Lineage, Life And Labors Of José Rizal, Philippine Patriot
Austin Craig
17 chapters
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Selected Chapters
17 chapters
To the Philippine Youth The subject of Doctor Rizal’s first prize-winning poem was The Philippine Youth, and its theme was “Growth.” The study of the growth of free ideas, as illustrated in this book of his lineage, life and labors, may therefore fittingly be dedicated to the “fair hope of the fatherland.” Except in the case of some few men of great genius, those who are accustomed to absolutism cannot comprehend democracy. Therefore our nation is relying on its young men and young women; on the
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In writing a biography, the author, if he be discriminating, selects, with great care, the salient features of the life story of the one whom he deems worthy of being portrayed as a person possessed of preëminent qualities that make for a character and greatness. Indeed to write biography at all, one should have that nice sense of proportion that makes him instinctively seize upon only those points that do advance his theme. Boswell has given the world an example of biography that is often weari
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Chapter I
Chapter I
The lineage of a hero who made the history of his country during its most critical period, and whose labors constitute its hope for the future, must be more than a simple list of an ascending line. The blood which flowed in his veins must be traced generation by generation, the better to understand the man, but at the same time the causes leading to the conditions of his times must be noted, step by step, in order to give a better understanding of the environment in which he lived and labored. T
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Chapter II
Chapter II
Clustered around the walls of Manila in the latter half of the seventeenth century were little villages the names of which, in some instances slightly changed, are the names of present districts. A fashionable drive then was through the settlement of Filipinos in Bagumbayan—the “new town” to which Lakandola’s subjects had migrated when Legaspi dispossessed them of their own “Maynila.” With the building of the moat this village disappeared, but the name remained, and it is often used to denote th
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Chapter III
Chapter III
The hope of the Biñan landlords that by changing from Filipino to Chinese tenantry they could avoid further litigation seems to have been disappointed. A family tradition of Francisco Mercado tells of a tedious and costly lawsuit with the Order. Its details and merits are no longer remembered, and they are not important. History has recorded enough agrarian trouble, in all ages and in all countries, to prove the economic mistake of large holdings of land by those who do not cultivate it. Human n
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Chapter IV
Chapter IV
José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda , the seventh child of Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y Alejandro and his wife, Teodora Morales Alonzo Realonda y Quintos, was born in Kalamba, June 19, 1861. He was a typical Filipino, for few persons in this land of mixed blood could boast a greater mixture than his. Practically all the ethnic elements, perhaps even the Negrito in the far past, combined in his blood. All his ancestors, except the doubtful strain of the Negrito, had been immigrant
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Jagor’s Prophecy
Jagor’s Prophecy
Rizal’s first home in Manila was in a nipa house with Manuel Hidalgo, later to be his brother-in-law, in Calle Espeleta, a street named for a former Filipino priest who had risen to be bishop and governor-general. This spot is now marked with a tablet which gives the date of his coming as the latter part of February, 1872. Rizal’s own recollections speak of June as being the date of the formal beginning of his studies in Manila. First he went to San Juan de Letran and took an examination in the
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The Period of Preparation
The Period of Preparation
Rizal disembarked at Marseilles, saw a little of that famous port, and then went by rail to Barcelona, crossing the Pyrenees, the desolate ruggedness of which contrasted with the picturesque luxuriance of his tropical home, and remained a day at the frontier town of Port-Bou. The customary Spanish disregard of tourists compared very unfavorably with the courteous attention which he had remarked on his arrival at Marseilles, for the custom house officers on the Spanish frontier rather reminded hi
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“You Ask Me for Verses”
“You Ask Me for Verses”
In Madrid a number of young Filipinos were intense enthusiasts over political agitation, and with the recklessness of youth, were careless of what they said or how they said it, so long as it brought no danger to them. A sort of Philippine social club had been organized by older Filipinos and Spaniards interested in the Philippines, with the idea of quietly assisting toward improved insular conditions, but it became so radical under the influence of this younger majority, that its conservative m
