The One Great Reality
Louisa Clayton
12 chapters
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12 chapters
By Author of "Heart Lessons", "Loving Messages", "Winning and Warning", "Wilderness Lessons", etc. "I AM GOD, AND THERE IS NONE ELSE"— Isa. xiv. 22. THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED to all my friends in Rusthall, in loving remembrance of our happy fellowship in the gospel during the past thirty years, with the earnest prayer that the messages may be stored up in their hearts and bring forth fruit in their lives when the voice which delivered them is still. 3, Somerville Gardens, Tunbridge Wells....
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In response to the request of an old and esteemed friend I gladly add a Foreword to the collection of Addresses embodied in this volume. I do so in recognition of the supreme importance of the great topics that have been chosen, and also in appreciation of the clear and attractive way in which the truth is set forth. May the messages find attentive and receptive readers, and be followed by deep and abiding spiritual blessing. Woburn Chase, Addlestone, Surrey. Personal knowledge of God, the secre
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PORTION OF SCRIPTURE—Hebrews xi. 1-6. God is the one great Reality. Will you close your eyes for a moment and say those words over again very slowly so as to let them burn into your inmost heart and soul. The Word of God tells us that "The Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding that we may know Him that is true": this means that we may personally know Him that is Reality. In the wonder of that moment when we first know that God is real and that God is near, then we cry out, "My Go
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PORTION OF SCRIPTURE—Matthew vii 24-34. In the chapter we have just read there is a great deal about our daily home life, and the word "Father" is mentioned twelve times, so it shows that God knows all about the everyday work. It is a grand thing when we find this out. A poor woman in China was converted, and very soon the lady missionary who visited her noticed that now her house was very clean and tidy, and told her how glad she was to see it. The woman smiled, and said in her own simple way,
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Where did He come from? When did He come? Why did He come? These are some of the questions we must try to answer. First, where did He come from? He came forth from God. He was in the bosom of the Father from all Eternity. He said to the disciples, "I came forth from the Father and am come into the world." [Footnote: St. John xvi. 28.] We have read of two beginnings, now we will look at another beginning. In the first chapter of St. Mark's Gospel, and the first verse, we read, "The beginning of t
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PORTION OF SCRIPTURE—St. John iv. 1-26 God is a Spirit. Look at this poor woman standing at the well and let us try and realise what a wonderful revelation it was which Christ made known to her soul about God. He told her that God is Father, that God is Saviour, and that God is Spirit; three Persons but one God. The Lord opened her heart and she grasped this wondrous truth. Christ said to her, "God the Father is seeking you, He is longing for you to come to Him." Then He let her feel and see tha
21 minute read
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PORTION OF SCRIPTURE—Genesis xxviii. 10-22. Jacob is leaving home for the first time, to take a long journey of 450 miles. He is quite alone and he feels very lonely when he lies down the first night in a barren place, with a stone for his pillow. Jacob was like some of us, he had heard about God ever since he was a child, but God was not real to him because he had never had any personal dealings with Him. That night he had a wonderful dream, and it made a great difference to his whole life. The
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PORTION OF SCRIPTURE—St. John xx. 19-31. Why has this Gospel been written? The last verse of this chapter tells us. "It has been written that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing we may have life through His Name." In the Old Testament when "The Name" is mentioned it meant the unveiling of the grace and glory and power of God. So we read men called upon "The Name"—and in the New Testament when the Divine glory of Christ is described we find the same express
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PORTION OF SCRIPTURE—Psalm xix. This Psalm is full of the glory of God. It tells us first of the Glory of God shining in this beautiful world which He has made, and then it shows us the glory of God shining in the Scriptures, in this Book which lies open before us. The first verse bursts forth with the triumphant note, "The heavens declare the glory of God." Everything in earth and sky shows forth His wisdom, His power and His love. Then it gives us a wonderful picture of the sunrise and compare
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PORTION OF SCRIPTURE—Romans iv. There is one man set before us in this chapter as the man who had faith in God. The one thing which marks him more than any other is his faith. The man lived nearly 4,000 years ago, and yet he is still a vivid personality; he lives on in our thoughts and memories as the man who trusted God. His name is still reverenced all over the world, even among people of different religions, as "The Friend of God." "The God of Glory appeared to Abraham," and from that moment
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PORTION OF SCRIPTURE—Ephesians v. 22-33. "Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for it." [Footnote: Eph. v. 25.] Two precious truths shine out in these words. He loved , He gave . He not only gave Himself for the Church when He died on the Cross, but He is still sanctifying and cleansing it, and by and by when He comes again "He will present it unto Himself a glorious Church." [Footnote: Eph. v. 27.] So we have the history of the Church in the past, in the present, and in the future. We
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PORTION OF SCRIPTURE—St. Matthew xxi. 1-17, and Revelation xi. 15-18. Now, therefore, why speak ye not a word of bringing the King back? [Footnote: 2 Sam. xix. 10] This question was asked a long time ago. You remember how David was driven from his throne. His son Absalom rebelled against him and he had to leave the country; but Absalom is now dead, the rebellion is at an end, and still David is an exile. At last some of the people talk it over together and inquire of one another, "Why say ye not
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