The Book Of Mormon
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
237 chapters
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237 chapters
Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites—Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile—Written by way of commandment, and also by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation—Written and sealed up, and hid up unto the Lord, that they might not be destroyed—To come forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation thereof—Sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hid up unto the Lord, to come fort
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1 Nephi Chapter 1
1 Nephi Chapter 1
1:8 And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in a vision, even that he saw the heavens open, and he thought he saw God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God. 1:9 And it came to pass that he saw One descending out of the midst of heaven, and he beheld that his luster was above that of the sun at noon-day. 1:10 And he also saw twelve others following him, and their brightness did exceed that of
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1 Nephi Chapter 2
1 Nephi Chapter 2
2:1 For behold, it came to pass that the Lord spake unto my father, yea, even in a dream, and said unto him: Blessed art thou Lehi, because of the things which thou hast done; and because thou hast been faithful and declared unto this people the things which I commanded thee, behold, they seek to take away thy life. 2:2 And it came to pass that the Lord commanded my father, even in a dream, that he should take his family and depart into the wilderness. 2:3 And it came to pass that he was obedien
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1 Nephi Chapter 3
1 Nephi Chapter 3
3:1 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, returned from speaking with the Lord, to the tent of my father. 3:2 And it came to pass that he spake unto me, saying: Behold I have dreamed a dream, in the which the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brethren shall return to Jerusalem. 3:3 For behold, Laban hath the record of the Jews and also a genealogy of my forefathers, and they are engraven upon plates of brass. 3:4 Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brothers should go unto
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1 Nephi Chapter 4
1 Nephi Chapter 4
4:1 And it came to pass that I spake unto my brethren, saying: Let us go up again unto Jerusalem, and let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands? 4:2 Therefore let us go up; let us be strong like unto Moses; for he truly spake unto the waters of the Red Sea and they divided hither and thither, and our fathers came through, out of captivity, on dry
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1 Nephi Chapter 5
1 Nephi Chapter 5
5:1 And it came to pass that after we had come down into the wilderness unto our father, behold, he was filled with joy, and also my mother, Sariah, was exceedingly glad, for she truly had mourned because of us. 5:2 For she had supposed that we had perished in the wilderness; and she also had complained against my father, telling him that he was a visionary man; saying: Behold thou hast led us forth from the land of our inheritance, and my sons are no more, and we perish in the wilderness. 5:3 A
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1 Nephi Chapter 6
1 Nephi Chapter 6
6:1 And now I, Nephi, do not give the genealogy of my fathers in this part of my record; neither at any time shall I give it after upon these plates which I am writing; for it is given in the record which has been kept by my father; wherefore, I do not write it in this work. 6:2 For it sufficeth me to say that we are descendants of Joseph. 6:3 And it mattereth not to me that I am particular to give a full account of all the things of my father, for they cannot be written upon these plates, for I
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1 Nephi Chapter 7
1 Nephi Chapter 7
7:1 And now I would that ye might know, that after my father, Lehi, had made an end of prophesying concerning his seed, it came to pass that the Lord spake unto him again, saying that it was not meet for him, Lehi, that he should take his family into the wilderness alone; but that his sons should take daughters to wife, that they might raise up seed unto the Lord in the land of promise. 7:2 And it came to pass that the Lord commanded him that I, Nephi, and my brethren, should again return unto t
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1 Nephi Chapter 8
1 Nephi Chapter 8
8:1 And it came to pass that we had gathered together all manner of seeds of every kind, both of grain of every kind, and also of the seeds of fruit of every kind. 8:2 And it came to pass that while my father tarried in the wilderness he spake unto us, saying: Behold, I have dreamed a dream; or, in other words, I have seen a vision. 8:3 And behold, because of the thing which I have seen, I have reason to rejoice in the Lord because of Nephi and also of Sam; for I have reason to suppose that they
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1 Nephi Chapter 9
1 Nephi Chapter 9
9:1 And all these things did my father see, and hear, and speak, as he dwelt in a tent, in the valley of Lemuel, and also a great many more things, which cannot be written upon these plates. 9:2 And now, as I have spoken concerning these plates, behold they are not the plates upon which I make a full account of the history of my people; for the plates upon which I make a full account of my people I have given the name of Nephi; wherefore, they are called the plates of Nephi, after mine own name;
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1 Nephi Chapter 10
1 Nephi Chapter 10
10:1 And now I, Nephi, proceed to give an account upon these plates of my proceedings, and my reign and ministry; wherefore, to proceed with mine account, I must speak somewhat of the things of my father, and also of my brethren. 10:2 For behold, it came to pass after my father had made an end of speaking the words of his dream, and also of exhorting them to all diligence, he spake unto them concerning the Jews— 10:3 That after they should be destroyed, even that great city Jerusalem, and many b
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1 Nephi Chapter 11
1 Nephi Chapter 11
11:1 For it came to pass after I had desired to know the things that my father had seen, and believing that the Lord was able to make them known unto me, as I sat pondering in mine heart I was caught away in the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an exceedingly high mountain, which I never had before seen, and upon which I never had before set my foot. 11:2 And the Spirit said unto me: Behold, what desirest thou? 11:3 And I said: I desire to behold the things which my father saw. 11:4 And the Spirit
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1 Nephi Chapter 12
1 Nephi Chapter 12
12:1 And it came to pass that the angel said unto me: Look, and behold thy seed, and also the seed of thy brethren. And I looked and beheld the land of promise; and I beheld multitudes of people, yea, even as it were in number as many as the sand of the sea. 12:2 And it came to pass that I beheld multitudes gathered together to battle, one against the other; and I beheld wars, and rumors of wars, and great slaughters with the sword among my people. 12:3 And it came to pass that I beheld many gen
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1 Nephi Chapter 13
1 Nephi Chapter 13
13:1 And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me, saying: Look! And I looked and beheld many nations and kingdoms. 13:2 And the angel said unto me: What beholdest thou? And I said: I behold many nations and kingdoms. 13:3 And he said unto me: These are the nations and kingdoms of the Gentiles. 13:4 And it came to pass that I saw among the nations of the Gentiles the formation of a great church. 13:5 And the angel said unto me: Behold the formation of a church which is most abominable above
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1 Nephi Chapter 14
1 Nephi Chapter 14
14:5 And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me, Nephi, saying: Thou hast beheld that if the Gentiles repent it shall be well with them; and thou also knowest concerning the covenants of the Lord unto the house of Israel; and thou also hast heard that whoso repenteth not must perish. 14:6 Therefore, wo be unto the Gentiles if it so be that they harden their hearts against the Lamb of God. 14:7 For the time cometh, saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and a marvelous work among t
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1 Nephi Chapter 15
1 Nephi Chapter 15
15:1 And it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had been carried away in the spirit, and seen all these things, I returned to the tent of my father. 15:2 And it came to pass that I beheld my brethren, and they were disputing one with another concerning the things my father had spoken unto them. 15:3 For he truly spake many great things unto them, which were hard to be understood, save a man should inquire of the Lord; and they being hard in their hearts, therefore they did not look unto the Lord a
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1 Nephi Chapter 16
1 Nephi Chapter 16
16:1 And now it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had made an end of speaking to my brethren, behold they said unto me: Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear. 16:2 And it came to pass that I said unto them that I knew that I had spoken hard things against the wicked, according to the truth; and the righteous have I justified, and testified that they should be lifted up at the last day; wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the v
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1 Nephi Chapter 17
1 Nephi Chapter 17
17:1 And it came to pass that we did again take our journey in the wilderness; and we did travel nearly eastward from that time forth. And we did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness; and our women did bear children in the wilderness. 17:2 And so great were the blessings of the Lord upon us, that while we did live upon raw meat in the wilderness, our women did give plenty of suck for their children, and were strong, yea, even like unto the men; and they began to bear their j
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1 Nephi Chapter 18
1 Nephi Chapter 18
18:1 And it came to pass that they did worship the Lord, and did go forth with me; and we did work timbers of curious workmanship. And the Lord did show me from time to time after what manner I should work the timbers of the ship. 18:2 Now I, Nephi, did not work the timbers after the manner which was learned by men, neither did I build the ship after the manner of men; but I did build it after the manner which the Lord had shown unto me; wherefore, it was not after the manner of men. 18:3 And I,
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1 Nephi Chapter 19
1 Nephi Chapter 19
19:1 And it came to pass that the Lord commanded me, wherefore I did make plates of ore that I might engraven upon them the record of my people. And upon the plates which I made I did engraven the record of my father, and also our journeyings in the wilderness, and the prophecies of my father; and also many of mine own prophecies have I engraven upon them. 19:2 And I knew not at the time when I made them that I should be commanded of the Lord to make these plates; wherefore, the record of my fat
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1 Nephi Chapter 20
1 Nephi Chapter 20
20:1 Hearken and hear this, O house of Jacob, who are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, or out of the waters of baptism, who swear by the name of the Lord, and make mention of the God of Israel, yet they swear not in truth nor in righteousness. 20:2 Nevertheless, they call themselves of the holy city, but they do not stay themselves upon the God of Israel, who is the Lord of Hosts; yea, the Lord of Hosts is his name. 20:3 Behold, I have declared the for
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1 Nephi Chapter 21
1 Nephi Chapter 21
21:1 And again: Hearken, O ye house of Israel, all ye that are broken off and are driven out because of the wickedness of the pastors of my people; yea, all ye that are broken off, that are scattered abroad, who are of my people, O house of Israel. Listen, O isles, unto me, and hearken ye people from far; the Lord hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name. 21:2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me,
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1 Nephi Chapter 22
1 Nephi Chapter 22
22:1 And now it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had read these things which were engraven upon the plates of brass, my brethren came unto me and said unto me: What meaneth these things which ye have read? Behold, are they to be understood according to things which are spiritual, which shall come to pass according to the spirit and not the flesh? 22:2 And I, Nephi, said unto them: Behold they were manifest unto the prophet by the voice of the Spirit; for by the Spirit are all things made known
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2 Nephi Chapter 1
2 Nephi Chapter 1
1:8 And behold, it is wisdom that this land should be kept as yet from the knowledge of other nations; for behold, many nations would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance. 1:9 Wherefore, I, Lehi, have obtained a promise, that inasmuch as those whom the Lord God shall bring out of the land of Jerusalem shall keep his commandments, they shall prosper upon the face of this land; and they shall be kept from all other nations, that they may possess this land unto themselv
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2 Nephi Chapter 2
2 Nephi Chapter 2
2:1 And now, Jacob, I speak unto you: Thou art my first-born in the days of my tribulation in the wilderness. And behold, in thy childhood thou hast suffered afflictions and much sorrow, because of the rudeness of thy brethren. 2:2 Nevertheless, Jacob, my first-born in the wilderness, thou knowest the greatness of God; and he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain. 2:3 Wherefore, thy soul shall be blessed, and thou shalt dwell safely with thy brother, Nephi; and thy days shall be spent
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2 Nephi Chapter 3
2 Nephi Chapter 3
3:1 And now I speak unto you, Joseph, my last-born. Thou wast born in the wilderness of mine afflictions; yea, in the days of my greatest sorrow did thy mother bear thee. 3:2 And may the Lord consecrate also unto thee this land, which is a most precious land, for thine inheritance and the inheritance of thy seed with thy brethren, for thy security forever, if it so be that ye shall keep the commandments of the Holy One of Israel. 3:3 And now, Joseph, my last-born, whom I have brought out of the
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2 Nephi Chapter 4
2 Nephi Chapter 4
4:1 And now, I, Nephi, speak concerning the prophecies of which my father hath spoken, concerning Joseph, who was carried into Egypt. 4:2 For behold, he truly prophesied concerning all his seed. And the prophecies which he wrote, there are not many greater. And he prophesied concerning us, and our future generations; and they are written upon the plates of brass. 4:3 Wherefore, after my father had made an end of speaking concerning the prophecies of Joseph, he called the children of Laman, his s
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2 Nephi Chapter 5
2 Nephi Chapter 5
5:1 Behold, it came to pass that I, Nephi, did cry much unto the Lord my God, because of the anger of my brethren. 5:2 But behold, their anger did increase against me, insomuch that they did seek to take away my life. 5:3 Yea, they did murmur against me, saying: Our younger brother thinks to rule over us; and we have had much trial because of him; wherefore, now let us slay him, that we may not be afflicted more because of his words. For behold, we will not have him to be our ruler; for it belon
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2 Nephi Chapter 6
2 Nephi Chapter 6
6:1 The words of Jacob, the brother of Nephi, which he spake unto the people of Nephi: 6:2 Behold, my beloved brethren, I, Jacob, having been called of God, and ordained after the manner of his holy order, and having been consecrated by my brother Nephi, unto whom ye look as a king or a protector, and on whom ye depend for safety, behold ye know that I have spoken unto you exceedingly many things. 6:3 Nevertheless, I speak unto you again; for I am desirous for the welfare of your souls. Yea, min
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2 Nephi Chapter 7
2 Nephi Chapter 7
