The Battle Of April 19, 1775
Frank Warren Coburn
111 chapters
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There have been many histories of the Battle of Lexington and of the Battle of Concord, some of them excellent to the extent of that part of the contest to which they were devoted. From time to time gifted orators have gone to the one town or to the other, and eloquently portrayed the heroic deeds of men within that town on the opening day of the American Revolution. No fault should be found with any of those, designed as a healthy stimulus to local pride, and to foster sentiments of national pa
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Individuals, Societies, and Historical Works of Value to Me in the Preparation of this Work. Adams, Josiah. Address at Acton, July 21, 1835. Adams, Josiah. Letter to Lemuel Shattuck, in Vindication of the Claims of Capt. Isaac Davis. Allen, Joseph and Lucy Clark Allen, Memorial of, by their Children. Almanack. George's Cambridge, or the Essex Calendar for 1776. Almanack. Nathaniel Low, 1775. Almanack. North American, 1775. By Samuel Stearns. Almanack. North American, 1776. By Samuel Stearns. Con
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During the war, and at its close, England had been generous in remitting to the Colonial Treasuries large sums in partial liquidation of the war expenses advanced by them; but subsequently it was esteemed wise, by a majority of her statesmen, to gradually replace such sums in the royal coffers, by a system of colonial taxation very similar to modern methods of raising war revenues. In the abstract this fact was not particularly disagreeable to the colonists, for the necessity was admitted, but t
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As we have seen, the First Continental Congress assembled at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. They met in Carpenter's Hall. The First Provincial Congress of Massachusetts met at Salem, Oct. 7, following. John Hancock was chosen President. In its first set of Resolutions it announced: "the necessity of its most vigorous and immediate exertions for preserving the freedom and constitution," of the Province. The Royal Governor, Gen. Thos. Gage, had issued his writs the first day of September, calling up
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General Thomas Gage, Commander of the British forces in America, and successor of Thomas Hutchinson as Governor of Massachusetts Bay, landed in Boston, May 13, 1774. Inspired by a hope that his administration might soften the feeling of resentment against the Mother Country, by annulling some of its causes, his reception on the 17th was dignified and cordial. He was greeted with cheers by the multitude, the firing of salutes in his honor, and a lavish banquet in Faneuil Hall. [30] A few weeks be
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The grenadiers and light infantry under command of Lieut.-Col. Francis Smith, of the 10th Regiment, augmented by a detachment of Marines under Major John Pitcairn, assembled at the foot of Boston Common, on the evening of April 18th, and at about half-past ten o'clock embarked for Lechmere Point, or, as it was often called at that time, Phip's Farm, in East Cambridge. They numbered about eight hundred men. [43] The "Foot of the Common," was not far from the present corner of Boylston and Charles
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The invading army safely across the Charles River was now really on its way, but with all its precautions for secrecy, its coming was even at that moment being heralded in every direction. The ever-vigilant Sons of Liberty had noticed the unusual movements of the troops after dark, and so informed Dr. Warren. He quickly summoned William Dawes and Paul Revere. Dawes arriving first was the first to start, and his route to Lexington was through Roxbury. So to him belongs the credit of being the fir
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The narration of Revere's adventures was eagerly listened to by the patriots assembled at the parsonage. Hancock and Adams were urged to flee by their friends. Hancock was loth to do so, but Adams persuaded him that their duties were executive rather than military, so they prepared for a hasty retreat. Their flight commenced in a chaise driven by Jonas Clarke, son of the minister. [57] Mr. Lowell, Hancock's secretary, and Paul Revere, accompanied them for two miles into Burlington, where they st
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It must not be imagined that information of the night march of the troops was known only along the highway to their destination in Concord. There were fleet messengers in every direction, through the Counties of Middlesex and Essex and Norfolk. Those lanterns in the North Church steeple meant as much to many others as to those on the Charlestown shore. But few details of their rides have been left to us. Yet everywhere the hoof-beats, the shadowy form of the horseman—his cry of alarm, the drums—
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Let us now return to the King's soldiers under the command of Lieut.-Col. Smith, whom we left on the shore of Charles River at Lechmere Point in Cambridge. It was one o'clock on the morning of the 19th, before the column was fully under way. [91] Lechmere Point then had but one house, which stood on the southern slope of the hill, on the northern side of Spring Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, and facing to the south. [92] Where the troops landed, on Second Street, was sufficiently remo
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The invading army emerging from Willis Creek were now in Somerville. They quickly arrived at Piper's Tavern, then standing in what is now Union Square. It was after two o'clock, but the moon was shining sufficiently bright for some of the soldiers to read the sign aloud, which an awakened inmate heard. Up the present Bow Street they marched, passing the Choate and Frost houses, continuing along the present Somerville Avenue to Jonathan Ireland's house, at the southwest corner of the present Scho
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The march was again resumed a few rods farther along the Milk Row road, then wheeling left southwesterly into Cambridge through what is now Beech Street, less than an eighth of a mile in length, then wheeling right into the Lexington and Concord road, towards the northwest. [95] They were then on what is now known as Massachusetts Avenue. Along this part of Battle Road in Cambridge, were perhaps captured the first prisoners, Thomas Robins and David Harrington, both of Lexington. Robins was carry
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Just after crossing the Menotomy River into Arlington they passed a house where lived the venerable Samuel Whittemore [97] with his sons and grandchildren. Silent as was the march intended to be, it awoke the inmates and preparations for the day commenced. The troops soon arrived opposite to the Black Horse Tavern, kept by Mr. Wetherby. Thus far their march had not been heralded other than by the flashing lights and fleet and silent messengers. Lieut.-Col. Smith still thought his little army unn
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It must have been just over the line into Lexington that the young man, Simon Winship, was met. He was on horseback, unarmed, and passing along in a peaceable manner, when he was halted and ordered to dismount. He questioned their right to treat him in that manner, but for answer they forced him from his horse and compelled him to march on foot in their midst. They asked him if he had been out warning the minute-men, to which he replied that he had not, but that he was returning home to his fath
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The six companies of light infantry under command of Major Pitcairn were now considerably in advance of the main body under Smith, and up the road somewhat farther than the present high school building, even farther along than where the Woburn road, now Woburn Street, turns off to the eastward. When still nearer Lexington Common, within about one hundred rods of it, they heard the beating of a drum by William Dimond, drummer in Captain Parker's Company. It was the summons for that little band to
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The march of the British from Lexington Common to the Lincoln line and thence through the Town of Lincoln and into Concord to Meriam's Corner, a distance of a little over five miles, was without unusual incidents. That part of Lincoln through which they passed is the edge of the town, and then, as now, but sparsely settled. The village of Lincoln is considerably to the westward, fortunately, and thus most of the inhabitants were too remote for insult or more serious trouble. The men of Lincoln,
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From Meriam's Corner in Concord to the centre of Concord village is about a mile and a quarter. From the Corner and on the northerly side of the road, commences a line of hills rising fully sixty feet, [158] or more above the road, which skirts along their edges, and perhaps an eighth of mile from, and parallel to, their summits. The ridge commands very easily and nicely the road, for the entire distance, and was looked upon by both sides as a desirable place to occupy. Captain Nathan Barrett an
