The Auxilia Of The Roman Imperial Army
George Leonard Cheesman
57 chapters
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57 chapters
The following essay is an attempt to deal with an interesting branch of Roman military history which has not previously been made the subject of an independent treatise. In a study of this kind, which relies largely upon epigraphical evidence to which additions are constantly being made, it is equally necessary that the scattered material available should at intervals be collected and utilized, and that the unfortunate collector should realize that his conclusions will inevitably be revised in t
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Tombstone of C. Romanius of the Ala Noricorum (by kind permission of the authorities of the Stadtmuseum, Mainz)...
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The Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum is referred to simply by the numbers of the volumes without any prefix. The military diplomata (D) are referred to by the revised numbering given in the supplement to the third volume of the Corpus . Eph. Ep. = Ephemeris Epigraphica. A. E. = L’année épigraphique , edited by MM. Cagnat and Besnier. I. G. R. R. = Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes , edited by Cagnat. B. J. B. = Bonner Jahrbücher , the periodical of the Verein von Altertumsfreunden i
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From the death of Augustus to the period when the frontier defences first began to collapse under the strain of the barbarian invasions, more than two centuries later, the imperial army presents a picture of military conservatism unrivalled in history. Not only does the original distinction between the legions of cives Romani and the auxilia of peregrini remain throughout the basis of its organization, but even individual corps show a marvellous power of vitality. Dio Cassius, writing at the beg
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In making a levy for the auxiliary regiments, the imperial government was under no obligation to be at pains to legalize its position. In an ancient state it was assumed, as a matter of course, that the government had the power to call upon every citizen, if need arose, to take his place in the fighting line. Even the privileged cives Romani were never freed under the Empire from the legal obligation to military service, however much they may have been spared in practice, so that there can have
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A history of the art of war under the Roman Empire has not yet been written, for the simple reason that we do not possess an account by a good military historian of a single campaign between that of Thapsus (46 B.C. ) and that of Argentorate (357). Josephus does indeed give a first-hand account of the Jewish war of 66-70, and took some trouble over military details, but his subject limited him to siege operations and street-fighting. The most valuable section in his work is a general sketch of t
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The chief sources of information are the sculptured reliefs on the sepulchral monuments of the soldiers themselves and on the columns of Trajan and Marcus. Excavations have also yielded specimens, very badly damaged in most cases, of the weapons and armour in use at different periods. The literary authorities contain little that is valuable, with the exception of Arrian’s description of cavalry uniform and equipment in his own day. 374 On sepulchral monuments of cavalry soldiers dating from the
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I. Britain.448
I. Britain.448
Diplomata xxix (98), xxxii (103), xxxiv (105), xliii (124), lv ( ante 138), lvii (146). I Asturum 98 (?), 124, 146. Not. Dign. Occ. xl. 35. II Asturum Several inscriptions. Eph. Ep. ix. 1171 dates from c. 180. (Cf. Dio, lxxii. 8). Not. Dign. Occ. xl. 38. Augusta Gallorum Petriana M. C. R. 98 (?), 124. Not. Dign. Occ. xl. 45. Augusta Gallorum Proculeiana 98 (?), ante 138, 146. II Gallorum Sebosiana 103, inscription of the third century (vii. 287). Picentiana 124. I Qu//ru (? Cugernorum) 124. Sabi
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II. Germania Inferior.