7:1 Yea, for thus saith the Lord: Have I put thee away, or have I cast thee off forever? For thus saith the Lord: Where is the bill of your mother’s divorcement? To whom have I put thee away, or to which of my creditors have I sold you? Yea, to whom have I sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away. 7:2 Wherefore, when I came, there was no man; when I called, yea, there was none to answer. O house of Israel, is my hand short
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2 Nephi Chapter 8
2 Nephi Chapter 8
8:1 Hearken unto me, ye that follow after righteousness. Look unto the rock from whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit from whence ye are digged. 8:2 Look unto Abraham, your father, and unto Sarah, she that bare you; for I called him alone, and blessed him. 8:3 For the Lord shall comfort Zion, he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of
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2 Nephi Chapter 9
2 Nephi Chapter 9
9:1 And now, my beloved brethren, I have read these things that ye might know concerning the covenants of the Lord that he has covenanted with all the house of Israel— 9:2 That he has spoken unto the Jews, by the mouth of his holy prophets, even from the beginning down, from generation to generation, until the time comes that they shall be restored to the true church and fold of God; when they shall be gathered home to the lands of their inheritance, and shall be established in all their lands o
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2 Nephi Chapter 10
2 Nephi Chapter 10
10:1 And now I, Jacob, speak unto you again, my beloved brethren, concerning this righteous branch of which I have spoken. 10:2 For behold, the promises which we have obtained are promises unto us according to the flesh; wherefore, as it has been shown unto me that many of our children shall perish in the flesh because of unbelief, nevertheless, God will be merciful unto many; and our children shall be restored, that they may come to that which will give them the true knowledge of their Redeemer
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2 Nephi Chapter 12
2 Nephi Chapter 12
12:1 The word that Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: 12:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, when the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it. 12:3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for out of Zion
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2 Nephi Chapter 13
2 Nephi Chapter 13
13:1 For behold, the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem, and from Judah, the stay and the staff, the whole staff of bread, and the whole stay of water— 13:2 The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient; 13:3 The captain of fifty, and the honorable man, and the counselor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. 13:4 And I will give children unto them to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. 13:5 And th
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2 Nephi Chapter 14
2 Nephi Chapter 14
14:1 And in that day, seven women shall take hold of one man, saying: We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach. 14:2 In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious; the fruit of the earth excellent and comely to them that are escaped of Israel. 14:3 And it shall come to pass, they that are left in Zion and remain in Jerusalem shall be called holy, every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem— 1
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2 Nephi Chapter 15
2 Nephi Chapter 15
15:1 And then will I sing to my well-beloved a song of my beloved, touching his vineyard. My well-beloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill. 15:2 And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a wine-press therein; and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes. 15:3 And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge, I pray you, betwixt me and my
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2 Nephi Chapter 16
2 Nephi Chapter 16
16:1 In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 16:2 Above it stood the seraphim; each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. 16:3 And one cried unto another, and said: Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory. 16:4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was fil
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2 Nephi Chapter 17
2 Nephi Chapter 17
17:1 And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that Rezin, king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up toward Jerusalem to war against it, but could not prevail against it. 17:2 And it was told the house of David, saying: Syria is confederate with Ephraim. And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind. 17:3 Then said the Lord unto Isaiah: Go forth now to meet Ahaz
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2 Nephi Chapter 18
2 Nephi Chapter 18
18:1 Moreover, the word of the Lord said unto me: Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a man’s pen, concerning Maher-shalal-hash-baz. 18:2 And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah. 18:3 And I went unto the prophetess; and she conceived and bare a son. Then said the Lord to me: Call his name, Maher-shalal-hash-baz. 18:4 For behold, the child shall not have knowledge to cry, My father, and my mother, before the riches of Damasc
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2 Nephi Chapter 19
2 Nephi Chapter 19
19:1 Nevertheless, the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, when at first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun, and the land of Naphtali, and afterwards did more grievously afflict by the way of the Red Sea beyond Jordan in Galilee of the nations. 19:2 The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. 19:3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, and increased the joy—they joy before thee acco
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2 Nephi Chapter 20
2 Nephi Chapter 20
20:1 Wo unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; 20:2 To turn away the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless! 20:3 And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory? 20:4 Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, an
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2 Nephi Chapter 21
2 Nephi Chapter 21
21:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. 21:2 And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; 21:3 And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord; and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears. 21:4 But with righteousness shall he judge t
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2 Nephi Chapter 22
2 Nephi Chapter 22
22:1 And in that day thou shalt say: O Lord, I will praise thee; though thou wast angry with me thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me. 22:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation. 22:3 Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. 22:4 And in that day shall ye say: Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that
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2 Nephi Chapter 23
2 Nephi Chapter 23
23:1 The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. 23:2 Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles. 23:3 I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones, for mine anger is not upon them that rejoice in my highness. 23:4 The noise of the multitude in the mountains like as of a great people, a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together, the Lord of Host
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2 Nephi Chapter 24
2 Nephi Chapter 24
24:1 For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land; and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob. 24:2 And the people shall take them and bring them to their place; yea, from far unto the ends of the earth; and they shall return to their lands of promise. And the house of Israel shall possess them, and the land of the Lord shall be for servants and handmaids; and they shall take them captives unto who
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2 Nephi Chapter 25
2 Nephi Chapter 25
25:1 Now I, Nephi, do speak somewhat concerning the words which I have written, which have been spoken by the mouth of Isaiah. For behold, Isaiah spake many things which were hard for many of my people to understand; for they know not concerning the manner of prophesying among the Jews. 25:2 For I, Nephi, have not taught them many things concerning the manner of the Jews; for their works were works of darkness, and their doings were doings of abominations. 25:3 Wherefore, I write unto my people,
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2 Nephi Chapter 26
2 Nephi Chapter 26
26:1 And after Christ shall have risen from the dead he shall show himself unto you, my children, and my beloved brethren; and the words which he shall speak unto you shall be the law which ye shall do. 26:2 For behold, I say unto you that I have beheld that many generations shall pass away, and there shall be great wars and contentions among my people. 26:3 And after the Messiah shall come there shall be signs given unto my people of his birth, and also of his death and resurrection; and great
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2 Nephi Chapter 27
2 Nephi Chapter 27
27:10 But the words which are sealed he shall not deliver, neither shall he deliver the book. For the book shall be sealed by the power of God, and the revelation which was sealed shall be kept in the book until the own due time of the Lord, that they may come forth; for behold, they reveal all things from the foundation of the world unto the end thereof. 27:11 And the day cometh that the words of the book which were sealed shall be read upon the house tops; and they shall be read by the power o
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2 Nephi Chapter 28
2 Nephi Chapter 28
28:1 And now, behold, my brethren, I have spoken unto you, according as the Spirit hath constrained me; wherefore, I know that they must surely come to pass. 28:2 And the things which shall be written out of the book shall be of great worth unto the children of men, and especially unto our seed, which is a remnant of the house of Israel. 28:3 For it shall come to pass in that day that the churches which are built up, and not unto the Lord, when the one shall say unto the other: Behold, I, I am t
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2 Nephi Chapter 29
2 Nephi Chapter 29
29:1 But behold, there shall be many—at that day when I shall proceed to do a marvelous work among them, that I may remember my covenants which I have made unto the children of men, that I may set my hand again the second time to recover my people, which are of the house of Israel; 29:2 And also, that I may remember the promises which I have made unto thee, Nephi, and also unto thy father, that I would remember your seed; and that the words of your seed should proceed forth out of my mouth unto
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2 Nephi Chapter 30
2 Nephi Chapter 30
30:1 And now behold, my beloved brethren, I would speak unto you; for I, Nephi, would not suffer that ye should suppose that ye are more righteous than the Gentiles shall be. For behold, except ye shall keep the commandments of God ye shall all likewise perish; and because of the words which have been spoken ye need not suppose that the Gentiles are utterly destroyed. 30:2 For behold, I say unto you that as many of the Gentiles as will repent are the covenant people of the Lord; and as many of t
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2 Nephi Chapter 31
2 Nephi Chapter 31
31:1 And now I, Nephi, make an end of my prophesying unto you, my beloved brethren. And I cannot write but a few things, which I know must surely come to pass; neither can I write but a few of the words of my brother Jacob. 31:2 Wherefore, the things which I have written sufficeth me, save it be a few words which I must speak concerning the doctrine of Christ; wherefore, I shall speak unto you plainly, according to the plainness of my prophesying. 31:3 For my soul delighteth in plainness; for af
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2 Nephi Chapter 32
2 Nephi Chapter 32
32:1 And now, behold, my beloved brethren, I suppose that ye ponder somewhat in your hearts concerning that which ye should do after ye have entered in by the way. But, behold, why do ye ponder these things in your hearts? 32:2 Do ye not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels? And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost? 32:3 Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, t
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2 Nephi Chapter 33
2 Nephi Chapter 33
33:1 And now I, Nephi, cannot write all the things which were taught among my people; neither am I mighty in writing, like unto speaking; for when a man speaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men. 33:2 But behold, there are many that harden their hearts against the Holy Spirit, that it hath no place in them; wherefore, they cast many things away which are written and esteem them as things of naught. 33:3 But I, Nephi, ha
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Jacob Chapter 1
Jacob Chapter 1
1:7 Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them to come unto Christ, and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into his rest, lest by any means he should swear in his wrath they should not enter in, as in the provocation in the days of temptation while the children of Israel were in the wilderness. 1:8 Wherefore, we would to God that we could persuade all men not to rebel against God, to provoke him to anger, but that all men would believe in Chr
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Jacob Chapter 2
Jacob Chapter 2
2:1 The words which Jacob, the brother of Nephi, spake unto the people of Nephi, after the death of Nephi: 2:2 Now, my beloved brethren, I, Jacob, according to the responsibility which I am under to God, to magnify mine office with soberness, and that I might rid my garments of your sins, I come up into the temple this day that I might declare unto you the word of God. 2:3 And ye yourselves know that I have hitherto been diligent in the office of my calling; but I this day am weighed down with m
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Jacob Chapter 3
Jacob Chapter 3
3:1 But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction. 3:2 O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever. 3:3 But, wo, wo, unto you that are not pure in heart,
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Jacob Chapter 4
Jacob Chapter 4
4:1 Now behold, it came to pass that I, Jacob, having ministered much unto my people in word, (and I cannot write but a little of my words, because of the difficulty of engraving our words upon plates) and we know that the things which we write upon plates must remain; 4:2 But whatsoever things we write upon anything save it be upon plates must perish and vanish away; but we can write a few words upon plates, which will give our children, and also our beloved brethren, a small degree of knowledg
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Jacob Chapter 5
Jacob Chapter 5
5:1 Behold, my brethren, do ye not remember to have read the words of the prophet Zenos, which he spake unto the house of Israel, saying: 5:2 Hearken, O ye house of Israel, and hear the words of me, a prophet of the Lord. 5:3 For behold, thus saith the Lord, I will liken thee, O house of Israel, like unto a tame olive-tree, which a man took and nourished in his vineyard; and it grew, and waxed old, and began to decay. 5:4 And it came to pass that the master of the vineyard went forth, and he saw
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Jacob Chapter 6
Jacob Chapter 6
6:1 And now, behold, my brethren, as I said unto you that I would prophesy, behold, this is my prophecy—that the things which this prophet Zenos spake, concerning the house of Israel, in the which he likened them unto a tame olive-tree, must surely come to pass. 6:2 And the day that he shall set his hand again the second time to recover his people, is the day, yea, even the last time, that the servants of the Lord shall go forth in his power, to nourish and prune his vineyard; and after that the
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Jacob Chapter 7
Jacob Chapter 7
7:1 And now it came to pass after some years had passed away, there came a man among the people of Nephi, whose name was Sherem. 7:2 And it came to pass that he began to preach among the people, and to declare unto them that there should be no Christ. And he preached many things which were flattering unto the people; and this he did that he might overthrow the doctrine of Christ. 7:3 And he labored diligently that he might lead away the hearts of the people, insomuch that he did lead away many h
