birds, even other wrens. Even in good light you see only a small grayish-brown bird with lighter underparts. It is surely not his size for he is smaller than a sparrow. His song is a sort of spontaneous outburst of notes which give you more quantity than quality, with a liberal helping of scolding notes, so it is not his vocal efforts. He is not a good b
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Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
A trim, robin-size pale gray bird which shows extensive white patches on the wings and outer tail when in flight. These markings will identify this bird in winter when you find him feeding on whatever fruits or berries he can locate. He does not choose to migrate when a good supply of red cedar, bush honeysuckle, multiflora rose, persimmon, bittersweet or other such seeds are available. Raisins or currants will entice him to your feeder but he is too big a bully to make a good guest for he chase
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Catbird Dumetella carolinensis
Catbird Dumetella carolinensis
This trim member of the mocker family leaves no doubt as to his identity. No other bird has a uniform slate-gray plumage with a black cap and rusty brown under-tail coverts. It makes little difference if you miss the rusty marking under the tail, or even see the bird, for he soon discloses his identity by his song. The normal song consists of a series of musical phrases, well seasoned with catlike mews, often heard coming from some concealed perch in shrubs or low bushes, for there is the favori
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Robin Turdus migratorius
Robin Turdus migratorius
There is no reason to tell you this bird is robin-size except that we would like you to remember he is 10 inches long. This helps when making a comparison with other birds. This medium-size member of the thrush family makes himself at home on your lawn, in your garden, pastures or fields. There you will see his reddish breast, dark head and back, all distinctive in sunlight or shadow. Yes, you can spot a Robin anywhere. The young have spotted breasts which is typical of the thrush family. Robins
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Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis
Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis
This small thrush, only slightly larger than an English Sparrow, is held in high esteem by those who have made his acquaintance. Unlike the Hermit and Wood Thrushes which sing in the seclusion of deep forests, the Bluebird prefers open country with scattered trees. Old apple orchards make choice locations for usually they have a number of old woodpecker holes for nests. Unlike most thrushes, he is not noted for his song, however his frequently heard “tur-wee,” gives a restful assurance that all
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Golden-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa
Golden-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa
Energetic little birds, smaller than House Wrens, the Golden-crowned Kinglets spend the winter busily engaged in searching the twigs and branches for insect eggs or larvae. There they join mixed flocks of chickadees, Brown Creepers, nuthatches and Downy Woodpeckers, all working together to protect our trees. He is easily identified for he has the habit of flicking his wings as he moves thru the branches. His short, slightly forked tail, white line over the eye, distinct wing bars, all seem dull
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Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus
Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus
A gray bird with a black mask over the eyes, black wings which show a white patch when flying, and a black tail with white margins, all help identify this shrike. His head seems large when compared to his trim body, he has a hooked beak, the under plumage is white. If there is any doubt, watch him fly from one perch to another. He drops down near the ground, flies rapidly and then zooms up to his next location. Another habit is flicking his tail like a Phoebe when he alights. This bird likes ope
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Starling Sturnus vulgaris
Starling Sturnus vulgaris
Previous to 1890, this bird was unknown in America. Then a few pairs were released in New York City and now look at them! Starlings are everywhere. When walking around your yard or field he appears to be black with a short tail, pointed wings and a sharp pointed beak which is yellow in summer and brownish-black in winter. On closer inspection you will find that he is a little smaller than a Robin, greenish with speckled plumage in fall and winter, which develops into greenish-purple in spring. I
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Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus
Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus
Unlike some of his relatives which prefer low bushes and shrubs, the Red-eyed Vireo prefers heavily-wooded areas. Where forests occur, he is the commonest bird. Clearing of timber reduced much of his habitat, but any grove of trees will furnish a home for this species. His numbers are limited only by the area of the wooded section. Vireos are more often heard than seen for they feed slowly thru the tops of high trees, but have an endless series of notes and sing during the hot summer days when o
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Myrtle Warbler Dendroica coronata
Myrtle Warbler Dendroica coronata