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In the meantime large numbers of Americans were gathering on the hills to the northward beyond the river. The commander of the British at the North Bridge and vicinity was not unmindful of that, and deemed it wise to concentrate his little army of three companies at the bridge itself, as that seemed to be the threatened point of attack. Consequently the two remoter companies were marched down from the hills and joined the third, and then all three marched to the easterly or nearer end of the bri
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It was about twelve o'clock when Lieut.-Col. Smith gave the order to march. As the neighboring hills were covered with provincials, [222] he ordered out even larger bodies of flankers, and farther away from the main body in the highway. The march along the Lexington road for a little more than a mile to Meriam's Corner, was uneventful, but at that place the struggle was renewed. There the men of Concord, Acton, Lincoln, and Bedford, came within rifle shot of the highway. They had passed along th
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At the foot of the easterly slope of Hardy's Hill is a little stream crossing the road in a northerly direction. It is in Lincoln, and on most maps is put down as Mill Brook, the same that curves around and crosses the road near Meriam's Corner, rather more than a mile back. At Hardy's Hill it has sometimes been called Tanner's Brook. [226] The British had now reached this point, and were marching rapidly, keeping their flankers out parallel to the highway. 1. Col. Barrett. 2. North Bridge. 3. S
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As the British forces again invaded Lexington soil undoubtedly they looked for vengeance from the hands of the little band that stood before them in the early morning. If they did anticipate as much they were not disappointed, for as we have stated Captain Parker and his men had come out into the edge of Lincoln to meet them. Just over the line into Lexington, and a few rods north of the road, the land rises about fifty feet rather abruptly and with a ledgy face. This little summit commands a gr
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As the command of Lieut.-Col. Smith will now rest for a brief period, let us go back to Boston and start with Earl Percy, on his mission to reinforce the former, and consider his delays and difficulties, and why he got no farther than Lexington. As we have seen, it was between two and three o'clock in the morning when Smith reached Arlington, and becoming alarmed at the increasing attention his soldiers were attracting;—attention that seemed to him hostile, he despatched back to Gen. Gage an urg
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1. Capt. Benj. Locke. 2. Tuft's Tavern. 3. Adams. 4. Russell. 5. Percy's Baggage Wagons Captured. 6. Adams. 7. Cooper Tavern. 8. Lieut. Solomon Bowman. 9. Black Horse Tavern. 10. Whittemore. 11. Watson. 12. Tufts. 13. Whittemore Wounded. It was not far from half past four when the British crossed the Lexington line and entered into Arlington. Their retreating march in Lexington measured about two and one quarter miles. Along the road they had striven to kill in honorable battle. They had succeed
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Occasionally the contest narrowed down to personal encounters between two or more. It was near the Menotomy River, on the Cambridge side, that Lieut. Bowman, of Arlington, overtook a straggler from the British ranks, and engaged him in single combat. Both had guns, but neither one was loaded. The Briton rushed at Bowman with fixed bayonet, but the latter warded it off, and with his musket clubbed his antagonist to the ground. Then he took him prisoner. [303] Cambridge was the home of Capt. Samue
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It was about half past six o'clock when Percy left Cambridge and entered the present city of Somerville, crossing the line at the corner of Beech and Elm Streets. Just about at the Somerville line the battle was hotly renewed. Near the corner of Beech Street, and on the easterly side of Elm Street, stood, and still stands (1912), the house of Timothy Tufts. Here Percy halted his army while his two field-pieces were dragged up the hill back of the Tufts house and discharged towards his pursuers,
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The sun set at seven o'clock on that nineteenth day of April, in 1775. [310] It never rose again on Middlesex County under kingly rule. Percy must have been in the vicinity of Union Square, Somerville, at that particular moment. The pauses for his artillery demonstration; the destruction of the few buildings; the killing of Miller; and the hurried march to the Charlestown line, did not occupy more than half an hour. It was just dark enough for the musket flashes to be seen across the marshes and
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Acton. Killed: Capt. Isaac Davis, James Hayward, Abner Hosmer. Wounded: Luther Blanchard and Ezekiel Davis. Arlington. Killed: Jason Russell, Jason Winship, Jabez Wyman. Wounded: Samuel Whittemore. Bedford. Killed: Captain Jonathan Willson. Wounded: Job Lane. Beverly. Killed: Reuben Kennison. Wounded: Nathaniel Cleaves, William Dodge, 3rd, Samuel Woodbury. Billerica. Wounded: Timothy Blanchard, John Nichols. Brookline. Killed: Major Isaac Gardner. Cambridge. Killed: John Hicks, William Marcy, Mo
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"Return of the Commission, Non-Commission Officers, Drummers, Rank and File, killed and wounded, prisoners and missing, on the 19th of April, 1775. "4th or King's Own Regiment, Lieutenant Knight, killed. Lieutenant Gould, wounded and prisoner. 3 Serjeants, 1 Drummer, wounded. 7 Rank and File, killed, 21 wounded, 8 missing. "5th Regiment, Lieutenant Thomas Baker, Lieutenant William Cox, Lieutenant Thomas Hawkshaw, wounded. 5 Rank and File killed. 15 wounded, 1 missing. "10th Regiment, Lieutenant
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I have measured the routes of the various detachments and am enabled to give them as follows, in each case of Smith's force from the shore of Charles River in Cambridge, out to Concord and back to the shore of Charles River in Charlestown. The route of Percy's force was from School Street, Boston, out through Roxbury, etc., to the High School in Lexington, and return to the shore of Charles River, in Charlestown. My cyclometer is divided into eighty-eight fractions of a mile, each one of sixty f
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As in the beginning of this little history we gratefully chronicled the warm and sympathetic friendship for America that permeated the British nation, and particularly the councils of Parliament, so as we close, we may glance across the ocean again to see if that same friendship can survive the shock of rebellion against the King. In quarrels of a family nature one does not feel unpatriotic if he happens to espouse the cause of the minority. So it was with John Horne Tooke. [318] His intense fri
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I have copied the greater part of these patriotic names from the original Rolls in the Archives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where they were filed soon after the battle of April 19, 1775, as claims against the State for services on that and succeeding days. These Companies were all participants, with the exception of those of Dracut, Stow and Westford. I have given them, as they came so nearly into the contest. We know there were scores of others also, who started with the same patrioti
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Captain John Parker's Company.
Captain John Parker's Company.
On Lexington Common, and the First Company in the Contest. As no claim for services on April 19 was filed with the Commonwealth, I have no official Roll. Hudson, in his "History of Lexington," gives the names of one hundred and twenty as constituting the Company, and in the genealogical department of the same work gives several others. In the depositions of participants published in the "Journals of Each Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, 1774-5," are quite a number who named themselves as of
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Captain David Brown's Company.
Captain David Brown's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord....
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Captain Charles Miles's Company.
Captain Charles Miles's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. Captain , Charles Miles Lieutenant , Jonathan Farrar Lieutenant , Francis Wheeler Sergeant , David Hartwell Sergeant , Amos Hosmer Sergeant , Silas Walker Sergeant , Edward Richardson Drummer , Daniel Brown Fifer , Samuel Darby Corporal , Simeon Hayward Corporal , Nathan Peirce Corporal , James Cogswell Joseph Cleasby Simeon Buridge Israel Barratt Daniel Hore Ephraim Brooks William Buridge Joseph Stratton Stephan Brooks Simon Wheeler Ebenezer Johnson Stephan Starn
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Captain George Minot's Company.