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1:1 Behold, it came to pass that I, Enos, knowing my father that he was a just man—for he taught me in his language, and also in the nurture and admonition of the Lord—and blessed be the name of my God for it— 1:2 And I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God, before I received a remission of my sins. 1:3 Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the forests; and the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart. 1:4
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1:1 Now behold, I, Jarom, write a few words according to the commandment of my father, Enos, that our genealogy may be kept. 1:2 And as these plates are small, and as these things are written for the intent of the benefit of our brethren the Lamanites, wherefore, it must needs be that I write a little; but I shall not write the things of my prophesying, nor of my revelations. For what could I write more than my fathers have written? For have not they revealed the plan of salvation? I say unto yo
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1:1 Behold, it came to pass that I, Omni, being commanded by my father, Jarom, that I should write somewhat upon these plates, to preserve our genealogy— 1:2 Wherefore, in my days, I would that ye should know that I fought much with the sword to preserve my people, the Nephites, from falling into the hands of their enemies, the Lamanites. But behold, I of myself am a wicked man, and I have not kept the statutes and the commandments of the Lord as I ought to have done. 1:3 And it came to pass tha
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1:1 And now I, Mormon, being about to deliver up the record which I have been making into the hands of my son Moroni, behold I have witnessed almost all the destruction of my people, the Nephites. 1:2 And it is many hundred years after the coming of Christ that I deliver these records into the hands of my son; and it supposeth me that he will witness the entire destruction of my people. But may God grant that he may survive them, that he may write somewhat concerning them, and somewhat concernin
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Mosiah Chapter 1
Mosiah Chapter 1
1:9 And it came to pass that after king Benjamin had made an end of teaching his sons, that he waxed old, and he saw that he must very soon go the way of all the earth; therefore, he thought it expedient that he should confer the kingdom upon one of his sons. 1:10 Therefore, he had Mosiah brought before him; and these are the words which he spake unto him, saying: My son, I would that ye should make a proclamation throughout all this land among all this people, or the people of Zarahemla, and th
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Mosiah Chapter 2
Mosiah Chapter 2
2:1 And it came to pass that after Mosiah had done as his father had commanded him, and had made a proclamation throughout all the land, that the people gathered themselves together throughout all the land, that they might go up to the temple to hear the words which king Benjamin should speak unto them. 2:2 And there were a great number, even so many that they did not number them; for they had multiplied exceedingly and waxed great in the land. 2:3 And they also took of the firstlings of their f
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Mosiah Chapter 3
Mosiah Chapter 3
3:1 And again my brethren, I would call your attention, for I have somewhat more to speak unto you; for behold, I have things to tell you concerning that which is to come. 3:2 And the things which I shall tell you are made known unto me by an angel from God. And he said unto me: Awake; and I awoke, and behold he stood before me. 3:3 And he said unto me: Awake, and hear the words which I shall tell thee; for behold, I am come to declare unto you the glad tidings of great joy. 3:4 For the Lord hat
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Mosiah Chapter 4
Mosiah Chapter 4
4:1 And now, it came to pass that when king Benjamin had made an end of speaking the words which had been delivered unto him by the angel of the Lord, that he cast his eyes round about on the multitude, and behold they had fallen to the earth, for the fear of the Lord had come upon them. 4:2 And they had viewed themselves in their own carnal state, even less than the dust of the earth. And they all cried aloud with one voice, saying: O have mercy, and apply the atoning blood of Christ that we ma
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Mosiah Chapter 5
Mosiah Chapter 5
5:1 And now, it came to pass that when king Benjamin had thus spoken to his people, he sent among them, desiring to know of his people if they believed the words which he had spoken unto them. 5:2 And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but
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Mosiah Chapter 6
Mosiah Chapter 6
6:1 And now, king Benjamin thought it was expedient, after having finished speaking to the people, that he should take the names of all those who had entered into a covenant with God to keep his commandments. 6:2 And it came to pass that there was not one soul, except it were little children, but who had entered into the covenant and had taken upon them the name of Christ. 6:3 And again, it came to pass that when king Benjamin had made an end of all these things, and had consecrated his son Mosi
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Mosiah Chapter 7
Mosiah Chapter 7
7:1 And now, it came to pass that after king Mosiah had had continual peace for the space of three years, he was desirous to know concerning the people who went up to dwell in the land of Lehi-Nephi, or in the city of Lehi-Nephi; for his people had heard nothing from them from the time they left the land of Zarahemla; therefore, they wearied him with their teasings. 7:2 And it came to pass that king Mosiah granted that sixteen of their strong men might go up to the land of Lehi-Nephi to inquire
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Mosiah Chapter 8
Mosiah Chapter 8
8:1 And it came to pass that after king Limhi had made an end of speaking to his people, for he spake many things unto them and only a few of them have I written in this book, he told his people all the things concerning their brethren who were in the land of Zarahemla. 8:2 And he caused that Ammon should stand up before the multitude, and rehearse unto them all that had happened unto their brethren from the time that Zeniff went up out of the land even until the time that he himself came up out
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Mosiah Chapter 9
Mosiah Chapter 9
9:1 I, Zeniff, having been taught in all the language of the Nephites, and having had a knowledge of the land of Nephi, or of the land of our fathers’ first inheritance, and having been sent as a spy among the Lamanites that I might spy out their forces, that our army might come upon them and destroy them—but when I saw that which was good among them I was desirous that they should not be destroyed. 9:2 Therefore, I contended with my brethren in the wilderness for I would that our ruler should m
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Mosiah Chapter 10
Mosiah Chapter 10
10:1 And it came to pass that we again began to establish the kingdom and we again began to possess the land in peace. And I caused that there should be weapons of war made of every kind, that thereby I might have weapons for my people against the time the Lamanites should come up again to war against my people. 10:2 And I set guards round about the land, that the Lamanites might not come upon us again unawares and destroy us; and thus I did guard my people and my flocks, and keep them from fall
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Mosiah Chapter 11
Mosiah Chapter 11
11:1 And now it came to pass that Zeniff conferred the kingdom upon Noah, one of his sons; therefore Noah began to reign in his stead; and he did not walk in the ways of his father. 11:2 For behold, he did not keep the commandments of God, but he did walk after the desires of his own heart. And he had many wives and concubines. And he did cause his people to commit sin, and do that which was abominable in the sight of the Lord. Yea, and they did commit whoredoms and all manner of wickedness. 11:
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Mosiah Chapter 12
Mosiah Chapter 12
12:10 And he also prophesieth evil concerning thy life, and saith that thy life shall be as a garment in a furnace of fire. 12:11 And again, he saith that thou shalt be as a stalk, even as a dry stalk of the field, which is run over by the beasts and trodden under foot. 12:12 And again, he saith thou shalt be as the blossoms of a thistle, which, when it is fully ripe, if the wind bloweth, it is driven forth upon the face of the land. And he pretendeth the Lord hath spoken it. And he saith all th
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Mosiah Chapter 13
Mosiah Chapter 13
13:1 And now when the king had heard these words, he said unto his priests: Away with this fellow, and slay him; for what have we to do with him, for he is mad. 13:2 And they stood forth and attempted to lay their hands on him; but he withstood them, and said unto them: 13:3 Touch me not, for God shall smite you if ye lay your hands upon me, for I have not delivered the message which the Lord sent me to deliver; neither have I told you that which ye requested that I should tell; therefore, God w
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Mosiah Chapter 14
Mosiah Chapter 14
14:1 Yea, even doth not Isaiah say: Who hath believed our report, and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? 14:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground; he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him. 14:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 14:4 Surely he has borne o
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Mosiah Chapter 15
Mosiah Chapter 15
15:1 And now Abinadi said unto them: I would that ye should understand that God himself shall come down among the children of men, and shall redeem his people. 15:2 And because he dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son— 15:3 The Father, because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh; thus becoming the Father and Son— 15:4 And they are one God, yea, the very Eterna
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Mosiah Chapter 16
Mosiah Chapter 16
16:1 And now, it came to pass that after Abinadi had spoken these words he stretched forth his hand and said: The time shall come when all shall see the salvation of the Lord; when every nation, kindred, tongue, and people shall see eye to eye and shall confess before God that his judgments are just. 16:2 And then shall the wicked be cast out, and they shall have cause to howl, and weep, and wail, and gnash their teeth; and this because they would not hearken unto the voice of the Lord; therefor
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Mosiah Chapter 17
Mosiah Chapter 17
17:1 And now it came to pass that when Abinadi had finished these sayings, that the king commanded that the priests should take him and cause that he should be put to death. 17:2 But there was one among them whose name was Alma, he also being a descendant of Nephi. And he was a young man, and he believed the words which Abinadi had spoken, for he knew concerning the iniquity which Abinadi has testified against them; therefore he began to plead with the king that he would not be angry with Abinad
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Mosiah Chapter 18
Mosiah Chapter 18
18:1 And now, it came to pass that Alma, who had fled from the servants of king Noah, repented of his sins and iniquities, and went about privately among the people, and began to teach the words of Abinadi— 18:2 Yea, concerning that which was to come, and also concerning the resurrection of the dead, and the redemption of the people, which was to be brought to pass through the power, and sufferings, and death of Christ, and his resurrection and ascension into heaven. 18:3 And as many as would he
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Mosiah Chapter 19
Mosiah Chapter 19
19:1 And it came to pass that the army of the king returned, having searched in vain for the people of the Lord. 19:2 And now behold, the forces of the king were small, having been reduced, and there began to be a division among the remainder of the people. 19:3 And the lesser part began to breathe out threatenings against the king, and there began to be a great contention among them. 19:4 And now there was a man among them whose name was Gideon, and he being a strong man and an enemy to the kin
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Mosiah Chapter 20
Mosiah Chapter 20
20:1 Now there was a place in Shemlon where the daughters of the Lamanites did gather themselves together to sing, and to dance, and to make themselves merry. 20:2 And it came to pass that there was one day a small number of them gathered together to sing and to dance. 20:3 And now the priests of king Noah, being ashamed to return to the city of Nephi, yea, and also fearing that the people would slay them, therefore they durst not return to their wives and their children. 20:4 And having tarried
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Mosiah Chapter 21
Mosiah Chapter 21
21:1 And it came to pass that Limhi and his people returned to the city of Nephi, and began to dwell in the land again in peace. 21:2 And it came to pass that after many days the Lamanites began again to be stirred up in anger against the Nephites, and they began to come into the borders of the land round about. 21:3 Now they durst not slay them, because of the oath which their king had made unto Limhi; but they would smite them on their cheeks, and exercise authority over them; and began to put
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Mosiah Chapter 22
Mosiah Chapter 22
22:1 And now it came to pass that Ammon and king Limhi began to consult with the people how they should deliver themselves out of bondage; and even they did cause that all the people should gather themselves together; and this they did that they might have the voice of the people concerning the matter. 22:2 And it came to pass that they could find no way to deliver themselves out of bondage, except it were to take their women and children, and their flocks, and their herds, and their tents, and
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Mosiah Chapter 23
Mosiah Chapter 23
23:1 Now Alma, having been warned of the Lord that the armies of king Noah would come upon them, and having made it known to his people, therefore they gathered together their flocks, and took of their grain, and departed into the wilderness before the armies of king Noah. 23:2 And the Lord did strengthen them, that the people of king Noah could not overtake them to destroy them. 23:3 And they fled eight days’ journey into the wilderness. 23:4 And they came to a land, yea, even a very beautiful
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Mosiah Chapter 24
Mosiah Chapter 24
24:10 And it came to pass that so great were their afflictions that they began to cry mightily to God. 24:11 And Amulon commanded them that they should stop their cries; and he put guards over them to watch them, that whosoever should be found calling upon God should be put to death. 24:12 And Alma and his people did not raise their voices to the Lord their God, but did pour out their hearts to him; and he did know the thoughts of their hearts. 24:13 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lor
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Mosiah Chapter 25
Mosiah Chapter 25
25:1 And now king Mosiah caused that all the people should be gathered together. 25:2 Now there were not so many of the children of Nephi, or so many of those who were descendants of Nephi, as there were of the people of Zarahemla, who was a descendant of Mulek, and those who came with him into the wilderness. 25:3 And there were not so many of the people of Nephi and of the people of Zarahemla as there were of the Lamanites; yea, they were not half so numerous. 25:4 And now all the people of Ne
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Mosiah Chapter 26
Mosiah Chapter 26
26:1 Now it came to pass that there were many of the rising generation that could not understand the words of king Benjamin, being little children at the time he spake unto his people; and they did not believe the tradition of their fathers. 26:2 They did not believe what had been said concerning the resurrection of the dead, neither did they believe concerning the coming of Christ. 26:3 And now because of their unbelief they could not understand the word of God; and their hearts were hardened.