II. Germania Inferior.
Diploma 78. I Bericht über die Fortschritte der römisch-germanischen Forschung , p. 99. Afrorum 78. One inscription, which is apparently second century (xiii. 8806). 459 Noricorum 78, 138-61 (xiii. 8517). Sulpicia 78, 187 (xiii. 8185). I Flavia E. 205 (xiii. 7797), 250 (xiii. 7786). II Hispanorum P. F. E. 158 (xiii. 7796). VI Ingenuorum C. R. xiii. 8315. Still existing in third century. A. E. 1911. 107. XV Voluntariorum C. R. Early third-century inscriptions (xiii. 8824, 8826). 460 1,500 cavalry
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III. Germania Superior.461
III. Germania Superior.461
Diplomata xi (74), xiv (82), xxi (90), xl (116), l (134). I Flavia Gemina 74, 82, 90, 116. Indiana Gallorum 134. Scubulorum I Aquitanorum Veterana E. 74, 82, 90, 116, 134. I Aquitanorum Biturigum 74, 90, 116 (?), 134. III Aquitanorum E. C. R. 74, 82, 90, 134. IV Aquitanorum E. C. R. I Asturum E. 82, 90, 134. II Augusta Cyrenaica E. I Flavia Damascenorum M. E. S. 90, 116, 134. III Dalmatarum V Dalmatarum 74, 90, 116, 134. I Germanorum C. R. 82, 116, 134. I Helvetiorum 148 (xiii. 6472). I Ligurum
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IV. Raetia.
IV. Raetia.
Diplomata iii (64), xxxv (107), lxxix ( post 145), lxiv (153), cxi (162), lxxiii (166). Hispanorum Auriana 107, 166 (?), 153 (iii. 11911) I Flavia Singularium C. R. P. F. 107, 162 (?), 166. I Flavia Fidelis M. P. F. 162. I Flavia Gemelliana 64, 464 166. II Flavia P. F. M. 153. II Aquitanorum E. 162, 166. 465 IX Batavorum M. E. 166. Not. Dign. Occ. xxxv. 24. III Bracaraugustanorum 107, 166. V Bracaraugustanorum I Breucorum E. 107, 166, 138-61 (iii. 11930, 11931). III Britannorum 107, post 145, 16
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V. Noricum.
V. Noricum.
Diploma civ (106). I Commagenorum 106. Not. Dign. Occ. xxxiv. 36. 470 I Augusta Thracum 140-4 (iii. 5654). I Asturum 106. Several inscriptions (iii. 4839, 5330, 5539, 11508, 11708; vi. 3588). V Breucorum Inscriptions in Noricum (iii. 5086, 5472). Probably second century C. H. (x. 6102). I Aelia Brittonum M. 238 (iii. 4812). I Flavia Brittonum M. 267 (cf. iii. 4811 with 11504). 1,000 cavalry, 3,000 infantry. Total 4,000. No legion in the province before the end of the reign of Marcus....
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VI. Pannonia Superior.
VI. Pannonia Superior.
Diplomata for the undivided provinces, ci ( ante 60), ii (60), xiii (80), xvi (84), xvii (85), xxvii (98), xcviii (105). Diplomata for Pannonia Superior, cv (116), xlvii (133), li (138), lix (138-48), lx (148), lxi (149), c (150), lxv (154). Canninefatium 116, 133, 138, 148, 149, 154. I Ulpia Contariorum M. C. R. 133, 148, 154. I Hispanorum Aravacorum 80, 84, 85, 133, 138, 148, 149, 150. Pannoniorum Several inscriptions; iii. 3252, 4372 are certainly second century. I Thracum Victrix C. R. 133,
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VII. Pannonia Inferior.
VII. Pannonia Inferior.
Diplomata xxxix (114), lviii (138-46), c (150), lxviii (145-60), lxxiv (167). Augusta C. R. 145-60. Flavia Augusta Britannica M. C. R. 150, 145-60, 167. I C. R. Veterana 80, 84, 85, 145-60. I Flavia Gaetulorum 114, 145-60 (?). 471 I Augusta Ituraeorum S. 98, 150, 167. I Thracum Veterana S. I Alpinorum Peditata 80, 85, 114, 167. I Alpinorum E. 80, 85, 114, 154-60. 472 II Asturum et Callaecorum 80, 85, 145-60, 167. III Batavorum M. E. 138-46, 145-60. VII Breucorum C. R. E. 85, 167. II Augusta Nerv
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VIII. Dalmatia.
