28 chapters
5 hour read
Selected Chapters
28 chapters
1 And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month , in the fifth day of the month, as I sat in mine house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of the Lord God fell there upon me. 2 Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as the appearance of fire; from the appearance of his loins even downward, fire; and from his loins even upward, as the appearance of brightness, as the color of amber. 3 And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit
3 minute read
the struggle before the surrender of womanly self-respect in the confessional. There are two women who ought to be the constant objects of the compassion of the disciples of Christ, and for whom daily prayers ought to be offered at the mercy-seat—the Brahmin woman, who, deceived by her priests, burns herself on the corpse of her husband to appease the wrath of her wooden gods; and the Roman Catholic woman, who, not less deceived by her priests, suffers a torture far more cruel and ignominious in
45 minute read
auricular confession a deep pit of perdition for the priest It was some time after our Mary had been buried. The terrible and mysterious cause of her death was known only to God and to me. Though her loving mother was still weeping over her grave, she had soon been forgotten, as usual, by the greatest part of those who had known her: but she was constantly present to my mind. I never entered the confessional-box without hearing her solemn, though so mild, voice telling me, "There must be somewhe
19 minute read
the confessional is the modern sodom. If any one wants to hear an eloquent oration, let him go when the Roman Catholic priest is preaching on the divine institution of auricular confession. There is no subject, perhaps, on which the priests display so much zeal and earnestness, and of which they speak so often. For this institution is really the corner-stone of their stupendous power; it is the secret of their almost irresistible influence. Let the people to-day open their eyes to the truth, and
10 minute read
how the vow of celibacy of the priests is made easy by auricular confession. Are not facts the best arguments? Well, here is an undeniable, a public fact, which is connected with a thousand collateral ones to prove that auricular confession is the most powerful engine of demoralization which the world has ever seen. About the year 183—, there was in Quebec a fine-looking young priest; he had a magnificent voice, and was a pretty good speaker. [4] Through regard for his family, which is still num
13 minute read
the highly educated and refined woman in the confessional.—what becomes of her after her unconditional surrender.—her irreparable ruin. The most skilful warrior has never had to display so much skill and so many ruses de guerre ; he has never had to use more tremendous efforts to reduce and storm an impregnable citadel, as the confessor who wants to reduce and storm the citadel of self-respect and honesty which God Himself has built around the soul and the heart of every daughter of Eve. But, as
22 minute read
auricular confession destroys all the sacred ties of marriage and human society. Would the banker allow his priest to open, when alone, the safe of his bank, manipulate and examine his papers, and pry into the most secret details of his banking business? No! surely not. How is it, then, that the same banker allows that priest to open the heart of his wife, manipulate her soul, and pry into the sacred chambers of her most intimate and secret thoughts? Are not the heart, the soul, the purity, and
51 minute read
should auricular confession be tolerated among civilized nations? Let my readers who understand Latin peruse the extracts I give from Bishop Kenrick, Debreyne, Burchard, Dens or Liguori, and the most incredulous will learn for themselves that the world, even in the darkest ages of old paganism, has never seen anything so infamous and degrading as auricular confession. To say that auricular confession purifies the soul is not less ridiculous and silly than to say that the white robe of the virgin
20 minute read
does auricular confession bring peace to the soul? The connecting of Peace with Auricular Confession is surely the most cruel sarcasm ever uttered in human language. It would be less ridiculous and false to admire the calmness of the sea, and the stillness of the atmosphere, when a furious storm raises the foaming waves to the skies, than to speak of the Peace of the soul either during or after the confession. I know it; the confessors and their dupes chorus every tune by crying "Peace, peace"!
37 minute read
the dogma of auricular confession a sacrilegious imposture. Both Roman Catholics and Protestants have fallen into very strange errors in reference to the words of Christ: "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained." (St. John xx. 23.) The first have seen in this text the inalienable attributes of God of forgiving and retaining sins transferred to sinful men; the second have most unwisely granted their position, even while attempti
38 minute read
God compels the Church of Rome to confess the abominations of auricular confession. Romish priests will resort to various means in order to deceive the people on the immorality resulting from auricular confession. One of their favorite stratagems is to quote some disconnected passages from theologians, recommending caution on the part of the priest in questioning his penitents on delicate subjects, should he see or apprehend any danger for the latter of being shocked by his questions. True, ther
20 minute read
some of the matters on which the priest of rome must question his penitents. a chapter for the consideration of legislators, husbands, and fathers. Dens wants the confessors to interrogate on the following matters:— 1. "Peccant uxores, quæ susceptum viri semen ejiciunt, vel ejicere conantur." (Dens, tom. vii. p. 147). 2. "Peccant conjuges mortaliter, si copulâ inceptâ, cohibeant seminationem." 3. "Si vir jam seminaverit, dubium fit an femina lethaliter peccat, si se retrahat a seminando; aut pec
6 minute read
[1] "To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband." (1 Cor. vii. 2.) [2] A silver box containing consecrated bread, which is believed to be the real body, blood, and divinity of Jesus Christ. [3] And remark that all their religious authors who have written on that subject hold the same language. They all speak of those continual degrading temptations; they all lament the damning sins which follow those temptations; they all entreat the priests t
49 minute read
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46 minute read
FOR SALE BY F. E. GRAFTON , BLAKENEYS Manual of the Romish Controversy, 75c. The Protestant Catechism, 12c. Popery in its Social Aspect, 60c. The Protestant Missionary's Catechism, 15c. Will you give up your Lantern? or the Bible and the Church of Rome, ELLIOTT'S Delineation of Roman Catholicism $3.50. RULE'S History of the Inquisition, $2.50. HISTORY of the Jesuits, 50c. THREE YEARS in the Church of Rome, what I saw, and why I left it, 30c. WAS PETER ever at Rome, a discussion held in Rome betw
57 minute read