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Mosiah Chapter 27
Mosiah Chapter 27
27:1 And now it came to pass that the persecutions which were inflicted on the church by the unbelievers became so great that the church began to murmur, and complain to their leaders concerning the matter; and they did complain to Alma. And Alma laid the case before their king, Mosiah. And Mosiah consulted with his priests. 27:2 And it came to pass that king Mosiah sent a proclamation throughout the land round about that there should not any unbeliever persecute any of those who belonged to the
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Mosiah Chapter 28
Mosiah Chapter 28
28:1 Now it came to pass that after the sons of Mosiah had done all these things, they took a small number with them and returned to their father, the king, and desired of him that he would grant unto them that they might, with these whom they had selected, go up to the land of Nephi that they might preach the things which they had heard, and that they might impart the word of God to their brethren, the Lamanites— 28:2 That perhaps they might bring them to the knowledge of the Lord their God, an
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Mosiah Chapter 29
Mosiah Chapter 29
29:1 Now when Mosiah had done this he sent out throughout all the land, among all the people, desiring to know their will concerning who should be their king. 29:2 And it came to pass that the voice of the people came, saying: We are desirous that Aaron thy son should be our king and our ruler. 29:3 Now Aaron had gone up to the land of Nephi, therefore the king could not confer the kingdom upon him; neither would Aaron take upon him the kingdom; neither were any of the sons of Mosiah willing to
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Alma Chapter 1
Alma Chapter 1
1:7 And it came to pass as he was going, to preach to those who believed on his word, he met a man who belonged to the church of God, yea, even one of their teachers; and he began to contend with him sharply, that he might lead away the people of the church; but the man withstood him, admonishing him with the words of God. 1:8 Now the name of the man was Gideon; and it was he who was an instrument in the hands of God in delivering the people of Limhi out of bondage. 1:9 Now, because Gideon withs
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Alma Chapter 2
Alma Chapter 2
2:1 And it came to pass in the commencement of the fifth year of their reign there began to be a contention among the people; for a certain man, being called Amlici, he being a very cunning man, yea, a wise man as to the wisdom of the world, he being after the order of the man that slew Gideon by the sword, who was executed according to the law— 2:2 Now this Amlici had, by his cunning, drawn away much people after him; even so much that they began to be very powerful; and they began to endeavor
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Alma Chapter 3
Alma Chapter 3
3:1 And it came to pass that the Nephites who were not slain by the weapons of war, after having buried those who had been slain—now the number of the slain were not numbered, because of the greatness of their number—after they had finished burying their dead they all returned to their lands, and to their houses, and their wives, and their children. 3:2 Now many women and children had been slain with the sword, and also many of their flocks and their herds; and also many of their fields of grain
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Alma Chapter 4
Alma Chapter 4
4:1 Now it came to pass in the sixth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, there were no contentions nor wars in the land of Zarahemla; 4:2 But the people were afflicted, yea, greatly afflicted for the loss of their brethren, and also for the loss of their flocks and herds, and also for the loss of their fields of grain, which were trodden under foot and destroyed by the Lamanites. 4:3 And so great were their afflictions that every soul had cause to mourn; and they believed t
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Alma Chapter 5
Alma Chapter 5
5:1 Now it came to pass that Alma began to deliver the word of God unto the people, first in the land of Zarahemla, and from thence throughout all the land. 5:2 And these are the words which he spake to the people in the church which was established in the city of Zarahemla, according to his own record, saying: 5:3 I, Alma, having been consecrated by my father, Alma, to be a high priest over the church of God, he having power and authority from God to do these things, behold, I say unto you that
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Alma Chapter 6
Alma Chapter 6
6:1 And now it came to pass that after Alma had made an end of speaking unto the people of the church, which was established in the city of Zarahemla, he ordained priests and elders, by laying on his hands according to the order of God, to preside and watch over the church. 6:2 And it came to pass that whosoever did not belong to the church who repented of their sins were baptized unto repentance, and were received into the church. 6:3 And it also came to pass that whosoever did belong to the ch
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Alma Chapter 7
Alma Chapter 7
7:1 Behold my beloved brethren, seeing that I have been permitted to come unto you, therefore I attempt to address you in my language; yea, by my own mouth, seeing that it is the first time that I have spoken unto you by the words of my mouth, I having been wholly confined to the judgment-seat, having had much business that I could not come unto you. 7:2 And even I could not have come now at this time were it not that the judgment-seat hath been given to another, to reign in my stead; and the Lo
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Alma Chapter 8
Alma Chapter 8
8:1 And now it came to pass that Alma returned from the land of Gideon, after having taught the people of Gideon many things which cannot be written, having established the order of the church, according as he had before done in the land of Zarahemla, yea, he returned to his own house at Zarahemla to rest himself from the labors which he had performed. 8:2 And thus ended the ninth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi. 8:3 And it came to pass in the commencement of the tenth y
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Alma Chapter 9
Alma Chapter 9
9:1 And again, I, Alma, having been commanded of God that I should take Amulek and go forth and preach again unto this people, or the people who were in the city of Ammonihah, it came to pass as I began to preach unto them, they began to contend with me, saying: 9:2 Who art thou? Suppose ye that we shall believe the testimony of one man, although he should preach unto us that the earth should pass away? 9:3 Now they understood not the words which they spake; for they knew not that the earth shou
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Alma Chapter 10
Alma Chapter 10
10:10 And again, I know that the things whereof he hath testified are true; for behold I say unto you, that as the Lord liveth, even so has he sent his angel to make these things manifest unto me; and this he has done while this Alma hath dwelt at my house. 10:11 For behold, he hath blessed mine house, he hath blessed me, and my women, and my children, and my father and my kinsfolk; yea, even all my kindred hath he blessed, and the blessing of the Lord hath rested upon us according to the words
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Alma Chapter 11
Alma Chapter 11
11:1 Now it was in the law of Mosiah that every man who was a judge of the law, or those who were appointed to be judges, should receive wages according to the time which they labored to judge those who were brought before them to be judged. 11:2 Now if a man owed another, and he would not pay that which he did owe, he was complained of to the judge; and the judge executed authority, and sent forth officers that the man should be brought before him; and he judged the man according to the law and
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Alma Chapter 12
Alma Chapter 12
12:1 Now Alma, seeing that the words of Amulek had silenced Zeezrom, for he beheld that Amulek had caught him in his lying and deceiving to destroy him, and seeing that he began to tremble under a consciousness of his guilt, he opened his mouth and began to speak unto him, and to establish the words of Amulek, and to explain things beyond, or to unfold the scriptures beyond that which Amulek had done. 12:2 Now the words that Alma spake unto Zeezrom were heard by the people round about; for the m
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Alma Chapter 13
Alma Chapter 13
13:1 And again, my brethren, I would cite your minds forward to the time when the Lord God gave these commandments unto his children; and I would that ye should remember that the Lord God ordained priests, after his holy order, which was after the order of his Son, to teach these things unto the people. 13:2 And those priests were ordained after the order of his Son, in a manner that thereby the people might know in what manner to look forward to his Son for redemption. 13:3 And this is the mann
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Alma Chapter 14
Alma Chapter 14
14:1 And it came to pass after he had made an end of speaking unto the people many of them did believe on his words, and began to repent, and to search the scriptures. 14:2 But the more part of them were desirous that they might destroy Alma and Amulek; for they were angry with Alma, because of the plainness of his words unto Zeezrom; and they also said that Amulek had lied unto them, and had reviled against their law and also against their lawyers and judges. 14:3 And they were also angry with
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Alma Chapter 15
Alma Chapter 15
15:1 And it came to pass that Alma and Amulek were commanded to depart out of that city; and they departed, and came out even into the land of Sidom; and behold, there they found all the people who had departed out of the land of Ammonihah, who had been cast out and stoned, because they believed in the words of Alma. 15:2 And they related unto them all that had happened unto their wives and children, and also concerning themselves, and of their power of deliverance. 15:3 And also Zeezrom lay sic
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Alma Chapter 16
Alma Chapter 16
16:1 And it came to pass in the eleventh year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, on the fifth day of the second month, there having been much peace in the land of Zarahemla, there having been no wars nor contentions for a certain number of years, even until the fifth day of the second month in the eleventh year, there was a cry of war heard throughout the land. 16:2 For behold, the armies of the Lamanites had come in upon the wilderness side, into the borders of the land, even
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Alma Chapter 17
Alma Chapter 17
17:1 And now it came to pass that as Alma was journeying from the land of Gideon southward, away to the land of Manti, behold, to his astonishment, he met with the sons of Mosiah journeying towards the land of Zarahemla. 17:2 Now these sons of Mosiah were with Alma at the time the angel first appeared unto him; therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of th
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Alma Chapter 18
Alma Chapter 18
18:1 And it came to pass that king Lamoni caused that his servants should stand forth and testify to all the things which they had seen concerning the matter. 18:2 And when they had all testified to the things which they had seen, and he had learned of the faithfulness of Ammon in preserving his flocks, and also of his great power in contending against those who sought to slay him, he was astonished exceedingly, and said: Surely, this is more than a man. Behold, is not this the Great Spirit who
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Alma Chapter 19
Alma Chapter 19
19:3 And it came to pass that Ammon did as he was commanded, and went in unto the queen, and desired to know what she would that he should do. 19:4 And she said unto him: The servants of my husband have made it known unto me that thou art a prophet of a holy God, and that thou hast power to do many mighty works in his name; 19:5 Therefore, if this is the case, I would that ye should go in and see my husband, for he has been laid upon his bed for the space of two days and two nights; and some say
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Alma Chapter 20
Alma Chapter 20
20:1 And it came to pass that when they had established a church in that land, that king Lamoni desired that Ammon should go with him to the land of Nephi, that he might show him unto his father. 20:2 And the voice of the Lord came to Ammon saying: Thou shalt not go up to the land of Nephi, for behold, the king will seek thy life; but thou shalt go to the land of Middoni; for behold, thy brother Aaron, and also Muloki and Ammah are in prison. 20:3 Now it came to pass that when Ammon had heard th
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Alma Chapter 21
Alma Chapter 21
21:1 Now when Ammon and his brethren separated themselves in the borders of the land of the Lamanites, behold Aaron took his journey towards the land which was called by the Lamanites, Jerusalem, calling it after the land of their fathers’ nativity; and it was away joining the borders of Mormon. 21:2 Now the Lamanites and the Amalekites and the people of Amulon had built a great city, which was called Jerusalem. 21:3 Now the Lamanites of themselves were sufficiently hardened, but the Amalekites
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Alma Chapter 22
Alma Chapter 22
22:1 Now, as Ammon was thus teaching the people of Lamoni continually, we will return to the account of Aaron and his brethren; for after he departed from the land of Middoni he was led by the Spirit to the land of Nephi, even to the house of the king which was over all the land save it were the land of Ishmael; and he was the father of Lamoni. 22:2 And it came to pass that he went in unto him into the king’s palace, with his brethren, and bowed himself before the king, and said unto him: Behold
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Alma Chapter 23
Alma Chapter 23
23:1 Behold, now it came to pass that the king of the Lamanites sent a proclamation among all his people, that they should not lay their hands on Ammon, or Aaron, or Omner, or Himni, nor either of their brethren who should go forth preaching the word of God, in whatsoever place they should be, in any part of their land. 23:2 Yea, he sent a decree among them, that they should not lay their hands on them to bind them, or to cast them into prison; neither should they spit upon them, nor smite them,
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Alma Chapter 24
Alma Chapter 24
24:1 And it came to pass that the Amalekites and the Amulonites and the Lamanites who were in the land of Amulon, and also in the land of Helam, and who were in the land of Jerusalem, and in fine, in all the land round about, who had not been converted and had not taken upon them the name of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, were stirred up by the Amalekites and by the Amulonites to anger against their brethren. 24:2 And their hatred became exceedingly sore against them, even insomuch that they began to rebel ag
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Alma Chapter 25
Alma Chapter 25
25:1 And behold, now it came to pass that those Lamanites were more angry because they had slain their brethren; therefore they swore vengeance upon the Nephites; and they did no more attempt to slay the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi at that time. 25:2 But they took their armies and went over into the borders of the land of Zarahemla, and fell upon the people who were in the land of Ammonihah, and destroyed them. 25:3 And after that, they had many battles with the Nephites, in the which they were dr
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Alma Chapter 26
Alma Chapter 26
26:1 And now, these are the words of Ammon to his brethren, which say thus: My brothers and my brethren, behold I say unto you, how great reason have we to rejoice; for could we have supposed when we started from the land of Zarahemla that God would have granted unto us such great blessings? 26:2 And now, I ask, what great blessings has he bestowed upon us? Can ye tell? 26:3 Behold, I answer for you; for our brethren, the Lamanites, were in darkness, yea, even in the darkest abyss, but behold, h