VIII. Dalmatia.
Diploma xxiii (93). III Alpinorum E. 93. Numerous inscriptions; third-century C. H. ( A. E. 1911. 107); placed by Not. Dign. Occ. xxxii. 53 in Pannonia. I Belgarum E. Numerous inscriptions, one of 173 (iii. 8484). VIII Voluntariorum C. R. 93, 197 (iii. 8336). 250 mounted infantry, 1,250 infantry. Total 1,500....
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IX. Moesia Superior.
IX. Moesia Superior.
Diplomata, ciii (93); A. E. 1912. 128 (103). 474 Claudia Nova 93, 103. I Antiochensium I Cisipadensium 93, 103, 235-8 (iii. 14429). I Cretum 93, 103. Mentioned in a Dacian C. H. (iii. 1163). 475 V Gallorum 93, 103. Second-century inscription (iii. 14216⁴). V Hispanorum E. 93, 103. Inscription probably of second or early third century (viii. 4416). 476 IV Raetorum 93, 103. Existing at time of Marcomannian War (viii. 17900). I Thracum Syriaca E. 93, 103. Several inscriptions at Timacum minus (iii.
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X. Moesia Inferior.
X. Moesia Inferior.
Diplomata xiv (82), xxx (99a), xxxi (99b), xxxiii (105), xxxviii (98-114), xlviii (134), cviii (138). 477 Atectorigiana A second-century inscription places the ala in Moesia Inferior ( Notigia degli Scavi , 1889. 340). Inscription from Tomi of 222-35 (iii-6154). 478 Gallorum Flaviana 99b, 105. Second-century C. H. ( Eph. Ep. v. 994). II Hispanorum et Aravacorum 99b, 138. Augusta Early inscription at Arlec (iii. 12347), which is still a cavalry station with the name Augusta in Not. Dign. Or. xiii
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XI. Dacia.479
XI. Dacia.479
Diplomata, xxxvii (110); 480 for Dacia Inferior xlvi (129); for Dacia Superior lxvi (157?), lxvii (158); uncertain lxx (145-61). I Asturum 200 (iii. 1393). Tiles iii. 8074 1a,b . I Batavorum M. 158. Bosporanorum 481 iii. 1197, 1344, 7888. Tiles 8074³. Gallorum et Bosporanorum Gallorum et Pannoniorum 145-61. I Hispanorum 129. I Hispanorum Campagonum 157, 158. II Pannoniorum 144 ( A. E. 1906. 112). Siliana C. R. torquata iii. 845, 847, 7651. I Tungrorum Frontoniana In Pannonia Inferior till 114. I
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XII. Macedonia.
XII. Macedonia.
A new diploma ( A. E. 1909. 105) shows that the Cohors I Flavia Bessorum was stationed in the province in 120. Total 500 infantry....
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XIII. Cappadocia.
XIII. Cappadocia.
No diplomata: the basis of this section is Arrian’s ‘Order of battle against the Alani’, which gives the state of the garrison at the end of the reign of Hadrian. 488 II Ulpia Auriana Arrian, 1. Full title, iii. 6743. Not. Dign. Or. xxxviii. 23. I Augusta Gemina Colonorum Arrian, 1. Full title, viii. 8934. Not. Dign. Or. xxxviii. 21. II Gallorum Arrian, 9. Cf. I. G. R. R. iii. 272; Not. Dign. Or. xxxviii. 24. I Ulpia Dacorum Arrian, 8. Not. Dign. Or. xxxviii. 23. Apuleia C. R. Arrian, 7 and 14.
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XIV. Syria.
XIV. Syria.
Diploma cx (157). The cavalry vexillatio described in iii. 600 seems to have been drawn almost entirely from regiments stationed in the Eastern provinces. 493 This inscription, therefore, which probably dates from the end of Trajan’s reign, may be reckoned as a diploma, and the regiments mentioned in it placed in Syria if they cannot be traced elsewhere. II Flavia Agrippiana iii. 600. Cf. C. I. G.  iii. 3497 for full titles. Augusta Syriaca iii. 600 (from Egypt). I Ulpia Dromedariorum M. 157. I
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XV. Syria Palaestina.