The Myrtle Warbler is a member of a colorful family of American birds most of which are smaller than sparrows, have thin pointed bills, are more active than vireos. They are often referred to as the butterflies of the bird world. The Myrtle Warbler is presented because he is the first to arrive in spring, often before the leaves arrive to hide him from view. This 5½-inch bird has 4 yellow marks which will identify him: the crown, rump and each side of the breast. He appears darker than most warb
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Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas
Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas
The adult male of this species wears a black mask over his eyes and is only 5¼ inches long. The female lacks the mask but has a yellow throat, white belly and olive-brown head, back, wings and tail which identify the birds. They nest over a wide area, favorite habitat being bushy thickets near water. He is quick to resent any invasion of his privacy and uses a variety of scolding notes to let you know how unhappy he is. His movements are wren-like and hurried and his black eyes fairly sparkle to
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House Sparrow Passer domesticus
House Sparrow Passer domesticus
Whether you call him an English Sparrow or a House Sparrow, makes little difference. He is not a sparrow, nor can we blame the English for the vast population of these birds found within our borders. The fact that it is a weaver-finch would indicate that Africa was the original home of this species. This bird has been introduced into many countries and he soon adapts himself to any surroundings. The record shows that 8 pairs were introduced in Brooklyn in 1850 but did not survive. Two years late
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Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna
Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna
This chunky robin-size bird is perfectly at home in fields and pastures. There he is easily recognized as a plump brown-streaked bird with yellow underparts and a black crescent on the breast like a black V. The short tail shows white on each side and is flicked nervously. The crown shows black and white stripes. They fly low over the fields with a series of flaps and sails and walk around short-grass meadows in their search for insects. They are not larks but are closely related to Starlings, a
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Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus
A black bird with a bright red shoulder patch identifies the adult male. Females and young are a heavily streaked gray-brown while young males are brown with an orange wing patch. In fall and winter the brilliant red shoulder patch is not so apparent, sometimes reduced to only a line. These numerous birds are slightly smaller than Robins and are abundant along ditches, ponds, lakes or other marshy areas where they nest in rushes, cattails or small bushes surrounding water. Irrigation has increas
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Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater
Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater
The coffee-brown head and black body of the male are distinctive, but in fall the brown head shows more of a purplish tinge. The young, while larger than sparrows, could be confusing since they are olive-brown above with a buffy scaled appearance. The underparts show brown streaking. The female is dusky gray. They feed near grazing animals and consume quantities of insects which are disturbed by the herds. In winter they join other flocking birds for migration. Then they feed on small seeds. The
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Summer Tanager Piranga rubra
Summer Tanager Piranga rubra
The rosy red plumage of the male Summer Tanager is helpful in identification for he is smaller than the Cardinal and lacks the tuft and black face patch of the latter. Females, which resemble orioles, do not have the sharply pointed bill of the oriole and are richer colored than the female Scarlet Tanager, being almost an orange-yellow below. She is olive-yellow above with no wing bars. The wings are greener than those of her near relative. Young males often show a mottled pattern of reds and ye
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Cardinal Richmondena cardinalis
Cardinal Richmondena cardinalis
Most folks call him a “redbird,” which is only natural. The male is entirely red except for the black face. No other redbird shows a tuft or has such a heavy, orange bill. The female is dressed more in keeping with family duties for yellowish-brown plumage offers more protection to her and the secluded nest. She always shows a reddish tinge especially on the crest, wings and tail. These markings combined with the conical reddish beak, leave little doubt as to identity. The young resemble the fem
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Dickcissel Spiza americana
Dickcissel Spiza americana
This sparrow-size finch is not too easy to describe for plumage varies. There is no doubt about the singing male for he gets his name from his song and reminds you every few seconds that he is a Dickcissel. He shows a yellow breast with a black spot and except for size resembles a meadowlark. Telephone wires, fences or weeds offer good perches and there you will find him with head back and tail hanging down as he repeats his song. A reddish-brown wing patch is a good field mark in some seasons.
