The Canterbury Puzzles, And Other Curious Problems
Henry Ernest Dudeney
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By the same Author "AMUSEMENTS IN MATHEMATICS" 3s. 6d. First Edition, 1907...
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Second Edition (With Some Fuller Solutions and Additional Notes) THOMAS NELSON AND SONS, LTD. LONDON, EDINBURGH, AND NEW YORK 1919...
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When preparing this new edition for the press, my first inclination was to withdraw a few puzzles that appeared to be of inferior interest, and to substitute others for them. But, on second thoughts, I decided to let the book stand in its original form and add extended solutions and some short notes to certain problems that have in the past involved me in correspondence with interested readers who desired additional information. I have also provided—what was clearly needed for reference—an index
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Readers of The Mill on the Floss will remember that whenever Mr. Tulliver found himself confronted by any little difficulty he was accustomed to make the trite remark, "It's a puzzling world." There can be no denying the fact that we are surrounded on every hand by posers, some of which the intellect of man has mastered, and many of which may be said to be impossible of solution. Solomon himself, who may be supposed to have been as sharp as most men at solving a puzzle, had to admit "there be th
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A Chance-gathered company of pilgrims, on their way to the shrine of Saint Thomas à Becket at Canterbury, met at the old Tabard Inn, later called the Talbot, in Southwark, and the host proposed that they should beguile the ride by each telling a tale to his fellow-pilgrims. This we all know was the origin of the immortal Canterbury Tales of our great fourteenth-century poet, Geoffrey Chaucer. Unfortunately, the tales were never completed, and perhaps that is why the quaint and curious "Canterbur
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1.—The Reve's Puzzle.
1.—The Reve's Puzzle.
The Reve was a wily man and something of a scholar. As Chaucer tells us, "There was no auditor could of him win," and "there could no man bring him in arrear." The poet also noticed that "ever he rode the hindermost of the route." This he did that he might the better, without interruption, work out the fanciful problems and ideas that passed through his active brain. When the pilgrims were stopping at a wayside tavern, a number of cheeses of varying sizes caught his alert eye; and calling for fo
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2.—The Pardoner's Puzzle.
2.—The Pardoner's Puzzle.
The gentle Pardoner, "that straight was come from the court of Rome," begged to be excused; but the company would not spare him. "Friends and fellow-pilgrims," said he, "of a truth the riddle that I have made is but a poor thing, but it is the best that I have been able to devise. Blame my lack of knowledge of such matters if it be not to your liking." But his invention was very well received. He produced the accompanying plan, and said that it represented sixty-four towns through which he had t
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3.—The Miller's Puzzle.
3.—The Miller's Puzzle.
The Miller next took the company aside and showed them nine sacks of flour that were standing as depicted in the sketch. "Now, hearken, all and some," said he, "while that I do set ye the riddle of the nine sacks of flour. And mark ye, my lords and masters, that there be single sacks on the outside, pairs next unto them, and three together in the middle thereof. By Saint Benedict, it doth so happen that if we do but multiply the pair, 28, by the single one, 7, the answer is 196, which is of a tr
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4.—The Knight's Puzzle.
4.—The Knight's Puzzle.
This worthy man was, as Chaucer tells us, "a very perfect, gentle knight," and "In many a noble army had he been: At mortal battles had he been fifteen." His shield, as he is seen showing it to the company at the "Tabard" in the illustration, was, in the peculiar language of the heralds, "argent, semée of roses, gules," which means that on a white ground red roses were scattered or strewn, as seed is sown by the hand. When this knight was called on to propound a puzzle, he said to the company, "
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5.—The Wife of Bath's Riddles.
5.—The Wife of Bath's Riddles.
The frolicsome Wife of Bath, when called upon to favour the company, protested that she had no aptitude for such things, but that her fourth husband had had a liking for them, and she remembered one of his riddles that might be new to her fellow pilgrims: "Why is a bung that hath been made fast in a barrel like unto another bung that is just falling out of a barrel?" As the company promptly answered this easy conundrum, the lady went on to say that when she was one day seated sewing in her priva
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6.—The Host's Puzzle.
6.—The Host's Puzzle.
Perhaps no puzzle of the whole collection caused more jollity or was found more entertaining than that produced by the Host of the "Tabard," who accompanied the party all the way. He called the pilgrims together and spoke as follows: "My merry masters all, now that it be my turn to give your brains a twist, I will show ye a little piece of craft that will try your wits to their full bent. And yet methinks it is but a simple matter when the doing of it is made clear. Here be a cask of fine London
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7.—The Clerk of Oxenford's Puzzle.
7.—The Clerk of Oxenford's Puzzle.
The silent and thoughtful Clerk of Oxenford, of whom it is recorded that "Every farthing that his friends e'er lent, In books and learning was it always spent," was prevailed upon to give his companions a puzzle. He said, "Ofttimes of late have I given much thought to the study of those strange talismans to ward off the plague and such evils that are yclept magic squares, and the secret of such things is very deep and the number of such squares truly great. But the small riddle that I did make y
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8.—The Tapiser's Puzzle.
8.—The Tapiser's Puzzle.
Then came forward the Tapiser, who was, of course, a maker of tapestry, and must not be confounded with a tapster, who draws and sells ale. He produced a beautiful piece of tapestry, worked in a simple chequered pattern, as shown in the diagram. "This piece of tapestry, sirs," quoth he, "hath one hundred and sixty-nine small squares, and I do desire you to tell me the manner of cutting the tapestry into three pieces that shall fit together and make one whole piece in shape of a perfect square. "
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9.—The Carpenter's Puzzle.
9.—The Carpenter's Puzzle.
The Carpenter produced the carved wooden pillar that he is seen holding in the illustration, wherein the knight is propounding his knotty problem to the goodly company (No. 4), and spoke as follows: "There dwelleth in the city of London a certain scholar that is learned in astrology and other strange arts. Some few days gone he did bring unto me a piece of wood that had three feet in length, one foot in breadth and one foot in depth, and did desire that it be carved and made into the pillar that
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10.—The Puzzle of the Squire's Yeoman.
10.—The Puzzle of the Squire's Yeoman.
Chaucer says of the Squire's Yeoman, who formed one of his party of pilgrims, "A forester was he truly as I guess," and tells us that "His arrows drooped not with feathers low, And in his hand he bare a mighty bow." When a halt was made one day at a wayside inn, bearing the old sign of the "Chequers," this yeoman consented to give the company an exhibition of his skill. Selecting nine good arrows, he said, "Mark ye, good sirs, how that I shall shoot these nine arrows in such manner that each of
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11.—The Nun's Puzzle.
11.—The Nun's Puzzle.
"I trow there be not one among ye," quoth the Nun, on a later occasion, "that doth not know that many monks do oft pass the time in play at certain games, albeit they be not lawful for them. These games, such as cards and the game of chess, do they cunningly hide from the abbot's eye by putting them away in holes that they have cut out of the very hearts of great books that be upon their shelves. Shall the nun therefore be greatly blamed if she do likewise? I will show a little riddle game that
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12.—The Merchant's Puzzle.
12.—The Merchant's Puzzle.
Of the Merchant the poet writes, "Forsooth he was a worthy man withal." He was thoughtful, full of schemes, and a good manipulator of figures. "His reasons spake he eke full solemnly. Sounding away the increase of his winning." One morning, when they were on the road, the Knight and the Squire, who were riding beside him, reminded the Merchant that he had not yet propounded the puzzle that he owed the company. He thereupon said, "Be it so? Here then is a riddle in numbers that I will set before
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13.—The Man of Law's Puzzle.
13.—The Man of Law's Puzzle.
The Sergeant of the Law was "full rich of excellence. Discreet he was, and of great reverence." He was a very busy man, but, like many of us to-day, "he seemed busier than he was." He was talking one evening of prisons and prisoners, and at length made the following remarks: "And that which I have been saying doth forsooth call to my mind that this morn I bethought me of a riddle that I will now put forth." He then produced a slip of vellum, on which was drawn the curious plan that is now given.
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14.—The Weaver's Puzzle.
14.—The Weaver's Puzzle.
When the Weaver brought out a square piece of beautiful cloth, daintily embroidered with lions and castles, as depicted in the illustration, the pilgrims disputed among themselves as to the meaning of these ornaments. The Knight, however, who was skilled in heraldry, explained that they were probably derived from the lions and castles borne in the arms of Ferdinand III., the King of Castile and Leon, whose daughter was the first wife of our Edward I. In this he was undoubtedly correct. The puzzl
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15.—The Cook's Puzzle.
15.—The Cook's Puzzle.
We find that there was a cook among the company; and his services were no doubt at times in great request, "For he could roast and seethe, and broil and fry, And make a mortress and well bake a pie." One night when the pilgrims were seated at a country hostelry, about to begin their repast, the cook presented himself at the head of the table that was presided over by the Franklin, and said, "Listen awhile, my masters, while that I do ask ye a riddle, and by Saint Moden it is one that I cannot an
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16.—The Sompnour's Puzzle.
16.—The Sompnour's Puzzle.
The Sompnour, or Summoner, who, according to Chaucer, joined the party of pilgrims, was an officer whose duty was to summon delinquents to appear in ecclesiastical courts. In later times he became known as the apparitor. Our particular individual was a somewhat quaint though worthy man. "He was a gentle hireling and a kind; A better fellow should a man not find." In order that the reader may understand his appearance in the picture, it must be explained that his peculiar headgear is duly recorde
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17.—The Monk's Puzzle.
17.—The Monk's Puzzle.
The Monk that went with the party was a great lover of sport. "Greyhounds he had as swift as fowl of flight: Of riding and of hunting for the hare Was all his love, for no cost would he spare." One day he addressed the pilgrims as follows:— "There is a little matter that hath at times perplexed me greatly, though certes it is of no great weight; yet may it serve to try the wits of some that be cunning in such things. Nine kennels have I for the use of my dogs, and they be put in the form of a sq
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18.—The Shipman's Puzzle.
18.—The Shipman's Puzzle.
Of this person we are told, "He knew well all the havens, as they were, From Gothland to the Cape of Finisterre, And every creek in Brittany and Spain: His barque yclepéd was the Magdalen ." The strange puzzle in navigation that he propounded was as follows. "Here be a chart," quoth the Shipman, "of five islands, with the inhabitants of which I do trade. In each year my good ship doth sail over every one of the ten courses depicted thereon, but never may she pass along the same course twice in a
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19.—The Puzzle of the Prioress.
19.—The Puzzle of the Prioress.
The Prioress, who went by the name of Eglantine, is best remembered on account of Chaucer's remark, "And French she spake full fair and properly, After the school of Stratford-atté-Bow, For French of Paris was to her unknow." But our puzzle has to do less with her character and education than with her dress. "And thereon hung a brooch of gold full sheen, On which was written first a crownéd A." It is with the brooch that we are concerned, for when asked to give a puzzle she showed this jewel to
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20.—The Puzzle of the Doctor of Physic.
20.—The Puzzle of the Doctor of Physic.
This Doctor, learned though he was, for "In all this world to him there was none like To speak of physic and of surgery," and "He knew the cause of every malady," yet was he not indifferent to the more material side of life. "Gold in physic is a cordial; Therefore he lovéd gold in special." The problem that the Doctor propounded to the assembled pilgrims was this. He produced two spherical phials, as shown in our illustration, and pointed out that one phial was exactly a foot in circumference, a
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21.—The Ploughman's Puzzle.
21.—The Ploughman's Puzzle.
The Ploughman—of whom Chaucer remarked, "A worker true and very good was he, Living in perfect peace and charity"—protested that riddles were not for simple minds like his, but he would show the good pilgrims, if they willed it, one that he had frequently heard certain clever folk in his own neighbourhood discuss. "The lord of the manor in the part of Sussex whence I come hath a plantation of sixteen fair oak trees, and they be so set out that they make twelve rows with four trees in every row.
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22.—The Franklin's Puzzle.
22.—The Franklin's Puzzle.
"A Franklin was in this company; White was his beard as is the daisy." We are told by Chaucer that he was a great householder and an epicure. "Without baked meat never was his house. Of fish and flesh, and that so plenteous, It snowed in his house of meat and drink, Of every dainty that men could bethink." He was a hospitable and generous man. "His table dormant in his hall alway Stood ready covered all throughout the day." At the repasts of the Pilgrims he usually presided at one of the tables,
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23.—The Squire's Puzzle.
23.—The Squire's Puzzle.
The young Squire, twenty years of age, was the son of the Knight that accompanied him on the historic pilgrimage. He was undoubtedly what in later times we should call a dandy, for, "Embroideréd was he as is a mead, All full of fresh flowers, white and red. Singing he was or fluting all the day, He was as fresh as is the month of May." As will be seen in the illustration to No. 26, while the Haberdasher was propounding his problem of the triangle, this young Squire was standing in the background
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24.—The Friar's Puzzle.
24.—The Friar's Puzzle.
The Friar was a merry fellow, with a sweet tongue and twinkling eyes. "Courteous he was and lowly of service. There was a man nowhere so virtuous." Yet he was "the best beggar in all his house," and gave reasons why "Therefore, instead of weeping and much prayer, Men must give silver to the needy friar." He went by the name of Hubert. One day he produced four money bags and spoke as follows: "If the needy friar doth receive in alms five hundred silver pennies, prithee tell in how many different
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25.—The Parson's Puzzle.
