History Of The Town Of Arlington, Massachusetts, Formerly The Second Precinct In Cambridge, Or District Of Menotomy, Afterward The Town Of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 With A Genealogical Register Of The Inhabitants Of The Precinct
Benjamin Cutter
13 chapters
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13 chapters
History Of The Town Of Arlington, Massachusetts, Ormerly The Second Precinct In Cambridge, Or District Of Menotomy, Afterward The Town Of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 With A Genealogical Register Of The Inhabitants Of The Precinct.
History Of The Town Of Arlington, Massachusetts, Ormerly The Second Precinct In Cambridge, Or District Of Menotomy, Afterward The Town Of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 With A Genealogical Register Of The Inhabitants Of The Precinct.
Benjamin Cutter...
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It was the aim of the late Dr. Benjamin Cutter to preserve the decaying memorials of his native precinct, and much historical and genealogical matter was accordingly collected by him, and left unpublished at his death. It has been the design of his son to present this to the public in a convenient shape and durable form, with such additions as he has been able to collect. It is trusted that the work will prove valuable as a book of reference, notwithstanding that inaccuracies may occasionally be
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I. General History
I. General History
The history of Cambridge has been concisely presented by Rev. Dr. Paige in his invaluable volume. The State Records preserve the action of the Council on a Petition of Cambridge Northwest Inhabitants, under date of June 30, 1732, namely a petition of James Cutler and others, a committee for the inhabitants of the Northwest Part of the town of Cambridge,— showing that on their application to said town to be set off a separate precinct, they were pleased to vote that they should be set off by cert
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II. History Before The Establishment Of The Precinct 1635
II. History Before The Establishment Of The Precinct 1635
Paige, History of Cambridge, 1630-1877, mentions farms granted to inhabitants of Cambridge in 1635, in the territory now embraced in Arlington and Lexington (P. 36). A Highway to Menotomy from the Town— now Old Cambridge— existed prior to 1636 (Pp. 15,16); and a weir to catch alewives on Menotomy River in the bounds of this town was made in 1636 (P. 38). In the Proprietors' Records of Cambridge-see Paige, 21-22— mention is made of the New lots next Menotomy, as early as 1638. Instance William Cu
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III. History Of The Precinct 1732
III. History Of The Precinct 1732
In 1732 the inhabitants of the northwesterly part of Cambridge were by an act of the legislature formed into a distinct and separate Precinct. The particulars of this transaction, as far as relate to the proceedings of the State, are already given. The Cambridge. Northwest Precinct Book, containing the record of votes and orders, which passed in the said Precinct, since the 28th of Dec. 1732, at which time the same was set off by the Great and General Court, has the record of the First meeting o
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IV. Town Of West Cambridge 1807
IV. Town Of West Cambridge 1807
On Feb. 27, 1807, the Second Precinct of Cambridge was incorporated into a town by the name of West Cambridge. The Precinct, in 1807, discussed the expediency of setting trees and erecting posts, or a fence, near or about the meetinghouse. On April 20, 1807, the Parish Committee appointed William Hill, 3d, to ring the bell and take care of the meeting-house for Twenty-five dollars per year; and also as sexton for the ensuing year. In this year Sixty dollars were appropriated by the Parish for th
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V. Town Of Arlington 1872
V. Town Of Arlington 1872
A preliminary celebration of the change in the name of the town, was made on May 1, 1867, by a salute of One hundred guns, the ringing of bells and a general display of the national colors. A mass meeting was held in the evening at the Town Hall, where music was furnished by the Arlington Band, and addresses by prominent citizens were made. A more formal demonstration was held on June 17, 1867, carried out in fine style, and in most respects according to a published programme. Appropriate decora
