Yellowstone Via Gallatin Gateway Montana
Milwaukee Chicago
25 chapters
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25 chapters
Yellowstone via Gallatin Gateway MONTANA
Yellowstone via Gallatin Gateway MONTANA
The Milwaukee Road The friendly Railroad of the friendly West Set in green lawns, the attractive and informal Gallatin Gateway Inn is staffed by people imbued with the open-hearted spirit of the West. You’ll feel at home here right from the moment you step off the comfortable motor coach....
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Start your glorious western vacation at GALLATIN GATEWAY INN
Start your glorious western vacation at GALLATIN GATEWAY INN
Composed in equal parts of natural beauty, mystery and fascination, Yellowstone Park has long taken rank as one of America’s and the world’s show places. Recently it has entertained as many as a million visitors in a single summer. Now you are planning a Yellowstone vacation. We propose, in this booklet, to give you a foretaste of the wonders that lie ahead. To show you some of the advantages of entering the Park via the scenic Gallatin Gateway, and to suggest the entertainment possibilities of
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First Stop ... Geyserland
First Stop ... Geyserland
One of the chief attractions of entering Yellowstone via Gallatin Gateway is the 80 mile motor trip through glorious mountain country that you enjoy without extra charge. Promptly after lunch, you leave Gallatin Gateway Inn in one of the luxurious motor coaches of the Yellowstone Park Company and begin the trip southward. In a short time you enter spectacular Gallatin Canyon. Just beyond Roaring Creek lie the huge, eroded battlements of Castle and Cathedral Rocks, majestic cliffs that dwarf the
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Here Comes Old Faithful
Here Comes Old Faithful
From West Yellowstone, the route follows the Madison through Christmas Tree Park, and then down the lovely valley of the Firehole River into geyserland. There are more geysers in Yellowstone than in all the rest of the world, and the greatest of them are here in the Lower and Upper Basins. The hiss of steam, low, subterranean mutterings and the roar of geysers in action make this landscape a scene from the Inferno. You see Fountain, Great Fountain, Riverside and Giant geysers, Morning Glory Pool
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Lovely Yellowstone Lake
Lovely Yellowstone Lake
At Thumb, the road descends to the shore of Yellowstone Lake. 7,730 feet above sea level, this huge lake covering more than 130 square miles, is America’s highest navigable body of water. Past Fishing Cone, the road skirts the shore of the Lake for many miles to the mouth of the Yellowstone River. Many Yellowstone visitors enjoy fishing or boating on the lake. Big, hard-fighting trout of several species inhabit the deep, perpetually cold waters of the lake, and afford the finest kind of sport. B
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Magnificently Colorful ... the Grand Canyon
Magnificently Colorful ... the Grand Canyon
To many visitors, the Grand Canyon is the highpoint of Yellowstone. And well it may be, for the views from Artist or Inspiration Points are scarcely rivaled in all the world. A third of a mile wide and more than a thousand feet deep, the mighty gorge has been fantastically carved by the rushing waters of the Yellowstone River. Ranging in tone from pale lemon to tawny buff, the rock walls of the canyon are splashed with a hundred shades of crimson, blue and green—a glorious play of color that cha
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Fantasy in Stone ... Mammoth Terrace
Fantasy in Stone ... Mammoth Terrace
Built up and sculptured by the hot mineral waters, the smooth terraces of white stone at Mammoth Hot Springs are given a thousand delicate tints of vermillion, orange, pink and yellow by the living algae in the waters. You see Pulpit Terrace, Minerva, Cleopatra, White Elephant and the Devil’s Kitchen. Here is huge Jupiter Terrace. These colorful formations change constantly in appearance as one spring temporarily dries up and another begins to flow. The more water, the more color is the general
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Wild Life in Abundance
Wild Life in Abundance
Yellowstone is a great wild animal refuge where the game is protected and therefore quite unafraid of humans. You will see dozens and dozens of the famous bears whose clumsy antics are an unfailing source of amusement. Among them is the grizzly bear, rightfully the most respected of all the wild animals. In meeting bears on the roads and paths, never tease the animals with food. Almost anywhere in the Park you may catch glimpses of deer, and perhaps of buffalo, antelope, elk and mountain sheep a
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Yellowstone Fun
Yellowstone Fun
1. A tour party with a Ranger guide starts through Old Faithful geyser basin. 2. Dances and friendly gatherings are nightly features at the hotels and lodges. 3. This camera fan has moved in for a close-up of a good-sized black bear. 4. Gamy, solid-fleshed trout like these reward the fisherman in Yellowstone Lake. 5. The horns of this young bull elk are “in the velvet” during the summer. This relief map of Yellowstone shows all the features of the Park, the road from Gallatin Gateway Inn—the gey
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In Gallatin Gateway out Gardiner
In Gallatin Gateway out Gardiner
Rock pinnacles cluster around Tower Falls. Take a speedboat ride on Yellowstone Lake. East and West flow the rivers of the continent. The Wedding Cake rises from a hot spring. Super dome railroad car. Here’s extra fun on your trip to Yellowstone via The Milwaukee Road. The super-speed Olympian Hiawatha —only one night en route from Chicago—carries America’s first full length domes, the only domes to the Pacific Northwest. 68 individual lookout seats on the upper deck provide glorious views of th
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The electrified COLUMBIAN
The electrified COLUMBIAN
Accommodations in air conditioned standard Pullman sleepers, tourist sleepers and Hiawatha-type coaches. Electric operation through the Belt Mountains and Montana Canyon. Westbound passengers for Yellowstone on the Columbian reach Three Forks in the morning, have lunch at Gallatin Gateway Inn and leave for the Park immediately afterward. On the Olympian Hiawatha , you reach Three Forks in mid-afternoon and remain at the Inn until after lunch the following day. By eliminating the stay at the Inn,
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Prepaid, All-Expense Tours Personally Escorted
Prepaid, All-Expense Tours Personally Escorted
Many Yellowstone Park travelers prefer to travel with special parties of congenial people under the popular all-expense plan. These tours will be operated during the Yellowstone Park season and those desiring to join one of the parties should call on any of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad travel bureaus shown on the inside back cover of this booklet or write direct to Mr. H. Sengstacken, Passenger Traffic Manager, The Milwaukee Road, Union Station, Chicago 6, Ill....