25.—The Parson's Puzzle.
The Parson was a really devout and good man. "A better priest I trow there nowhere is." His virtues and charity made him beloved by all his flock, to whom he presented his teaching with patience and simplicity; "but first he followed it himself." Now, Chaucer is careful to tell us that "Wide was his parish, and houses far asunder, But he neglected nought for rain or thunder;" and it is with his parochial visitations that the Parson's puzzle actually dealt. He produced a plan of part of his paris
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26.—The Haberdasher's Puzzle.
26.—The Haberdasher's Puzzle.
Many attempts were made to induce the Haberdasher, who was of the party, to propound a puzzle of some kind, but for a long time without success. At last, at one of the Pilgrims' stopping-places, he said that he would show them something that would "put their brains into a twist like unto a bell-rope." As a matter of fact, he was really playing off a practical joke on the company, for he was quite ignorant of any answer to the puzzle that he set them. He produced a piece of cloth in the shape of
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27.—The Dyer's Puzzle.
27.—The Dyer's Puzzle.
One of the pilgrims was a Dyer, but Chaucer tells us nothing about him, the Tales being incomplete. Time after time the company had pressed this individual to produce a puzzle of some kind, but without effect. The poor fellow tried his best to follow the examples of his friends the Tapiser, the Weaver, and the Haberdasher; but the necessary idea would not come, rack his brains as he would. All things, however, come to those who wait—and persevere—and one morning he announced, in a state of consi
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28.—The Great Dispute between the Friar and the Sompnour.
28.—The Great Dispute between the Friar and the Sompnour.
Chaucer records the painful fact that the harmony of the pilgrimage was broken on occasions by the quarrels between the Friar and the Sompnour. At one stage the latter threatened that ere they reached Sittingbourne he would make the Friar's "heart for to mourn;" but the worthy Host intervened and patched up a temporary peace. Unfortunately trouble broke out again over a very curious dispute in this way. At one point of the journey the road lay along two sides of a square field, and some of the p
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29.—Chaucer's Puzzle.
29.—Chaucer's Puzzle.
Chaucer himself accompanied the pilgrims. Being a mathematician and a man of a thoughtful habit, the Host made fun of him, he tells us, saying, "Thou lookest as thou wouldst find a hare, For ever on the ground I see thee stare." The poet replied to the request for a tale by launching into a long-spun-out and ridiculous poem, intended to ridicule the popular romances of the day, after twenty-two stanzas of which the company refused to hear any more, and induced him to start another tale in prose.
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30.—The Puzzle of the Canon's Yeoman.
30.—The Puzzle of the Canon's Yeoman.
This person joined the party on the road. "'God save,' quoth he, 'this jolly company! Fast have I ridden,' saith he, 'for your sake, Because I would I might you overtake, To ride among this merry company.'" Of course, he was asked to entertain the pilgrims with a puzzle, and the one he propounded was the following. He showed them the diamond-shaped arrangement of letters presented in the accompanying illustration, and said, "I do call it the rat-catcher's riddle. In how many different ways canst
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31.—The Manciple's Puzzle.
31.—The Manciple's Puzzle.
The Manciple was an officer who had the care of buying victuals for an Inn of Court—like the Temple. The particular individual who accompanied the party was a wily man who had more than thirty masters, and made fools of them all. Yet he was a man "whom purchasers might take as an example How to be wise in buying of their victual." It happened that at a certain stage of the journey the Miller and the Weaver sat down to a light repast. The Miller produced five loaves and the Weaver three. The Manc
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Everybody that has heard of Solvamhall Castle, and of the quaint customs and ceremonies that obtained there in the olden times, is familiar with the fact that Sir Hugh de Fortibus was a lover of all kinds of puzzles and enigmas. Sir Robert de Riddlesdale himself declared on one occasion, "By the bones of Saint Jingo, this Sir Hugh hath a sharp wit. Certes, I wot not the riddle that he may not rede withal." It is, therefore, a source of particular satisfaction that the recent discovery of some an
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32.—The Game of Bandy-Ball.
32.—The Game of Bandy-Ball.
Bandy-ball, cambuc, or goff (the game so well known to-day by the name of golf), is of great antiquity, and was a special favourite at Solvamhall Castle. Sir Hugh de Fortibus was himself a master of the game, and he once proposed this question. They had nine holes, 300, 250, 200, 325, 275, 350, 225, 375, and 400 yards apart. If a man could always strike the ball in a perfectly straight line and send it exactly one of two distances, so that it would either go towards the hole, pass over it, or dr
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33.—Tilting at the Ring.
33.—Tilting at the Ring.
Another favourite sport at the castle was tilting at the ring. A horizontal bar was fixed in a post, and at the end of a hanging supporter was placed a circular ring, as shown in the above illustrated title. By raising or lowering the bar the ring could be adjusted to the proper height—generally about the level of the left eyebrow of the horseman. The object was to ride swiftly some eighty paces and run the lance through the ring, which was easily detached, and remained on the lance as the prope
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34.—The Noble Demoiselle.
34.—The Noble Demoiselle.
Seated one night in the hall of the castle, Sir Hugh desired the company to fill their cups and listen while he told the tale of his adventure as a youth in rescuing from captivity a noble demoiselle who was languishing in the dungeon of the castle belonging to his father's greatest enemy. The story was a thrilling one, and when he related the final escape from all the dangers and horrors of the great Death's-head Dungeon with the fair but unconscious maiden in his arms, all exclaimed, "'Twas ma
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35.—The Archery Butt.
35.—The Archery Butt.
The butt or target used in archery at Solvamhall was not marked out in concentric rings as at the present day, but was prepared in fanciful designs. In the illustration is shown a numbered target prepared by Sir Hugh himself. It is something of a curiosity, because it will be found that he has so cleverly arranged the numbers that every one of the twelve lines of three adds up to exactly twenty-two. One day, when the archers were a little tired of their sport, Sir Hugh de Fortibus said, "What ho
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36.—The Donjon Keep Window.
36.—The Donjon Keep Window.
On one occasion Sir Hugh greatly perplexed his chief builder. He took this worthy man to the walls of the donjon keep and pointed to a window there. "Methinks," said he, "yon window is square, and measures, on the inside, one foot every way, and is divided by the narrow bars into four lights, measuring half a foot on every side." "Of a truth that is so, Sir Hugh." "Then I desire that another window be made higher up whose four sides shall also be each one foot, but it shall be divided by bars in
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37.—The Crescent and the Cross.
37.—The Crescent and the Cross.
When Sir Hugh's kinsman, Sir John de Collingham, came back from the Holy Land, he brought with him a flag bearing the sign of a crescent, as shown in the illustration. It was noticed that De Fortibus spent much time in examining this crescent and comparing it with the cross borne by the Crusaders on their own banners. One day, in the presence of a goodly company, he made the following striking announcement:— "I have thought much of late, friends and masters, of the conversion of the crescent to
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38.—The Amulet.
38.—The Amulet.
A strange man was one day found loitering in the courtyard of the castle, and the retainers, noticing that his speech had a foreign accent, suspected him of being a spy. So the fellow was brought before Sir Hugh, who could make nothing of him. He ordered the varlet to be removed and examined, in order to discover whether any secret letters were concealed about him. All they found was a piece of parchment securely suspended from the neck, bearing this mysterious inscription:— To-day we know that
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39.—The Snail on the Flagstaff.
39.—The Snail on the Flagstaff.
It would often be interesting if we could trace back to their origin many of the best known puzzles. Some of them would be found to have been first propounded in very ancient times, and there can be very little doubt that while a certain number may have improved with age, others will have deteriorated and even lost their original point and bearing. It is curious to find in the Solvamhall records our familiar friend the climbing snail puzzle, and it will be seen that in its modern form it has los
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40.—Lady Isabel's Casket.
40.—Lady Isabel's Casket.
Sir Hugh's young kinswoman and ward, Lady Isabel de Fitzarnulph, was known far and wide as "Isabel the Fair." Amongst her treasures was a casket, the top of which was perfectly square in shape. It was inlaid with pieces of wood, and a strip of gold ten inches long by a quarter of an inch wide. When young men sued for the hand of Lady Isabel, Sir Hugh promised his consent to the one who would tell him the dimensions of the top of the box from these facts alone: that there was a rectangular strip
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Their Quaint Puzzles and Enigmas. "Friar Andrew," quoth the Lord Abbot, as he lay a-dying, "methinks I could now rede thee the riddle of riddles—an I had—the time—and—" The good friar put his ear close to the holy Abbot's lips, but alas! they were silenced for ever. Thus passed away the life of the jovial and greatly beloved Abbot of the old monastery of Riddlewell. The monks of Riddlewell Abbey were noted in their day for the quaint enigmas and puzzles that they were in the habit of propounding
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41.—The Riddle of the Fish-pond.
41.—The Riddle of the Fish-pond.
At the bottom of the Abbey meads was a small fish-pond where the monks used to spend many a contemplative hour with rod and line. One day, when they had had very bad luck and only caught twelve fishes amongst them, Brother Jonathan suddenly declared that as there was no sport that day he would put forth a riddle for their entertainment. He thereupon took twelve fish baskets and placed them at equal distances round the pond, as shown in our illustration, with one fish in each basket. "Now, gentle
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42.—The Riddle of the Pilgrims.
42.—The Riddle of the Pilgrims.
One day, when the monks were seated at their repast, the Abbot announced that a messenger had that morning brought news that a number of pilgrims were on the road and would require their hospitality. "You will put them," he said, "in the square dormitory that has two floors with eight rooms on each floor. There must be eleven persons sleeping on each side of the building, and twice as many on the upper floor as on the lower floor. Of course every room must be occupied, and you know my rule that
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43.—The Riddle of the Tiled Hearth.
43.—The Riddle of the Tiled Hearth.
It seems that it was Friar Andrew who first managed to "rede the riddle of the Tiled Hearth." Yet it was a simple enough little puzzle. The square hearth, where they burnt their Yule logs and round which they had such merry carousings, was floored with sixteen large ornamental tiles. When these became cracked and burnt with the heat of the great fire, it was decided to put down new tiles, which had to be selected from four different patterns (the Cross, the Fleur-de-lys, the Lion, and the Star);
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44.—The Riddle of the Sack Wine.
44.—The Riddle of the Sack Wine.
One evening, when seated at table, Brother Benjamin was called upon by the Abbot to give the riddle that was that day demanded of him. "Forsooth," said he, "I am no good at the making of riddles, as thou knowest full well; but I have been teasing my poor brain over a matter that I trust some among you will expound to me, for I cannot rede it myself. It is this. Mark me take a glass of sack from this bottle that contains a pint of wine and pour it into that jug which contains a pint of water. Now
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45.—The Riddle of the Cellarer.
45.—The Riddle of the Cellarer.
Then Abbot David looked grave, and said that this incident brought to his mind the painful fact that John the Cellarer had been caught robbing the cask of best Malvoisie that was reserved for special occasions. He ordered him to be brought in. "Now, varlet," said the Abbot, as the ruddy-faced Cellarer came before him, "thou knowest that thou wast taken this morning in the act of stealing good wine that was forbidden thee. What hast thou to say for thyself?" "Prithee, my Lord Abbot, forgive me!"
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46.—The Riddle of the Crusaders.
46.—The Riddle of the Crusaders.
On another occasion a certain knight, Sir Ralph de Bohun, was a guest of the monks at Riddlewell Abbey. Towards the close of a sumptuous repast he spoke as follows:— "My Lord Abbot, knowing full well that riddles are greatly to thy liking, I will, by your leave, put forth one that was told unto me in foreign lands. A body of Crusaders went forth to fight the good cause, and such was their number that they were able to form themselves into a square. But on the way a stranger took up arms and join
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47.—The Riddle of St. Edmondsbury.
47.—The Riddle of St. Edmondsbury.
"It used to be told at St. Edmondsbury," said Father Peter on one occasion, "that many years ago they were so overrun with mice that the good abbot gave orders that all the cats from the country round should be obtained to exterminate the vermin. A record was kept, and at the end of the year it was found that every cat had killed an equal number of mice, and the total was exactly 1,111,111 mice. How many cats do you suppose there were?" "Methinks one cat killed the lot," said Brother Benjamin. "
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48.—The Riddle of the Frogs' Ring.
48.—The Riddle of the Frogs' Ring.
One Christmas the Abbot offered a prize of a large black jack mounted in silver, to be engraved with the name of the monk who should put forth the best new riddle. This tournament of wit was won by Brother Benedict, who, curiously enough, never before or after gave out anything that did not excite the ridicule of his brethren. It was called the "Frogs' Ring." A ring was made with chalk on the floor of the hall, and divided into thirteen compartments, in which twelve discs of wood (called "frogs"
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A PUZZLING ADVENTURE. At one time I was greatly in favour with the king, and his Majesty never seemed to weary of the companionship of the court fool. I had a gift for making riddles and quaint puzzles which ofttimes caused great sport; for albeit the king never found the right answer of one of these things in all his life, yet would he make merry at the bewilderment of those about him. But let every cobbler stick unto his last; for when I did set out to learn the art of performing strange trick
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49.—The Mysterious Rope.