Captain George Minot's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. Names and number of men unknown....
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Captain Isaac Davis's Company.
Captain Isaac Davis's Company.
Davis was killed and the command fell to his Lieutenant, John Hayward, who became Captain. The following official Roll does not include Acton's slain: "A list of the names of a minute-Company under the Command of Captain John Hayward in Colonel Abijah Pierce's Regiment, who entered the Service nineteenth of April One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Five." Lexington Alarms, XII, 116 ( Captain , Isaac Davis, killed) ( Succeeding ) Captain , John Hayward Lieutenant , John Heald Second Lieutenant
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Acting Captain Lieutenant Simon Hunt's Company.
Acting Captain Lieutenant Simon Hunt's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. Names and number of men unknown....
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Captain Joseph Robin's Company.
Captain Joseph Robin's Company.
Captain , Joseph Robins ( Officer ) Israel Heald ( Officer ) Robert Chaffin Acting Captain , Simon Hunt Ensign , Thomas Noyes...
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Captain John Moore's Company.
Captain John Moore's Company.
"The Account of Capt. John Moore, Commander of the Military Company, in Bedford, for himself & those of his Company numbered in the following Roll for time & Travel Spent in the Service & Defence of the Colony, on & Directly after the alarm on the Nineteenth Day of April last: Exhibiting, in Destinct Columns against Each mans name, the number of miles he Travelled, The allowance thereof, The number of Days he was in the Service, and the wages thereof; with the Sum
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Captain Jonathan Willson's Company.
Captain Jonathan Willson's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. Willson was killed and the command fell to his Lieutenant, Moses Abbott. "the Account of the Time that Eatch man who belonged to the minit men of the Town of Bedford Spent at Cambridge in defence of the County together with Nineteenth of April last & also of their travil Receoned from the middle of the town according to the mind of the Company." Lexington Alarms, XI, 192....
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Captain William Smith's Company.
Captain William Smith's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A List of a Company of Minute Men, under the Command of Capt. William Smith in Colo. Abijah Pierces Regt. who entered the Service April ye 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 97....
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Lieutenant Oliver Crosby's Company.
Lieutenant Oliver Crosby's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Roll of a Number of men belonging To Billerica in Coll green's Regt under the Command of Lieut Oliver Crosby being the Remainder of the Thurd Company in said Town after the Inlisting the minet men Who were in the Concord Battle & after ward in the army at Cambridge the Time after mentioned." Lexington Alarms, XII, 16. Lieutenant , Oliver Crosby Sergeant , Josiah Bowen Josiah Crosby Ebnr. Richardson Joseph Farmer Reuben Kendal, Jun. Benja. Beard E
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Edward Farmer's Company.
Edward Farmer's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster roll of the Company, under the Command of Capt. Edwd. Farmer, of Billerica in Colo. Green's Regt. of Melitia, which march'd on the Alarm April 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 73. Captain , Edwd. Farmer Lieutenant , John Farmer Imas Sanders Thos. Baldwin Stephen Bassett Nathl. Blanchard Sears Cook Timo. Davis Oliver Farmer Samuel Trull John Patten, Jun. Wm. Gleason Reuben Kendle Benja. Pollard Asa Patten Jerh. Allen Jona. Richardson Oliver Richardson I
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Captain Jonathan Stickney's Company.
Captain Jonathan Stickney's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Role of the Company under the Command of Capt. Jona Stickney in Coll Bridges Regt of Minet men wich marched on the alarm April 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 118. Captain , Jona. Stickney Lieutenant , James Lewis Lieutenant , John Lewis Sergeant , Timo. Whiting Jacob Richardson Josiah Bowars Wm. Stickney Private , Wm Baldwin John Blanchard Saml. Blanchard Timo. Blanchard Timo. Whiting, jun. Solomon Pollard Joseph Willson Isaac White Benja. Davis Jos
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Captain Oliver Barron's Company.
Captain Oliver Barron's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A list of the Travil and Service of Capt. Oliver Barron of Chelmsford in the County of Middlesex and the men under him, belonging to the Regiment of Militia whereof David Green Esqr is Colonel. We in Consequence of the Alarm made on ye 19th of April 1775 marched from home for the Defence of This Colloney against the ministerial Troops." Lexington Alarms, XI, 210. Captain , Oliver Barron Lieutenant , Samuel Stevens Sergeant , John Ford Sergeant , Benjamin Warren S
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Acting Captain Col. Moses Parker's Company.
Acting Captain Col. Moses Parker's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Roll of Col. Moses Parker Company, year 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 153 ( Acting Captain ) Colonel Moses Parker Lieutenant , Benjamin Walker Lieutenant , Isaac Parker Sergeant , John Freland Sergeant , Wm. Parker Sergeant , Azariah Procter Sergeant , Villard Parker Simeon Barritt Wm. Abbot Saml. Perham Wm. Parkes Isaac Foster David Spaulding Aaron Chamberling Henry Fletcher Wm. Fletcher 3d Ieptha Spauling Mica Spaulding Robert Adams (?) ly Reed Leui P
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Captain Simon Edget's Company.
Captain Simon Edget's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Roll of A Minute Company Belonging to Framingham Under the Command of Capt. Simon Edget, In the Conty of Middlesex who marched on the alarm on the 19th of april 1775 to Concord & Cambridge." Lexington Alarms, XII, 84. Captain , Simon Edget First Lieutenant , James Dvrury (?) Second Lieutenant , Jon Buckmnster First Sergeant , William Mayner Second Sergeant , Joseph Bigelow Third Sergeant , Noah Eaton Fourth Sergeant , (?) Bent First Corporal , (?
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Captain Jesse Emes's Company.
Captain Jesse Emes's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "an Abstract of melitia Compny Belonging to Framingham." Lexington Alarms, XII, 79. Captain , Jesse Emes Lieutenant , John Shattuck Lieutenant , John Eames Sergeant , (?) Hemenway Sergeant , John Clayes Sergeant , James Glover Corporal , Richard Rice Corporal , Thos. Bent Corporal , Thads. Hager Corporal , John Jones, Joner Abner Prat Hennry Emes Gershom Emes Jotham Emes Seth Harden Nathl. Emes, Joner Silas Winch Asa Nvrs John Nvrs Jam Mellen Isace Gibbs Daniel Jo
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Captain Micajah Gleason's Company.
Captain Micajah Gleason's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Role of the minute men Under the Command of Capt. Micajah Gleason at Concord April ye 19th, 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 94. Captain , Micajah Gleason Lieutenant , John Eames Lieutenant , Samuel Gleason Sergeant , John Gleason Sergeant , Thomas Buckminster Clerk , Ebenezer Hemenway Sergeant , Shubeb Sever Sergeant , Jonathan Hill Corporal , Gideon Rider Corporal , Alphais Nichols Corporal , Ebenezer Winch Corporal , Roger Brown Drummer , Isaac Heminway Fifer ,
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Captain John Bacheller's Company.
Captain John Bacheller's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Roll of Cap John Bachellers Company of Minute men in Colo Ebenezer Bridges Regt." Lexington Alarms, XI, 245. Captain , John Bacheller First Lieutenant , Ebenr. Damon Second Lieutenant , James Bancroft Sergeant , Thomas Hartsons Sergeant , Abraham Foster Sergeant , Edm Eaton Sergeant , John Green Corporal , Wm. Redding Corporal , Nathl. Cowdry Corporal , Joseph Burnap Corporal , Jona. Flint Fifer , Wm. Wilson Fifer , Charles Eaton Benja. Badger Thos. Brow
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Captain Thomas Eaton's Company.
