A Vanished Arcadia
R. B. (Robert Bontine) Cunninghame Graham
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For these and other matters, please mail to: When all other email fails try our Executive Director: Michael S. Hart < hart@pobox.com > We would prefer to send you this information by email (Internet, Bitnet, Compuserve, ATTMAIL or MCImail). (Three Pages) With a Map [not yet available in this HTML text] [Some obvious errors have been corrected. See Notes .]...
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Being Some Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607 to 1767
Being Some Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607 to 1767
Historicus nascitur, non fit. I am painfully aware that neither my calling nor election in this matter are the least sure. Certain it is that in youth, when alone the historian or the horseman may be formed, I did little to fit myself for writing history. Wandering about the countries of which now I treat, I had almost as little object in my travels as a Gaucho of the outside `camps'. I never took a note on any subject under heaven, nor kept a diary, by means of which, my youth departed and the
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Being Some Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607 to 1767
Being Some Account of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607 to 1767
With the exception of the French Revolution, perhaps no event caused so much general controversy at the end of the eighteenth century as the expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain and Portugal and their colonial possessions. As no definite charges were ever brought, at least in Spain, against the members of the Company of Jesus (King Charles III. having kept the reasons ocultas y reservadas and the proofs privilegiados ), curiosity is to some extent not satisfied as to the real reason of their expu
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