49.—The Mysterious Rope.
My dungeon did not lie beneath the moat, but was in one of the most high parts of the castle. So stout was the door, and so well locked and secured withal, that escape that way was not to be found. By hard work I did, after many days, remove one of the bars from the narrow window, and was able to crush my body through the opening; but the distance to the courtyard below was so exceeding great that it was certain death to drop thereto. Yet by great good fortune did I find in the corner of the cel
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50.—The Underground Maze.
50.—The Underground Maze.
The only way out of the yard that I now was in was to descend a few stairs that led up into the centre (A) of an underground maze, through the winding of which I must pass before I could take my leave by the door (B). But I knew full well that in the great darkness of this dreadful place I might well wander for hours and yet return to the place from which I set out. How was I then to reach the door with certainty? With a plan of the maze it is but a simple matter to trace out the route, but how
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51.—The Secret Lock.
51.—The Secret Lock.
When I did at last reach the door it was fast closed, and on sliding a panel set before a grating the light that came in thereby showed unto me that my passage was barred by the king's secret lock. Before the handle of the door might be turned, it was needful to place the hands of three several dials in their proper places. If you but knew the proper letter for each dial, the secret was of a truth to your hand; but as ten letters were upon the face of every dial, you might try nine hundred and n
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52.—Crossing the Moat.
52.—Crossing the Moat.
I was now face to face with the castle moat, which was, indeed, very wide and very deep. Alas! I could not swim, and my chance of escape seemed of a truth hopeless, as, doubtless, it would have been had I not espied a boat tied to the wall by a rope. But after I had got into it I did find that the oars had been taken away, and that there was nothing that I could use to row me across. When I had untied the rope and pushed off upon the water the boat lay quite still, there being no stream or curre
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53.—The Royal Gardens.
53.—The Royal Gardens.
It was now daylight, and still had I to pass through the royal gardens outside of the castle walls. These gardens had once been laid out by an old king's gardener, who had become bereft of his senses, but was allowed to amuse himself therein. They were square, and divided into 16 parts by high walls, as shown in the plan thereof, so that there were openings from one garden to another, but only two different ways of entrance. Now, it was needful that I enter at the gate A and leave by the other g
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54.—Bridging the Ditch.
54.—Bridging the Ditch.
I now did truly think that at last was I a free man, but I had quite forgot that I must yet cross a deep ditch before I might get right away. This ditch was 10 feet wide, and I durst not attempt to jump it, as I had sprained an ankle in leaving the garden. Looking around for something to help me over my difficulty, I soon found eight narrow planks of wood lying together in a heap. With these alone, and the planks were each no more than 9 feet long, I did at last manage to make a bridge across th
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A fine specimen of the old English country gentleman was Squire Davidge, of Stoke Courcy Hall, in Somerset. When the last century was yet in its youth, there were few men in the west country more widely known and more generally respected and beloved than he. A born sportsman, his fame extended to Exmoor itself, where his daring and splendid riding in pursuit of the red deer had excited the admiration and envy of innumerable younger huntsmen. But it was in his own parish, and particularly in his
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55.—The Three Teacups.
55.—The Three Teacups.
One young lady—of whom our fair historian records with delightful inconsequence: "This Miss Charity Lockyer has since been married to a curate from Taunton Vale"—placed three empty teacups on a table, and challenged anybody to put ten lumps of sugar in them so that there would be an odd number of lumps in every cup. "One young man, who has been to Oxford University, and is studying the law, declared with some heat that, beyond a doubt, there was no possible way of doing it, and he offered to giv
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56.—The Eleven Pennies.
56.—The Eleven Pennies.
A guest asked some one to favour him with eleven pennies, and he passed the coins to the company, as depicted in our illustration. The writer says: "He then requested us to remove five coins from the eleven, add four coins and leave nine. We could not but think there must needs be ten pennies left. We were a good deal amused at the answer hereof."...
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57.—The Christmas Geese.
57.—The Christmas Geese.
Squire Hembrow, from Weston Zoyland—wherever that may be—proposed the following little arithmetical puzzle, from which it is probable that several somewhat similar modern ones have been derived: Farmer Rouse sent his man to market with a flock of geese, telling him that he might sell all or any of them, as he considered best, for he was sure the man knew how to make a good bargain. This is the report that Jabez made, though I have taken it out of the old Somerset dialect, which might puzzle some
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58.—The Chalked Numbers.
58.—The Chalked Numbers.
"We laughed greatly at a pretty jest on the part of Major Trenchard, a merry friend of the Squire's. With a piece of chalk he marked a different number on the backs of eight lads who were at the party." Then, it seems, he divided them in two groups, as shown in the illustration, 1, 2, 3, 4 being on one side, and 5, 7, 8, 9 on the other. It will be seen that the numbers of the left-hand group add up to 10, while the numbers in the other group add up to 29. The Major's puzzle was to rearrange the
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59.—Tasting the Plum Puddings.
59.—Tasting the Plum Puddings.
"Everybody, as I suppose, knows well that the number of different Christmas plum puddings that you taste will bring you the same number of lucky days in the new year. One of the guests (and his name has escaped my memory) brought with him a sheet of paper on which were drawn sixty-four puddings, and he said the puzzle was an allegory of a sort, and he intended to show how we might manage our pudding-tasting with as much dispatch as possible." I fail to fully understand this fanciful and rather o
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60.—Under the Mistletoe Bough.
60.—Under the Mistletoe Bough.
"At the party was a widower who has but lately come into these parts," says the record; "and, to be sure, he was an exceedingly melancholy man, for he did sit away from the company during the most part of the evening. We afterwards heard that he had been keeping a secret account of all the kisses that were given and received under the mistletoe bough. Truly, I would not have suffered any one to kiss me in that manner had I known that so unfair a watch was being kept. Other maids beside were in a
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61.—The Silver Cubes.
61.—The Silver Cubes.
The last extract that I will give is one that will, I think, interest those readers who may find some of the above puzzles too easy. It is a hard nut, and should only be attempted by those who flatter themselves that they possess strong intellectual teeth. "Master Herbert Spearing, the son of a widow lady in our parish, proposed a puzzle in arithmetic that looks simple, but nobody present was able to solve it. Of a truth I did not venture to attempt it myself, after the young lawyer from Oxford,
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Adventures of the Puzzle Club
Adventures of the Puzzle Club
When it recently became known that the bewildering mystery of the Prince and the Lost Balloon was really solved by the members of the Puzzle Club, the general public was quite unaware that any such club existed. The fact is that the members always deprecated publicity; but since they have been dragged into the light in connection with this celebrated case, so many absurd and untrue stories have become current respecting their doings that I have been permitted to publish a correct account of some
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62.—The Ambiguous Photograph.
62.—The Ambiguous Photograph.
A good example of the lighter kind of problem that occasionally comes before them is that which is known amongst them by the name of "The Ambiguous Photograph." Though it is perplexing to the inexperienced, it is regarded in the club as quite a trivial thing. Yet it serves to show the close observation of these sharp-witted fellows. The original photograph hangs on the club wall, and has baffled every guest who has examined it. Yet any child should be able to solve the mystery. I will give the r
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63.—The Cornish Cliff Mystery.
63.—The Cornish Cliff Mystery.
Though the incident known in the Club as "The Cornish Cliff Mystery" has never been published, every one remembers the case with which it was connected—an embezzlement at Todd's Bank in Cornhill a few years ago. Lamson and Marsh, two of the firm's clerks, suddenly disappeared; and it was found that they had absconded with a very large sum of money. There was an exciting hunt for them by the police, who were so prompt in their action that it was impossible for the thieves to get out of the countr
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64.—The Runaway Motor-Car.
64.—The Runaway Motor-Car.
The little affair of the "Runaway Motor-car" is a good illustration of how a knowledge of some branch of puzzledom may be put to unexpected use. A member of the Club, whose name I have at the moment of writing forgotten, came in one night and said that a friend of his was bicycling in Surrey on the previous day, when a motor-car came from behind, round a corner, at a terrific speed, caught one of his wheels, and sent him flying in the road. He was badly knocked about, and fractured his left arm,
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65.—The Mystery of Ravensdene Park.
65.—The Mystery of Ravensdene Park.
The mystery of Ravensdene Park, which I will now present, was a tragic affair, as it involved the assassination of Mr. Cyril Hastings at his country house a short distance from London. On February 17th, at 11 p.m., there was a heavy fall of snow, and though it lasted only half an hour, the ground was covered to a depth of several inches. Mr. Hastings had been spending the evening at the house of a neighbour, and left at midnight to walk home, taking the short route that lay through Ravensdene Pa
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66.—The Buried Treasure.
66.—The Buried Treasure.
The problem of the Buried Treasure was of quite a different character. A young fellow named Dawkins, just home from Australia, was introduced to the club by one of the members, in order that he might relate an extraordinary stroke of luck that he had experienced "down under," as the circumstances involved the solution of a poser that could not fail to interest all lovers of puzzle problems. After the club dinner, Dawkins was asked to tell his story, which he did, to the following effect:— "I hav
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"Why, here is the Professor!" exclaimed Grigsby. "We'll make him show us some new puzzles." It was Christmas Eve, and the club was nearly deserted. Only Grigsby, Hawkhurst, and myself, of all the members, seemed to be detained in town over the season of mirth and mince-pies. The man, however, who had just entered was a welcome addition to our number. "The Professor of Puzzles," as we had nicknamed him, was very popular at the club, and when, as on the present occasion, things got a little slow,
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67.—The Coinage Puzzle.
67.—The Coinage Puzzle.
He made a rough diagram, and placed a crown and a florin in two of the divisions, as indicated in the illustration. "Now," he continued, "place the fewest possible current English coins in the seven empty divisions, so that each of the three columns, three rows, and two diagonals shall add up fifteen shillings. Of course, no division may be without at least one coin, and no two divisions may contain the same value." "But how can the coins affect the question?" asked Grigsby. "That you will find
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68.—The Postage Stamps Puzzles.
68.—The Postage Stamps Puzzles.
"Now, instead of coins we'll substitute postage-stamps. Take ten current English stamps, nine of them being all of different values, and the tenth a duplicate. Stick two of them in one division and one in each of the others, so that the square shall this time add up ninepence in the eight directions as before." "Here you are!" cried Grigsby, after he had been scribbling for a few minutes on the back of an envelope. The Professor smiled indulgently. "Are you sure that there is a current English p
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69.—The Frogs and Tumblers.
69.—The Frogs and Tumblers.
"What do you think of these?" The Professor brought from his capacious pockets a number of frogs, snails, lizards, and other creatures of Japanese manufacture—very grotesque in form and brilliant in colour. While we were looking at them he asked the waiter to place sixty-four tumblers on the club table. When these had been brought and arranged in the form of a square, as shown in the illustration, he placed eight of the little green frogs on the glasses as shown. "Now," he said, "you see these t
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70.—Romeo and Juliet.
70.—Romeo and Juliet.
For some time we tried to make these little reptiles perform the feat allotted to them, and failed. The Professor, however, would not give away his solution, but said he would instead introduce to us a little thing that is childishly simple when you have once seen it, but cannot be mastered by everybody at the very first attempt. "Waiter!" he called again. "Just take away these glasses, please, and bring the chessboards." "I hope to goodness," exclaimed Grigsby, "you are not going to show us som
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71.—Romeo's Second Journey.
71.—Romeo's Second Journey.
"It was a sheer stroke of luck on your part, Hawkhurst," he added. "Here is a much easier puzzle, because it is capable of more systematic analysis; yet it may just happen that you will not do it in an hour. Put Romeo on a white square and make him crawl into every other white square once with the fewest possible turnings. This time a white square may be visited twice, but the snail must never pass a second time through the same corner of a square nor ever enter the black squares." "May he leave
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72.—The Frogs who would a-wooing go.
72.—The Frogs who would a-wooing go.
While we were vainly attempting to solve this puzzle, the Professor arranged on the table ten of the frogs in two rows, as they will be found in the illustration. "That seems entertaining," I said. "What is it?" "It is a little puzzle I made a year ago, and a favourite with the few people who have seen it. It is called 'The Frogs who would a-wooing go.' Four of them are supposed to go a-wooing, and after the four have each made a jump upon the table, they are in such a position that they form fi
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Nearly all of our most popular games are of very ancient origin, though in many cases they have been considerably developed and improved. Kayles—derived from the French word quilles —was a great favourite in the fourteenth century, and was undoubtedly the parent of our modern game of ninepins. Kayle-pins were not confined in those days to any particular number, and they were generally made of a conical shape and set up in a straight row. At first they were knocked down by a club that was thrown
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74.—The Broken Chessboard.
74.—The Broken Chessboard.
There is a story of Prince Henry, son of William the Conqueror, afterwards Henry I., that is so frequently recorded in the old chronicles that it is doubtless authentic. The following version of the incident is taken from Hayward's Life of William the Conqueror , published in 1613— "Towards the end of his reigne he appointed his two sonnes Robert and Henry, with joynt authoritie, governours of Normandie; the one to suppresse either the insolence or levitie of the other. These went together to vi
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75.—The Spider and the Fly.