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Alma Chapter 27
Alma Chapter 27
27:1 Now it came to pass that when those Lamanites who had gone to war against the Nephites had found, after their many struggles to destroy them, that it was in vain to seek their destruction, they returned again to the land of Nephi. 27:2 And it came to pass that the Amalekites, because of their loss, were exceedingly angry. And when they saw that they could not seek revenge from the Nephites, they began to stir up the people in anger against their brethren, the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi; ther
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Alma Chapter 28
Alma Chapter 28
28:10 And from the first year to the fifteenth has brought to pass the destruction of many thousand lives; yea, it has brought to pass an awful scene of bloodshed. 28:11 And the bodies of many thousands are laid low in the earth, while the bodies of many thousands are moldering in heaps upon the face of the earth; yea, and many thousands are mourning for the loss of their kindred, because they have reason to fear, according to the promises of the Lord, that they are consigned to a state of endle
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Alma Chapter 29
Alma Chapter 29
29:1 O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people! 29:2 Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, that they should repent and come unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth. 29:3 But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish; for I ought to be content w
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Alma Chapter 30
Alma Chapter 30
30:1 Behold, now it came to pass that after the people of Ammon were established in the land of Jershon, yea, and also after the Lamanites were driven out of the land, and their dead were buried by the people of the land— 30:2 Now their dead were not numbered because of the greatness of their numbers; neither were the dead of the Nephites numbered—but it came to pass after they had buried their dead, and also after the days of fasting, and mourning, and prayer, (and it was in the sixteenth year
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Alma Chapter 31
Alma Chapter 31
31:1 Now it came to pass that after the end of Korihor, Alma having received tidings that the Zoramites were perverting the ways of the Lord, and that Zoram, who was their leader, was leading the hearts of the people to bow down to dumb idols, his heart again began to sicken because of the iniquity of the people. 31:2 For it was the cause of great sorrow to Alma to know of iniquity among his people; therefore his heart was exceedingly sorrowful because of the separation of the Zoramites from the
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Alma Chapter 32
Alma Chapter 32
32:1 And it came to pass that they did go forth, and began to preach the word of God unto the people, entering into their synagogues, and into their houses; yea, and even they did preach the word in their streets. 32:2 And it came to pass that after much labor among them, they began to have success among the poor class of people; for behold, they were cast out of the synagogues because of the coarseness of their apparel— 32:3 Therefore they were not permitted to enter into their synagogues to wo
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Alma Chapter 33
Alma Chapter 33
33:1 Now after Alma had spoken these words, they sent forth unto him desiring to know whether they should believe in one God, that they might obtain this fruit of which he had spoken, or how they should plant the seed, or the word of which he had spoken, which he said must be planted in their hearts; or in what manner they should begin to exercise their faith. 33:2 And Alma said unto them: Behold, ye have said that ye could not worship your God because ye are cast out of your synagogues. But beh
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Alma Chapter 34
Alma Chapter 34
34:1 And now it came to pass that after Alma had spoken these words unto them he sat down upon the ground, and Amulek arose and began to teach them, saying: 34:2 My brethren, I think that it is impossible that ye should be ignorant of the things which have been spoken concerning the coming of Christ, who is taught by us to be the Son of God; yea, I know that these things were taught unto you bountifully before your dissension from among us. 34:3 And as ye have desired of my beloved brother that
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Alma Chapter 35
Alma Chapter 35
35:1 Now it came to pass that after Amulek had made an end of these words, they withdrew themselves from the multitude and came over into the land of Jershon. 35:2 Yea, and the rest of the brethren, after they had preached the word unto the Zoramites, also came over into the land of Jershon. 35:3 And it came to pass that after the more popular part of the Zoramites had consulted together concerning the words which had been preached unto them, they were angry because of the word, for it did destr
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Alma Chapter 36
Alma Chapter 36
36:1 My son, give ear to my words; for I swear unto you, that inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments of God ye shall prosper in the land. 36:2 I would that ye should do as I have done, in remembering the captivity of our fathers; for they were in bondage, and none could deliver them except it was the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and he surely did deliver them in their afflictions. 36:3 And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I b
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Alma Chapter 37
Alma Chapter 37
37:1 And now, my son Helaman, I command you that ye take the records which have been entrusted with me; 37:2 And I also command you that ye keep a record of this people, according as I have done, upon the plates of Nephi, and keep all these things sacred which I have kept, even as I have kept them; for it is for a wise purpose that they are kept. 37:3 And these plates of brass, which contain these engravings, which have the records of the holy scriptures upon them, which have the genealogy of ou
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Alma Chapter 38
Alma Chapter 38
38:1 My son, give ear to my words, for I say unto you, even as I said unto Helaman, that inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments of God ye shall prosper in the land; and inasmuch as ye will not keep the commandments of God ye shall be cut off from his presence. 38:2 And now, my son, I trust that I shall have great joy in you, because of your steadiness and your faithfulness unto God; for as you have commenced in your youth to look to the Lord your God, even so I hope that you will continue in
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Alma Chapter 39
Alma Chapter 39
39:1 And now, my son, I have somewhat more to say unto thee than what I said unto thy brother; for behold, have ye not observed the steadiness of thy brother, his faithfulness, and his diligence in keeping the commandments of God? Behold, has he not set a good example for thee? 39:2 For thou didst not give so much heed unto my words as did thy brother, among the people of the Zoramites. Now this is what I have against thee; thou didst go on unto boasting in thy strength and thy wisdom. 39:3 And
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Alma Chapter 40
Alma Chapter 40
40:1 Now my son, here is somewhat more I would say unto thee; for I perceive that thy mind is worried concerning the resurrection of the dead. 40:2 Behold, I say unto you, that there is no resurrection—or, I would say, in other words, that this mortal does not put on immortality, this corruption does not put on incorruption—until after the coming of Christ. 40:3 Behold, he bringeth to pass the resurrection of the dead. But behold, my son, the resurrection is not yet. Now, I unfold unto you a mys
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Alma Chapter 41
Alma Chapter 41
41:1 And now, my son, I have somewhat to say concerning the restoration of which has been spoken; for behold, some have wrested the scriptures, and have gone far astray because of this thing. And I perceive that thy mind has been worried also concerning this thing. But behold, I will explain it unto thee. 41:2 I say unto thee, my son, that the plan of restoration is requisite with the justice of God; for it is requisite that all things should be restored to their proper order. Behold, it is requ
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Alma Chapter 42
Alma Chapter 42
42:1 And now, my son, I perceive there is somewhat more which doth worry your mind, which ye cannot understand—which is concerning the justice of God in the punishment of the sinner; for ye do try to suppose that it is injustice that the sinner should be consigned to a state of misery. 42:2 Now behold, my son, I will explain this thing unto thee. For behold, after the Lord God sent our first parents forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground, from whence they were taken—yea, he drew out t
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Alma Chapter 43
Alma Chapter 43
43:1 And now it came to pass that the sons of Alma did go forth among the people, to declare the word unto them. And Alma, also, himself, could not rest, and he also went forth. 43:2 Now we shall say no more concerning their preaching, except that they preached the word, and the truth, according to the spirit of prophecy and revelation; and they preached after the holy order of God by which they were called. 43:3 And now I return to an account of the wars between the Nephites and the Lamanites,
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Alma Chapter 44
Alma Chapter 44
44:1 And it came to pass that they did stop and withdrew a pace from them. And Moroni said unto Zerahemnah: Behold, Zerahemnah, that we do not desire to be men of blood. Ye know that ye are in our hands, yet we do not desire to slay you. 44:2 Behold, we have not come out to battle against you that we might shed your blood for power; neither do we desire to bring any one to the yoke of bondage. But this is the very cause for which ye have come against us; yea, and ye are angry with us because of
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Alma Chapter 45
Alma Chapter 45
45:1 Behold, now it came to pass that the people of Nephi were exceedingly rejoiced, because the Lord had again delivered them out of the hands of their enemies; therefore they gave thanks unto the Lord their God; yea, and they did fast much and pray much, and they did worship God with exceedingly great joy. 45:2 And it came to pass in the nineteenth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, that Alma came unto his son Helaman and said unto him: Believest thou the words which I s
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Alma Chapter 46
Alma Chapter 46
46:1 And it came to pass that as many as would not hearken to the words of Helaman and his brethren were gathered together against their brethren. 46:2 And now behold, they were exceedingly wroth, insomuch that they were determined to slay them. 46:3 Now the leader of those who were wroth against their brethren was a large and a strong man; and his name was Amalickiah. 46:4 And Amalickiah was desirous to be a king; and those people who were wroth were also desirous that he should be their king;
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Alma Chapter 47
Alma Chapter 47
47:10 And it came to pass that when it was night he sent a secret embassy into the mount Antipas, desiring that the leader of those who were upon the mount, whose name was Lehonti, that he should come down to the foot of the mount, for he desired to speak with him. 47:11 And it came to pass that when Lehonti received the message he durst not go down to the foot of the mount. And it came to pass that Amalickiah sent again the second time, desiring him to come down. And it came to pass that Lehont
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Alma Chapter 48
Alma Chapter 48
48:1 And now it came to pass that, as soon as Amalickiah had obtained the kingdom he began to inspire the hearts of the Lamanites against the people of Nephi; yea, he did appoint men to speak unto the Lamanites from their towers, against the Nephites. 48:2 And thus he did inspire their hearts against the Nephites, insomuch that in the latter end of the nineteenth year of the reign of the judges, he having accomplished his designs thus far, yea, having been made king over the Lamanites, he sought
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Alma Chapter 49
Alma Chapter 49
49:1 And now it came to pass in the eleventh month of the nineteenth year, on the tenth day of the month, the armies of the Lamanites were seen approaching towards the land of Ammonihah. 49:2 And behold, the city had been rebuilt, and Moroni had stationed an army by the borders of the city, and they had cast up dirt around about to shield them from the arrows and the stones of the Lamanites; for behold, they fought with stones and with arrows. 49:3 Behold, I said that the city of Ammonihah had b
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Alma Chapter 50
Alma Chapter 50
50:1 And now it came to pass that Moroni did not stop making preparations for war, or to defend his people against the Lamanites; for he caused that his armies should commence in the commencement of the twentieth year of the reign of the judges, that they should commence in digging up heaps of earth round about all the cities, throughout all the land which was possessed by the Nephites. 50:2 And upon the top of these ridges of earth he caused that there should be timbers, yea, works of timbers b
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Alma Chapter 51
Alma Chapter 51
51:1 And now it came to pass in the commencement of the twenty and fifth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, they having established peace between the people of Lehi and the people of Morianton concerning their lands, and having commenced the twenty and fifth year in peace; 51:2 Nevertheless, they did not long maintain an entire peace in the land, for there began to be a contention among the people concerning the chief judge Pahoran; for behold, there were a part of the peo
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Alma Chapter 52
Alma Chapter 52
52:1 And now, it came to pass in the twenty and sixth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, behold, when the Lamanites awoke on the first morning of the first month, behold, they found Amalickiah was dead in his own tent; and they also saw that Teancum was ready to give them battle on that day. 52:2 And now, when the Lamanites saw this they were affrighted; and they abandoned their design in marching into the land northward, and retreated with all their army into the city of
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Alma Chapter 53
Alma Chapter 53
53:1 And it came to pass that they did set guards over the prisoners of the Lamanites, and did compel them to go forth and bury their dead, yea, and also the dead of the Nephites who were slain; and Moroni placed men over them to guard them while they should perform their labors. 53:2 And Moroni went to the city of Mulek with Lehi, and took command of the city and gave it unto Lehi. Now behold, this Lehi was a man who had been with Moroni in the more part of all his battles; and he was a man lik
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Alma Chapter 54
Alma Chapter 54
54:1 And now it came to pass in the commencement of the twenty and ninth year of the judges, that Ammoron sent unto Moroni desiring that he would exchange prisoners. 54:2 And it came to pass that Moroni felt to rejoice exceedingly at this request, for he desired the provisions which were imparted for the support of the Lamanite prisoners for the support of his own people; and he also desired his own people for the strengthening of his army. 54:3 Now the Lamanites had taken many women and childre
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Alma Chapter 55
Alma Chapter 55
55:1 Now it came to pass that when Moroni had received this epistle he was more angry, because he knew that Ammoron had a perfect knowledge of his fraud; yea, he knew that Ammoron knew that it was not a just cause that had caused him to wage a war against the people of Nephi. 55:2 And he said: Behold, I will not exchange prisoners with Ammoron save he will withdraw his purpose, as I have stated in my epistle; for I will not grant unto him that he shall have any more power than what he hath got.