XV. Syria Palaestina.
Diplomata, xix (86), cix (139). Gallorum et Thracum 139. Anton … Gallorum 139. Probably the εἴλη Ἀντωνινιανὴ Γαλική of B. G. U. 614 (dated 217). VII Phrygum III Bracarum IV Breucorum I Damascenorum I Flavia C. R. E. iii. 600, 139. Not. Dign. Or. xxxiv. 45. I Ulpia Galatarum II Ulpia Galatarum 139. Not. Dign. Or. xxxiv. 44. V Gemina C. R. I Montanorum IV Ulpia Petraeorum 498 VI Ulpia Petraeorum 498 I Sebastenorum M. I Thracum M. 139. Not. Dign. Or. xxxvii. 31 (Arabia). 1,500 cavalry, 125 mounted
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XVI. Arabia.
XVI. Arabia.
Auxilia as yet unknown. Legio III Cyrenaica was stationed in the province....
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XVII. Egypt.
XVII. Egypt.
Diploma xv (83). Apriana 83, 170 (iii. 49). Not. Dign. Or. xxviii. 32. II Ulpia Afrorum 499 Not. Dign. Or. xxviii. 38. Gallorum Veterana 199 (iii. 6581). Unlikely to be a late creation. Not. Dign. Or. xxviii. 28. I Thracum Mauretana 154-5 ( B. G. U. 447), 156 ( Eph. Ep. vii. p. 457). 500 Vocontiorum 134 ( B. G. U. 114). I Ulpia Afrorum E. 177 ( B. G. U. 241). I Apamenorum S. E. 145 ( Brit. Mus. Pap. 178). Not. Dign. Or. xxxi. 60. I Flavia Cilicum E. 140 (iii. 6025). III Cilicum 217-18 ( A. E. 19
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XVIII. Cyrenaica.
XVIII. Cyrenaica.
Garrison unknown....
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XIX. Africa.
XIX. Africa.
Flavia 174 (viii. 21567). I Augusta Pannoniorum 128. Addressed by Hadrian ( A. E. 1900. 33). II Flavia Afrorum 198 ( A. E. 1909. 104). I Chalcidenorum E. 164 (viii. 17587). VI Commagenorum E. 128. Addressed by Hadrian (viii. 18042). I Flavia E. II Hispanorum E. II Maurorum 208 (viii. 4323). Palmyrenorum 211-17 (viii. 18007). 501 1,000 cavalry, 500 mounted infantry, 2,700 infantry. Total 4,200. Legion in the province: III Augusta....
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XX. Mauretania Caesariensis
XX. Mauretania Caesariensis
Diploma xxxvi (107). Brittonum V. Second-century inscription (viii. 9764). Cf. 5936. Miliaria Several inscriptions (viii. 9389, 21029, 21036, 21568, 21618). Existed in second century (xii. 672). I Nerviana Augusta Fidelis M. 107. I Augusta Parthorum 107, 201 (viii. 9827). Flavia Gemina Sebastenorum 234 (viii. 21039). A praefectus of the reign of Marcus ( Eph. Ep. 699). II Augusta Thracum P. F. 107, 209-11 (viii. 9370). II Breucorum E. 107, 243 (viii. 21560). II Brittonum I Corsorum C. R. 107. Po
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XXI. Mauretania Tingitana.
XXI. Mauretania Tingitana.
Hamiorum A second-century inscription (viii. 21814 a). Cf. A. E. 1906. 119. I Asturum et Callaecorum M. 502 C. H. of reign of Trajan (ii. 4211). Cf. viii. 21820; vi. 3654. III Asturum C. R. E. Late second-century C. H. (xi. 4371). Placed in Mauretania by a Greek inscription (Waddington, 104) and Not. Dign. Occ. xxvi. 19. 500 cavalry, 125 mounted infantry, 1,375 infantry. Total 2,000....