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VI. List Of Public Officers Officers Of The Northwest Precinct In Cambridge, 1732-1807
VI. List Of Public Officers Officers Of The Northwest Precinct In Cambridge, 1732-1807
Henry Dunster, 1733, 1734. James Cutler, 1733, 1736, 1737, 1739, 1740, 1750-62. Ephraim Frost, 1733, 1734, 1738, 1741, 1749. Joseph Adams, 1733-35, 1739-41, 1753. Jonathan Butterfield, Jr., 1733, 1736, 1739, 1748, 1749. John Fillebrown, 1734, 1738. Samuel Whittemore, 1734, 1737, 1738, 1740, 1747. William Russell, 1735. John Winship, 1735, 1737, 1741, 1742. John Butterfield, 1735, 1737, 1743-45. John Swan, 1736. John Cutter, 1736, 1738-46. Abraham Hill, 1736. Walter Russell, 1736. Samuel Cutter,
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VII. Present Religious Societies
VII. Present Religious Societies
First Congregational Parish.— Continued from pages 116-120. Some items from the Second volume of parish records are here presented. 1840. Former meeting-house taken down, and a new meeting-house built on the same site. The parish committee were empowered to let the vestry for holding meetings, to the citizens of the town. It was voted that the vestry be called and known by the name of Parish Hall. 1843, Dec. 7. Rev. William Ware invited to settle as minister. On Aug. 11, 1845, a communication wa
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Genealogical Register Of The Inhabitants Of The Second Precinct In Cambridge. Afterward The Town Of West Cambridge And The Town Of Arlington A
Genealogical Register Of The Inhabitants Of The Second Precinct In Cambridge. Afterward The Town Of West Cambridge And The Town Of Arlington A
The Genealogical Register is compiled from the following sources:— (1) A Church Book given to the Second Church in Cambridge by The Rev. Samuel Cooke, pastor. This book has a list of the members admitted at the gathering of the church 9 Sept. 1739— the admissions to full communion by the church— the admissions to the church by The Rev. Thaddeus Fiske— the members of the Northwest Precinct Church regularly dismissed— the names of those who owned their covenant during Mr. Cooke's ministry, also th
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Soldiers In The War Of 1861-1865. Massachusetts Volunteers. Residence West Cambridge, Or Credited To That Place. Prepared From The Record Published By The Adjutant-General From A Town Book
Soldiers In The War Of 1861-1865. Massachusetts Volunteers. Residence West Cambridge, Or Credited To That Place. Prepared From The Record Published By The Adjutant-General From A Town Book
Abbreviations used: Abs. absent— art. artillery— batt'n battalion— cav. Cavalry— d. died— des. deserted— dis. discharged— disa. disability— dr. dropped— exp. expiration— inf. infantry— prom. promoted— receiv. receiving— recr. recruit— re— enl. or re-enlis. re-enlisted— reg. regiment— rej. rejected— squad. squadron— super. supernumerary— tr. or trans. transferred— unas'd unassigned— w'ds wounds. Name. Co. Age. Term of service. 1 Charles Carroll I 18 Jan. 16, 1862; des. June 29, 1862. 2 William Ho
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General Index
General Index
Abstract of births, &c, 1739-1783, 101, 102 Act for establishing Fire Department, 155 Action of the town during last war with Great Britain, 136 Adams's (Capt.) company in French War, 36, 37, 184 Admissions to, and dismissions from the Church, 101, 123, 125, 242 Agricultural characteristics of the inhabitants, 148 Amount contributed by the town during the war, 1861-65, 159 Anecdote of Rev. Mr. Cooke's canonicals lost, 82, 83 Answer of Rev. Thaddeus Fiske, to call for settlement, 1788, 106; h
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Index Of Names
Index Of Names
Abbot and Abbott, 37, 214, 313 Abdee or Abdy, 15, 19 Adams, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27-9, 35-8, 45, 48, 49, 58-60,66,70, 73-5, 83, 85, 91, 93-5, 105, 106, 108, 110-12, 114, 117, 118-21, 124, 130-33, 137, 140, 141, 147,149,150, 151,167-72, 183-89, 194, 195, 197, 200, 202, 204, 205, 208, 214, 217, 218,221, 223, 225, 237, 239, 240, 242-45, 251, 254, 257, 258, 260-63, 267, 270, 271, 273, 274,282, 283, 285, 290, 291, 294-96, 299, 302, 304, 307, 308, 310, 312, 315, 316, 320, 321, 329, 330, 339
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