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Alma Chapter 56
Alma Chapter 56
56:4 Now I need not rehearse unto you concerning their traditions or their unbelief, for thou knowest concerning all these things— 56:5 Therefore it sufficeth me that I tell you that two thousand of these young men have taken their weapons of war, and would that I should be their leader; and we have come forth to defend our country. 56:6 And now ye also know concerning the covenant which their fathers made, that they would not take up their weapons of war against their brethren to shed blood. 56
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Alma Chapter 57
Alma Chapter 57
57:1 And now it came to pass that I received an epistle from Ammoron, the king, stating that if I would deliver up those prisoners of war whom we had taken that he would deliver up the city of Antiparah unto us. 57:2 But I sent an epistle unto the king, that we were sure our forces were sufficient to take the city of Antiparah by our force; and by delivering up the prisoners for that city we should suppose ourselves unwise, and that we would only deliver up our prisoners on exchange. 57:3 And Am
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Alma Chapter 58
Alma Chapter 58
58:1 And behold, now it came to pass that our next object was to obtain the city of Manti; but behold, there was no way that we could lead them out of the city by our small bands. For behold, they remembered that which we had hitherto done; therefore we could not decoy them away from their strongholds. 58:2 And they were so much more numerous than was our army that we durst not go forth and attack them in their strongholds. 58:3 Yea, and it became expedient that we should employ our men to the m
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Alma Chapter 59
Alma Chapter 59
59:1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, after Moroni had received and had read Helaman’s epistle, he was exceedingly rejoiced because of the welfare, yea, the exceeding success which Helaman had had, in obtaining those lands which were lost. 59:2 Yea, and he did make it known unto all his people, in all the land round about in that part where he was, that they might rejoice also. 59:3 And it came to pass that he immediately sent an epis
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Alma Chapter 60
Alma Chapter 60
60:1 And it came to pass that he wrote again to the governor of the land, who was Pahoran, and these are the words which he wrote, saying: Behold, I direct mine epistle to Pahoran, in the city of Zarahemla, who is the chief judge and the governor over the land, and also to all those who have been chosen by this people to govern and manage the affairs of this war. 60:2 For behold, I have somewhat to say unto them by the way of condemnation; for behold, ye yourselves know that ye have been appoint
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Alma Chapter 61
Alma Chapter 61
61:1 Behold, now it came to pass that soon after Moroni had sent his epistle unto the chief governor, he received an epistle from Pahoran, the chief governor. And these are the words which he received: 61:2 I, Pahoran, who am the chief governor of this land, do send these words unto Moroni, the chief captain over the army. Behold, I say unto you, Moroni, that I do not joy in your great afflictions, yea, it grieves my soul. 61:3 But behold, there are those who do joy in your afflictions, yea, ins
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Alma Chapter 62
Alma Chapter 62
62:1 And now it came to pass that when Moroni had received this epistle his heart did take courage, and was filled with exceedingly great joy because of the faithfulness of Pahoran, that he was not also a traitor to the freedom and cause of his country. 62:2 But he did also mourn exceedingly because of the iniquity of those who had driven Pahoran from the judgment-seat, yea, in fine because of those who had rebelled against their country and also their God. 62:3 And it came to pass that Moroni t
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Alma Chapter 63
Alma Chapter 63
63:1 And it came to pass in the commencement of the thirty and sixth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi, that Shiblon took possession of those sacred things which had been delivered unto Helaman by Alma. 63:2 And he was a just man, and he did walk uprightly before God; and he did observe to do good continually, to keep the commandments of the Lord his God; and also did his brother. 63:3 And it came to pass that Moroni died also. And thus ended the thirty and sixth year of t
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Helaman Chapter 1
Helaman Chapter 1
1:8 And it came to pass as he was about to do this, behold, he was taken, and was tried according to the voice of the people, and condemned unto death; for he had raised up in rebellion and sought to destroy the liberty of the people. 1:9 Now when those people who were desirous that he should be their governor saw that he was condemned unto death, therefore they were angry, and behold, they sent forth one Kishkumen, even to the judgment-seat of Pahoran, and murdered Pahoran as he sat upon the ju
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Helaman Chapter 2
Helaman Chapter 2
2:1 And it came to pass in the forty and second year of the reign of the judges, after Moronihah had established again peace between the Nephites and the Lamanites, behold there was no one to fill the judgment-seat; therefore there began to be a contention again among the people concerning who should fill the judgment-seat. 2:2 And it came to pass that Helaman, who was the son of Helaman, was appointed to fill the judgment-seat, by the voice of the people. 2:3 But behold, Kishkumen, who had murd
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Helaman Chapter 3
Helaman Chapter 3
3:1 And now it came to pass in the forty and third year of the reign of the judges, there was no contention among the people of Nephi save it were a little pride which was in the church, which did cause some little dissensions among the people, which affairs were settled in the ending of the forty and third year. 3:2 And there was no contention among the people in the forty and fourth year; neither was there much contention in the forty and fifth year. 3:3 And it came to pass in the forty and si
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Helaman Chapter 4
Helaman Chapter 4
4:1 And it came to pass in the fifty and fourth year there were many dissensions in the church, and there was also a contention among the people, insomuch that there was much bloodshed. 4:2 And the rebellious part were slain and driven out of the land, and they did go unto the king of the Lamanites. 4:3 And it came to pass that they did endeavor to stir up the Lamanites to war against the Nephites; but behold, the Lamanites were exceedingly afraid, insomuch that they would not hearken to the wor
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Helaman Chapter 5
Helaman Chapter 5
5:1 And it came to pass that in this same year, behold, Nephi delivered up the judgment-seat to a man whose name was Cezoram. 5:2 For as their laws and their governments were established by the voice of the people, and they who chose evil were more numerous than they who chose good, therefore they were ripening for destruction, for the laws had become corrupted. 5:3 Yea, and this was not all; they were a stiffnecked people, insomuch that they could not be governed by the law nor justice, save it
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Helaman Chapter 6
Helaman Chapter 6
6:1 And it came to pass that when the sixty and second year of the reign of the judges had ended, all these things had happened and the Lamanites had become, the more part of them, a righteous people, insomuch that their righteousness did exceed that of the Nephites because of their firmness and their steadiness in the faith. 6:2 For behold, there were many of the Nephites who had become hardened and impenitent and grossly wicked, insomuch that they did reject the word of God and all the preachi
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Helaman Chapter 7
Helaman Chapter 7
7:1 Behold, now it came to pass in the sixty and ninth year of the reign of the judges over the people of the Nephites, that Nephi, the son of Helaman, returned to the land of Zarahemla from the land northward. 7:2 For he had been forth among the people who were in the land northward, and did preach the word of God unto them, and did prophesy many things unto them; 7:3 And they did reject all his words, insomuch that he could not stay among them, but returned again unto the land of his nativity.
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Helaman Chapter 8
Helaman Chapter 8
8:1 And now it came to pass that when Nephi had said these words, behold, there were men who were judges, who also belonged to the secret band of Gadianton, and they were angry, and they cried out against him, saying unto the people: Why do ye not seize upon this man and bring him forth, that he may be condemned according to the crime which he has done? 8:2 Why seest thou this man, and hearest him revile against this people and against our law? 8:3 For behold, Nephi had spoken unto them concerni
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Helaman Chapter 9
Helaman Chapter 9
9:1 Behold, now it came to pass that when Nephi had spoken these words, certain men who were among them ran to the judgment-seat; yea, even there were five who went, and they said among themselves, as they went: 9:2 Behold, now we will know of a surety whether this man be a prophet and God hath commanded him to prophesy such marvelous things unto us. Behold, we do not believe that he hath; yea, we do not believe that he is a prophet; nevertheless, if this thing which he has said concerning the c
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Helaman Chapter 10
Helaman Chapter 10
10:7 Behold, I give unto you power, that whatsoever ye shall seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; and thus shall ye have power among this people. 10:8 And thus, if ye shall say unto this temple it shall be rent in twain, it shall be done. 10:9 And if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou cast down and become smooth, it shall be done. 10:10 And behold, if ye shall say that God shall smite this people, it shall come to pass.
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Helaman Chapter 11
Helaman Chapter 11
11:1 And now it came to pass in the seventy and second year of the reign of the judges that the contentions did increase, insomuch that there were wars throughout all the land among all the people of Nephi. 11:2 And it was this secret band of robbers who did carry on this work of destruction and wickedness. And this war did last all that year; and in the seventy and third year it did also last. 11:3 And it came to pass that in this year Nephi did cry unto the Lord, saying: 11:4 O Lord, do not su
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Helaman Chapter 12
Helaman Chapter 12
12:1 And thus we can behold how false, and also the unsteadiness of the hearts of the children of men; yea, we can see that the Lord in his great infinite goodness doth bless and prosper those who put their trust in him. 12:2 Yea, and we may see at the very time when he doth prosper his people, yea, in the increase of their fields, their flocks and their herds, and in gold, and in silver, and in all manner of precious things of every kind and art; sparing their lives, and delivering them out of
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Helaman Chapter 13
Helaman Chapter 13
13:1 And now it came to pass in the eighty and sixth year, the Nephites did still remain in wickedness, yea in great wickedness, while the Lamanites did observe strictly to keep the commandments of God, according to the law of Moses. 13:2 And it came to pass that in this year there was one Samuel, a Lamanite, came into the land of Zarahemla, and began to preach unto the people. And it came to pass that he did preach, many days, repentance unto the people, and they did cast him out, and he was ab
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Helaman Chapter 14
Helaman Chapter 14
14:1 And now it came to pass that Samuel, the Lamanite, did prophesy a great many more things which cannot be written. 14:2 And behold, he said unto them: Behold, I give unto you a sign; for five years more cometh, and behold, then cometh the Son of God to redeem all those who shall believe on his name. 14:3 And behold, this will I give unto you for a sign at the time of his coming; for behold, there shall be great lights in heaven, insomuch that in the night before he cometh there shall be no d
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Helaman Chapter 15
Helaman Chapter 15
15:1 And now, my beloved brethren, behold, I declare unto you that except ye shall repent your houses shall be left unto you desolate. 15:2 Yea, except ye repent, your women shall have great cause to mourn in the day that they shall give suck; for ye shall attempt to flee and there shall be no place for refuge; yea, and wo unto them which are with child, for they shall be heavy and cannot flee; therefore, they shall be trodden down and shall be left to perish. 15:3 Yea, wo unto this people who a
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Helaman Chapter 16
Helaman Chapter 16
16:1 And now, it came to pass that there were many who heard the words of Samuel, the Lamanite, which he spake upon the walls of the city. And as many as believed on his word went forth and sought for Nephi; and when they had come forth and found him they confessed unto him their sins and denied not, desiring that they might be baptized unto the Lord. 16:2 But as many as there were who did not believe in the words of Samuel were angry with him; and they cast stones at him upon the wall, and also
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3 Nephi Chapter 1
3 Nephi Chapter 1
1:7 And it came to pass that they did make a great uproar throughout the land; and the people who believed began to be very sorrowful, lest by any means those things which had been spoken might not come to pass. 1:8 But behold, they did watch steadfastly for that day and that night and that day which should be as one day as if there were no night, that they might know that their faith had not been vain. 1:9 Now it came to pass that there was a day set apart by the unbelievers, that all those who
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3 Nephi Chapter 2
3 Nephi Chapter 2
2:1 And it came to pass that thus passed away the ninety and fifth year also, and the people began to forget those signs and wonders which they had heard, and began to be less and less astonished at a sign or a wonder from heaven, insomuch that they began to be hard in their hearts, and blind in their minds, and began to disbelieve all which they had heard and seen— 2:2 Imagining up some vain thing in their hearts, that it was wrought by men and by the power of the devil, to lead away and deceiv
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3 Nephi Chapter 3
3 Nephi Chapter 3
3:1 And now it came to pass that in the sixteenth year from the coming of Christ, Lachoneus, the governor of the land, received an epistle from the leader and the governor of this band of robbers; and these were the words which were written, saying: 3:2 Lachoneus, most noble and chief governor of the land, behold, I write this epistle unto you, and do give unto you exceedingly great praise because of your firmness, and also the firmness of your people, in maintaining that which ye suppose to be
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3 Nephi Chapter 4
3 Nephi Chapter 4
4:1 And it came to pass that in the latter end of the eighteenth year those armies of robbers had prepared for battle, and began to come down and to sally forth from the hills, and out of the mountains, and the wilderness, and their strongholds, and their secret places, and began to take possession of the lands, both which were in the land south and which were in the land north, and began to take possession of all the lands which had been deserted by the Nephites, and the cities which had been l
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3 Nephi Chapter 5
3 Nephi Chapter 5