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XXII. Hispania Tarraconensis.
XXII. Hispania Tarraconensis.
II Flavia Hispanorum C. R. 184 (cf. A. E. 1910. 5; ii. 2600). I Lemavorum 161-7 or later (ii. 2103). 503 I Celtiberorum Baetica E. 163 (ii. 2552; cf. A. E. 1910. 3). III Celtiberorum 167 ( A. E. 1910. 4). I Gallica E. A. E. 1910. 4. Not. Dign. Occ. xlii. 32. II Gallica Not. Dign. Occ. xlii. 28. It is stationed at ‘Cohors Gallica.’ III Lucensium Inscriptions ii. 2584, 4132. Cf. Not. Dign. Occ. xlii. 29. 1,000 cavalry, 250 mounted infantry, 2,250 infantry. Total 3,500. Legion in the province: VII
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II Brittonum M. C. R. P. F. Dacia. II Brittonum III Britannorum Raetia. III Brittonum III Brittonum V. E. xi. 393. IV and V Brittonum supposed because of the existence of VI Brittonum ii. 2424. I Flavia Brittonum Dalmatia—Noricum. I Ulpia Brittonum M. I Aelia Brittonum M. Noricum. I Augusta Nervia Pacensis Brittonum M. 509 I Aurelia Brittonum M. II Flavia Brittonum Moesia Inferior. II Augusta Nervia Pacensis Brittonum M. Pannonia Inferior....
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Batavorum Germania Inferior. I Canninefatium C. R. Germania Superior—Pannonia Superior. Treverorum Tungrorum Frontoniana Dalmatia—Pannonia—Dacia. I Tungrorum Britain. I Batavorum M. Dacia. I Batavorum C. R. I-VIII Batavorum M. The regiments which joined the rebellion of Civilis and were presumably disbanded. IX Batavorum M. E. Raetia. I Belgarum E. Dalmatia. I Belgica Germania Superior. Cohortes Canninefatium Joined the rebellion of Civilis and were presumably disbanded in consequence. Cf. Tac.
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Gallorum Flaviana Gallorum Indiana Germania Inferior—Britain—Germania Superior. Augusta Gallorum Petriana M. Germania Superior—Britain. Augusta Gallorum Proculeiana Britain. Gallorum V. Egypt. I Flavia Gallorum Tauriana 513 Gaul. I Claudia Gallorum Moesia Inferior. I Gallorum et Bosporanorum Dacia. I Gallorum et Pannoniorum II Gallorum Sebosiana Germania Superior—Britain. II Gallorum Cappadocia. The majority of the following regiments, which bear titles derived from personal names, can be shown
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None. I Aquitanorum V. E. Germania Superior. I Aquitanorum Germania Superior—Britain. II Aquitanorum E. Germania Superior—Raetia. III Aquitanorum E. C. R. IV Aquitanorum E. C. R. I Biturigum II Biturigum xiii. 6812....
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Augusta Vocontiorum Germania Inferior—Britain. Vocontiorum Egypt. None....
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Alpes. (All the little Alpine provinces.)
Alpes. (All the little Alpine provinces.)
Vallensium. Germania Superior. I Alpinorum Pannonia Inferior. I Alpinorum E. Dacia. Britain. II Alpinorum E. Pannonia Superior. III Alpinorum E. Dalmatia. I Ligurum 516 Alpes Maritimae—Germania Superior. II Gemina Ligurum et Corsorum Sardinia. I Montanorum Noricum—Pannonia—Dacia. I Montanorum C. R. Pannonia Inferior. Palestine. Trumplinorum v. 4910....
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None. I Helvetiorum Germania Superior. I Raetorum Raetia. I Raetorum E. Cappadocia. II Raetorum C. R. II Raetorum Two cohorts III Raetorum supposed on account of the existence of IV Raetorum E. IV Raetorum Moesia Superior. V Raetorum viii. 8934. VI Raetorum Germania Superior. VII Raetorum E. VIII Raetorum C. R. Pannonia—Dacia. Raetorum et Vindelicorum I Vindelicorum M. Dacia. II and III Vindelicorum supposed on account of the existence of IV Vindelicorum I Aelia Gaesatorum M....