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American Goldfinch Spinus tristis
American Goldfinch Spinus tristis
The American or Common Goldfinch often is called “wild canary.” Altho he is not a canary, his small size, color and twittering notes remind people of their pets. While smaller than sparrows, these birds are rugged and winter over much of their nesting range. Their habit of flocking and tendency to feed on weed seeds makes them easily found. The male of this species is a rich lemon yellow with a small black mark above the bill, black wings and tail. The wings show distinct white bars especially i
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Slate-colored Junco Junco hyemalis
Slate-colored Junco Junco hyemalis
The sparrow-size Slate-colored Junco or the “snowbird,” as he frequently is called, is only a winter visitor in most areas. But what a welcome guest he is! The white belly and outer tail feathers add distinctive marks to his slate-gray plumage. The bill is pinkish white. Females and immature birds are duller and sometimes show a pinkish-brown tinge on their backs and sides. Juncos can be found around weed patches, hedges or sheltered corners of fields, where they spend much time in feeding on we
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Text by L. B. Carson Illustrations by Orville O. Rice Copyright, 1957 BY CAPPER PUBLICATIONS, INC. Printed in the United States of America More and more people are turning to the outdoors and the enjoyment of nature. Many great Americans have been students of wild birds. This is not accidental, for few forms of outdoor recreation offer so much pleasure. The season of the year will in some cases determine what birds are in your area. Color is important in identifying species. Look carefully at th
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White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Soaring overhead during migration, a flock of White Pelicans is a magnificent sight. These great birds weigh as much as 15 pounds, have a wingspread of 9 feet and a total length of more than 5 feet. Their legs are sturdy but short, the toes fully webbed. The bill is long and flat with a pouch beneath the lower mandible. Three contrasting colors make this bird easily identified. The bird is white except for the outer two-thirds of the wings where the end and rear half is black. The bill, pouch an
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Snowy Egret Leucophoyx thula
Snowy Egret Leucophoyx thula
Like ghosts from a bloody past, Snowy Egrets have returned to add their beauty to American bird life. Woman’s vanity and man’s desire for money once brought these beautiful herons almost to the point of extinction. The dainty recurved plumes, which formed a part of the breeding plumage of the birds, were known as “cross aigrettes,” when they were sold by milliners. Women bought, men slaughtered, and egrets died, not only for the plumes; but the nestlings starved after the adults were killed. Plu
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Green Heron Butorides virescens
Green Heron Butorides virescens
Anyone who spends time near a lake, pond or stream will find this small heron, for it is there that he secures the minnows, frogs and crayfish which form the major portion of his diet. His favorite method is to stand quietly on a partly submerged log where fish are feeding within reach of his long neck and bill. A quick thrust and one course is served. At other times you will see him sneaking carefully up to the water’s edge, where some slight ripple indicates the movement of fish or frogs. This
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Canada Goose Branta canadensis
Canada Goose Branta canadensis
There is something about the Canada Goose that demands respect. Farmers see him as a weather prophet for his fall flight indicates that winter is on the way, while his spring migration tells them that warmer days will follow. Hunters see him as the prize game bird, worthy of their best efforts. Others point to this bird as a model for man, for his strength, courage and fidelity leave little to be desired. Even the newsboy stops selling papers to watch and listen as these great birds pass over th
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American Pintail Anas acuta
American Pintail Anas acuta
This duck has the widest nesting range of any species in the northern hemisphere. An American Pintail looks much the same whether you find him in Hawaii, Europe, Asia, Alaska, Canada, Mexico or on either coast of the United States. The drake is a large gray-backed, white-breasted duck. The white of the breast extends up the long neck to a point back of the brown head; gray feathers extend up the back of the neck to the head. The tail gives a clue to the name, for the 2 center feathers are long,
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Blue-winged Teal Anas discors
Blue-winged Teal Anas discors
Some people call this bird the “Summer Duck.” The fact he arrives late in spring and departs for his winter home before the heavy frosts indicates a desire to evade cold weather. Most of these ducks are well on their way to Mexico or South America when other species begin to arrive from the nesting grounds. Early migration saves the lives of many Blue-wings for hunters prefer this duck for eating. Their speedy flight, their erratic twisting and turning, their tendency to decoy—all offer a challe
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Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis
Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis
This little duck is known by almost 100 different names in the areas where he is found. But no matter what you call him or where you find him, he is distinctive. No other duck except the Masked Duck, which is found in the West Indies, has the stiff tail which often is carried erect and fanned like a miniature sail. The male has a black or blackish-brown crown and nape, depending on the season, whether breeding or winter. The bright-blue bill, rich reddish-chestnut body and white cheek patch make
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American Merganser Mergus merganser
American Merganser Mergus merganser
Many birds have developed beaks which help them secure their food. The American Merganser is no exception. His beak is long and narrow and both mandibles are edged with sharp, pointed teeth which are inclined backward. The tip is covered by a nail or hook designed for catching and holding fish which form the major portion of this duck’s food. These birds are expert divers and the entire flock soon joins one of its members which has located a school of fish. Both rough and game fish are relished.