Captain Thomas Eaton's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster roll of Capt. Eaton's Compy. in Col. o Green's Regt." Lexington Alarms, XII, 93. Captain , Thomas Eaton Lieutenant , Jonas Parker Ensign , John Emerson Sergeant , Amos Parson Sergeant , Jos. Bancroft Sergeant , Wm. Parker Sergeant , John Boutell Corporal , John Temple Corporal , Asa Parker Corporal , Isaac Pratt Drummer , Wm. Nichols Edmd. Bancroft Saml. Emerson (?) nl Damon (?) bra Eaton John Nichols Danl. Parker, Jr. Benja. Parker John Pratt Richd. Nic
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Captain John Flint's Company.
Captain John Flint's Company.
"A Roll of Capt. John Flint's Company in Colo. David Greens Regiment." Lexington Alarms, XII, 68. Captain , John Flint First Lieutenant , John Dix Second Lieutenant , Ephm. Pratt ( Sergeant? ) Timo Russell ( Sergeant? ) George Flint ( Sergeant? ) Benja. Upton ( Sergeant? ) Jabez Upton Jona Batchellor Job Bancroft John Burnap John Bragg John Clammons Stephn Curtis Ezra Dammon David Dammon Deacn Jereh. Eaton Timo. Eaton Israel Eaton Nathl Eaton, Jun Nathl Evans Saml Elenwood Lieutenant, Eleazr Fli
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Captain John Walton's Company.
Captain John Walton's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster roll of Capt. John Walton's Compy in Colo. David Greens Regiment April 19th, 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 166. Captain , John Walton Lieutenant , John Pratt Ensign , Thomas Green Sergeant , John Brown Sergeant , John Vinton Sergeant , Wm. Green Sergeant , Saml Gould Corporal , James Smith Corporal , James Bennett Drummer , Thomas Pool Fifer , Thomas Hudson Aaron Green John Fowl Isaac Smith Michael Sweetser Nathl Wiley David Smith Benja. Bordman Reuben
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Captain Nathaniel Cudworth's Company.
Captain Nathaniel Cudworth's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Roll of the Minute Compy. under the Command of Capt Nathl. Cudworth, in Col. Abijah Peirce's Regiment." Lexington Alarms, XII, 8. Captain , Nathl. Cudworth Lieutenant , Thadeus Russell Ensign , Nathl. Maynard Sergeant , Nathl. Reeves Sergeant , Jona. Hoar Sergeant , Caleb Moulton Sergeant , Thoms. Rutter Corporal , Josih. Willington Corporal , Thads. Bond Corporal , David Clough Corporal , Josha. Kendell Drummer , John Trask Phins. Gleason Ebenr. Dudley
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Captain Aaron Haynes's Company.
Captain Aaron Haynes's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster Role of Millitia Company a part of an Alarm Company that Marched to Cambrdg by Concord on the Alarum on the ninteth of April last the Comand of Capt. Aaron Haynes of Sudbury and Returning home." Lexington Alarms, XII, 123. Captain , Aaron Haynes Lieutenant , Daniel Bowker Second Lieutenant , James Puffer Sergeant , Joshua Haynes Sergeant , Samll. Dakin Sergeant , Samll. Puffer Sergeant , Jona. Haynes Corporal , Benja. Smith Corporal , Asahel Balcom Corpo
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Captain Isaac Locker's Company.
Captain Isaac Locker's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "Province of the Massachusetts Dr To Isaac Locker & the men under me by name, in ye Colony for service done in defence of the Country on ye 19th day of April to ye 21st of the same when the alarm at Concord agreeable to the General Courts Order made up this accot." Lexington Alarms, XII, 178. Captain , Isaac Locker Lieutenant , Oliver Noyes Quartermaster , Jas. Ruffer Corporal , Jas. Noyes Corporal , Jesse Gibbs Corporal , Abel Smith (Da?) Wood Moore Ephm
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Captain John Nixon's Company.
Captain John Nixon's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. Captain John Nixon Lieutenant David Moor Second Lieutenant Asahel Wheeler Sergeant Micah Goodenow Sergeant Elijah Willis Sergeant Jeremiah Robins Sergeant Abel Holden Corporal Hopstill Brown Corporal Jesse Moor Corporal Uriah Wheelr Corporal William Moor Joseph Baleum Phillmon Brown Samll. Brigham Samll. Cuting Asher Cutler William Dun Aaron Ames Robert Ames Saml. Gleason Thomas Goodenow Jesse Goodenow William Goodenow Reuben Haynes Joshua Haynes Caleb Wheeler Joh
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Captain Joseph Smith's Company.
Captain Joseph Smith's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Muster roll of the Company under the Command of Capt Joseph Smith, in Colo James Barrett's Regiment from Sudbury on April 19th 1775, in pursuit of the Ministerial Troops." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 94. Captain Jos. Smith Lieutenant Josiah Farrar Lieutenant Ephm. Smith Ensign Timo. Underwood Sergeant Wm. Bent Sergeant Saml. Griffen Sergeant Robt. Cutting Sergeant John Bruce Corporal Saml. Tilton Corporal Nathn. Smith Corporal Peter Johnson Corporal John Meriam Dru
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Captain Moses Stone's Company.
Captain Moses Stone's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "These certify that the men's names hereafter annex'd march'd on ye 19th of April last, to Head Qrs we being under Command of Lt Colo Ezekiel How of Sudbury and Moses Stone Capt." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 86. Captain Moses Stone Lieutenant Jona. Rice Second Lieutenant Joseph Goodnow Sergeant Joseph Moore Corporal Ephm Carter David How Benja. Berry Ion Carter Elijah Goodnow David How Ezekl How, Jr. Jonas Wheeler Isaac Lincoln Thos Ames Thos Burbank Nathl Bryant Isra
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Captain Samuel Belknap's Company.
Captain Samuel Belknap's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A List of the names of the Men who Marched from Woburn [torn off] Concord and from thence to Cambridge on the nineteenth day of April 1775 under the Command of Capt. Samuel Belknap together with their after Services untill the Army was form'd." Lexington Alarms, XI, 194. Captain Samuel Belknap Lieutenant Joseph Winn Lieutenant Nathaniel Brooks Sergeant Joshua Tay Sergeant Samuel Person Sergeant William Fox Clerk Abijah Tompson Drummer Jonathan Wright Drummer Jess
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Captain Jonathan Fox's Company.
Captain Jonathan Fox's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A Roll of the Trauel and Seruice of the men that went under my command on the alaram on 19 of Aprel 1775 Last for the Defences of thes Coloney and the Rites of America we went from Woburn to Concord we went to Cambrege With the number of miles each man went and the Dayes he was in the servieces." Lexington Alarms, XII, 70. Captain Jona. Fox Lieutenant James Wymon Lieutenant John Richardson (Quartermaster? ) Judothon Richardson Sergeant Gosse Richardson Sergeant S
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Captain Joshua Walker's Company.
Captain Joshua Walker's Company.
