A Narrative Of The Life Of Rev. Noah Davis
Noah Davis
6 chapters
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Selected Chapters
6 chapters
(As quoted from the Minutes of their respective bodies, for the year 1859.) Sharp st. and Wesley Chapel, Meth. Ep.,     1812 Orchard st. and Asbury,         "           1508 Dallas st.,                     "            119 Ebenezer, Montgomery st.,      "   "         600 Union Bethel, Fell's Point,    "   "         100 Water's Chapel, Spring st.,    "   "          98 Mission   "     Tissia st.,    "   "          77 South Howard st. Chapel, Zion Meth.,         200 St. Thomas', Chesnut st., Meth. 
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Prayer Meeting Hymn Book.
Prayer Meeting Hymn Book.
This book is bound in leather, it convenient to carry in the pocket, and has been received with much favor, many thousands having been sold during the first year of its publication. It contains all the Hymns most used in Prayer Meetings and Revivals; these have been collected from many different volumes, no other single book containing all of them. It is provided at a low price. The retail coat being only twenty-five cents, it will circulate where larger and costlier volumes are neglected; and b
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The object of this Book is to give a weekly report to parents of the studies, attendance, deportment, standing and progress of pupils at school. T he C onduct of the pupil is marked under the head of General Deportment, with the following degrees: Excellent, Good, Tolerable, Unsatisfactory, Inattentive, Idle, Disorderly, Disrespectful, Careless. A written excuse is required for every exercise omitted, or for leaving school before the hour of dismissal. Parents or guardians are requested to exami
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Illustrated with numerous Engravings. PRICE TWELVE CENTS.
Illustrated with numerous Engravings. PRICE TWELVE CENTS.
This is an instructive Primer, for children, combining a series of progressive spelling lessons, commencing with the alphabet, and interspersed with simple rhymes and easy sentences in prose, accompanied with many pictures. The Primer contains Dr. Watts' celebrated Cradle Hymn, the verses entitled "Mary and her Lamb," the "Busy Bee," &c. Those who wish to change from the heavy and badly printed "Spelling Books" in present use, will find this to be more attractive to the young beginner, a
29 minute read
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Or, the Instrumentalities by which Sinners are brought to Embrace the Religion of Jesus Christ.
Or, the Instrumentalities by which Sinners are brought to Embrace the Religion of Jesus Christ.
This Volume contains the history of One Hundred Conversions, written mostly expressly for this publication, by Christian individuals in the various evangelical denominations. It is, in a word, In which each person relates briefly the experience of his own heart concerning the great salvation. Among the number are about fifty ministers, some of the most able and renowned of the past and present ages. These interesting narratives show some of the causes which lead sinners to become concerned for t
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This volume presents several rapid and startling pictures of the career of a man who enjoyed all the pleasures and profits of this world, and neglected to honor God. John Mortal gained the whole world, and lost his own soul. The style of the composition is partly allegorical and partly narrative. It claims no credit for literary excellence, but is published with the hope of arresting the attention of those who neglect to read works of a heavier and more solemn appearance, and impressing their mi
53 minute read
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