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Marsh Hawk Circus cyaneus
Marsh Hawk Circus cyaneus
The Marsh Hawk is often called “Harrier,” and his method of hunting would justify such a name. They cover a field like a well-trained dog, back and forth, here and there, cruising slowly with a deliberate flap or a slow sail on wings tipped a little above the horizontal. A slight movement, a quick pounce, and another field mouse has joined his ancestors. The white rump patch makes a good field mark, either on the gray-plumaged male or the brownish feathers of the female or young. The long wings
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Bobwhite Colinus virginianus
Bobwhite Colinus virginianus
This chunky little brown quail is popular in every region where he resides. Hunters spend thousands of dollars each year in pursuit of this feathered bombshell. Farmers appreciate having such an active ally in their fight against the hordes of insects which menace their crops. They enjoy hearing his cheerful whistle as they go about their daily chores. Birders are happy to know this is one bird which offers no problem for they can list him by either sight or sound. Anyone can point with pride to
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Wilson’s Snipe Capella gallinago
Wilson’s Snipe Capella gallinago
Wilson’s Snipe, frequently known as a “Jack Snipe,” is the most common of 3 species which have extremely long, straight bills. All feed by probing in soft mud where their sensitive bills soon locate and obtain their food. This bird prefers marshy areas near streams or ponds. When disturbed, he leaves the scene so rapidly that you might miss the erratic, zig-zag flight, the pointed wings, the stripes on his head, the brownish-striped plumage. You might even miss the orange tail, but you probably
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Upland Plover Bartramia longicauda
Upland Plover Bartramia longicauda
The Upland Plover is a confusing bird. Ornithologists still are arguing about what he should be called—a sandpiper or a plover. He formerly was known as a Bartramian Sandpiper. Now the trend seems to indicate that Upland Sandpiper is a name which fits his habits better than Upland Plover. Altho he has legs long enough for wading, he uses them for traveling thru grasses, not water. When alighting, he holds his wings up momentarily before folding them; in fact most of his actions seem more like a
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Greater Yellow-legs Totanus melanoleucus
Greater Yellow-legs Totanus melanoleucus
Sandpipers can be confusing, especially in fall plumage. Mixed flocks require special checking even by experts, but not the Greater Yellow-legs. His large size, slender build, yellow legs, gray upper parts, white tail coverts and under parts can be confused only with the Lesser Yellow-legs (Totanus flavipes). When together, there is no problem for the latter measures 9½ to 11 inches while the Greater Yellow-legs runs from 13 to 15 inches in length. The small, slim beak of the Lesser is straight,
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Avocet Recurvirostra americana
Avocet Recurvirostra americana
The black and white plumage of this medium-size shore bird is distinctive. A closer inspection will show long, blue legs, a thin, upturned bill and in breeding plumage, a rusty neck and head with white before the eye. In winter, the rusty markings are replaced by a gray wash. European birds lack the colorful neck and head markings, but show the black and white pattern and often are called Awl-birds. The bill gives the clue to such a name. The Avocet feeds by wading in shallow water and swinging
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Wilson’s Phalarope Steganopus tricolor
Wilson’s Phalarope Steganopus tricolor
Phalaropes are unique. Unlike most birds, the female is more colorful, does most of the courting, leaves nest building, incubating and rearing of young to the long-suffering male. Her lone contribution to the rearing of the family is laying eggs. She does deserve some credit, however, for she remains in the area and will join the male in circling overhead when the nest is disturbed, both uttering a sort of nasal, trumpet-like toot. Wilson’s Phalarope is not only the largest phalarope, but prefer
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Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis
Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis
Audubon, in 1840, referred to this species as the common American gull, but due to the change in habitat and increase in population, these birds have departed from many of their former nesting areas. However, next to the larger Herring Gull, it still is one of the most widely distributed. These birds form breeding colonies on islands in Northern United States and Southern Canada, often sharing these sites with the Cormorant and the Common Tern. Like other gulls, they are not to be trusted around
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Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus
The Great Horned Owl, largest of the eared owls, is found over a wide area and may be either light or dark in color, depending on the area where he is found. All specimens show a white throat, ear tufts and yellow eyes. This bird is almost 2 feet in length and can handle fair-sized animals when pressed by hunger. The hoot of this bird is deeper, slower and more uniform than that of the Barred Owl, and often can be heard as a sort of conversational note between 2 birds in the same area. It is giv