Entered the Contest at Concord. "A muster Roll of Capt. Joshua Walker's Company under the Command of Colonel David Greene of the 2d Regiment of Foot in the County of Middlesix." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 155. Captain Joshua Walker First Lieutenant , Jona. Tidd Second Lieutenant John Wood Ensign , Jos. Johnson, 3d Sergeant Saml. Dean Sergeant Jacob Caldwell Sergeant Nathl. Cutler Sergeant Ezra Wyman Corporal Isaac Buxton Corporal Ruben Kimbal Corporal James Read Drummer Jacob Winn Abraham Andrews J
1 minute read
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Captain William Whitcom's Company.
Captain William Whitcom's Company.
"A list of the travel of Cap William Whitcom's company of Stow in the County of Middlesex and the men under him belonging to the Regiment of Malitia whereof James Prescott Esq. is Colonel, we in consequence of the Alarm made on the 19 of April 1775 for the defence of this Colony against the Ministerial troops &c." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 168. Captain , Wm. Whitcom Lieutenant , Joseph Taylor Sergeant , Benj. Munro Sergeant , Sam. Osborn Sergeant , Ephm Tailor Corporal , Dan Hapgood Corpor
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Captain Oliver Bates's Company.
Captain Oliver Bates's Company.
"A List of the Travels & Service of Capt Oliver Bates of Westford In the County of Middlesex and the Men under him belonging to the Regiment of Militia where of James Prescott Esq. is Coll We in Consequence of the Alarm made on the 19th of April 1775 Marched from home For the Defence of this Collony against the Ministerial Troops." Lexington Alarms, XI, 216. Captain , Oliver Bates Lieutenant , David Goodhoe Second Lieutenant , John Abbot Sergeant , Thomas Rogers Sergeant , Solomon Spauld
55 minute read
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Captain Jonathan Minot's Company.
Captain Jonathan Minot's Company.
"A list of the Travil and Servis of Capt Jonathan Minot of wesord In the County of Middlesex and the men under him belonging to the Regement of Melitia where of James Prescott Esq. is Colonel We in Consequence of the alarm made on the 19th of April 1775 marched from home for the defence of this Colloney against the Minesterial Troops &c." Lexington Alarms, XII, 194. Captain , Jonathan Minot First Lieutenant , Zaceheus Wright Second Lieutenant , Leonard Proctor Sergeant , Aaron Parker, ju
56 minute read
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Captain Joshua Parker's Company.
Captain Joshua Parker's Company.
"A Return of the mens Names & When entered the Service." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 56. Captain , Joshua Parker Lieutenant , Thomas Rogers Sergeant , Solomon Spaulding Sergeant , Nehemiah Green Sergeant , Silas Proctor Sergeant , Jonathan Minott Corporal , Peter Brown Corporal , Levi Temple Corporal , Jonas Harding Fifer , Ephrm. Spaulding Drummer , Isaac Parker Calvin Blanchard Aaron Blood Ebenezar Chandler Samuel Craft Ephraim Dutton Ephraim Chamberlin Benjamin Easter Brooks Levi Fletcher
53 minute read
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Captain Peter Coburn's Company.
Captain Peter Coburn's Company.
"Muster roll of Capt Peter Coburn Company of minute men under the Command of Colo. Bridge." Lexington Alarms, XII, 25. Captain Peter Coburn Lieutenant Josiah Foster Lieutenant Ebenr Varnum Sergeant Miles Flint Sergeant Isaac Bradly Sergeant Parker Varnum Drummer Wm. Webster Josiah Hildrick Samuel Barron John Bowers Edwd. Wyman Saml. Coburn Wm. Hildrick Leonard Coburn Hezh. Coburn Bradly Varnum Peter Hezeltine Jona. Parkhurst Isaac Merrill Solo. Hill Hencksn. Richardsn Hencksn Richardsn Zebh. Jon
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Captain Stephen Russell's Company.
Captain Stephen Russell's Company.
Captain Stephn. Russell First Lieutenant Ephm. Coburn Second Lieutenant Abra. Coburn Sergeant Matthew Parker Sergeant Benja. French Sergeant Timo. Barker Reuben Sawyer David Jones Saml. Brown Moses Goodhue John Austin Jos. Hebberd Jas. (y ? y) (?) Crosby, Junr. Obadh. Richardson Zachr. Goodhue, Jr. Wm. Hildreth Robert Nicklas Caleb Austin Ezra Coburn Saml. Piper Ephrm. Wright David Austin Wm. Farnum Hincher Parker John Harvey James Manser Wm. Lyndsey Wm. Coburn Francis Sawyer Jeshua Pilsbery Jam
1 minute read
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Captain Samuel Thatcher's Company.
Captain Samuel Thatcher's Company.
Entered the Contest at Lincoln. "A Muster Roll of the Company under the Command of Capt. Saml Thatcher in Colo Gardner's Regiment of Militia which Marched on the Alarm April 19 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 143. Captain Samuel Thatcher Lieutenant John Walton Second Lieutenant Jotham Walton Sergeant Josiah Moore Sergeant Joseph Bates Sergeant Saml. Butterfield Sergeant James Kittle Corporal Thomas Fillebrown Corporal Belcher Hancock Drummer Joshua Gammage Drummer Will Bradish Joseph Ayres John B
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Captain Phinehas Cook's Company, under Command of John Marean, Captain-Lieutenant.
Captain Phinehas Cook's Company, under Command of John Marean, Captain-Lieutenant.
Entered the Contest at Lexington. "A Muster Role of the Several persons that Marched from Newton to head Quarters at Cambridge on the nineteenth Day of April 1775 on the Alarem under the Command of John Marean, Capt. Lieut." Lexington Alarms, XII, 20. Captain Phinehas Cook Captain Lieutenant John Marean First Lieutenant Joseph Craft Second Lieutenant Caleb Kenrick Sergeant Samuel Jackson Sergeant John Thwing Sergeant Aaron Richerdson Sergeant Semuel Giuld Michael Jackson Elisha Barker Elisha Ful
49 minute read
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Captain Amariah Fuller's Company.
Captain Amariah Fuller's Company.
Entered the Contest at Lexington. "A Muster Roll of the Several persons that Marched from Newton to head Quarters at Cambridge on the Nineteenth Day of April A.D. 1775 on the Alarm under the Command of Amariah Fuller Capt (Viz)" Lexington Alarms, XII, 57....
14 minute read
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Captain Jeremiah Wiswall's Company.
Captain Jeremiah Wiswall's Company.
Entered the Contest at Lexington. "A Muster Roll of the Company in the American Service upon the Alarm in Newton to Lexington under the Command of Capt. Jeremiah Wiswall." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 171. Captain Jeremiah Wiswall First Lieutenant Joseph Fuller Second Lieutenant Sam Richardson Sergeant Sam Hide Sergeant William Hamond Sergeant John Stone Sergeant James Stone Corporal Benj Eddy Corporal Nath Robins Corporal Thos Durant John Beal David Bartlett Edw Converse Caleb Whitney Saml. Coggin A
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Captain Thomas White's Company.
Captain Thomas White's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "1775 A Muster Roll of The Militia Company in Brookline Who Marched against the Ministerial Troops on ye 19th April Under ye Command of Capn Thos. White in Col. Wm. Heath's Regiment and the Time of Servis to ye 12th Day of may." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 176. Captain Thos. White First Lieutenant Caleb Croft Second Lieutenant Daniel White Sergeant Moses White Sergeant Abijah Child Sergeant Samuel Griggs Corporal John Harris, Ju. Corporal Daniel Dana, Ju. Fifer Isaa
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Part of Captain Thomas White's Company.
