The Closet Of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
Kenelm Digby
8 chapters
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8 chapters
With the waning of Sir Kenelm Digby's philosophic reputation his name has not become obscure. It stands, vaguely perhaps, but permanently, for something versatile and brilliant and romantic. He remains a perpetual type of the hero of romance, the double hero, in the field of action and the realm of the spirit. Had he lived in an earlier age he would now be a mythological personage; and even without the looming exaggeration and glamour of myth he still imposes. The men of to-day seem all of littl
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This Collection full of pleasing variety, and of such usefulness in the Generality of it, to the Publique, coming to my hands, I should, had I forborn the Publication thereof, have trespassed in a very considerable concern upon my Countrey-men, The like having not in every particular appeared in Print in the English tongue. There needs no Rhetoricating Floscules to set it off. The Authour, as is well known, having been a Person of Eminency for his Learning, and of Exquisite Curiosity in his Rese
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TO MAKE A SACK POSSET Boil two wine-quarts of Sweet-cream in a Possnet; when it hath boiled a little, take it from the fire, and beat the yolks of nine or ten fresh Eggs, and the whites of four with it, beginning with two or three spoonfuls, and adding more till all be incorporated; then set it over the fire, to recover a good degree of heat, but not so much as to boil; and always stir it one way, least you break the consistence. In the mean time, let half a pint of Sack or White muscadin boil a
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A Scotch Ale from my Lady Holmbey 98 To make Ale drink quick 100 A very pleasant drink of Apples 100 Ale with Honey 104 Small Ale for the stone 105 Apple drink with Sugar, Honey, &c. 106 Master Webbs Ale and Bragot 107 To stew Apples 201 Apples in Gelly 234 Sweet-meat of Apples 238 To make an excellent syrup of Apples 253 B Stewed Broth 125 Portugal Broth, as it was made for the Queen 127 Nourishing Broth 133 Broth and Potage 141 Broth for sick and convalescent Persons 143 A savoury and
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SOME ADDITIONAL RECEIPTS 1. Aqua Mirabilis . Sir Kenelm Digby's way. Take Cubebs, Gallingale, Cardamus, Mellilot-flowers, Cloves, Mace, Ginger, Cinammon, of each one dram bruised small, juyce of Celandine one pint, juyce of Spearmint half a pint, juyce of Balm half a pint, Sugar one pound, flower of Cowslips, Rosemary, Borage, Bugloss, Marigold, of each two drams, the best Sack three pints, strong Angelica-water one pint, red Rose-water half a pint; bruise the Spices & Flowers, &
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The true Preparation of the Powder of Sympathy, as it was prepared every year in Sir Kenelm Digby's Elaboratory, and as I prepare it now . Take good English Vitriol, which you may buy for two pence a pound, dissolve it in warm water, using no more water than will dissolve it, leaving some of the Impurest part at the bottom undissolved; then powr it off and filtre it, which you may do by a Coffin of fine gray paper put into a Funnel, or by laying a Sheet of gray Paper in a Sieve, and powring your
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A LIST OF THE HERBS, FLOWERS, FRUITS, ETC., REFERRED TO IN The Closet Opened: — 1. Agrimony; alexander; angelica; avens, leaves & flowers; balm; bay-leaves; beet leaves; bettony, wild; bettony, Paul's; bistort; bloodwort; bluebottles; blue-button; borage, leaves & flowers; bramble, red, tops of; broom-buds; bugle; bugloss, leaves & flowers; burnet; carduus benedictus; carrot, wild; celandine; cersevril; chicory; chives; clove gilly-flowers; clown's all-heal; coltsfoot; co
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Introduction p. x 1. 3 Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine . By W. Carew Hazlitt. Booklovers' Library. 1886. p. x 1. 5 The Life of Sir Kenelm Digby . By One of his Descendants [T. Longueville]. 1896. p. xi 1. 29 For the controversy about the date of his birth, see the usual biographical authorities:—Longueville, op. cit. , Digby's Memoirs , ed. Nicolas, 1827; Dict. of Nat. Biog. ; Biog. Brit. (Kippis); Wood's Athenae Oxon. , iii. 688; Aubrey's Lives , ii. 323, etc. etc. p. xiv 1. 13 "the elder
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