Guide To The Roman Baths Of Bath
Charles Edward Davis
3 chapters
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3 chapters
Re-printed from the Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archæological Society. Vol. VIII., part I.
Re-printed from the Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archæological Society. Vol. VIII., part I.
Leland, on his visit to Bath in the year 1530, with tolerable fulness describes the baths, and after completing his description of the King's Bath goes on to say "Ther goith a sluse out of this Bath and servid in Tymes past with Water derivid out of it 2 places in Bath Priorie usid for Bathes: els voide; for in them be no springes;" and further on he says "The water that goith from the Kinges Bath turnith a Mylle and after goith into Avon above Bath-bridge." These two sentences have hitherto bee
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These Waters are beneficial in all forms of Gout, Sub-acute, Chronic and Muscular Rheumatism—Neuralgias, Sciatica, Lumbago, certain forms of Paralysis, Nervous Debility, Diseases of Women, Disorders of the Digestive System, Tropical Anoemia, Metallic Poisoning, Eczema, Lepra, Psoriasis, and all the Scaly Diseases of the Skin. Some Surgical Diseases of the Joints, general Weakness of Limbs after injury, and Diseases of the Throat and Air Passages. Upwards of £40,000 have been lately expended by t
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Attached to these Baths is a This Bath is available for Females on Thursdays, under the charge of a female attendant. Fee, including bathing dress, 2 d. Portable Baths, at a temperature not exceeding 106°, Fahrt., can be supplied at private residences, by arrangement. Also Mineral Water in Bottles. CHARGES— Single Glass 2 d. Per Book of 20 Coupons 1 6 One Coupon must be given up each time of Drinking the Water, at either the Grand Pump Room or the Hetling Pump Room. Ticket for Drinking the Water
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