5:1 And now behold, there was not a living soul among all the people of the Nephites who did doubt in the least the words of all the holy prophets who had spoken; for they knew that it must needs be that they must be fulfilled. 5:2 And they knew that it must be expedient that Christ had come, because of the many signs which had been given, according to the words of the prophets; and because of the things which had come to pass already they knew that it must needs be that all things should come t
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3 Nephi Chapter 6
3 Nephi Chapter 6
6:1 And now it came to pass that the people of the Nephites did all return to their own lands in the twenty and sixth year, every man, with his family, his flocks and his herds, his horses and his cattle, and all things whatsoever did belong unto them. 6:2 And it came to pass that they had not eaten up all their provisions; therefore they did take with them all that they had not devoured, of all their grain of every kind, and their gold, and their silver, and all their precious things, and they
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3 Nephi Chapter 7
3 Nephi Chapter 7
7:1 Now behold, I will show unto you that they did not establish a king over the land; but in this same year, yea, the thirtieth year, they did destroy upon the judgment seat, yea, did murder the chief judge of the land. 7:2 And the people were divided one against another; and they did separate one from another into tribes, every man according to his family and his kindred and friends; and thus they did destroy the government of the land. 7:3 And every tribe did appoint a chief or a leader over
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3 Nephi Chapter 8
3 Nephi Chapter 8
8:1 And now it came to pass that according to our record, and we know our record to be true, for behold, it was a just man who did keep the record—for he truly did many miracles in the name of Jesus; and there was not any man who could do a miracle in the name of Jesus save he were cleansed every whit from his iniquity— 8:2 And now it came to pass, if there was no mistake made by this man in the reckoning of our time, the thirty and third year had passed away; 8:3 And the people began to look wi
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3 Nephi Chapter 9
3 Nephi Chapter 9
9:1 And it came to pass that there was a voice heard among all the inhabitants of the earth, upon all the face of this land, crying: 9:2 Wo, wo, wo unto this people; wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth except they shall repent; for the devil laugheth, and his angels rejoice, because of the slain of the fair sons and daughters of my people; and it is because of their iniquity and abominations that they are fallen! 9:3 Behold, that great city Zarahemla have I burned with fire, and the inhab
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3 Nephi Chapter 10
3 Nephi Chapter 10
10:1 And now behold, it came to pass that all the people of the land did hear these sayings, and did witness of it. And after these sayings there was silence in the land for the space of many hours; 10:2 For so great was the astonishment of the people that they did cease lamenting and howling for the loss of their kindred which had been slain; therefore there was silence in all the land for the space of many hours. 10:3 And it came to pass that there came a voice again unto the people, and all t
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3 Nephi Chapter 11
3 Nephi Chapter 11
11:1 And now it came to pass that there were a great multitude gathered together, of the people of Nephi, round about the temple which was in the land Bountiful; and they were marveling and wondering one with another, and were showing one to another the great and marvelous change which had taken place. 3 Nephi 11:2 And they were also conversing about this Jesus Christ, of whom the sign had been given concerning his death. 11:3 And it came to pass that while they were thus conversing one with ano
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3 Nephi Chapter 12
3 Nephi Chapter 12
12:8 And blessed are all the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 12:9 And blessed are all the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. 12:10 And blessed are all they who are persecuted for my name’s sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 12:11 And blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake; 12:12 For ye shall have great joy and be exceedingly glad, for great shall be your reward in heaven; for
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3 Nephi Chapter 13
3 Nephi Chapter 13
13:1 Verily, verily, I say that I would that ye should do alms unto the poor; but take heed that ye do not your alms before men to be seen of them; otherwise ye have no reward of your Father who is in heaven. 13:2 Therefore, when ye shall do your alms do not sound a trumpet before you, as will hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. 13:3 But when thou doest alms let not thy left hand know what thy right h
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3 Nephi Chapter 14
3 Nephi Chapter 14
14:1 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words he turned again to the multitude, and did open his mouth unto them again, saying: Verily, verily, I say unto you, Judge not, that ye be not judged. 14:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 14:3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 14:4 Or how wilt thou say to thy broth
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3 Nephi Chapter 15
3 Nephi Chapter 15
15:1 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had ended these sayings he cast his eyes round about on the multitude, and said unto them: Behold, ye have heard the things which I taught before I ascended to my Father; therefore, whoso remembereth these sayings of mine and doeth them, him will I raise up at the last day. 15:2 And it came to pass that when Jesus had said these words he perceived that there were some among them who marveled, and wondered what he would concerning the law of Moses; for
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3 Nephi Chapter 16
3 Nephi Chapter 16
16:1 And verily, verily, I say unto you that I have other sheep which are not of this land, neither of the land of Jerusalem, neither in any parts of that land round about whither I have been to minister. 16:2 For they of whom I speak are they who have not as yet heard my voice; neither have I at any time manifested myself unto them. 16:3 But I have received a commandment of the Father that I shall go unto them, and that they shall hear my voice, and shall be numbered among my sheep, that there
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3 Nephi Chapter 17
3 Nephi Chapter 17
17:1 Behold, now it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words he looked round about again on the multitude, and he said unto them: Behold, my time is at hand. 17:2 I perceive that ye are weak, that ye cannot understand all my words which I am commanded of the Father to speak unto you at this time. 17:3 Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and prepare your minds for the morrow, and I co
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3 Nephi Chapter 18
3 Nephi Chapter 18
18:1 And it came to pass that Jesus commanded his disciples that they should bring forth some bread and wine unto him. 18:2 And while they were gone for bread and wine, he commanded the multitude that they should sit themselves down upon the earth. 18:3 And when the disciples had come with bread and wine, he took of the bread and brake and blessed it; and he gave unto the disciples and commanded that they should eat. 18:4 And when they had eaten and were filled, he commanded that they should giv
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3 Nephi Chapter 19
3 Nephi Chapter 19
19:1 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had ascended into heaven, the multitude did disperse, and every man did take his wife and his children and did return to his own home. 19:2 And it was noised abroad among the people immediately, before it was yet dark, that the multitude had seen Jesus, and that he had ministered unto them, and that he would also show himself on the morrow unto the multitude. 19:3 Yea, and even all the night it was noised abroad concerning Jesus; and insomuch did they
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3 Nephi Chapter 20
3 Nephi Chapter 20
20:1 And it came to pass that he commanded the multitude that they should cease to pray, and also his disciples. And he commanded them that they should not cease to pray in their hearts. 20:2 And he commanded them that they should arise and stand up upon their feet. And they arose up and stood upon their feet. 20:3 And it came to pass that he brake bread again and blessed it, and gave to the disciples to eat. 20:4 And when they had eaten he commanded them that they should break bread, and give u
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3 Nephi Chapter 21
3 Nephi Chapter 21
21:1 And verily I say unto you, I give unto you a sign, that ye may know the time when these things shall be about to take place—that I shall gather in, from their long dispersion, my people, O house of Israel, and shall establish again among them my Zion; 21:2 And behold, this is the thing which I will give unto you for a sign—for verily I say unto you that when these things which I declare unto you, and which I shall declare unto you hereafter of myself, and by the power of the Holy Ghost whic
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3 Nephi Chapter 22
3 Nephi Chapter 22
22:1 And then shall that which is written come to pass: Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child; for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord. 22:2 Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thy habitations; spare not, lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes; 22:3 For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left, and
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3 Nephi Chapter 23
3 Nephi Chapter 23
23:1 And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah. 23:2 For surely he spake as touching all things concerning my people which are of the house of Israel; therefore it must needs be that he must speak also to the Gentiles. 23:3 And all things that he spake have been and shall be, even according to the words which he spake. 23:4 Therefore give heed to my words; wri
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3 Nephi Chapter 24
3 Nephi Chapter 24
24:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house; and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it. 24:11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the fields, saith the Lord of Hosts. 24:12 And all nations shall call you
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3 Nephi Chapter 25
3 Nephi Chapter 25
25:1 For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. 25:2 But unto you that fear my name, shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves in the stall. 25:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet
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3 Nephi Chapter 26
3 Nephi Chapter 26
26:1 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had told these things he expounded them unto the multitude; and he did expound all things unto them, both great and small. 26:2 And he saith: These scriptures, which ye had not with you, the Father commanded that I should give unto you; for it was wisdom in him that they should be given unto future generations. 26:3 And he did expound all things, even from the beginning until the time that he should come in his glory—yea, even all things which should
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3 Nephi Chapter 27
3 Nephi Chapter 27
27:1 And it came to pass that as the disciples of Jesus were journeying and were preaching the things which they had both heard and seen, and were baptizing in the name of Jesus, it came to pass that the disciples were gathered together and were united in mighty prayer and fasting. 27:2 And Jesus again showed himself unto them, for they were praying unto the Father in his name; and Jesus came and stood in the midst of them, and said unto them: What will ye that I shall give unto you? 27:3 And th
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3 Nephi Chapter 28
3 Nephi Chapter 28
28:1 And it came to pass when Jesus had said these words, he spake unto his disciples, one by one, saying unto them: What is it that ye desire of me, after that I am gone to the Father? 28:2 And they all spake, save it were three, saying: We desire that after we have lived unto the age of man, that our ministry, wherein thou hast called us, may have an end, that we may speedily come unto thee in thy kingdom. 28:3 And he said unto them: Blessed are ye because ye desired this thing of me; therefor
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3 Nephi Chapter 29
3 Nephi Chapter 29
29:1 And now behold, I say unto you that when the Lord shall see fit, in his wisdom, that these sayings shall come unto the Gentiles according to his word, then ye may know that the covenant which the Father hath made with the children of Israel, concerning their restoration to the lands of their inheritance, is already beginning to be fulfilled. 29:2 And ye may know that the words of the Lord, which have been spoken by the holy prophets, shall all be fulfilled; and ye need not say that the Lord
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3 Nephi Chapter 30
3 Nephi Chapter 30
30:1 Hearken, O ye Gentiles, and hear the words of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, which he hath commanded me that I should speak concerning you, for, behold he commandeth me that I should write, saying: 30:2 Turn, all ye Gentiles, from your wicked ways; and repent of your evil doings, of your lyings and deceivings, and of your whoredoms, and of your secret abominations, and your idolatries, and of your murders, and your priestcrafts, and your envyings, and your strifes, and from all yo
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4 Nephi 1:8 Yea, even that great city Zarahemla did they cause to be built again. 4 Nephi 1:9 But there were many cities which had been sunk, and waters came up in the stead thereof; therefore these cities could not be renewed. 4 Nephi 1:10 And now, behold, it came to pass that the people of Nephi did wax strong, and did multiply exceedingly fast, and became an exceedingly fair and delightsome people. 4 Nephi 1:11 And they were married, and given in marriage, and were blessed according to the mu
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Mormon Chapter 1
Mormon Chapter 1
1:9 Now the Lamanites and the Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites were called Lamanites, and the two parties were Nephites and Lamanites. 1:10 And it came to pass that the war began to be among them in the borders of Zarahemla, by the waters of Sidon. 1:11 And it came to pass that the Nephites had gathered together a great number of men, even to exceed the number of thirty thousand. And it came to pass that they did have in this same year a number of battles, in which the Nephites did beat the Lamani
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Mormon Chapter 2
Mormon Chapter 2
2:1 And it came to pass in that same year there began to be a war again between the Nephites and the Lamanites. And notwithstanding I being young, was large in stature; therefore the people of Nephi appointed me that I should be their leader, or the leader of their armies. 2:2 Therefore it came to pass that in my sixteenth year I did go forth at the head of an army of the Nephites, against the Lamanites; therefore three hundred and twenty and six years had passed away. 2:3 And it came to pass th
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Mormon Chapter 3
Mormon Chapter 3
3:1 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did not come to battle again until ten years more had passed away. And behold, I had employed my people, the Nephites, in preparing their lands and their arms against the time of battle. 3:2 And it came to pass that the Lord did say unto me: Cry unto this people—Repent ye, and come unto me, and be ye baptized, and build up again my church, and ye shall be spared. 3:3 And I did cry unto this people, but it was in vain; and they did not realize that it wa
