The Precious Name, Proofs Of The Godhead, And A Hymn
J. (John) Church
4 chapters
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The Precious Name, Proofs of the Godhead and a Hymn
The Precious Name, Proofs of the Godhead and a Hymn
by John Church Picture of John Church...
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The adorable Redeemer is stiled Jehovah 330 times in the Old Testament—he is called God 90 times in the Old Testament—he is called God 25 times in the New—he is called the Son of God 41 times—he is called the Son of man 60 times—he is glorious in holiness, in all his works and ways, and independently possesses an essential glory as God, equal with the Father, an ever blessed Spirit, a glory as the Son of God, a personal glory as God-man, a mediatorial glory in the work of redemption, a relative
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PROOFS OF THE Godhead of the Holy Spirit.
PROOFS OF THE Godhead of the Holy Spirit.
ADDRESSED TO ALEXANDER. Sir , Since you have mounted the scorner’s chair, and set your tongue against the heavens, by denying the glorious doctrine of the Godhead, divinity, personality, and of course the offices and operations of God the eternal Spirit, I consider it my duty to address you.  I once considered you sound in the faith—but alas, how have you fallen, and fallen for the mean the beggarly purpose of a morsel of bread, and your conscience knows it.  I should not perhaps have troubled y
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COMPOSED ON THE OCCASION OF THE DEATH OF MR. JOSEPH MATTHEWS, Who departed this Life , on the 24t h of February 1827, after a long and severe illness . GREAT God, we bow to thy decree,    And own thy sentence right; Thy sov’reign voice has call’d away    Our brother from our sight. Dear Jesus, we believe thou art    The sinner’s only friend; Nor death, nor hell shall ever part,    For we on thee depend. No more our brother’s rack’d with pain,    Or hears the tempter roar: O! may thy spirit us de
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