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Yellow-shafted Flicker Colaptes auratus
Yellow-shafted Flicker Colaptes auratus
People once called this bird a Yellow-hammer. Lots of folks still do, and it’s but one of the many names applied to this beautiful woodpecker. His brown-barred back, black crescent on the throat, spotted breast, white rump patch and bounding flight, his large size, his loud drumming, his posturing and his loud calls all point to this bird or, if you live in the west, the Red-shafted Flicker. The latter shows a reddish tint to the wings and tail where this bird shows yellow. Heads of males are ma
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Red-bellied Woodpecker Centurus carolinus
Red-bellied Woodpecker Centurus carolinus
If you look for a red belly on this bird, you might miss him entirely. Look instead for the red crown and nape, the heavily-barred back and wings and grayish-white under parts. The female lacks the red crown, only the nape showing this brilliant coloring. These birds are about the same size as Hairy Woodpeckers (9 to 10½ inches) and are rather shy, spending much of their time in wooded areas. Bird feeders supplied with corn and nut meats with ample pieces of suet will bring them to your yard. Th
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Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus
Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus
If all birds wore contrasting colors like the Red-headed Woodpecker, identifying birds would be easy. You just can’t miss on this one—the red head and neck, white under parts, blue-black back and tail, black wings with a broad white patch. The young show a grayish-brown head but the white wing patch gives you the clue. These beautiful birds once were common and nested from the Gulf of Mexico to the southern edge of some Canadian provinces. Recent years have shown a decline in their numbers, prob
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Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus
Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus
Flycatchers can be, and often are, noisy birds. They seem to enjoy life and want the world to know how they feel about it. The Crested Flycatcher is no exception. To hear this bird at his best, stroll quietly thru some heavily-wooded area. You scarcely are aware of the flute-like tones of the Wood Thrush in the distance, drum of the Downy Woodpecker, the bubbling tones of the Carolina Wren. All is serene. Suddenly a loudly-whistled “wheeep,” followed by a series of equally loud rolling notes, sh
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Eastern Wood Pewee Contopus virens
Eastern Wood Pewee Contopus virens
Some early morning in May, when the trees are filled with migrants, take a stroll thru the woods! The world is filled with bird notes and you listen to the symphony of sound. Then you hear a questioning whisper “pee-a-wee,” as if some stranger wondered if he should or could make himself heard. Finally you locate the bird with the plaintive note and find a little flycatcher, but since he is sitting on a well-shaded limb, you have trouble with the markings. Eventually you see that he is about spar
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Tree Swallow Iridoprocne bicolor
Tree Swallow Iridoprocne bicolor
The frost hardly has left the ground, or the peepers and cricket frogs assembled their chorus, when flocks of these swallows can be seen winging their way northward. First flights include only the rugged males which arrive well in advance of their mates. They also are one of the last species of swallows to migrate in the fall. These birds show whitish under parts, while the upper parts are a greenish steel-blue. Western observers might confuse this bird with the Violet-green Swallow but remember
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Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
Cliff Swallows may be found in almost any part of North America but the west offers more overhanging cliffs where they assemble in large colonies. Their one requirement is an ample supply of mud for their use in building the jug-shaped structure which they attach to buildings, under bridges or overhanging cliffs. Mud reinforced with a few straws, makes a sturdy home, and when lined with feathers, what more could a Cliff Swallow want? House Sparrows also find these little adobe houses inviting, b
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White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis
White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis
Nuthatches are one of the few “upside-down” birds. Chickadees and titmice sometimes feed by hanging below a cone or some limb which they want to explore; woodpeckers and Brown Creepers may brace themselves beneath a limb, but nuthatches seem to feel more at ease, when coming down a tree headfirst. That must be an advantage for they may see food which the climbers overlook. It is amazing to see the ease with which they travel, never using their tails as props. The White-breasted Nuthatch, largest