75.—The Spider and the Fly.
Inside a rectangular room, measuring 30 feet in length and 12 feet in width and height, a spider is at a point on the middle of one of the end walls, 1 foot from the ceiling, as at A; and a fly is on the opposite wall, 1 foot from the floor in the centre, as shown at B. What is the shortest distance that the spider must crawl in order to reach the fly, which remains stationary? Of course the spider never drops or uses its web, but crawls fairly....
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76.—The Perplexed Cellarman.
76.—The Perplexed Cellarman.
Here is a little puzzle culled from the traditions of an old monastery in the west of England. Abbot Francis, it seems, was a very worthy man; and his methods of equity extended to those little acts of charity for which he was noted for miles round. The Abbot, moreover, had a fine taste in wines. On one occasion he sent for the cellarman, and complained that a particular bottling was not to his palate. "Pray tell me, Brother John, how much of this wine thou didst bottle withal." "A fair dozen in
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77.—Making a Flag.
77.—Making a Flag.
A good dissection puzzle in so few as two pieces is rather a rarity, so perhaps the reader will be interested in the following. The diagram represents a piece of bunting, and it is required to cut it into two pieces (without any waste) that will fit together and form a perfectly square flag, with the four roses symmetrically placed. This would be easy enough if it were not for the four roses, as we should merely have to cut from A to B, and insert the piece at the bottom of the flag. But we are
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78.—Catching the Hogs.
78.—Catching the Hogs.
In the illustration Hendrick and Katrün are seen engaged in the exhilarating sport of attempting the capture of a couple of hogs. Why did they fail? Strange as it may seem, a complete answer is afforded in the little puzzle game that I will now explain. Copy the simple diagram on a conveniently large sheet of cardboard or paper, and use four marked counters to represent the Dutchman, his wife, and the two hogs. At the beginning of the game these must be placed on the squares on which they are sh
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79.—The Thirty-one Game.
79.—The Thirty-one Game.
This is a game that used to be (and may be to this day, for aught I know) a favourite means of swindling employed by card-sharpers at racecourses and in railway carriages. As, on its own merits, however, the game is particularly interesting, I will make no apology for presenting it to my readers. The cardsharper lays down the twenty-four cards shown in the illustration, and invites the innocent wayfarer to try his luck or skill by seeing which of them can first score thirty-one, or drive his opp
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80.—The Chinese Railways.
80.—The Chinese Railways.
Our illustration shows the plan of a Chinese city protected by pentagonal fortifications. Five European Powers were scheming and clamouring for a concession to run a railway to the place; and at last one of the Emperor's more brilliant advisers said, "Let every one of them have a concession!" So the Celestial Government officials were kept busy arranging the details. The letters in the diagram show the different nationalities, and indicate not only just where each line must enter the city, but a
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81.—The Eight Clowns.
81.—The Eight Clowns.
This illustration represents a troupe of clowns I once saw on the Continent. Each clown bore one of the numbers 1 to 9 on his body. After going through the usual tumbling, juggling, and other antics, they generally concluded with a few curious little numerical tricks, one of which was the rapid formation of a number of magic squares. It occurred to me that if clown No. 1 failed to appear (as happens in the illustration), this last item of their performance might not be so easy. The reader is ask
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82.—The Wizard's Arithmetic.
82.—The Wizard's Arithmetic.
Once upon a time a knight went to consult a certain famous wizard. The interview had to do with an affair of the heart; but after the man of magic had foretold the most favourable issues, and concocted a love-potion that was certain to help his visitor's cause, the conversation drifted on to occult subjects generally. "And art thou learned also in the magic of numbers?" asked the knight. "Show me but one sample of thy wit in these matters." The old wizard took five blocks bearing numbers, and pl
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83.—The Ribbon Problem.
83.—The Ribbon Problem.
If we take the ribbon by the ends and pull it out straight, we have the number 0588235294117647. This number has the peculiarity that, if we multiply it by any one of the numbers, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, we get exactly the same number in the circle, starting from a different place. For example, multiply by 4, and the product is 2352941176470588, which starts from the dart in the circle. So, if we multiply by 3, we get the same result starting from the star. Now, the puzzle is to place a diffe
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84.—The Japanese Ladies and the Carpet.
84.—The Japanese Ladies and the Carpet.
Three Japanese ladies possessed a square ancestral carpet of considerable intrinsic value, but treasured also as an interesting heirloom in the family. They decided to cut it up and make three square rugs of it, so that each should possess a share in her own house. One lady suggested that the simplest way would be for her to take a smaller share than the other two, because then the carpet need not be cut into more than four pieces. There are three easy ways of doing this, which I will leave the
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85.—Captain Longbow and the Bears.
85.—Captain Longbow and the Bears.
That eminent and more or less veracious traveller Captain Longbow has a great grievance with the public. He claims that during a recent expedition in Arctic regions he actually reached the North Pole, but cannot induce anybody to believe him. Of course, the difficulty in such cases is to produce proof, but he avers that future travellers, when they succeed in accomplishing the same feat, will find evidence on the spot. He says that when he got there he saw a bear going round and round the top of
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86.—The English Tour.
86.—The English Tour.
This puzzle has to do with railway routes, and in these days of much travelling should prove useful. The map of England shows twenty-four towns, connected by a system of railways. A resident at the town marked A at the top of the map proposes to visit every one of the towns once and only once, and to finish up his tour at Z. This would be easy enough if he were able to cut across country by road, as well as by rail, but he is not. How does he perform the feat? Take your pencil and, starting from
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87.—The Chifu-Chemulpo Puzzle.
87.—The Chifu-Chemulpo Puzzle.
Here is a puzzle that was once on sale in the London shops. It represents a military train—an engine and eight cars. The puzzle is to reverse the cars, so that they shall be in the order 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, with the engine left, as at first, on the side track. Do this in the fewest possible moves. Every time the engine or a car is moved from the main to the side track, or vice versa , it counts a move for each car or engine passed over one of the points. Mo
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88.—The Eccentric Market-woman.
88.—The Eccentric Market-woman.
Mrs. Covey, who keeps a little poultry farm in Surrey, is one of the most eccentric women I ever met. Her manner of doing business is always original, and sometimes quite weird and wonderful. She was once found explaining to a few of her choice friends how she had disposed of her day's eggs. She had evidently got the idea from an old puzzle with which we are all familiar; but as it is an improvement on it, I have no hesitation in presenting it to my readers. She related that she had that day tak
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89.—The Primrose Puzzle.
89.—The Primrose Puzzle.
Select the name of any flower that you think suitable, and that contains eight letters. Touch one of the primroses with your pencil and jump over one of the adjoining flowers to another, on which you mark the first letter of your word. Then touch another vacant flower, and again jump over one in another direction, and write down the second letter. Continue this (taking the letters in their proper order) until all the letters have been written down, and the original word can be correctly read rou
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90.—The Round Table.
90.—The Round Table.
Seven friends, named Adams, Brooks, Cater, Dobson, Edwards, Fry, and Green, were spending fifteen days together at the seaside, and they had a round breakfast table at the hotel all to themselves. It was agreed that no man should ever sit down twice with the same two neighbours. As they can be seated, under these conditions, in just fifteen ways, the plan was quite practicable. But could the reader have prepared an arrangement for every sitting? The hotel proprietor was asked to draw up a scheme
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91.—The Five Tea Tins.
91.—The Five Tea Tins.
Sometimes people will speak of mere counting as one of the simplest operations in the world; but on occasions, as I shall show, it is far from easy. Sometimes the labour can be diminished by the use of little artifices; sometimes it is practically impossible to make the required enumeration without having a very clear head indeed. An ordinary child, buying twelve postage stamps, will almost instinctively say, when he sees there are four along one side and three along the other, "Four times three
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92.—The Four Porkers.
92.—The Four Porkers.
The four pigs are so placed, each in a separate sty, that although every one of the thirty-six sties is in a straight line (either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), with at least one of the pigs, yet no pig is in line with another. In how many different ways may the four pigs be placed to fulfil these conditions? If you turn this page round you get three more arrangements, and if you turn it round in front of a mirror you get four more. These are not to be counted as different arrangemen
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93.—The Number Blocks.
93.—The Number Blocks.
The children in the illustration have found that a large number of very interesting and instructive puzzles may be made out of number blocks; that is, blocks bearing the ten digits or Arabic figures—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. The particular puzzle that they have been amusing themselves with is to divide the blocks into two groups of five, and then so arrange them in the form of two multiplication sums that one product shall be the same as the other. The number of possible solutions is ver
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94.—Foxes and Geese.
94.—Foxes and Geese.
Here is a little puzzle of the moving counters class that my readers will probably find entertaining. Make a diagram of any convenient size similar to that shown in our illustration, and provide six counters—three marked to represent foxes and three to represent geese. Place the geese on the discs 1, 2, and 3, and the foxes on the discs numbered 10, 11, and 12 Now the puzzle is this. By moving one at a time, fox and goose alternately, along a straight line from one disc to the next one, try to g
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95.—Robinson Crusoe's Table.
95.—Robinson Crusoe's Table.
Here is a curious extract from Robinson Crusoe's diary. It is not to be found in the modern editions of the Adventures, and is omitted in the old. This has always seemed to me to be a pity. "The third day in the morning, the wind having abated during the night, I went down to the shore hoping to find a typewriter and other useful things washed up from the wreck of the ship; but all that fell in my way was a piece of timber with many holes in it. My man Friday had many times said that we stood sa
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96.—The Fifteen Orchards.
96.—The Fifteen Orchards.
In the county of Devon, where the cider comes from, fifteen of the inhabitants of a village are imbued with an excellent spirit of friendly rivalry, and a few years ago they decided to settle by actual experiment a little difference of opinion as to the cultivation of apple trees. Some said they want plenty of light and air, while others stoutly maintained that they ought to be planted pretty closely, in order that they might get shade and protection from cold winds. So they agreed to plant a lo
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97.—The Perplexed Plumber.
97.—The Perplexed Plumber.
When I paid a visit to Peckham recently I found everybody asking, "What has happened to Sam Solders, the plumber?" He seemed to be in a bad way, and his wife was seriously anxious about the state of his mind. As he had fitted up a hot-water apparatus for me some years ago which did not lead to an explosion for at least three months (and then only damaged the complexion of one of the cook's followers), I had considerable regard for him. "There he is," said Mrs. Solders, when I called to inquire.
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98.—The Nelson Column.
98.—The Nelson Column.
During a Nelson celebration I was standing in Trafalgar Square with a friend of puzzling proclivities. He had for some time been gazing at the column in an abstracted way, and seemed quite unconscious of the casual remarks that I addressed to him. "What are you dreaming about?" I said at last. "Two feet——" he murmured. "Somebody's Trilbys?" I inquired. "Five times round——" "Two feet, five times round! What on earth are you saying?" "Wait a minute," he said, beginning to figure something out on t
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99.—The Two Errand Boys.
99.—The Two Errand Boys.
A country baker sent off his boy with a message to the butcher in the next village, and at the same time the butcher sent his boy to the baker. One ran faster than the other, and they were seen to pass at a spot 720 yards from the baker's shop. Each stopped ten minutes at his destination and then started on the return journey, when it was found that they passed each other at a spot 400 yards from the butcher's. How far apart are the two tradesmen's shops? Of course each boy went at a uniform pac
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100.—On the Ramsgate Sands.
100.—On the Ramsgate Sands.
Thirteen youngsters were seen dancing in a ring on the Ramsgate sands. Apparently they were playing "Round the Mulberry Bush." The puzzle is this. How many rings may they form without any child ever taking twice the hand of any other child—right hand or left? That is, no child may ever have a second time the same neighbour....
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101.—The Three Motor-Cars.
101.—The Three Motor-Cars.
Pope has told us that all chance is but "direction which thou canst not see," and certainly we all occasionally come across remarkable coincidences—little things against the probability of the occurrence of which the odds are immense—that fill us with bewilderment. One of the three motor men in the illustration has just happened on one of these queer coincidences. He is pointing out to his two friends that the three numbers on their cars contain all the figures 1 to 9 and 0, and, what is more re
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102.—A Reversible Magic Square.
102.—A Reversible Magic Square.
Can you construct a square of sixteen different numbers so that it shall be magic (that is, adding up alike in the four rows, four columns, and two diagonals), whether you turn the diagram upside down or not? You must not use a 3, 4, or 5, as these figures will not reverse; but a 6 may become a 9 when reversed, a 9 a 6, a 7 a 2, and a 2 a 7. The 1, 8, and 0 will read the same both ways. Remember that the constant must not be changed by the reversal....
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103.—The Tube Railway.
103.—The Tube Railway.
The above diagram is the plan of an underground railway. The fare is uniform for any distance, so long as you do not go twice along any portion of the line during the same journey. Now a certain passenger, with plenty of time on his hands, goes daily from A to F. How many different routes are there from which he may select? For example, he can take the short direct route, A, B, C, D, E, F, in a straight line; or he can go one of the long routes, such as A, B, D, C, B, C, E, D, E, F. It will be n
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104.—The Skipper and the Sea-Serpent.
