The Atonement And The Modern Mind
James Denney
5 chapters
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5 chapters
The three chapters which follow have already appeared in The Expositor , and may be regarded as a supplement to the writer's work on The Death of Christ: its place and interpretation in the New Testament . It was no part of his intention in that study to ask or to answer all the questions raised by New Testament teaching on the subject; but, partly from reviews of The Death of Christ , and still more from a considerable private correspondence to which the book gave rise, he became convinced that
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It will be admitted by most Christians that if the Atonement, quite apart from precise definitions of it, is anything to the mind, it is everything. It is the most profound of all truths, and the most recreative. It determines more than anything else our conceptions of God, of man, of history, and even of nature; it determines them, for we must bring them all in some way into accord with it. It is the inspiration of all thought, the impulse and the law of all action, the key, in the last resort,
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We have now seen in a general way what is meant by the Atonement, and what are the characteristics of the mind to which the Atonement has to make its appeal. In that mind there is, as I believe, much which falls in with the Atonement, and prepares a welcome for it; but much also which creates prejudice against it, and makes it as possible still as in the first century to speak of the offence of the cross. No doubt the Atonement has sometimes been presented in forms which provoke antagonism, whic
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What has now been said about the relations subsisting between God and man, about the manner in which these relations are affected by sin, and particularly about the Scripture doctrine of the connection between sin and death, must determine, to a great extent, our attitude to the Atonement. The Atonement, as the New Testament presents it, assumes the connection of sin and death. Apart from some sense and recognition of such connection, the mediation of forgiveness through the death of Christ can
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Edited by the Rev. W. ROBERTSON NICOLL, M.A., LL.D.   St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke.     By the Rev. Prof. A. B. BRUCE, D.D.   St. John.     By the Rev. Prof. MARCUS DODS, D.D....
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