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Noricorum I Noricorum Pannonia Inferior....
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I Pannoniorum Africa. Moesia Inferior. I Pannoniorum Tampiana Britain. II Pannoniorum Dacia. Pannoniorum Pannonia Superior. I Illyricorum 517 Flavia Pannoniorum 518 Pannonia Inferior. Sarmatarum 519 I Breucorum Raetia. II Breucorum Mauretania Caesariensis. III Breucorum ix. 4753. IV Breucorum V Breucorum Noricum. VI Breucorum 520 Moesia Superior. VII Breucorum Pannonia Inferior. VIII Breucorum xiii. 7801. I Pannoniorum Germania Superior—Britain. Mauretania Caesariensis. I Augusta Pannoniorum Egy
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None. I Dalmatarum Britain. II Dalmatarum III Dalmatarum Germania Superior. IV Dalmatarum V Dalmatarum VI Dalmatarum E. Mauretania Caesariensis. VII Dalmatarum E. I Dalmatarum M. 521 Dalmatia. II Dalmatarum M. III Dalmatarum M. E. C. R. Dacia. IV Dalmatarum M. iii. 1474....
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Bosporanorum 522 Syria—Dacia. I Vespasiana Dardanorum Moesia Inferior. Bosporanorum M. Cappadocia. I Bosporiana Pannonia Superior II Bosporanorum x. 270. 523 I Aurelia Dardanorum Moesia Superior. II Aurelia Dardanorum M. E. 524 Moesia Superior....
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I Ulpia Dacorum Cappadocia. Syria. I Aelia Dacorum M. Britain. II Augusta Dacorum Pannonia. Dacorum Syria. I Aurelia Dacorum supposed on account of the existence of II Aurelia Dacorum Pannonia Superior. 525...
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Thracum Herculania Syria. I Augusta Thracum Raetia. I Thracum Germania Inferior—Britain. I Thracum Mauretana Egypt. I Thracum V. S. Pannonia Inferior. I Thracum Victrix Pannonia Superior. II Augusta Thracum 526 Mauretania Caesariensis. III Augusta Thracum S. III Thracum Syria. I Augusta Thracum E. I Thracum Germanica C. R. E. Germania Superior—Pannonia Superior. I Thracum M. Palestine. I Thracum S. Dacia. I Thracum E. I Thracum Syriaca Palestine—Moesia Superior. I Thracum Germania Inferior—Brita
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None. Macedonum E. 529 A. E. 1908. 58. I Cyrrhesticorum supposed on account of the existence of II Cyrrhesticorum 530 Dalmatia....
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VII Phrygum 531 Syria. I Ulpia Galatarum Palestine. II Ulpia Galatarum III Ulpia Galatarum 532 Egypt. I Ulpia Paflagonum supposed on account of the existence of II Ulpia Paflagonum III Ulpia Paflagonum...
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None. I Cilicum Moesia Inferior. II Cilicum supposed on account of the existence of III Cilicum 533 Egypt. I Flavia Cilicum E....
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I, II, and III Cypria 534 supposed on account of the existence of IV Cypria Dacia....
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Crete and Cyrenaica.535
Crete and Cyrenaica.535
I Cretum Moesia Superior. I Cyrenaica Germania Superior. II Augusta Cyrenaica III Cyrenaica S. A. E. 1896. 10. III Augusta Cyrenaica Römische Mitteilungen , iii. 77. 536...