104.—The Skipper and the Sea-Serpent.
Mr. Simon Softleigh had spent most of his life between Tooting Bec and Fenchurch Street. His knowledge of the sea was therefore very limited. So, as he was taking a holiday on the south coast, he thought this was a splendid opportunity for picking up a little useful information. He therefore proceeded to "draw" the natives. "I suppose," said Mr. Softleigh one morning to a jovial, weather-beaten skipper, "you have seen many wonderful sights on the rolling seas?" "Bless you, sir, yes," said the sk
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105.—The Dorcas Society.
105.—The Dorcas Society.
At the close of four and a half months' hard work, the ladies of a certain Dorcas Society were so delighted with the completion of a beautiful silk patchwork quilt for the dear curate that everybody kissed everybody else, except, of course, the bashful young man himself, who only kissed his sisters, whom he had called for, to escort home. There were just a gross of osculations altogether. How much longer would the ladies have taken over their needlework task if the sisters of the curate referred
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106.—The Adventurous Snail.
106.—The Adventurous Snail.
A simple version of the puzzle of the climbing snail is familiar to everybody. We were all taught it in the nursery, and it was apparently intended to inculcate the simple moral that we should never slip if we can help it. This is the popular story. A snail crawls up a pole 12 feet high, ascending 3 feet every day and slipping back 2 feet every night. How long does it take to get to the top? Of course, we are expected to say the answer is twelve days, because the creature makes an actual advance
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107.—The Four Princes.
107.—The Four Princes.
The dominions of a certain Eastern monarch formed a perfectly square tract of country. It happened that the king one day discovered that his four sons were not only plotting against each other, but were in secret rebellion against himself. After consulting with his advisers he decided not to exile the princes, but to confine them to the four corners of the country, where each should be given a triangular territory of equal area, beyond the boundaries of which they would pass at the cost of their
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108.—Plato and the Nines.
108.—Plato and the Nines.
Both in ancient and in modern times the number nine has been considered to possess peculiarly mystic qualities. We know, for instance, that there were nine Muses, nine rivers of Hades, and that Vulcan was nine days falling down from heaven. Then it has been confidently held that nine tailors make a man; while we know that there are nine planets, nine days' wonders, and that a cat has nine lives—and sometimes nine tails. Most people are acquainted with some of the curious properties of the number
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109.—Noughts and Crosses.
109.—Noughts and Crosses.
Every child knows how to play this game. You make a square of nine cells, and each of the two players, playing alternately, puts his mark (a nought or a cross, as the case may be) in a cell with the object of getting three in a line. Whichever player first gets three in a line wins with the exulting cry:— It is a very ancient game. But if the two players have a perfect knowledge of it, one of three things must always happen. (1) The first player should win; (2) the first player should lose; or (
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110.—Ovid's Game.
110.—Ovid's Game.
Having examined "Noughts and Crosses," we will now consider an extension of the game that is distinctly mentioned in the works of Ovid. It is, in fact, the parent of "Nine Men's Morris," referred to by Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night's Dream (Act ii., Scene 2). Each player has three counters, which they play alternately on to the nine points shown in the diagram, with the object of getting three in a line and so winning. But after the six counters are played they then proceed to move (always to
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111.—The Farmer's Oxen.
111.—The Farmer's Oxen.
A child may propose a problem that a sage cannot answer. A farmer propounded the following question: "That ten-acre meadow of mine will feed twelve bullocks for sixteen weeks or eighteen bullocks for eight weeks. How many bullocks could I feed on a forty-acre field for six weeks, the grass growing regularly all the time?" It will be seen that the sting lies in the tail. That steady growth of the grass is such a reasonable point to be considered, and yet to some readers it will cause considerable
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112.—The Great Grangemoor Mystery.
112.—The Great Grangemoor Mystery.
Mr. Stanton Mowbray was a very wealthy man, a reputed millionaire, residing in that beautiful old mansion that has figured so much in English history, Grangemoor Park. He was a bachelor, spent most of the year at home, and lived quietly enough. According to the evidence given, on the day preceding the night of the crime he received by the second post a single letter, the contents of which evidently gave him a shock. At ten o'clock at night he dismissed the servants, saying that he had some impor
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113.—Cutting a Wood Block.
113.—Cutting a Wood Block.
An economical carpenter had a block of wood measuring eight inches long by four inches wide by three and three-quarter inches deep. How many pieces, each measuring two and a half inches by one inch and a half by one inch and a quarter, could he cut out of it? It is all a question of how you cut them out. Most people would have more waste material left over than is necessary. How many pieces could you get out of the block?...
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114.—The Tramps and the Biscuits.
114.—The Tramps and the Biscuits.
Four merry tramps bought, borrowed, found, or in some other manner obtained possession of a box of biscuits, which they agreed to divide equally amongst themselves at breakfast next morning. In the night, while the others were fast asleep under the greenwood tree, one man approached the box, devoured exactly a quarter of the number of biscuits, except the odd one left over, which he threw as a bribe to their dog. Later in the night a second man awoke and hit on the same idea, taking a quarter of
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1.—The Reve's Puzzle.
1.—The Reve's Puzzle.
The 8 cheeses can be removed in 33 moves, 10 cheeses in 49 moves, and 21 cheeses in 321 moves. I will give my general method of solution in the cases of 3, 4, and 5 stools. Write out the following table to any required length:— The first row contains the natural numbers. The second row is found by adding the natural numbers together from the beginning. The numbers in the third row are obtained by adding together the numbers in the second row from the beginning. The fourth row contains the succes
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2.—The Pardoner's Puzzle.
2.—The Pardoner's Puzzle.
The diagram on page 165 will show how the Pardoner started from the large black town and visited all the other towns once, and once only, in fifteen straight pilgrimages. See No. 320, "The Rook's Tour," in A. in M....
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3.—The Miller's Puzzle.
3.—The Miller's Puzzle.
The way to arrange the sacks of flour is as follows:—2, 78, 156, 39, 4. Here each pair when multiplied by its single neighbour makes the number in the middle, and only five of the sacks need be moved. There are just three other ways in which they might have been arranged (4, 39, 156, 78, 2; or 3, 58, 174, 29, 6; or 6, 29, 174, 58, 3), but they all require the moving of seven sacks....
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4.—The Knight's Puzzle.
4.—The Knight's Puzzle.
The Knight declared that as many as 575 squares could be marked off on his shield, with a rose at every corner. How this result is achieved may be realized by reference to the accompanying diagram:—Join A, B, C, and D, and there are 66 squares of this size to be formed; the size A, E, F, G gives 48; A, H, I, J, 32; B, K, L, M, 19; B, N, O, P, 10; B, Q, R, S, 4; E, T, F, C, 57; I, U, V, P, 33; H, W, X, J, 15; K, Y, Z, M, 3; E, a, b, D, 82; H, d, M, D, 56; H, e, f, G, 42; K, g, f, C, 32; N, h, z,
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5.—The Wife of Bath's Riddles.
5.—The Wife of Bath's Riddles.
The good lady explained that a bung that is made fast in a barrel is like another bung that is falling out of a barrel because one of them is in secure and the other is also insecure . The little relationship poser is readily understood when we are told that the parental command came from the father (who was also in the room) and not from the mother....
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6.—The Host's Puzzle.
6.—The Host's Puzzle.
The puzzle propounded by the jovial host of the "Tabard" Inn of Southwark had proved more popular than any other of the whole collection. "I see, my merry masters," he cried, "that I have sorely twisted thy brains by my little piece of craft. Yet it is but a simple matter for me to put a true pint of fine old ale in each of these two measures, albeit one is of five pints and the other of three pints, without using any other measure whatever." The host of the "Tabard" Inn thereupon proceeded to e
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7.—Clerk of Oxenford's Puzzle.
7.—Clerk of Oxenford's Puzzle.
The illustration shows how the square is to be cut into four pieces, and how these pieces are to be put together again to make a magic square. It will be found that the four columns, four rows, and two long diagonals now add up to 34 in every case....
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8.—The Tapiser's Puzzle.
8.—The Tapiser's Puzzle.
The piece of tapestry had to be cut along the lines into three pieces so as to fit together and form a perfect square, with the pattern properly matched. It was also stipulated in effect that one of the three pieces must be as small as possible. The illustration shows how to make the cuts and how to put the pieces together, while one of the pieces contains only twelve of the little squares....
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9.—The Carpenter's Puzzle.
9.—The Carpenter's Puzzle.
The carpenter said that he made a box whose internal dimensions were exactly the same as the original block of wood—that is, 3 feet by 1 foot by 1 foot. He then placed the carved pillar in this box and filled up all the vacant space with a fine, dry sand, which he carefully shook down until he could get no more into the box. Then he removed the pillar, taking great care not to lose any of the sand, which, on being shaken down alone in the box, filled a space equal to one cubic foot. This was, th
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10.—The Puzzle of the Squire's Yeoman.
10.—The Puzzle of the Squire's Yeoman.
The illustration will show how three of the arrows were removed each to a neighbouring square on the signboard of the "Chequers" Inn, so that still no arrow was in line with another. The black dots indicate the squares on which the three arrows originally stood....
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11.—The Nun's Puzzle.
11.—The Nun's Puzzle.
As there are eighteen cards bearing the letters "CANTERBURY PILGRIMS," write the numbers 1 to 18 in a circle, as shown in the diagram. Then write the first letter C against 1, and each successive letter against the second number that happens to be vacant. This has been done as far as the second R. If the reader completes the process by placing Y against 2, P against 6, I against 10, and so on, he will get the letters all placed in the following order:—CYASNPTREIRMBLUIRG, which is the required ar
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12.—The Merchant's Puzzle.
12.—The Merchant's Puzzle.
This puzzle amounts to finding the smallest possible number that has exactly sixty-four divisors, counting 1 and the number itself as divisors. The least number is 7,560. The pilgrims might, therefore, have ridden in single file, two and two, three and three, four and four, and so on, in exactly sixty-four different ways, the last manner being in a single row of 7,560. The Merchant was careful to say that they were going over a common, and not to mention its size, for it certainly would not be p
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13.—The Man of Law's Puzzle.
13.—The Man of Law's Puzzle.
The fewest possible moves for getting the prisoners into their dungeons in the required numerical order are twenty-six. The men move in the following order:—1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 6, 5, 3, 1, 2, 6, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 4, 5, 6. As there are never more than one vacant dungeon to be moved into, there can be no ambiguity in the notation. The diagram may be simplified by my "buttons and string" method, fully explained in A. in M. , p. 230. It then takes one of the simple forms of A or B, and
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14.—The Weaver's Puzzle.
14.—The Weaver's Puzzle.
The illustration shows clearly how the Weaver cut his square of beautiful cloth into four pieces of exactly the same size and shape, so that each piece contained an embroidered lion and castle unmutilated in any way....
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15.—The Cook's Puzzle.
15.—The Cook's Puzzle.
There were four portions of warden pie and four portions of venison pasty to be distributed among eight out of eleven guests. But five out of the eleven will only eat the pie, four will only eat the pasty, and two are willing to eat of either. Any possible combination must fall into one of the following groups. (i.) Where the warden pie is distributed entirely among the five first mentioned; (ii.) where only one of the accommodating pair is given pie; (iii.) where the other of the pair is given
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16.—The Sompnour's Puzzle.
16.—The Sompnour's Puzzle.
The number that the Sompnour confided to the Wife of Bath was twenty-nine, and she was told to begin her count at the Doctor of Physic, who will be seen in the illustration standing the second on her right. The first count of twenty-nine falls on the Shipman, who steps out of the ring. The second count falls on the Doctor, who next steps out. The remaining three counts fall respectively on the Cook, the Sompnour, and the Miller. The ladies would, therefore, have been left in possession had it no
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17.—The Monk's Puzzle.
17.—The Monk's Puzzle.
The Monk might have placed dogs in the kennels in two thousand nine hundred and twenty-six different ways, so that there should be ten dogs on every side. The number of dogs might vary from twenty to forty, and as long as the Monk kept his animals within these limits the thing was always possible. The general solution to this puzzle is difficult. I find that for n dogs on every side of the square, the number of different ways is ( n 4 + 10 n 3 + 38 n 2 + 62 n + 33) / 48, where n is odd, and (( n
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18.—The Shipman's Puzzle.
18.—The Shipman's Puzzle.
There are just two hundred and sixty-four different ways in which the ship Magdalen might have made her ten annual voyages without ever going over the same course twice in a year. Every year she must necessarily end her tenth voyage at the island from which she first set out....
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19.—The Puzzle of the Prioress.
19.—The Puzzle of the Prioress.
The Abbot of Chertsey was quite correct. The curiously-shaped cross may be cut into four pieces that will fit together and form a perfect square. How this is done is shown in the illustration. See also p. 31 in A. in M....
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20.—The Puzzle of the Doctor of Physic.
20.—The Puzzle of the Doctor of Physic.