Part of Captain Thomas White's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of Part of the Militia Company in Brookline Who marched against ye Ministerial Troops ye 19th of April. Under ye Command of Capn. Thos. White in Col Wm Heaths Regiment. They Being in the Servis until Properly Inlisted in the Army." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 176. Sergeant Timothy Cory Corporal Caleb Gardner Jonas Johnson Ezekiel Crane John Blandin John Alger John Broodrick Thos. Champny Wm Davis Saml Davis George Dunlap John Feneey Abner Hoit William
33 minute read
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Captain Thomas Aspinwall's Company.
Captain Thomas Aspinwall's Company.
Probably Entered the Contest at Arlington. No claim for service and no muster roll filed with the Commonwealth. Names and number of men unknown....
8 minute read
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Captain Samuel Barnard's Company.
Captain Samuel Barnard's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "Muster Roll of the Company under the Command of Capt Samuel Barnard in the Late Col Thomas Gardners Regiment of Militia which Marched on the Alarm April 19 1775." Lexington Alarms, XI, 214. Captain Saml. Barnard Lieutenant John Stratton Second Lieutenant Phinehas Stearns Ensign Edward Harrington Sergeant Saml. Sanger Sergeant Christopher Grant Sergeant Josiah Capen Sergeant Stephen Whitney Corporal Isaac Saunderson Corporal Moses Stone Corporal Nathl. Bright Co
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Captain Isaac Hall's Company.
Captain Isaac Hall's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A True Return of the Travel and Time of Service of the Company at Medford, under the Command of Capt. Isaac Hall in the late Colo Thomas Gardners Regiment assembled April ye 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 114. Captain Isaac Hall Lieutenant Caleb Brooks Ensign Stephen Hall 4th Sergeant Thomas Pritchard Sergeant Isaac Tufts Sergeant Moses Hall Corporal John Tufts Corporal Gershom Teel Corporal Jona. Greenleaf Drummer Timo. Hall Fifer Willm. Farrington David V
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Captain Benjamin Blaney's Company.
Captain Benjamin Blaney's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Role of the Company of the Militia that Went to Watertown By order of the Late Colo. Gardner upon the alarm on the 19 Day of April 1775 and from there to resist the Ministerial troops under the Command of Capt Benja Blaney." Lexington Alarms, XI, 209. Captain Benja. Blaney Lieutenant Nathan Lyndes Second Lieutenant William Wait Sergeant Amos Shute Sergeant Nehemiah Oakes Sergeant Jabez Lyndes Corporal Micah Wait Corporal Bernard Green Corporal Jacob Parker Co
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Captain Lemuel Child's Company.
Captain Lemuel Child's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "Roxbury Decemr 16, 1775. A true and just Roll of the third Company in Roxbury commanded by Captn Lemuel Child in Colo. Wm. Heath's Regiment the 19th day of April then called to the 3d day of May and then dismissed." Lexington Alarms, XI, 253. Captain Lem Child Lieutenant Lemuel May Lieutenant Isaac Williams Ensign Sam White as a Serjant Sergeant , Eben Weld Sergeant , Step. Payson Sergeant , Ezra Davis Sergeant , Isaac Sturtevant Corporal , Payson Williams Corp
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Captain William Draper's Company.
Captain William Draper's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "Roxbury 7th Decem 1775. A true and just roll of the Second Company in Roxbury by Captn. William Draper in Colo William Heaths Regiment the 19th day of April then called to the 3d day of May and then dismissed." Lexington Alarms, XII, 50. Captain , Wm. Draper Lieutenant , Thomas Mayo Lieutenant , John Davis Sergeant , Noah Davis Sergeant , Paul Draper Sergeant , Davd. Richards Corporal , Danl. Lyon Corporal , Davd. Baker Drummer , William Warren Nat Davis Sam Fr
56 minute read
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Captain Moses Whiting's Company.
Captain Moses Whiting's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of the Company under the Command of Capt. Moses Whiting, in Colo. John Greaton's Minuts Regiment." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 198. Captain , Moses Whiting First Lieutenant , Jacob Davis Second Lieutenant , Moses Draper Sergeant , James Herring Sergeant , Joseph Smith Sergeant , Samuel Foster Sergeant , John Chiley Jones Corporal , Gershom Jackson Corporal , Jacob Whitemore Corporal , Noah Parker Fifer , William Dorr Drummer , John Gore Soloman Munroe
59 minute read
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Captain Eben Battle's Company.
Captain Eben Battle's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. Captain , Eben Battle First Lieutenant , Daniel Whiting Second Lieutenant , John Battle Sergeant , Sam Cheney Joseph Fisher John Knap Jabez Baker Theodore Newell, Corp John Chickering Eben Richards Moses Richards Hez Baute (or Bank?), Fifer Samuel Richards, jun. David Cleveland Thomas Gardner Henry (Tiodal?) Nathan Metcalf Aaron Fairbanks Jeremiah Bacon Asa Mason Wm. Fisher James Man Eben Haven Eben Battle, Jr. John Cheney Jabez Whiting Luke Dean Joseph Chickeri
53 minute read
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Captain William Bullard's Company.
Captain William Bullard's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "Dedham Decem the 15 1775. A true list of the Soldiers names in the militia company in the south parish in Dedham under the Command of Captn. William Bullard and of the days they have Spent in the public Service upon the Alarm on the 19th of April, said Company belonging to Col o Heaths Regt." Lexington Alarms, XI, 246. Captain , Wm. Bullard First Lieutenant , John Morse Second Lieutenant , Nat Lewis Ensign , Eben Everet Sergeant , Asa (?) eret Sergeant , J (?)
1 minute read
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Captain Daniel Draper's Company.
Captain Daniel Draper's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A list of a company that marched from the third parish in Dedham in the Alarms occasioned by the Lexington battle on April 19, 1775, under the command of Capt Daniel Draper in Colo. Davis Regiment." Lexington Alarms, XII, 33. Captain , Daniel Draper Sergeant , Nathan Ellis Sergeant , Timo. Draper Job Buckminster David Ellis Amasa Farington Ezra Gay Jerem Baker Enoch Kinsbury Jona. Omon Aaron Ellis Saml. Colburn, Jr. William Gay Jona. Whiting Simion Colburn John
34 minute read
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Captain William Ellis's Company.
Captain William Ellis's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of the Company under the command of Cap William Ellis of Col o Heaths Regiment 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 91. Captain , William Ellis Lieutenant , Jona. Colborne Sergeant , Joseph Ellis Sergeant , Benj Fairbanks Sergeant , Eben Fisher Corporal , Eliph Baker Corporal , Oliver Ottis Corporal , William Gay Timo. Baker Timo. Smith David Smith Abner Smith Iona. Whiting Eben (?) ing Ichd. Colburn Simeon Colbon Abel Richards John Richards Nath Gay Sam
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Captain David Fairbanks's Company.