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The Period of Propaganda
The Period of Propaganda
The city had not altered much during Rizal’s seven years of absence. The condition of the Binondo pavement, with the same holes in the road which Rizal claimed he remembered as a schoolboy, was unchanged, and this recalls the experience of Ybarra in “Noli Me Tangere” on his homecoming after a like period of absence. Doctor Rizal at once went to his home in Kalamba. His first operation in the Philippines relieved the blindness of his mother, by the removal of a double cataract, and thus the objec
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Proverbial Sayings
Proverbial Sayings
Page 153 Ang naglalakad ng maráhan, matinik may mababaw , He who walks slowly, though he may put his foot on a thorn, will not be hurt very much (Tagals mostly go barefooted). Ang maniwalã sa sabi ’y walang bait na sarili , He who believes in tales has no own mind. Ang may isinuksok sa dingding, ay may titingalain , He who has put something between the wall may afterwards look on (the saving man may afterwards be cheerful).—The wall of a Tagal house is made of palm-leaves and bamboo, so that it
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Isang butil na palay sikip sa buony bahay , One rice-corn fills up all the house.—The light. The rice-corn with the husk is yellowish. Matapang akó so dalawá, duag akó sa isá , I am brave against two, coward against one.—The bamboo bridge. When the bridge is made of one bamboo only, it is difficult to pass over; but when it is made of two or more, it is very easy. Dalá akó niya, dalá ko siya , He carries me, I carry him.—The shoes. Isang balong malalim puna ng patalím , A deep well filled with s
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Despujol’s Duplicity
Despujol’s Duplicity
As soon as he had set in motion what influence he possessed in Europe for the relief of his relatives, Rizal hurried to Hongkong and from there wrote to his parents asking their permission to join them. Some time before, his brother-in-law, Manuel Hidalgo, had been deported upon the recommendation of the governor of La Laguna, “to prove to the Filipinos that they were mistaken in thinking that the new Civil Code gave them any rights” in cases where the governor-general agreed with his subordinat
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Chapter IX
Chapter IX
Ethnographical material collected by Rizal for the Royal Zoölogical Museum in Dresden, Saxony. A plan for his transfer to the North, in the Ilokano country, had been deferred and had met with obstacles Page 224 which Rizal believed were placed in its way through some of his own countrymen in the Peninsula who feared his influence upon the revenue with which politics was furnishing them. Another proposal was to appoint Rizal district health officer for Dapitan, but this was merely a covert govern
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“Consummatum Est”
“Consummatum Est”
Notice of the granting of his request came to Rizal just when repeated disappointments had caused him to prepare for staying in Dapitan. Immediately he disposed of his salable possessions, including a Japanese tea set and large mirror now among the Rizal relics preserved by the government, and a piece of outlying land, the deed for which is also among the Rizalana in the Philippines library. Some half-finished busts were thrown into the pool behind the dam. Despite the short notice all was ready
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The After-Life in Memory
The After-Life in Memory
An hour or so after the shooting a dead-wagon from San Juan de Diós Hospital took Rizal’s body to Paco Cemetery. The civil governor of Manila was in charge and there also were present the members of a Church society whose duty it was to attend executions. Rizal had been wearing a black suit which he had obtained for his European trip, and a derby hat, not only appropriate for a funeral occasion because of their somber color, but also more desirable than white both for the full day’s wear, since
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The Tagalog Story of the Monkey and the Tortoise Illustrated by José Rizal
The Tagalog Story of the Monkey and the Tortoise Illustrated by José Rizal
Note An English version of this story entitled “The foolish monkey and the wise turtle” is found in The First Year Book published by The World Book Company of New York and Manila. Page 269 Page 271 Page 273 Page 275 Page 277 Page 279 Page 281 By Charles Derbyshire The Social Cancer (Noli me Tangere) Price 3.00 Pesos The Reign of Greed (El Filibusterismo) Price 2.75 Pesos “A complete picture of the Philippines under the old regime. Their appearance ... is noteworthy as a literary event and as an
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