Bowdoin Boys In Labrador
Jonathan Prince Cilley
2 chapters
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2 chapters
An Account Of The Bowdoin College Scientific Expedition To Labrador Led By Prof. Leslie A. Lee Of The Biological Department
An Account Of The Bowdoin College Scientific Expedition To Labrador Led By Prof. Leslie A. Lee Of The Biological Department
This letter from the President of Bowdoin College is printed as an appropriate preface to the pages which follow. I thank you for the advanced sheets of the "Bowdoin Boys in Labrador." As Sallust says, "In primis arduum videtur res gestas scribere; quod facta dictis sunt exaequanda." In this case, the diction is equal to the deed: the clear and vivacious style of the writer is fully up to the level of the brilliant achievements he narrates. The intrinsic interest of the story, and its connection
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Since the Bowdoin College Labrador Expedition much interest has been taken by charitable women in the missionaries who are laboring in that bleak country. As often as possible barrels of clothing and other useful articles have been sent to them. In return the missionaries have sent interesting letters describing their work and acknowledging the gifts. One of these, written to Mrs. James P. Baxter, of Portland, gives a description that will be of general interest: Hopedale, Labrador, October 3, 1
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