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Mormon Chapter 4
Mormon Chapter 4
4:1 And now it came to pass that in the three hundred and sixty and third year the Nephites did go up with their armies to battle against the Lamanites, out of the land Desolation. 4:2 And it came to pass that the armies of the Nephites were driven back again to the land of Desolation. And while they were yet weary, a fresh army of the Lamanites did come upon them; and they had a sore battle, insomuch that the Lamanites did take possession of the city Desolation, and did slay many of the Nephite
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Mormon Chapter 5
Mormon Chapter 5
5:1 And it came to pass that I did go forth among the Nephites, and did repent of the oath which I had made that I would no more assist them; and they gave me command again of their armies, for they looked upon me as though I could deliver them from their afflictions. 5:2 But behold, I was without hope, for I knew the judgments of the Lord which should come upon them; for they repented not of their iniquities, but did struggle for their lives without calling upon that Being who created them. 5:3
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Mormon Chapter 6
Mormon Chapter 6
6:1 And now I finish my record concerning the destruction of my people, the Nephites. And it came to pass that we did march forth before the Lamanites. 6:2 And I, Mormon, wrote an epistle unto the king of the Lamanites, and desired of him that he would grant unto us that we might gather together our people unto the land of Cumorah, by a hill which was called Cumorah, and there we could give them battle. 6:3 And it came to pass that the king of the Lamanites did grant unto me the thing which I de
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Mormon Chapter 7
Mormon Chapter 7
7:1 And now, behold, I would speak somewhat unto the remnant of this people who are spared, if it so be that God may give unto them my words, that they may know of the things of their fathers; yea, I speak unto you, ye remnant of the house of Israel; and these are the words which I speak: 7:2 Know ye that ye are of the house of Israel. 7:3 Know ye that ye must come unto repentance, or ye cannot be saved. 7:4 Know ye that ye must lay down your weapons of war, and delight no more in the shedding o
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Mormon Chapter 8
Mormon Chapter 8
8:1 Behold I, Moroni, do finish the record of my father, Mormon. Behold, I have but few things to write, which things I have been commanded by my father. 8:2 And now it came to pass that after the great and tremendous battle at Cumorah, behold, the Nephites who had escaped into the country southward were hunted by the Lamanites, until they were all destroyed. 8:3 And my father also was killed by them, and I even remain alone to write the sad tale of the destruction of my people. But behold, they
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Mormon Chapter 9
Mormon Chapter 9
9:1 And now, I speak also concerning those who do not believe in Christ. 9:2 Behold, will ye believe in the day of your visitation—behold, when the Lord shall come, yea, even that great day when the earth shall be rolled together as a scroll, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, yea, in that great day when ye shall be brought to stand before the Lamb of God—then will ye say that there is no God? 9:3 Then will ye longer deny the Christ, or can ye behold the Lamb of God? Do ye suppose th
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Ether Chapter 1
Ether Chapter 1
1:8 And Moron was the son of Ethem. 1:9 And Ethem was the son of Ahah. 1:10 And Ahah was the son of Seth. 1:11 And Seth was the son of Shiblon. 1:12 And Shiblon was the son of Com. 1:13 And Com was the son of Coriantum. 1:14 And Coriantum was the son of Amnigaddah. 1:15 And Amnigaddah was the son of Aaron. 1:16 And Aaron was a descendant of Heth, who was the son of Hearthom. 1:17 And Hearthom was the son of Lib. 1:18 And Lib was the son of Kish. 1:19 And Kish was the son of Corom. 1:20 And Corom
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Ether Chapter 2
Ether Chapter 2
2:1 And it came to pass that Jared and his brother, and their families, and also the friends of Jared and his brother and their families, went down into the valley which was northward, (and the name of the valley was Nimrod, being called after the mighty hunter) with their flocks which they had gathered together, male and female, of every kind. 2:2 And they did also lay snares and catch fowls of the air; and they did also prepare a vessel, in which they did carry with them the fish of the waters
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Ether Chapter 3
Ether Chapter 3
3:1 And it came to pass that the brother of Jared, (now the number of the vessels which had been prepared was eight) went forth unto the mount, which they called the mount Shelem, because of its exceeding height, and did molten out of a rock sixteen small stones; and they were white and clear, even as transparent glass; and he did carry them in his hands upon the top of the mount, and cried again unto the Lord, saying: 3:2 O Lord, thou hast said that we must be encompassed about by the floods. N
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Ether Chapter 4
Ether Chapter 4
4:1 And the Lord commanded the brother of Jared to go down out of the mount from the presence of the Lord, and write the things which he had seen; and they were forbidden to come unto the children of men until after that he should be lifted up upon the cross; and for this cause did king Mosiah keep them, that they should not come unto the world until after Christ should show himself unto his people. 4:2 And after Christ truly had showed himself unto his people he commanded that they should be ma
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Ether Chapter 5
Ether Chapter 5
5:1 And now I, Moroni, have written the words which were commanded me, according to my memory; and I have told you the things which I have sealed up; therefore touch them not in order that ye may translate; for that thing is forbidden you, except by and by it shall be wisdom in God. 5:2 And behold, ye may be privileged that ye may show the plates unto those who shall assist to bring forth this work; 5:3 And unto three shall they be shown by the power of God; wherefore they shall know of a surety
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Ether Chapter 6
Ether Chapter 6
6:1 And now I, Moroni, proceed to give the record of Jared and his brother. 6:2 For it came to pass after the Lord had prepared the stones which the brother of Jared had carried up into the mount, the brother of Jared came down out of the mount, and he did put forth the stones into the vessels which were prepared, one in each end thereof; and behold, they did give light unto the vessels. 6:3 And thus the Lord caused stones to shine in darkness, to give light unto men, women, and children, that t
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Ether Chapter 7
Ether Chapter 7
7:1 And it came to pass that Orihah did execute judgment upon the land in righteousness all his days, whose days were exceedingly many. 7:2 And he begat sons and daughters; yea, he begat thirty and one, among whom were twenty and three sons. 7:3 And it came to pass that he also begat Kib in his old age. And it came to pass that Kib reigned in his stead; and Kib begat Corihor. 7:4 And when Corihor was thirty and two years old he rebelled against his father, and went over and dwelt in the land of
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Ether Chapter 8
Ether Chapter 8
8:1 And it came to pass that he begat Omer, and Omer reigned in his stead. And Omer begat Jared; and Jared begat sons and daughters. 8:2 And Jared rebelled against his father, and came and dwelt in the land of Heth. And it came to pass that he did flatter many people, because of his cunning words, until he had gained the half of the kingdom. 8:3 And when he had gained the half of the kingdom he gave battle unto his father, and he did carry away his father into captivity, and did make him serve i
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Ether Chapter 9
Ether Chapter 9
9:1 And now I, Moroni, proceed with my record. Therefore, behold, it came to pass that because of the secret combinations of Akish and his friends, behold, they did overthrow the kingdom of Omer. 9:2 Nevertheless, the Lord was merciful unto Omer, and also to his sons and to his daughters who did not seek his destruction. 9:3 And the Lord warned Omer in a dream that he should depart out of the land; wherefore Omer departed out of the land with his family, and traveled many days, and came over and
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Ether Chapter 10
Ether Chapter 10
10:1 And it came to pass that Shez, who was a descendant of Heth—for Heth had perished by the famine, and all his household save it were Shez—wherefore, Shez began to build up again a broken people. 10:2 And it came to pass that Shez did remember the destruction of his fathers, and he did build up a righteous kingdom; for he remembered what the Lord had done in bringing Jared and his brother across the deep; and he did walk in the ways of the Lord; and he begat sons and daughters. 10:3 And his e
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Ether Chapter 11
Ether Chapter 11
11:1 And there came also in the days of Com many prophets, and prophesied of the destruction of that great people except they should repent, and turn unto the Lord, and forsake their murders and wickedness. 11:2 And it came to pass that the prophets were rejected by the people, and they fled unto Com for protection, for the people sought to destroy them. 11:3 And they prophesied unto Com many things; and he was blessed in all the remainder of his days. 11:4 And he lived to a good old age, and be
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Ether Chapter 12
Ether Chapter 12
12:1 And it came to pass that the days of Ether were in the days of Coriantumr; and Coriantumr was king over all the land. 12:2 And Ether was a prophet of the Lord; wherefore Ether came forth in the days of Coriantumr, and began to prophesy unto the people, for he could not be restrained because of the Spirit of the Lord which was in him. 12:3 For he did cry from the morning, even until the going down of the sun, exhorting the people to believe in God unto repentance lest they should be destroye
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Ether Chapter 13
Ether Chapter 13
13:1 And now I, Moroni, proceed to finish my record concerning the destruction of the people of whom I have been writing. 13:2 For behold, they rejected all the words of Ether; for he truly told them of all things, from the beginning of man; and that after the waters had receded from off the face of this land it became a choice land above all other lands, a chosen land of the Lord; wherefore the Lord would have that all men should serve him who dwell upon the face thereof; 13:3 And that it was t
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Ether Chapter 14
Ether Chapter 14
14:1 And now there began to be a great curse upon all the land because of the iniquity of the people, in which, if a man should lay his tool or his sword upon his shelf, or upon the place whither he would keep it, behold, upon the morrow, he could not find it, so great was the curse upon the land. 14:2 Wherefore every man did cleave unto that which was his own, with his hands, and would not borrow neither would he lend; and every man kept the hilt of his sword in his right hand, in the defence o
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Ether Chapter 15
Ether Chapter 15
15:1 And it came to pass when Coriantumr had recovered of his wounds, he began to remember the words which Ether had spoken unto him. 15:2 He saw that there had been slain by the sword already nearly two millions of his people, and he began to sorrow in his heart; yea, there had been slain two millions of mighty men, and also their wives and their children. 15:3 He began to repent of the evil which he had done; he began to remember the words which had been spoken by the mouth of all the prophets
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Moroni Chapter 3
Moroni Chapter 3
3:1 The manner which the disciples, who were called the elders of the church, ordained priests and teachers— 3:2 After they had prayed unto the Father in the name of Christ, they laid their hands upon them, and said: 3:3 In the name of Jesus Christ I ordain you to be a priest, (or, if he be a teacher) I ordain you to be a teacher, to preach repentance and remission of sins through Jesus Christ, by the endurance of faith on his name to the end. Amen. 3:4 And after this manner did they ordain prie
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Moroni Chapter 4
Moroni Chapter 4
4:1 The manner of their elders and priests administering the flesh and blood of Christ unto the church; and they administered it according to the commandments of Christ; wherefore we know the manner to be true; and the elder or priest did minister it— 4:2 And they did kneel down with the church, and pray to the Father in the name of Christ, saying: 4:3 O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who parta
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Moroni Chapter 5
Moroni Chapter 5
5:1 The manner of administering the wine—Behold, they took the cup, and said: 5:2 O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen....
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Moroni Chapter 6
Moroni Chapter 6
6:1 And now I speak concerning baptism. Behold, elders, priests, and teachers were baptized; and they were not baptized save they brought forth fruit meet that they were worthy of it. 6:2 Neither did they receive any unto baptism save they came forth with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and witnessed unto the church that they truly repented of all their sins. 6:3 And none were received unto baptism save they took upon them the name of Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end.
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Moroni Chapter 7
Moroni Chapter 7
7:1 And now I, Moroni, write a few of the words of my father Mormon, which he spake concerning faith, hope, and charity; for after this manner did he speak unto the people, as he taught them in the synagogue which they had built for the place of worship. 7:2 And now I, Mormon, speak unto you, my beloved brethren; and it is by the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and his holy will, because of the gift of his calling unto me, that I am permitted to speak unto you at this time. 7
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Moroni Chapter 8
Moroni Chapter 8
8:1 An epistle of my father Mormon, written to me, Moroni; and it was written unto me soon after my calling to the ministry. And on this wise did he write unto me, saying: 8:2 My beloved son, Moroni, I rejoice exceedingly that your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you, and hath called you to his ministry, and to his holy work. 8:3 I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the Father in the name of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness an
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Moroni Chapter 9
Moroni Chapter 9
9:1 My beloved son, I write unto you again that ye may know that I am yet alive; but I write somewhat of that which is grievous. 9:2 For behold, I have had a sore battle with the Lamanites, in which we did not conquer; and Archeantus has fallen by the sword, and also Luram and Emron; yea, and we have lost a great number of our choice men. 9:3 And now behold, my son, I fear lest the Lamanites shall destroy this people; for they do not repent, and Satan stirreth them up continually to anger one wi
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Moroni Chapter 10
Moroni Chapter 10
10:1 Now I, Moroni, write somewhat as seemeth me good; and I write unto my brethren, the Lamanites; and I would that they should know that more than four hundred and twenty years have passed away since the sign was given of the coming of Christ. 10:2 And I seal up these records, after I have spoken a few words by way of exhortation unto you. 10:3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful t
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