Here we have indeed a knotty problem. Our text-books tell us that all spheres are similar, and that similar solids are as the cubes of corresponding lengths. Therefore, as the circumferences of the two phials were one foot and two feet respectively and the cubes of one and two added together make nine, what we have to find is two other numbers whose cubes added together make nine. These numbers clearly must be fractional. Now, this little question has really engaged the attention of learned men
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21.—The Ploughman's Puzzle.
21.—The Ploughman's Puzzle.
The illustration shows how the sixteen trees might have been planted so as to form as many as fifteen straight rows with four trees in every row. This is in excess of what was for a long time believed to be the maximum number of rows possible; and though with our present knowledge I cannot rigorously demonstrate that fifteen rows cannot be beaten, I have a strong "pious opinion" that it is the highest number of rows obtainable....
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22.—The Franklin's Puzzle.
22.—The Franklin's Puzzle.
The answer to this puzzle is shown in the illustration, where the numbers on the sixteen bottles all add up to 30 in the ten straight directions. The trick consists in the fact that, although the six bottles (3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 15) in which the flowers have been placed are not removed, yet the sixteen need not occupy exactly the same position on the table as before. The square is, in fact, formed one step further to the left....
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23.—The Squire's Puzzle.
23.—The Squire's Puzzle.
The portrait may be drawn in a single line because it contains only two points at which an odd number of lines meet, but it is absolutely necessary to begin at one of these points and end at the other. One point is near the outer extremity of the King's left eye; the other is below it on the left cheek....
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24.—The Friar's Puzzle.
24.—The Friar's Puzzle.
The five hundred silver pennies might have been placed in the four bags, in accordance with the stated conditions, in exactly 894,348 different ways. If there had been a thousand coins there would be 7,049,112 ways. It is a difficult problem in the partition of numbers. I have a single formula for the solution of any number of coins in the case of four bags, but it was extremely hard to construct, and the best method is to find the twelve separate formulas for the different congruences to the mo
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25.—The Parson's Puzzle.
25.—The Parson's Puzzle.
A very little examination of the original drawing will have shown the reader that, as he will have at first read the conditions, the puzzle is quite impossible of solution. We have therefore to look for some loophole in the actual conditions as they were worded. If the Parson could get round the source of the river, he could then cross every bridge once and once only on his way to church, as shown in the annexed illustration. That this was not prohibited we shall soon find. Though the plan showe
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26.—The Haberdasher's Puzzle.
26.—The Haberdasher's Puzzle.
The illustration will show how the triangular piece of cloth may be cut into four pieces that will fit together and form a perfect square. Bisect AB in D and BC in E; produce the line AE to F making EF equal to EB; bisect AF in G and describe the arc AHF; produce EB to H, and EH is the length of the side of the required square; from E with distance EH, describe the arc HJ, and make JK equal to BE; now, from the points D and K drop perpendiculars on EJ at L and M. If you have done this accurately
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27.—The Dyer's Puzzle.
27.—The Dyer's Puzzle.
The correct answer is 18,816 different ways. The general formula for six fleurs-de-lys for all squares greater than 2 2 is simply this: Six times the square of the number of combinations of n things, taken three at a time, where n represents the number of fleurs-de-lys in the side of the square. Of course where n is even the remainders in rows and columns will be even, and where n is odd the remainders will be odd. For further solution, see No. 358 in A. in M....
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28.—The Great Dispute between the Friar and the Sompnour.
28.—The Great Dispute between the Friar and the Sompnour.
In this little problem we attempted to show how, by sophistical reasoning, it may apparently be proved that the diagonal of a square is of precisely the same length as two of the sides. The puzzle was to discover the fallacy, because it is a very obvious fallacy if we admit that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. But where does the error come in? Well, it is perfectly true that so long as our zigzag path is formed of "steps" parallel to the sides of the square that path
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29.—Chaucer's Puzzle.
29.—Chaucer's Puzzle.
The surface of water or other liquid is always spherical, and the greater any sphere is the less is its convexity. Hence the top diameter of any vessel at the summit of a mountain will form the base of the segment of a greater sphere than it would at the bottom. This sphere, being greater, must (from what has been already said) be less convex; or, in other words, the spherical surface of the water must be less above the brim of the vessel, and consequently it will hold less at the top of a mount
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30.—The Puzzle of the Canon's Yeoman.
30.—The Puzzle of the Canon's Yeoman.
The number of different ways is 63,504. The general formula for such arrangements, when the number of letters in the sentence is 2 n + 1, and it is a palindrome without diagonal readings, is [4(2 n - 1)] 2 . I think it will be well to give here a formula for the general solution of each of the four most common forms of the diamond-letter puzzle. By the word "line" I mean the complete diagonal. Thus in A, B, C, and D, the lines respectively contain 5, 5, 7, and 9 letters. A has a non-palindrome l
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31.—The Manciple's Puzzle.
31.—The Manciple's Puzzle.
The simple Ploughman, who was so ridiculed for his opinion, was perfectly correct: the Miller should receive seven pieces of money, and the Weaver only one. As all three ate equal shares of the bread, it should be evident that each ate 8/3 of a loaf. Therefore, as the Miller provided 15/3 and ate 8/3, he contributed 7/3 to the Manciple's meal; whereas the Weaver provided 9/3, ate 8/3, and contributed only 1/3. Therefore, since they contributed to the Manciple in the proportion of 7 to 1, they mu
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SIR HUGH EXPLAINS HIS PROBLEMS The friends of Sir Hugh de Fortibus were so perplexed over many of his strange puzzles that at a gathering of his kinsmen and retainers he undertook to explain his posers. "Of a truth," said he, "some of the riddles that I have put forth would greatly tax the wit of the unlettered knave to rede; yet will I try to show the manner thereof in such way that all may have understanding. For many there be who cannot of themselves do all these things, but will yet study th
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32.—The Game of Bandy-Ball.
32.—The Game of Bandy-Ball.
Sir Hugh explained, in answer to this puzzle, that as the nine holes were 300, 250, 200, 325, 275, 350, 225, 375, and 400 yards apart, if a man could always strike the ball in a perfectly straight line and send it at will a distance of either 125 yards or 100 yards, he might go round the whole course in 26 strokes. This is clearly correct, for if we call the 125 stroke the "drive" and the 100 stroke the "approach," he could play as follows:—The first hole could be reached in 3 approaches, the se
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33.—Tilting at the Ring.
33.—Tilting at the Ring.
"By my halidame!" exclaimed Sir Hugh, "if some of yon varlets had been put in chains, which for their sins they do truly deserve, then would they well know, mayhap, that the length of any chain having like rings is equal to the inner width of a ring multiplied by the number of rings and added to twice the thickness of the iron whereof it is made. It may be shown that the inner width of the rings used in the tilting was one inch and two-thirds thereof, and the number of rings Stephen Malet did wi
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34.—The Noble Demoiselle.
34.—The Noble Demoiselle.
"Some here have asked me," continued Sir Hugh, "how they may find the cell in the Dungeon of the Death's-head wherein the noble maiden was cast. Beshrew me! but 'tis easy withal when you do but know how to do it. In attempting to pass through every door once, and never more, you must take heed that every cell hath two doors or four, which be even numbers, except two cells, which have but three. Now, certes, you cannot go in and out of any place, passing through all the doors once and no more, if
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35.—The Archery Butt.
35.—The Archery Butt.
"It hath been said that the proof of a pudding is ever in the eating thereof, and by the teeth of Saint George I know no better way of showing how this placing of the figures may be done than by the doing of it. Therefore have I in suchwise written the numbers that they do add up to twenty and three in all the twelve lines of three that are upon the butt." I think it well here to supplement the solution of De Fortibus with a few remarks of my own. The nineteen numbers may be so arranged that the
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36.—The Donjon Keep Window.
36.—The Donjon Keep Window.
In this case Sir Hugh had greatly perplexed his chief builder by demanding that he should make a window measuring one foot on every side and divided by bars into eight lights, having all their sides equal. The illustration will show how this was to be done. It will be seen that if each side of the window measures one foot, then each of the eight triangular lights is six inches on every side. "Of a truth, master builder," said De Fortibus slyly to the architect, "I did not tell thee that the wind
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37.—The Crescent and the Cross.
37.—The Crescent and the Cross.
"By the toes of St. Moden," exclaimed Sir Hugh de Fortibus when this puzzle was brought up, "my poor wit hath never shaped a more cunning artifice or any more bewitching to look upon. It came to me as in a vision, and ofttimes have I marvelled at the thing, seeing its exceeding difficulty. My masters and kinsmen, it is done in this wise." The worthy knight then pointed out that the crescent was of a particular and somewhat irregular form—the two distances a to b and c to d being straight lines,
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38.—The Amulet.
38.—The Amulet.
The puzzle was to place your pencil on the A at the top of the amulet and count in how many different ways you could trace out the word "Abracadabra" downwards, always passing from a letter to an adjoining one. "Now, mark ye, fine fellows," said Sir Hugh to some who had besought him to explain, "that at the very first start there be two ways open: whichever B ye select, there will be two several ways of proceeding (twice times two are four); whichever R ye select, there be two ways of going on (
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39.—The Snail on the Flagstaff.
39.—The Snail on the Flagstaff.
Though there was no need to take down and measure the staff, it is undoubtedly necessary to find its height before the answer can be given. It was well known among the friends and retainers of Sir Hugh de Fortibus that he was exactly six feet in height. It will be seen in the original picture that Sir Hugh's height is just twice the length of his shadow. Therefore we all know that the flagstaff will, at the same place and time of day, be also just twice as long as its shadow. The shadow of the s
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40.—Lady Isabel's Casket.
40.—Lady Isabel's Casket.
The last puzzle was undoubtedly a hard nut, but perhaps difficulty does not make a good puzzle any the less interesting when we are shown the solution. The accompanying diagram indicates exactly how the top of Lady Isabel de Fitzarnulph's casket was inlaid with square pieces of rare wood (no two squares alike) and the strip of gold 10 inches by a quarter of an inch. This is the only possible solution, and it is a singular fact (though I cannot here show the subtle method of working) that the num
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THE MERRY MONKS OF RIDDLEWELL 41.—The Riddle of the Fish-pond.
THE MERRY MONKS OF RIDDLEWELL 41.—The Riddle of the Fish-pond.
Number the fish baskets in the illustration from 1 to 12 in the direction that Brother Jonathan is seen to be going. Starting from 1, proceed as follows, where "1 to 4" means, take the fish from basket No. 1 and transfer it to basket No. 4:— 1 to 4, 5 to 8, 9 to 12, 3 to 6, 7 to 10, 11 to 2, and complete the last revolution to 1, making three revolutions in all. Or you can proceed this way:— 4 to 7, 8 to 11, 12 to 3, 2 to 5, 6 to 9, 10 to 1. It is easy to solve in four revolutions, but the solut
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42.—The Riddle of the Pilgrims.
42.—The Riddle of the Pilgrims.
If it were not for the Abbot's conditions that the number of guests in any room may not exceed three, and that every room must be occupied, it would have been possible to accommodate either 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, or 42 pilgrims. But to accommodate 24 pilgrims so that there shall be twice as many sleeping on the upper floor as on the lower floor, and eleven persons on each side of the building, it will be found necessary to leave some of the rooms empty. If, on the other hand, we try to put up 3
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43.—The Riddle of the Tiled Hearth.
43.—The Riddle of the Tiled Hearth.
The correct answer is shown in the illustration on page 196. No tile is in line (either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) with another tile of the same design, and only three plain tiles are used. If after placing the four lions you fall into the error of placing four other tiles of another pattern, instead of only three, you will be left with four places that must be occupied by plain tiles. The secret consists in placing four of one kind and only three of each of the others....
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44.—The Riddle of the Sack of Wine.
44.—The Riddle of the Sack of Wine.
The question was: Did Brother Benjamin take more wine from the bottle than water from the jug? Or did he take more water from the jug than wine from the bottle? He did neither. The same quantity of wine was transferred from the bottle as water was taken from the jug. Let us assume that the glass would hold a quarter of a pint. There was a pint of wine in the bottle and a pint of water in the jug. After the first manipulation the bottle contains three-quarters of a pint of wine, and the jug one p
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45.—The Riddle of the Cellarer.
45.—The Riddle of the Cellarer.
There were 100 pints of wine in the cask, and on thirty occasions John the Cellarer had stolen a pint and replaced it with a pint of water. After the first theft the wine left in the cask would be 99 pints; after the second theft the wine in the cask would be 9801/100 pints (the square of 99 divided by 100); after the third theft there would remain 970299/10000 (the cube of 99 divided by the square of 100); after the fourth theft there would remain the fourth power of 99 divided by the cube of 1
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46.—The Riddle of the Crusaders.
46.—The Riddle of the Crusaders.
The correct answer is that there would have been 602,176 Crusaders, who could form themselves into a square 776 by 776; and after the stranger joined their ranks, they could form 113 squares of 5,329 men—that is, 73 by 73. Or 113 × 73 2 - 1 = 776 2 . This is a particular case of the so-called "Pellian Equation," respecting which see A. in M. , p. 164....
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47.—The Riddle of St. Edmondsbury.
47.—The Riddle of St. Edmondsbury.