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Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus
Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus
Americans are fortunate. There are a lot of reasons, but one is the fact that we have several species of wrens. There is something about these birds that demands immediate attention. It might be their size, for most are small. It might be their songs, for most are good singers. It might be their trim, sleek-looking jauntiness—some might even call it cockiness. These birds are popular around mansions or weather-beaten shacks. For those of us who live south of the area of severe winters, and east
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Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum
Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum
This long-tailed bird (with the rufous-brown color, white wing bars, curved bill, striped breast and yellow eyes) welcomes spring with a loud and cheerful song. You will see him sitting at the top of some tall tree, throwing all his efforts into loud, clear notes. You will notice a wide variety of tones but all seem to run to couplets and triplets, not like the steady tempo of the Mockingbird or the more subdued tones of the Catbird, both of which are near relatives. The next time you see him, h
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Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina
Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina
To know the Wood Thrush is to love him. Unfortunately he seldom visits cities unless parks or other heavily-wooded areas are found within the borders. Forests, with a plentiful undercover, offer the seclusion which this bird demands. There you will hear the flute-like tones which make this bird famous as a singer. It is not a continued effort; each series of notes is followed by a rest, allowing you to absorb the full beauty of the rounded tones—then another, but completely different series, som
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Olive-backed Thrush Hylocichla ustulata
Olive-backed Thrush Hylocichla ustulata
The Olive-backed Thrush and the Gray-cheeked Thrush are similar. Both show olive-brown backs, light under parts and lighter spots than the Wood Thrush. The Olive-backed is slightly smaller and shows a more distinct eye ring, buffier cheeks and breast. This bird’s song is a series of flute-like tones which spiral upward. A. D. DuBois (M.S. quoted by Bent in Bulletin 196-1949-P. 184) thinks of it as saying “whip-poor-will-a-will-a-zee-zee-zee.” The Veery’s song starts high and runs down the scale,
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Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea
This tiny bird, smaller than a chickadee, never seems to have a quiet moment. On first sight, one is reminded of a Mockingbird, but not from his color, for he is blue-gray above and whitish below. It might be the long tail with the black center and white sides or perhaps it is the trim build. There is a narrow, white eye ring, and the male shows a dark line above the bill. These marks are sometimes difficult to see due to the bird’s restlessness. The tail seems to be constantly in motion. Both b
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Ruby-crowned Kinglet Regulus calendula
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Regulus calendula
When you hear this bird sing, you are impressed by the beauty of clear, but variable notes. When you check the source, you are surprised to see a tiny bird with such a big voice. His short tail might lead you to believe he is even smaller than the 3¾ to 4½ inches which he measures. His coloring is not impressive, being an olive-gray. You might notice the distinct eye ring or the prominent wing bars. If he is excited by your close inspection, he might flash the ruby crown feathers, from which he
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Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum
Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum
Waxwings are the nomads of the bird world; like gypsies, they come and go. Apparently they drift southward in the fall and northward in the spring, but have no regular migration. They range from Southern Canada to Central America but might leave when it frosts or stay thru the winter. Unlike some “Knights of the Road,” they present a neat appearance. In fact the soft, brownish-gray plumage, fading into lighter under parts, the slate-colored tail with the yellow tip, the jaunty crest, the black e
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Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus
Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus
The Warbling Vireo is not colorful. If you happen to see his back, you will see he is a grayish olive-green, slightly grayer on the head. When looked at from below, and that is the way you generally see him, you may see a tinge of yellow on the white under parts. A white line over the eye is the only other marking. But don’t give up; you will note the slow, deliberate vireo movement. He loves to sing and soon you will hear a pleasing series of notes, all connected but each note on a different pi
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Black and White Warbler Mniotilta varia
Black and White Warbler Mniotilta varia
