The Negro And The Elective Franchise. A Series Of Papers And A Sermon
Charles C. Cook
6 chapters
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6 chapters
The Meaning And Need Of The Movement To Reduce Southern Representation—ARCHIBALD H. GRIMKÉ
The Meaning And Need Of The Movement To Reduce Southern Representation—ARCHIBALD H. GRIMKÉ
In 1787 when the founders of the American Republic were framing the Constitution they encountered many difficulties in the work of construction, but none greater than the bringing together on terms of equality under one general government of the slave-holding and the non-slave-holding states. The South was willing to enter the Union provided always that its peculiar labor and institutions received adequate protection in that instrument. And this the North had finally to consent to incorporate in
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The Penning of the Negro—CHARLES CHAUVEAU COOK
The Penning of the Negro—CHARLES CHAUVEAU COOK
Section 242 of Article 12, further provides that persons offering to register shall take the following oath: "I do solemnly swear that I am twenty one years old and that I will have resided in the state two years and (this) election district for one year preceding the ensuing election, and am now in good faith a resident of the same, and that I am not disqualified from voting by reason of having been convicted of any of the crimes mentioned in the constitution of this state as a disqualification
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The Negro Vote in the States Whose Constitutions Have Not Been Specifically Revised—JOHN HOPE
The Negro Vote in the States Whose Constitutions Have Not Been Specifically Revised—JOHN HOPE
The passing of the Republican party in the state as an aggressive elective organization has been due to several causes, but so hidden and studied have two of them been, so free from shotguns, leaving out, of course, the Ku Klux and Patrollers of the '60's and '70's, that you cannot lay your hands on these causes so easily as in some other states where the change has been revolutionary and sudden rather than gradual. You will notice that I say Republican party, for when the Colored vote was most
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The Potentiality of the Negro Vote, North and West—JOHN L. LOVE
The Potentiality of the Negro Vote, North and West—JOHN L. LOVE
Whatever opinions may be entertained contrary to the doctrine and increasing practice of government by the consent of the governed, the fact is undeniable that as man has gained and exercised the right of participation in government, special privilege for the few has had to give way to the condition of equal opportunity for all. Abuses have been swept away and the door of opportunity has been opened for all. Thus has the ballot proven to be man's sure and effective weapon of defense against tyra
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Migration and Distribution of the Negro Population as Affecting the Elective Franchise—KELLY MILLER
Migration and Distribution of the Negro Population as Affecting the Elective Franchise—KELLY MILLER
DECENNIAL INCREASE. PER CENT OF INCR. PER CENT OF TOTAL POPUL. 1790 757,208 - 19.27 1800 1,002,037 244,829 32.33 18.18 1810 1,377,808 375,771 37.50 19.03 1820 1,771,656 393,848 28.50 18.39 1830 2,328,642 556,986 31.44 18.10 1840 2,873,648 545,006 23.44 16.84 1850 3,683,808 765,169 26.63 15.69 1860 4,441,830 803,022 14.13 1870 4,880,009 438,179 9.87 11.68 1880 6,580,793 1,700,784 34.85 13.12 1890 7,470,040 889,247 13.51 11.93 1900 8,840,789 1,370,749 18.35 11.57 There are certain noticeable irreg
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The Negro and His Citizenship—FRANCIS J. GRIMKÉ
The Negro and His Citizenship—FRANCIS J. GRIMKÉ
Among Public Rights belonging to Roman citizens the following may be mentioned: (1) The right of being enrolled in the censor's book, called, Jus Census . (2) The right of serving in the army, called, Jus Militiae . At first only citizens of the empire were permitted to engage in military operations, to bear arms and fight in its behalf. (3) The right to vote in the different assemblies of the people, called, Jus Suffragii . This has always been and is to-day one of the most important functions
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