The reader is aware that there are prime numbers and composite whole numbers. Now, 1,111,111 cannot be a prime number, because if it were the only possible answers would be those proposed by Brother Benjamin and rejected by Father Peter. Also it cannot have more than two factors, or the answer would be indeterminate. As a matter of fact, 1,111,111 equals 239 x 4649 (both primes), and since each cat killed more mice than there were cats, the answer must be 239 cats. See also the Introduction, p.
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48.—The Riddle of the Frogs' Ring.
48.—The Riddle of the Frogs' Ring.
The fewest possible moves in which this puzzle can be solved are 118. I will give the complete solution. The black figures on white discs move in the directions of the hands of a clock, and the white figures on black discs the other way. The following are the numbers in the order in which they move. Whether you have to make a simple move or a leaping move will be clear from the position, as you never can have an alternative. The moves enclosed in brackets are to be played five times over: 6, 7,
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Although the king's jester promised that he would "thereafter make the manner thereof plain to all," there is no record of his having ever done so. I will therefore submit to the reader my own views as to the probable solutions to the mysteries involved....
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49.—The Mysterious Rope.
49.—The Mysterious Rope.
When the jester "divided his rope in half," it does not follow that he cut it into two parts, each half the original length of the rope. No doubt he simply untwisted the strands, and so divided it into two ropes, each of the original length, but one-half the thickness. He would thus be able to tie the two together and make a rope nearly twice the original length, with which it is quite conceivable that he made good his escape from the dungeon....
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50.—The Underground Maze.
50.—The Underground Maze.
How did the jester find his way out of the maze in the dark? He had simply to grope his way to a wall and then keep on walking without once removing his left hand (or right hand) from the wall. Starting from A, the dotted line will make the route clear when he goes to the left. If the reader tries the route to the right in the same way he will be equally successful; in fact, the two routes unite and cover every part of the walls of the maze except those two detached parts on the left-hand side—o
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51.—The Secret Lock.
51.—The Secret Lock.
This puzzle entailed the finding of an English word of three letters, each letter being found on a different dial. Now, there is no English word composed of consonants alone, and the only vowel appearing anywhere on the dials is Y. No English word begins with Y and has the two other letters consonants, and all the words of three letters ending in Y (with two consonants) either begin with an S or have H, L, or R as their second letter. But these four consonants do not appear. Therefore Y must occ
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52.—Crossing the Moat.
52.—Crossing the Moat.
No doubt some of my readers will smile at the statement that a man in a boat on smooth water can pull himself across with the tiller rope! But it is a fact. If the jester had fastened the end of his rope to the stern of the boat and then, while standing in the bows, had given a series of violent jerks, the boat would have been propelled forward. This has often been put to a practical test, and it is said that a speed of two or three miles an hour may be attained. See W. W. Rouse Ball's Mathemati
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53.—The Royal Gardens.
53.—The Royal Gardens.
This puzzle must have struck many readers as being absolutely impossible. The jester said: "I had, of a truth, entered every one of the sixteen gardens once, and never more than once." If we follow the route shown in the accompanying diagram, we find that there is no difficulty in once entering all the gardens but one before reaching the last garden containing the exit B. The difficulty is to get into the garden with a star, because if we leave the B garden we are compelled to enter it a second
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54.—Bridging the Ditch.
54.—Bridging the Ditch.
The solution to this puzzle is best explained by the illustration. If he had placed his eight planks, in the manner shown, across the angle of the ditch, he would have been able to cross without much trouble. The king's jester might thus have well overcome all his difficulties and got safely away, as he has told us that he succeeded in doing....
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HOW THE VARIOUS TRICKS WERE DONE The record of one of Squire Davidge's annual "Puzzle Parties," made by the old gentleman's young lady relative, who had often spent a merry Christmas at Stoke Courcy Hall, does not contain the solutions of the mysteries. So I will give my own answers to the puzzles and try to make them as clear as possible to those who may be more or less novices in such matters....
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55.—The Three Teacups.
55.—The Three Teacups.
Miss Charity Lockyer clearly must have had a trick up her sleeve, and I think it highly probable that it was conceived on the following lines. She proposed that ten lumps of sugar should be placed in three teacups, so that there should be an odd number of lumps in every cup. The illustration perhaps shows Miss Charity's answer, and the figures on the cups indicate the number of lumps that have been separately placed in them. By placing the cup that holds one lump inside the one that holds two lu
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56.—The Eleven Pennies.
56.—The Eleven Pennies.
It is rather evident that the trick in this puzzle was as follows:—From the eleven coins take five; then add four (to those already taken away) and you leave nine—in the second heap of those removed!...
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57.—The Christmas Geese.
57.—The Christmas Geese.
Farmer Rouse sent exactly 101 geese to market. Jabez first sold Mr. Jasper Tyler half of the flock and half a goose over (that is, 50-½ + ½, or 51 geese, leaving 50); he then sold Farmer Avent a third of what remained and a third of a goose over (that is, 16-2/3 + 1/3, or 17 geese, leaving 33); he then sold Widow Foster a quarter of what remained and three-quarters of a goose over (that is, 8-1/4 + 3/4 or 9 geese, leaving 24); he next sold Ned Collier a fifth of what he had left and gave him a f
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58.—The Chalked Numbers.
58.—The Chalked Numbers.
This little jest on the part of Major Trenchard is another trick puzzle, and the face of the roguish boy on the extreme right, with the figure 9 on his back, showed clearly that he was in the secret, whatever that secret might be. I have no doubt (bearing in mind the Major's hint as to the numbers being "properly regarded") that his answer was that depicted in the illustration, where boy No. 9 stands on his head and so converts his number into 6. This makes the total 36—an even number—and by mak
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59.—Tasting the Plum Puddings.
59.—Tasting the Plum Puddings.
The diagram will show how this puzzle is to be solved. It is the only way within the conditions laid down. Starting at the pudding with holly at the top left-hand corner, we strike out all the puddings in twenty-one straight strokes, taste the steaming hot pudding at the end of the tenth stroke, and end at the second sprig of holly. Here we have an example of a chess rook's path that is not re-entrant, but between two squares that are at the greatest possible distance from one another. For if it
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60.—Under the Mistletoe Bough.
60.—Under the Mistletoe Bough.
Everybody was found to have kissed everybody else once under the mistletoe, with the following additions and exceptions: No male kissed a male; no man kissed a married woman except his own wife; all the bachelors and boys kissed all the maidens and girls twice; the widower did not kiss anybody, and the widows did not kiss each other. Every kiss was returned, and the double performance was to count as one kiss. In making a list of the company, we can leave out the widower altogether, because he t
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61.—The Silver Cubes.
61.—The Silver Cubes.
There is no limit to the number of different dimensions that will give two cubes whose sum shall be exactly seventeen cubic inches. Here is the answer in the smallest possible numbers. One of the silver cubes must measure 2-23278/40831 inches along each edge, and the other must measure 11663/40831 inch. If the reader likes to undertake the task of cubing each number (that is, multiply each number twice by itself), he will find that when added together the contents exactly equal seventeen cubic i
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THE ADVENTURES OF THE PUZZLE CLUB 62.—The Ambiguous Photograph.
THE ADVENTURES OF THE PUZZLE CLUB 62.—The Ambiguous Photograph.
One by one the members of the Club succeeded in discovering the key to the mystery of the Ambiguous Photograph, except Churton, who was at length persuaded to "give it up." Herbert Baynes then pointed out to him that the coat that Lord Marksford was carrying over his arm was a lady's coat, because the buttons are on the left side, whereas a man's coat always has the buttons on the right-hand side. Lord Marksford would not be likely to walk about the streets of Paris with a lady's coat over his a
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63.—The Cornish Cliff Mystery.
63.—The Cornish Cliff Mystery.
Melville's explanation of the Cornish Cliff Mystery was very simple when he gave it. Yet it was an ingenious trick that the two criminals adopted, and it would have completely succeeded had not our friends from the Puzzle Club accidentally appeared on the scene. This is what happened: When Lamson and Marsh reached the stile, Marsh alone walked to the top of the cliff, with Lamson's larger boots in his hands. Arrived at the edge of the cliff, he changed the boots and walked backwards to the stile
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64.—The Runaway Motor-Car.
64.—The Runaway Motor-Car.
Russell found that there are just twelve five-figure numbers that have the peculiarity that the first two figures multiplied by the last three—all the figures being different, and there being no 0—will produce a number with exactly the same five figures, in a different order. But only one of these twelve begins with a 1—namely, 14926. Now, if we multiply 14 by 926, the result is 12964, which contains the same five figures. The number of the motor-car was therefore 14926. Here are the other eleve
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65.—The Mystery of Ravensdene Park.
65.—The Mystery of Ravensdene Park.
The diagrams show that there are two different ways in which the routes of the various persons involved in the Ravensdene Mystery may be traced, without any path ever crossing another. It depends whether the butler, E, went to the north or the south of the gamekeeper's cottage, and the gamekeeper, A, went to the south or the north of the hall. But it will be found that the only persons who could have approached Mr. Cyril Hastings without crossing a path were the butler, E, and the man, C. It was
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66.—The Buried Treasure.
66.—The Buried Treasure.
The field must have contained between 179 and 180 acres—to be more exact, 179.37254 acres. Had the measurements been 3, 2, and 4 furlongs respectively from successive corners, then the field would have been 209.70537 acres in area. One method of solving this problem is as follows. Find the area of triangle APB in terms of x , the side of the square. Double the result= xy . Divide by x and then square, and we have the value of y 2 in terms of x . Similarly find value of z 2 in terms of x ; then s
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THE PROFESSOR'S PUZZLES 67.—The Coinage Puzzle.
THE PROFESSOR'S PUZZLES 67.—The Coinage Puzzle.
The point of this puzzle turns on the fact that if the magic square were to be composed of whole numbers adding up 15 in all ways, the two must be placed in one of the corners. Otherwise fractions must be used, and these are supplied in the puzzle by the employment of sixpences and half-crowns. I give the arrangement requiring the fewest possible current English coins—fifteen. It will be seen that the amount in each corner is a fractional one, the sum required in the total being a whole number o
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68.—The Postage Stamps Puzzles.
68.—The Postage Stamps Puzzles.
The first of these puzzles is based on a similar principle, though it is really much easier, because the condition that nine of the stamps must be of different values makes their selection a simple matter, though how they are to be placed requires a little thought or trial until one knows the rule respecting putting the fractions in the corners. I give the solution. I also show the solution to the second stamp puzzle. All the columns, rows, and diagonals add up 1 s. 6 d. There is no stamp on one
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69.—The Frogs and Tumblers.
69.—The Frogs and Tumblers.
It is perfectly true, as the Professor said, that there is only one solution (not counting a reversal) to this puzzle. The frogs that jump are George in the third horizontal row; Chang, the artful-looking batrachian at the end of the fourth row; and Wilhelmina, the fair creature in the seventh row. George jumps downwards to the second tumbler in the seventh row; Chang, who can only leap short distances in consequence of chronic rheumatism, removes somewhat unwillingly to the glass just above him
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70.—Romeo and Juliet.
70.—Romeo and Juliet.
This is rather a difficult puzzle, though, as the Professor remarked when Hawkhurst hit on the solution, it is "just one of those puzzles that a person might solve at a glance" by pure luck. Yet when the solution, with its pretty, symmetrical arrangement, is seen, it looks ridiculously simple. It will be found that Romeo reaches Juliet's balcony after visiting every house once and only once, and making fourteen turnings, not counting the turn he makes at starting. These are the fewest turnings p
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71.—Romeo's Second Journey.
71.—Romeo's Second Journey.
In order to take his trip through all the white squares only with the fewest possible turnings, Romeo would do well to adopt the route I have shown, by means of which only sixteen turnings are required to perform the feat. The Professor informs me that the Helix Aspersa, or common or garden snail, has a peculiar aversion to making turnings—so much so that one specimen with which he made experiments went off in a straight line one night and has never come back since....
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72.—The Frogs who would a-wooing go.
72.—The Frogs who would a-wooing go.
This is one of those puzzles in which a plurality of solutions is practically unavoidable. There are two or three positions into which four frogs may jump so as to form five rows with four in each row, but the case I have given is the most satisfactory arrangement. The frogs that have jumped have left their astral bodies behind, in order to show the reader the positions which they originally occupied. Chang, the frog in the middle of the upper row, suffering from rheumatism, as explained above i
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73.—The Game of Kayles.
73.—The Game of Kayles.
To win at this game you must, sooner or later, leave your opponent an even number of similar groups. Then whatever he does in one group you repeat in a similar group. Suppose, for example, that you leave him these groups: Now, if he knocks down a single, you knock down a single; if he knocks down two in one triplet, you knock down two in the other triplet; if he knocks down the central kayle in a triplet, you knock down the central one in the other triplet. In this way you must even
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74.—The Broken Chessboard.
74.—The Broken Chessboard.
The illustration will show how the thirteen pieces can be put together so as to construct the perfect board, and the reverse problem of cutting these particular pieces out will be found equally entertaining. Compare with Nos. 293 and 294 in A. in M....
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75.—The Spider and the Fly.
75.—The Spider and the Fly.