Warblers are an unusual family of birds. Some act like flycatchers and often feed on flying insects. Others join the vireos in searching for larvae in the thick foliage of higher trees. A few mingle with sandpipers and find their food along the banks of some small stream, while the ground-dwelling contingent share choice morsels with thrushes. The Black and White Warbler is different, for while nesting on or near the ground, he feeds on the trunk or larger limbs of trees, combining the upward mo
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Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia
Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia
The Yellow Warbler, commonly called “Wild Canary,” is the best-known member of the warbler family. Its breeding range extends from the northern part of Alaska, thru Canada, United States and into Mexico, and from coast to coast. It winters as far south as Peru. Unlike most warblers, this friendly little bird seems to enjoy being near people and may nest in some shrub or bush near your home. You will recognize him instantly for he is the yellowest of all our warblers, even in confusing fall pluma
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Northern Water-thrush Seiurus noveboracensis
Northern Water-thrush Seiurus noveboracensis
It is easy to see why these warblers are called water-thrushes. They resemble thrushes and usually are found near water. When you see him walking down a half-submerged log or wading along the edges of a pool, you will find he teeters like a Spotted Sandpiper. You also will notice the dark, olive-brown back, yellowish stripe over the eye, the throat and under parts buffy-yellow streaked with dark olive. The slightly larger Louisiana Water-thrush shows a white line over the eye, white or buffy-whi
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Yellow-breasted Chat Icteria virens
Yellow-breasted Chat Icteria virens
The Yellow-breasted Chat is not only the largest, but the most unwarbler-like of this colorful family. If you live near thickets of dense shrubbery, where brier tangles and brushy, low bushes grow in profusion, there you will find this bird. He prefers low, damp ground but does not overlook similar habitat on dry hillsides. His loud and varied song will let you know when he arrives. Each series of notes is followed by a long pause, and then another series, but on an entirely different pitch; cle
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Wilson’s Warbler Wilsonia pusilla
Wilson’s Warbler Wilsonia pusilla
When you make this bird’s acquaintance, you will wonder why he was not called a “Black-capped Warbler,” for no name would be more fitting. In fact, many ornithologists now refer to him by that name. Those who do their birding in the Western United States might feel the same about the Pileolated Warbler, which is similar. Both birds show olive-green above and yellow below, with no wing marks or other distinguishing features, except the black cap worn by the males. Some females carry this mark fai
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Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Eastern birders are unfortunate for only on rare occasions do they have a chance to see and study this handsome bird. He is larger than the Red-winged Blackbird, with which he often is associated, but smaller than the Grackles. During migration, they join other members of their family in feed lots, pastures or fields and any mixed flock is worth inspecting. They are identified easily for no other bird has the black body, white wing patch and yellow head and breast. The female lacks wing markings
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Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula
Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula
Most people are attracted to birds by one of 3 things—their brilliant plumage, a beautiful song or the way they build their nests. The Baltimore Oriole scores in every department. Few birds are more colorful than an adult male, perched on the top of some tall tree, in full sunlight. The rich-orange body glows like a living ember. When you add the black of the head, back, wings and central tail feathers, the white wing bar and feather edging on the wings and the orange outer feathers, near the en
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Bronzed Grackle Quiscalus quiscula
Bronzed Grackle Quiscalus quiscula
Almost everyone who lives or has traveled any place east of the Rocky Mountains has seen this bird. The chances are they call it a blackbird, for most people do. From his appearance, they are right. Since there are a number of different species of blackbirds, this one should be examined more closely. When you see him walking around your yard, you will notice he is larger than a Robin, has a wedge-shaped tail and yellow eyes. The male often shows a keel-shaped tail, when flying. The plumage is ir
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Blue Grosbeak Guiraca caerulea
Blue Grosbeak Guiraca caerulea
Many birders seem to have trouble in listing the Blue Grosbeak. One reason is the size, for they are smaller than most members of this family. Another reason is that light conditions often make them appear black. A third reason might be their choice of habitat. They prefer brushy areas near some stream, but may be found along woodland borders or hedges, where ample brush is found. They usually nest in low trees or shrubs. There you probably will find the male as he sings from the top of some bus