Captain David Fairbanks's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A List of a Party of Soldiers in a Militia Company in Dedham under the Command of David Fairbanks, and in Colo Heaths Regt. that was in the Service on ye Alarm ye 19th April 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 35. Captain , David Fairbanks Lieutenant , Jona. Colburn Sergeant , Joseph Draper Corporal , Joseph Dean Corporal , Oliver Ellis Abel Richards Danl. Smith Ezray Gay Saml. Colburn John Farrington Timo. Baker Saml. Baker Abner Smith Lemuel Herring...
30 minute read
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Captain Aaron Fuller's Company.
Captain Aaron Fuller's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A List of the Officers and Men who march'd from Dedham first Parish on the 19th day of April 1775, on the Alarm then made, with the No. of Miles and days in Service." Lexington Alarms, XII, 71. Captain , Aaron Fuller Lieutenant , Joseph Lewis Ensign , (?)a Avery Sergeant , John Gay (?) lipha Fuller Willm. Whiting Nathl. Kingsbury Saml. Fales William Richards Nehemiah Fales John Wilson Ebenr. Hunting Benjn. Davenport Joseph Billing Thomas Eaton (?) ne Lewis John
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Captain George Gould's Company.
Captain George Gould's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A List of the men that Marched From Dedham at the Allarum on the Nineteenth of Last April under the Command of Capt George Gould." Lexington Alarms, XII, 108. Captain , George Gould Lieutenant , Richard Woodward Sergeant , Israel Everet Sergeant , Joseph Whiting Sergeant , William Gay Corporal , Israel Fairbanks Abel Ellis Samuel Whiting Stephen Whiting Oliver Smith Daniel Gay, Jur. Jonas Humphrey Joseph Metcalf Benjamin Wetherbey Samuel Bill Isaac Stowel Natha
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Captain Joseph Guild's Company.
Captain Joseph Guild's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A true Return of the travel and time of Service of the Minute Company and the Command of Capt. Joseph Guild of Dedham in Col Greatons Regt. Assembled on the 19th of April 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 105. Captain , Joseph Guild Lieutenant , John Ellis Lieutenant , Ebenr. Newel Lieutenant , John Gay Sergeant , Isaac Bullard Sergeant , Lews Colburn Sergeant , Nathle. Chickering Sergeant , Elipht. Thorp Corporal , Amasa Farrington Corporal , Asa Richards Corporal
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Captain Aaron Smith's Company.
Captain Aaron Smith's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Rool of Capt Aaron Smith's Company of Militia who marched in Consequence of the Alarum Made on the 19th of April last in the Regiment where of William Heath Esqr was the Col. as Follows viz." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 98. Captain , Aaron Smith Lieutenant , Moses Bullard Ensign , Josiah Upham Sergeant , John Bacon Sergeant , William Fuller Sergeant , Samuel Kilton Sergeant , Joseph Daniell Corporal , Enock Kingsbery Corporal , Jonathan Smith Corporal , Joseph Dr
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Captain Robert Smith's Company.
Captain Robert Smith's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of The Company under the Command of Capt Robert Smith in Colonel William Heaths Regiment Needham January 2 1776." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 92. Captain , Robert Smith Lieutenant , Oliver Mills Ensign , Silas Alden Sergeant , Elisha Mills, killed Sergeant , Jona. Gay Sergeant , Tho Fuller Sergeant , Elias Fuller Corporal , Sam Alden Corporal , Sam Fisher Corporal , Euahim Cooke Corporal , Eben Day Drummer , Eben Clark Fifer , Josiah Fisher John McInt
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Captain Caleb Kingsbery's Company.
Captain Caleb Kingsbery's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of the Travel & Service of a Company of Alarm Men in Needham under the Command of Caleb Kingsbery in Colon Aaron Davis's Regiment That March'd in Consequence of the Alarum Made on the 19th of April 1775, Which is as Followeth Vizt." Lexington Alarms, XII, 164. Captain , Caleb Kingsbery First Lieutenant , John Bacon, killed Second Lieutenant , Eleazer Kingsbery Sergeant , Daniel Gould Sergeant , Samuel Daggett Sergeant , Isaac Underwood Ser
57 minute read
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Captain Nathaniel Bancroft's Company.
Captain Nathaniel Bancroft's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "Lynn, Muster roll of Capt Nath. Bancroft's Compy on defence of this Colony upon April 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XI, 243. Captain , Nathl. Bancroft Lieutenant , Jos. Gowing Lieutenant , Nathl. Sherman Sergeant , Thos. Townsend (?) Timo. Munroe Drummer , Benja. Adams James Bancroft Timo. Wolton Jas. Gowing, by order went to Ipswich Goal wth a number of Prisoners, 67 miles John Berry Jesse Wellman Ezekiel Newhall Jona. Wellman Jos Brown Wm. Mansfield Andrew Ma
43 minute read
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Captain William Farrington's Company.
Captain William Farrington's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "Roll of the Second Foot company of Militia in Lynn who Marched toward Concord April 19, 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 77. Captain , Willm. Farrington First Lieutenant , Benj Tohmon Sergeant , John Burrell Sergeant , John Mansfield Sergeant , Jacob Ingalls, Jun. Sergeant , William Newhall Edward Johnson Nehem Ramsdell Wm. Richards Phinehas Sweetser Richd. Hill Abner Alley Aaron Newhall Benja. Parrott William Whitemore Abednego Ramsdell, who was killed, and lost
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Captain Rufus Mansfield's Company.
Captain Rufus Mansfield's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Roll of the fourth foot Company of Militia in Lynn who marched to Concord on the 19th April 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 190. Captain , Rufus Mansfield First Lieutenant , Joseph Ballard Second Lieutenant , Dan Newhall Sergeant , Joseph Hart Sergeant , Edmund Clark Sergeant , Henry Burchsted Sergeant , Nathan Atwell Corporal , Ebenr. Newhall Corporal , Charles Newhall Corporal , Joel Newhall Corporal , John Burrill John Burrage Richard Mansfield John Roads Th
57 minute read
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Captain Ezra Newhall's Company.
Captain Ezra Newhall's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "a muster Roll of the minit Company commanded by Ezra Newhall of the Town of Lynn Aprel the 19th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 27. Captain Ezra Newhall Lieutenant Thomas Cocks Ensign John Upton Sergeant John Botts Sergeant Grimes Tufts Sergeant John Watts Sergeant John Gowen Corporal James Edmonds Corporal Ebenezer Mansfield Corporal Increase Newhall Corporal Ebenezer Stocker Fifer Samuel Berry Drummer William Newhall Joseph Alley Rufus Brown John Bancroft Ezra
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Captain David Parker's Company.
Captain David Parker's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster roll of the first Company in ye Town of Lynn, that marched to Concord." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 45. Captain David Parker Lieutenant John Poole Ensign Nathan Hawks Sergeant Thomas Hawks Sergeant Lemuel Allen Sergeant Benja. B. Redden Sergeant Nathl. Hutchinson Corporal Jabez Newhall Corporal Abner Cheever, Jr. Corporal Saml. Mansfield Corporal Amos Leeds Fifer Willm. Hill Drummer Thos. Barrey Ephm. Brown Danl. Hitchings Jos. Edmund Willm. Bordman Aaron
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Captain David Dodge's Company.
