A Canyon Voyage
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh
5 chapters
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5 chapters
Artist and Assistant Topographer of the Expedition
Artist and Assistant Topographer of the Expedition
"Come on, sir; here's the place. Stand still. How fearful And dizzy 't is to cast one's eyes so low!" King Lear. With Fifty Illustrations G. P. Putnam's Sons New York and London The Knickerbocker Press 1908 Copyright , 1908 by FREDERICK S. DELLENBAUGH The Knickerbocker Press, New York TO H. O. D. MY COMPANION ON THE VOYAGE OF LIFE. line drawing: forest, mountains, tipis...
24 minute read
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This volume presents the narrative, from my point of view, of an important government expedition of nearly forty years ago: an expedition which, strangely enough, never before has been fully treated. In fact in all these years it never has been written about by any one besides myself, barring a few letters in 1871 from Clement Powell, through his brother, to the Chicago Tribune , and an extremely brief mention by Major Powell, its organiser and leader, in a pamphlet entitled Report of Exploratio
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Map by the U. S. War Department, 1868. Supplied by the courtesy of General Mackenzie, U. S. A., showing the knowledge of the Colorado River basin just before Major Powell began operations. The topography above the junction of the Green and Grand is largely pictorial and approximate. The white space from the San Rafael to the mouth of the Virgin is the unknown country referred to in this volume which was investigated in 1871-72-73. Preliminary maps B , C , and D at pages 244-46, and 207 respectiv
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A River Entrapped—Acquaintance not Desired—Ives Explores the Lower Reaches—Powell the Conqueror—Reason for a Second Descent—Congressional Appropriation—Preparation—The Three Boats—The Mighty Wilderness—Ready for the Start. The upper continuation of the Colorado River of the West is Green River which heads in the Wind River Mountains at Frémont Peak. From this range southward to the Uinta Mountains, on the southern boundary of Wyoming, the river flows through an open country celebrated in the ear
15 minute read
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A Remarkable Echo—Up the Canyon of the Yampa—Steward and Clem Try a Moonlight Swim—Whirlpool Canyon and Mountain Sheep—A Grand Fourth-of-July Dinner—A Rainbow-Coloured Valley—The Major Proceeds in Advance—A Split Mountain with Rapids a Plenty—Enter a Big Valley at Last. The little opening between canyons we named Echo Park, first because after the close quarters of Lodore it seemed very park-like, and second because from the smooth bare cliff directly opposite our landing a distinct echo of ten
46 minute read
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