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Pine Siskin Spinus pinus
Pine Siskin Spinus pinus
Pine Siskins are unpredictable. Some years they are numerous, while others produce few, if any, in the same area. Food supply is not necessarily the answer, for they are erratic wanderers. These small finches seem to prefer conifers for nesting. They build a neat structure, using grass, bark or moss with a lining of finer materials. Their home is well hidden by the heavy foliage near the end of a limb. The eggs are a pale bluish-green, dotted with brown or black markings, more colorful than the
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Red-eyed Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Red-eyed Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Towhees inhabit thickets, bushes and brushy areas, and spend most of their time scratching thru litter which covers the ground in such locations. When disturbed, they usually utter the call note which gave them their name. Opinions differ as to sounds made, so these birds are referred to as “Towhees,” “Jorees” or “Chewinks.” Some call them “Ground Robins,” since they feed on the ground and a part of their plumage resembles that of our Robins. Towhees are smaller than Robins. The male shows 3 dis
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Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes gramineus
Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes gramineus
Several kinds of sparrows can be found in open fields, along roadside fences and hedgerows, but the Vesper Sparrow is easiest to identify. If you should miss the chestnut patch on the bend of the wing or the white belly, bordered by fine lines, you still will notice the white outer-tail feathers. The back is a light grayish-brown with dark stripes. Juncos and pipits also have white outer-tail feathers, but adult juncos show no stripes and pipits walk instead of hop. Western Vesper Sparrows show
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Lark Sparrow Chondestes grammacus
Lark Sparrow Chondestes grammacus
These large sparrows are easily identified. No other sparrow has a white border around the tail or the distinctive chestnut and white head pattern. Another mark is a distinct, dark spot on the breast. Clay-colored Sparrows show a similar head pattern but lighter parts are grayer and the cheek patch is duller, more brown than chestnut. The latter-named bird has no spot on the breast. Lark Sparrows prefer open areas along country roads, old orchards or pastures with scattered trees or bushy hedges
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Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina
Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina
Chipping Sparrows are not only the friendliest, but one of the best-known American sparrows. The reason is apparent, for yards, gardens and parks furnish ideal habitat for these birds. They often nest in vines or bushes just outside your window. Nesting materials include grasses, rootlets and hairs, horsehair being used extensively, when available. Their fondness for a horsehair lining in the nest sometimes leads to casualties when either parents or young become entangled. Chippies derive their
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White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys
White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys
White-crowned Sparrows are known only as migrants or winter residents to birders living east of the Great Plains. Westerners are more fortunate for White-crowns and the similar Gambel’s and Nuttall’s Sparrows nest in much of their area. When flushed from their feeding grounds, these birds will impress you by their alert appearance. The habit of erecting the crown feathers makes the head appear round and puffy, and brings out the beauty of the broad black and white stripes which surround the whit
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Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia
Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia
Song Sparrows literally sang themselves into a name, for few birds sing so persistently. To Thoreau these birds seemed to say: “Maids! maids! maids! hang up your teakettle-ettle-ettle.” To you it may sound differently, but you still will hear the sharp notes with which he starts his song. These are on the same pitch with a slight pause between each note. From there, the song is variable and may contain trills or assorted notes on various pitches. One bird may produce several different songs. The
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Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus
Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus
Lapland Longspurs are birds of the far north, nesting as they do in the arctic and sub-arctic regions of both eastern and western hemispheres. They visit us only in the winter when deep snow and bitter cold drive them from their homes. Flocks of these sparrow-sized birds may be found in open fields, prairies and pastures, feeding on whatever seed or small grain is available. They run rapidly, ever on the search for more food, and may be joined by Horned Larks at good feeding spots. They seem ner
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