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The Park Season
The Park Season
The regular Park season is June 22nd to September 8th....
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Motor Transportation
Motor Transportation
The Yellowstone Park Company, under contract with the Government operates a transportation line between the Park entrances and the various hotels and points of interest....
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All service is under the supervision of the Government and is maintained at a high standard at rates fixed by the Government. Each hotel is individual in character and architecture, completely and modernly equipped. Old Faithful Inn is a striking structure of logs and stone. Its unusual lobby is 75 feet square and 92 feet high to the peak of the roof, with balconies around three sides. Old Faithful Geyser is nearby the Inn, and not far away are many other geysers too numerous to mention here. Th
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The Climate
The Climate
Far from the least attraction of an invigorating outing is the climate. An average elevation of 8,000 feet brings a clear and bracing atmosphere. Hot mineral baths and outdoor sleeping, best of Nature’s medicines, may be enjoyed throughout the season. During the tourist season the mean average temperature ranges from 54° to 64° with a maximum of 88°. There is little choice as to the best time for visiting the Park. Early summer finds more snow in the mountains; August and September bring floral
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What to Wear
What to Wear
Warm clothing should be worn, and one should be prepared for sudden changes of temperature common at an altitude of 7,500 feet. Men should have medium weight overcoats and sweaters, and women should have coats or sweaters. Slacks or riding breeches are recommended for both men and women. Stout shoes should be worn as they are most comfortable and best suited for walking about the geysers, terraces and other formations. Tinted glasses, serviceable gloves and field glasses will be found useful....
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Park Administration
Park Administration
Yellowstone, like all other National Parks, is under the supervision of the National Park Service, with a local superintendent located at Mammoth Hot Springs, headquarters of the Park administration....
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Church Services
Church Services
Religious services are conducted at convenient locations in the park. Information provided at hotel desks....
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Medical Service in Yellowstone
Medical Service in Yellowstone
Physicians and surgeons with headquarters at Mammoth Hot Springs are available for call to any place in the Park. Trained nurses and a dispensary are at each of the hotels in the Park. At Mammoth is a well-equipped hospital with skilled personnel....
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Saddle Horse Trips and Guides
Saddle Horse Trips and Guides
Saddle horses, as well as competent guides, are available at all hotels and lodges at established rates made by the National Park Service. Those who desire to do so may get far off the beaten path and into the more remote and scenic regions of the Park....
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Cost of Park Tour from Gallatin Gateway
Cost of Park Tour from Gallatin Gateway
(which will be added to the excursion fare to Gallatin Gateway) Including Motor Transportation and Meals and Lodging (Federal tax extra) Longer time than is provided by the regular “two-and-one-half days’” tour may be spent at the stopover points, if desired. For such additional time, meals and lodging are on the basis of $9.00 to $12.00 per day, American plan. (Children’s Tickets for motor transportation and hotel accommodations are sold at Park entrances only.)...
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The Yellowstone Park Company will carry free, two pieces of hand baggage for each person, not to exceed sixty pounds in total weight, with a limited liability of $25.00 for each piece for loss or damage. Passengers desiring additional protection may obtain an insurance policy at small cost from the transportation agent at Gallatin Gateway. Trunks cannot be transported in the automobiles. Tourists contemplating a prolonged trip through the Park can make arrangements with representatives of the Tr
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Return via Salt Lake City and Colorado
Return via Salt Lake City and Colorado
Many rail travelers from the East and Middle West add to the enjoyment of their Yellowstone tour by returning over a different route. You can plan your trip to continue southward from West Yellowstone to Salt Lake City, then east through Colorado and so home again. Salt Lake City, originally settled and built by the Mormons, is a clean and attractive city that rates high in tourist interest. The focal point, of course, is the great square containing the handsome Mormon Temple and the smaller Tab
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WM. WALLACE, Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago 6, Ill. O. R. ANDERSON, General Passenger Agent, Seattle 1, Wash. H. SENGSTACKEN, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago 6, Ill. the Milwaukee Road PRINTED IN U.S.A. Photographs illustrate the latest Olympian Hiawatha equipment including new Super Dome car and the Skytop Lounge. Super Dome with Cafe Lounge on lower deck is open to all—no extra charge. Whether you travel in private-room cars, in thrifty Touralux sleepers or leg rest coaches, y
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