Captain David Dodge's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. Captain Caleb Dodge First Lieutenant Jona. Batchelder Second Lieutenant Nathan Smith Ensign Benja. Shaw Sergeant Jona. Batchelder Sergeant Saml. Woodbury Sergeant Peter Woodbury Sergeant Benja. Jones Sergeant Jona. Perkins Jacob Dodge Benja. Cressy, Jr. Nathl. Cressy Wm. Cammel Jos. Raymond Elisha Woodbery Stephen Felton D. Wm. Dodge Wm. Woodbery 3d Ebenr. Trask Mark Dodge. Jr. Charles Dodge Joshua Dodge Saml. Conant Israel Green Bartho. Trask John Creesy Nathan
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Captain Larkin Thorndike's Company.
Captain Larkin Thorndike's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. No introductory heading over this muster roll. Various Service Muster Rolls, XX, 199. Captain Larkin Thorndike First Lieutenant Joseph Wood Second Lieutenant John Dyson Ensign Theophelus Herrick Sergeant Moses Brown Sergeant Henry Herrick Sergeant Benjamin Leech Sergeant John Low Corporal Sewal Tack Robert Roundy Benjamin Lovett Solomon Loufkin Benjamin Corning Joseph Larken Henry Standly William Herrick Benjamin Parsons Andrew Smith Elisha Woodberry Josiah Wood
49 minute read
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Captain Peter Shaw's Company.
Captain Peter Shaw's Company.
No introductory heading over this muster roll. Lexington Alarms, XIII, 128. Men's Names Lieutenant Peter Shaw Second Lieutenant Caleb Balch Clerk Jona. Conant Sergeant Saml. Dodge Joshua Corning Simeon Dodge Jos. Poland Israel Woodbury James Dodge John Creesy Abner Smith Phineas Hovey Benja. Woodbury John Conant Gideon Rea Jona. Leach Saml. Conant, Jr. Ebenr. Worldorn Nathl. Raymond Barnabas Trask Nathan Raymond Robert Baker Robert Cambel Aaron Putnam ask, Jr. (?) Conant Wm. Trask, 2d (?) Dodge
38 minute read
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Captain Samuel Epes's Company.
Captain Samuel Epes's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of the officers & Soldiers which marched on the 19th [part of a line illegible] Samuel Epes Coln Pickering's Regiment." Lexington Alarms, XII, 82. Captain Samuel Epes First Lieutenant Benja. Jacobs Second Lieutenant Gideon Foster Second Lieutenant Iras Symonds Sergeant James Osborn Sergeant Jona. Tarbel, Jun. Sergeant Benj. Doughty Corporal Aaron Osborn Corporal John Epes Corporal Andrew Curtis Corporal Isaac Twiss Drummer Wm. Tarbel Drumm
1 minute read
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Captain Samuel Flint's Company.
Captain Samuel Flint's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A muster roll of Capt. Saml. Flints of ye Militia in the Regiment whereof Timothy Pick'ring Junr Esqr was Colo. and who marched on the Nineteenth Day April last past, in Consequence of the Alarm made on said day, dated at Danvers Decr 20th 1775." Lexington Alarms, XII, 7. Captain Samuel Flint Lieutenant Danl. Putnam Second Lieutenant Joseph Putnam, Jr. Ensign Israel Putnam Sergeant Asa Upton Sergeant Abel Nichols Sergeant Thomas Andsaw Sergeant Amos Tapley Corp
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Captain Israel Hutchinson's Company.
Captain Israel Hutchinson's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of a Minute Company under the Command of Captn Israel Hutchinson." Lexington Alarms, XII, 118....
9 minute read
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Captain David Lowe's Company.
Captain David Lowe's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A roll of Captn Caleb Lowes Company belonging to Danvers who marched on the 19th of April last against the British troops." Lexington Alarms, XII, 171. Captain Caleb Lowe Lieutenant Ezekiel Marsh, Jr. Second Lieutenant John Dodge Thomas Gardner Stephen Needham Benja. Needham Hezek Dunklee Ezra Trask Benja. Morton Abel McIntier John Brown John Upton John Marsh Jona. King Jona. Trask Ebenr. Sprague Doctr. Jos Osgood Joseph Stacey Ezekr. Marsh Robert Shillaber Joh
32 minute read
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Captain Jeremiah Page's Company.
Captain Jeremiah Page's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. No introductory heading but endorsed on back. "Danvers "Capt Jeremiah Pages "Muster-roll "Militia-Men" Lexington Alarms, XIII, 49. Captain Jerh. Page First Lieutenant Jos. Porter Sergeant Henry Putnam Sergeant Richd. Skidmore Corporal Saml. Stickney James Putnam Benja. Putnam, Junr. Daniel Bootman David Bootman John Nichols, Junr. John Brown Jethro Putnam Jerh. Putnam Willm. Fenno John Wood Michael Webb Benja. Kimball Elisha Hutchinson Asa Stickney Mathew Whippl
40 minute read
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Captain Asa Prince's Company.
Captain Asa Prince's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster roll of the Men who march'd under the Command of Capt Asa Prince on ye 19th April 1775 in defence of ye Country." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 50. Captain Asa Prince Lieutenant Ezra Putnam Ensign Jerh. Hutchinson Sergeant Benja. Gardner Sergeant Archa. Bachelor Sergeant Ezekl. Cooper Sergeant (? P ja P b dy) Corporal Elijah Wilkins Corporal Moses Prince Corporal Jas. Putnam Corporal Aguilla Wilkins Benja. Gilford Israel Putnam Saml. Whipple Wm. Berry Saml.
48 minute read
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Captain Edmund Putnam's Company.
Captain Edmund Putnam's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster Roll of alarm Company in Danvers command by Captn Edmund Putnam who marched in defence of the Country on the 19th April 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 48. Captain Edm. Putnam Lieutenant Benj. Balch Ensign Tarrant Putnam Sergeant Benj. Putnam Sergeant Benj. Porter Sergeant Sam Clarke Sergeant Joseph Jackson John Nichols Archelaus Date Archelaus R(?) John Shelden Sam Andrews Patrick Canell Aaron Putnam Nath. Webb Benj. Porter, Jr. Wm. Hibbord...
30 minute read
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Captain John Putnam's Company.
Captain John Putnam's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington. "A Muster roll of Alarm Company in Danvers commanded by Captn John Putnam who marched in defence of the Country on the 19th April 1775." Lexington Alarms, XIII, 46. Captain John Putnam Lieutenant Gilbert Tapley Ensign George Small Sergeant Francis Nurss Sergeant Cornelius Tarbet Sergeant Shelton Sheldon Corporal John Walcut Clerk Asi Putnam Sam Cheever Caleb Clarke Peter Cross Jona Cutler Saml Marble Nathl Pope Eleazer Pope (? nos) Putnam Phinehas Putnam James P
45 minute read
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Captain Benjamin Locke's Company.
Captain Benjamin Locke's Company.
Entered the Contest at Arlington, Though Undoubtedly Some of the Men were Engaged Earlier in the Day. No official roll filed as a claim against the Commonwealth for service on that day. For these names I am indebted to Lucius R. Paige's "History of Cambridge," and Samuel A. Smith's "West Cambridge on the Nineteenth of April, 1775." Captain Benjamin Locke Lieutenant Solomon Bowman Ensign Stephen Frost Sergeant John Cutter Sergeant Moses Hovey Corporal Thomas Cutter, (Jr?) Corporal John Tidd Corpo
7 minute read
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