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Hamiorum 537 Mauretania Tingitana. I Augusta Parthorum Mauretania Caesariensis. Parthorum V. xiii. 10024³⁵. I Commagenorum Egypt—Noricum. I Antiochensium Moesia Superior. I Apamenorum S. E. Egypt. I Chalcidenorum E. Africa. II Chalcidenorum Moesia Inferior. III and IV Chalcidenorum supposed on account of the existence of V Chalcidenorum Syria. I Damascenorum Palestine. I Hamiorum Britain. II Hamiorum viii. 10654. I Hemesenorum M. S. E. C. R. Pannonia Inferior. I Sagittariorum Germania Superior—D
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I Augusta Ituraeorum Sebastenorum Palestine—Mauretania Caesariensis. I Ascalonitanorum Felix E. Syria. I Augusta Ituraeorum S. Pannonia—Dacia. I Ituraeorum Germania Superior—Dacia. II Ituraeorum E. Egypt. III Ituraeorum IV, V, and VI 540 Ituraeorum supposed on account of the existence of VII Ituraeorum I Sebastenorum M. Palestine....
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I Ulpia Dromedariorum M. 541 Syria. I Ulpia Petraeorum M. E. 542 II Ulpia Petraeorum M. E. xi. 5669. III Ulpia Petraeorum M. E. Cappadocia. IV Ulpia Petraeorum 543 Palestine. V Ulpia Petraeorum E. VI Ulpia Petraeorum 543...
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None. I Thebaeorum E. Egypt. II Thebaeorum...
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Afrorum Germania Inferior. Gaetulorum V. Palestine. I Ulpia Afrorum supposed on account of the existence of II Ulpia Afrorum I Flavia Gaetulorum Moesia Inferior. I Afrorum C. R. E. 544 x. 5841. I Cirtensium supposed on account of the existence of II Cirtensium Mauretania Caesariensis. I Cisipadensium Moesia Superior. I Gaetulorum viii. 7039. I Flavia Afrorum supposed on account of the existence of II Flavia Afrorum 545 Africa. I Ulpia Afrorum E. Egypt. I Flavia Musulamiorum Mauretania Caesariens
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None. Maurorum M. Africa. Pannonia Inferior. Maurorum Quingenaria...
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I Arvacorum Pannonia Superior. II Arvacorum Moesia Inferior. I Asturum Britain. Moesia Inferior. II Asturum Britain. III Asturum xi. 3007. I Hispanorum Campagonum Dacia. I Hispanorum Germania Superior—Dacia. I Hispanorum Auriana Noricum. I Lemavorum Tarraconensis. I Hispanorum Vettonum C. R. Britain. II Flavia Hispanorum Spain. I Asturum Germania Superior—Britain. I Asturum Noricum. II Asturum Germania Inferior—Britain. III Asturum Mauretania Tingitana. IV Asturum supposed on account of the exis
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None. I Augusta Praetoria Lusitanorum E. Egypt. I Lusitanorum Pannonia Inferior. I Lusitanorum Cyrenaica Moesia Inferior. II Lusitanorum E. III Lusitanorum E. Germania Inferior—Pannonia Inferior. IV and V Lusitanorum supposed on account of the existence of VI Lusitanorum 551 Raetia. VII Lusitanorum E. Africa—Raetia....
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Sardinia and Corsica.
Sardinia and Corsica.
None. I Corsorum C. R. Mauretania Caesariensis. I Corsorum Sardinia. I Sardorum II Sardorum E. I Gemina Sardorum et Corsorum II Gemina Ligurum et Corsorum These last two regiments seem to have been formed by amalgamating the cohorts I Corsorum, I Sardorum, and I Ligurum, which appear in Sardinia in the pre-Flavian period, but not later....
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Cohortes Voluntariorum and other Regiments of Roman Citizens.
Cohortes Voluntariorum and other Regiments of Roman Citizens.
The character of these regiments has already been discussed on pp. 65-7, where the origin of the greater number, at any rate, was traced to the exceptional levies made during the Pannonian revolt of 6-9, and after the defeat of Varus in the latter year. This levy included not only free-born Roman citizens, ingenui , but also freedmen enrolled in cohortes voluntariorum . The latter form a series numbered up to thirty-two, which may have included the cohortes ingenuorum . The latter may, however,
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