Papers Relating To An Act Of The Assembly Of The Province Of New-York
Cadwallader Colden
6 chapters
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6 chapters
Province of NEW-YORK,
Province of NEW-YORK,
I. A Petition of the Merchants of London to His Majesty against the said Act. II. His Majesty 's Order in Council, referring the Petition to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantation . III. Extract of the Minutes of the said Lords, concerning some Allegations of the Merchants before them. IV. The Report of the said Lords to His Majesty on the Merchants Petition, and other Allegations. V. The Report of the Committee of Council of the Province of New-York , in Answer to the said Petition. VI
45 minute read
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King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council,
King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council,
SHEWETH , T hat by an Act passed in New-York the 19th of November , 1720, entitled, An Act for Encouragement of the Indian Trade, and rendering it more beneficial to the Inhabitants of this Province, and for prohibiting the selling of Indian Goods to the French, all Trade whatsoever is prohibited in the strictest Manner, and under the severest Penalties, between the Inhabitants of New-York Government, and the French of Canada , or any Subjects of the French King , or any Person whatsoever, for o
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T he Deputies of the six Nations having, at their last Visit, agreed to release their Claim to all the Land on both Sides of the River Sasquehanah , as far South as this Province extends, and to the Northward to those called the Endless Mountains , or Kittochtinny Hills ; in Consideration whereof, they then received a large Quantity of valuable Indian Goods for the Lands situate on the Eastern Side of the said River, but declined at that Time to receive any for those on the Western Side of the s
33 minute read
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A Treaty with the INDIANS of the Six Nations.
A Treaty with the INDIANS of the Six Nations.
The Honourable GEORGE THOMAS , Esq; Lieut. Governor of the Province of Pensylvania , and Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex , on Delaware . The Hon ble Thomas Lee , Esq; } Commissioners Colonel William Beverly ,         } of Virginia . The Hon ble Edm. Jennings , Esq; } Philip Thomas , Esq;                   } Commissioners Colonel Robert King ,                  } of Maryland . Thomas Colville ,           } The Deputies of the Onandagoes, Senecas, Cayogoes, Oneidas and Tuscaroraes . Conrad W
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HIS EXCELLENCY The Honourable George Clinton,
HIS EXCELLENCY The Honourable George Clinton,
I t is well known in the Province of New-York , that the Six Nations of Indians depending on this Province, (called Iroquois by the French ) had lately on several Occasions, appear'd dissatisfied and wavering in their Fidelity to the British Crown. No doubt, this was principally occasion'd by the Artifices of the French of Canada , who had constantly Emissaries among them: But at the same Time there is Reason to think, the suspicious Behaviour of these Nations, in Favour of their once inveterate
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Province of PENSYLVANIA,
Province of PENSYLVANIA,
I. The ROYAL CHARTER to WILLIAM PENN , Esq; II. The first FRAME of Government, granted in England , in 1682. III. LAWS agreed upon in England . IV. Certain CONDITIONS or CONCESSIONS . V. The ACT of SETTLEMENT , made at Chester , 1682. VI. The second FRAME of Government, granted 1683. VII. The CHARTER of the CITY of PHILADELPHIA , granted October 25, 1701. VIII. The New CHARTER of PRIVILEGES to the Province, granted October 28, 1701. V. The ACT of SETTLEMENT , made at Chester , 1682. VI. The seco
26 minute read
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