Though this problem was much discussed in the Daily Mail from 18th January to 7th February 1905, when it appeared to create great public interest, it was actually first propounded by me in the Weekly Dispatch of 14th June 1903. Imagine the room to be a cardboard box. Then the box may be cut in various different ways, so that the cardboard may be laid flat on the table. I show four of these ways, and indicate in every case the relative positions of the spider and the fly, and the straightened cou
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76.—The Perplexed Cellarman.
76.—The Perplexed Cellarman.
Brother John gave the first man three large bottles and one small bottleful of wine, and one large and three small empty bottles. To each of the other two men he gave two large and three small bottles of wine, and two large and one small empty bottle. Each of the three then receives the same quantity of wine, and the same number of each size of bottle....
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77.—Making a Flag.
77.—Making a Flag.
The diagram shows how the piece of bunting is to be cut into two pieces. Lower the piece on the right one "tooth," and they will form a perfect square, with the roses symmetrically placed. It will be found interesting to compare this with No. 154 in A. in M....
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78.—Catching the Hogs.
78.—Catching the Hogs.
A very short examination of this puzzle game should convince the reader that Hendrick can never catch the black hog, and that the white hog can never be caught by Katrün. Each hog merely runs in and out of one of the nearest corners and can never be captured. The fact is, curious as it must at first sight appear, a Dutchman cannot catch a black hog, and a Dutchwoman can never capture a white one! But each can, without difficulty, catch one of the other colour. So if the first player just determi
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79.—The Thirty-one Game.
79.—The Thirty-one Game.
By leading with a 5 the first player can always win. If your opponent plays another 5, you play a 2 and score 12. Then as often as he plays a 5 you play a 2, and if at any stage he drops out of the series, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, you step in and win. If after your lead of 5 he plays anything but another 5, you make 10 or 17 and win. The first player may also win by leading a 1 or a 2, but the play is complicated. It is, however, well worth the reader's study....
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80.—The Chinese Railways.
80.—The Chinese Railways.
This puzzle was artfully devised by the yellow man. It is not a matter for wonder that the representatives of the five countries interested were bewildered. It would have puzzled the engineers a good deal to construct those circuitous routes so that the various trains might run with safety. Diagram 1 shows directions for the five systems of lines, so that no line shall ever cross another, and this appears to be the method that would require the shortest possible mileage. The reader may wish to k
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81.—The Eight Clowns.
81.—The Eight Clowns.
This is a little novelty in magic squares. These squares may be formed with numbers that are in arithmetical progression, or that are not in such progression. If a square be formed of the former class, one place may be left vacant, but only under particular conditions. In the case of our puzzle there would be no difficulty in making the magic square with 9 missing; but with 1 missing (that is, using 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) it is not possible. But a glance at the original illustration will sh
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82.—The Wizard's Arithmetic.
82.—The Wizard's Arithmetic.
This puzzle is both easy and difficult, for it is a very simple matter to find one of the multipliers, which is 86. If we multiply 8 by 86, all we need do is to place the 6 in front and the 8 behind in order to get the correct answer, 688. But the second number is not to be found by mere trial. It is 71, and the number to be multiplied is no less than 1639344262295081967213114754098360655737704918032787. If you want to multiply this by 71, all you have to do is to place another 1 at the beginnin
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83.—The Ribbon Problem.
83.—The Ribbon Problem.
The solution is as follows: Place this rather lengthy number on the ribbon, 0212765957446808510638297872340425531914393617. It may be multiplied by any number up to 46 inclusive to give the same order of figures in the ring. The number previously given can be multiplied by any number up to 16. I made the limit 9 in order to put readers off the scent. The fact is these two numbers are simply the recurring decimals that equal 1/17 and 1/47 respectively. Multiply the one by seventeen and the other
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84.—The Japanese Ladies and the Carpet.
84.—The Japanese Ladies and the Carpet.
If the squares had not to be all the same size, the carpet could be cut in four pieces in any one of the three manners shown. In each case the two pieces marked A will fit together and form one of the three squares, the other two squares being entire. But in order to have the squares exactly equal in size, we shall require six pieces, as shown in the larger diagram. No. 1 is a complete square, pieces 4 and 5 will form a second square, and pieces 2, 3, and 6 will form the third—all of exactly the
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85.—Captain Longbow and the Bears.
85.—Captain Longbow and the Bears.
It might have struck the reader that the story of the bear impaled on the North Pole had no connection with the problem that followed. As a matter of fact it is essential to a solution. Eleven bears cannot possibly be arranged to form of themselves seven rows of bears with four bears in every row. But it is a different matter when Captain Longbow informs us that "they had so placed themselves that there were " seven rows of four bears. For if they were grouped as shown in the diagram, so that th
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86.—The English Tour.
86.—The English Tour.
It was required to show how a resident at the town marked A might visit every one of the towns once, and only once, and finish up his tour at Z. This puzzle conceals a little trick. After the solver has demonstrated to his satisfaction that it cannot be done in accordance with the conditions as he at first understood them, he should carefully examine the wording in order to find some flaw. It was said, "This would be easy enough if he were able to cut across country by road, as well as by rail,
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87.—The Chifu-Chemulpo Puzzle.
87.—The Chifu-Chemulpo Puzzle.
The solution is as follows. You may accept the invitation to "try to do it in twenty moves," but you will never succeed in performing the feat. The fewest possible moves are twenty-six. Play the cars so as to reach the following positions:— Twenty-six moves in all....
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88.—The Eccentric Market-woman.
88.—The Eccentric Market-woman.
The smallest possible number of eggs that Mrs. Covey could have taken to market is 719. After selling half the number and giving half an egg over she would have 359 left; after the second transaction she would have 239 left; after the third deal, 179; and after the fourth, 143. This last number she could divide equally among her thirteen friends, giving each 11, and she would not have broken an egg....
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89.—The Primrose Puzzle.
89.—The Primrose Puzzle.
The two words that solve this puzzle are BLUEBELL and PEARTREE. Place the letters as follows: B 3-1, L 6-8, U 5-3, E 4-6, B 7-5, E 2-4, L 9-7, L 9-2. This means that you take B, jump from 3 to 1, and write it down on 1; and so on. The second word can be inserted in the same order. The solution depends on finding those words in which the second and eighth letters are the same, and also the fourth and sixth the same, because these letters interchange without destroying the words. MARITIMA (or sea-
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90.—The Round Table.
90.—The Round Table.
Here is the way of arranging the seven men:— Of course, at a circular table, A will be next to the man at the end of the line. I first gave this problem for six persons on ten days, in the Daily Mail for the 13th and 16th October 1905, and it has since been discussed in various periodicals by mathematicians. Of course, it is easily seen that the maximum number of sittings for n persons is ( n - 1)( n - 2)/2 ways. The comparatively easy method for solving all cases where n is a prime+1 was first
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91.—The Five Tea Tins.
91.—The Five Tea Tins.
There are twelve ways of arranging the boxes without considering the pictures. If the thirty pictures were all different the answer would be 93,312. But the necessary deductions for cases where changes of boxes may be made without affecting the order of pictures amount to 1,728, and the boxes may therefore be arranged, in accordance with the conditions, in 91,584 different ways. I will leave my readers to discover for themselves how the figures are to be arrived at....
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92.—The Four Porkers.
92.—The Four Porkers.
The number of ways in which the four pigs may be placed in the thirty-six sties in accordance with the conditions is seventeen, including the example that I gave, not counting the reversals and reflections of these arrangements as different. Jaenisch, in his Analyse Mathématique au jeu des Échecs (1862), quotes the statement that there are just twenty-one solutions to the little problem on which this puzzle is based. As I had myself only recorded seventeen, I examined the matter again, and found
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93.—The Number Blocks.
93.—The Number Blocks.
Arrange the blocks so as to form the two multiplication sums 915 × 64 and 732 × 80, and the product in both cases will be the same: 58,560....
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94.—Foxes and Geese.
94.—Foxes and Geese.
The smallest possible number of moves is twenty-two—that is, eleven for the foxes and eleven for the geese. Here is one way of solving the puzzle: Of course, the reader will play the first move in the top line, then the first move in the second line, then the second move in the top line, and so on alternately. In A. in M. , p. 230, I have explained fully my "buttons and string" method of solving puzzles on chequered boards. In Diagram A is shown the puzzle in the form in which it may be presente
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95.—Robinson Crusoe's Table.
95.—Robinson Crusoe's Table.
The diagram shows how the piece of wood should be cut in two pieces to form the square table-top. A, B, C, D are the corners of the table. The way in which the piece E fits into the piece F will be obvious to the eye of the reader. The shaded part is the wood that is discarded....
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96.—The Fifteen Orchards.
96.—The Fifteen Orchards.
The number must be the least common multiple of 1, 2, 3, etc., up to 15, that, when divided by 7, leaves the remainder 1, by 9 leaves 3, by 11 leaves 10, by 13 leaves 3, and by 14 leaves 8. Such a number is 120. The next number is 360,480, but as we have no record of a tree—especially a very young one—bearing anything like such a large number of apples, we may take 120 to be the only answer that is acceptable....
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97.—The Perplexed Plumber.
97.—The Perplexed Plumber.
The rectangular closed cistern that shall hold a given quantity of water and yet have the smallest possible surface of metal must be a perfect cube—that is, a cistern every side of which is a square. For 1,000 cubic feet of water the internal dimensions will be 10 ft. × 10 ft. × 10 ft., and the zinc required will be 600 square feet. In the case of a cistern without a top the proportions will be exactly half a cube. These are the "exact proportions" asked for in the second case. The exact dimensi
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98.—The Nelson Column.
98.—The Nelson Column.
If you take a sheet of paper and mark it with a diagonal line, as in Figure A, you will find that when you roll it into cylindrical form, with the line outside, it will appear as in Figure B. It will be seen that the spiral (in one complete turn) is merely the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, of which the length and width of the paper are the other two sides. In the puzzle given, the lengths of the two sides of the triangle are 40 ft. (one-fifth of 200 ft.) and 16 ft. 8 in. Therefore the h
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99.—The Two Errand Boys.
99.—The Two Errand Boys.
All that is necessary is to add the two distances at which they meet to twice their difference. Thus 720 + 400 + 640 = 1760 yards, or one mile, which is the distance required. Or, put another way, three times the first distance less the second distance will always give the answer, only the first distance should be more than two-thirds of the second....
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100.—On the Ramsgate Sands.
100.—On the Ramsgate Sands.
Just six different rings may be formed without breaking the conditions. Here is one way of effecting the arrangements. Join the ends and you have the six rings. Lucas devised a simple mechanical method for obtaining the n rings that may be formed under the conditions by 2 n +1 children....
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101.—The Three Motor-Cars.
101.—The Three Motor-Cars.
The only set of three numbers, of two, three, and five figures respectively, that will fulfil the required conditions is 27 × 594 = 16,038. These three numbers contain all the nine digits and 0, without repetition; the first two numbers multiplied together make the third, and the second is exactly twenty-two times the first. If the numbers might contain one, four, and five figures respectively, there would be many correct answers, such as 3 × 5,694 = 17,082; but it is a curious fact that there i
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102.—A Reversible Magic Square.
102.—A Reversible Magic Square.
It will be seen that in the arrangement given every number is different, and all the columns, all the rows, and each of the two diagonals, add up 179, whether you turn the page upside down or not. The reader will notice that I have not used the figures 3, 4, 5, 8, or 0....
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103.—The Tube Railway.
103.—The Tube Railway.
There are 640 different routes. A general formula for puzzles of this kind is not practicable. We have obviously only to consider the variations of route between B and E. Here there are nine sections or "lines," but it is impossible for a train, under the conditions, to traverse more than seven of these lines in any route. In the following table by "directions" is meant the order of stations irrespective of "routes." Thus, the "direction" BCDE gives nine "routes," because there are three ways of
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104.—The Skipper and the Sea-Serpent.
104.—The Skipper and the Sea-Serpent.
Each of the three pieces was clearly three cables long. But Simon persisted in assuming that the cuts were made transversely, or across, and that therefore the complete length was nine cables. The skipper, however, explained (and the point is quite as veracious as the rest of his yarn) that his cuts were made longitudinally—straight from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail! The complete length was therefore only three cables, the same as each piece. Simon was not asked the exact length of
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105.—The Dorcas Society.
105.—The Dorcas Society.
If there were twelve ladies in all, there would be 132 kisses among the ladies alone, leaving twelve more to be exchanged with the curate—six to be given by him and six to be received. Therefore, of the twelve ladies, six would be his sisters. Consequently, if twelve could do the work in four and a half months, six ladies would do it in twice the time—four and a half months longer—which is the correct answer. At first sight there might appear to be some ambiguity about the words, "Everybody kiss
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106.—The Adventurous Snail.
106.—The Adventurous Snail.
At the end of seventeen days the snail will have climbed 17 ft., and at the end of its eighteenth day-time task it will be at the top. It instantly begins slipping while sleeping, and will be 2 ft. down the other side at the end of the eighteenth day of twenty-four hours. How long will it take over the remaining 18 ft.? If it slips 2 ft. at night it clearly overcomes the tendency to slip 2 ft. during the daytime, in climbing up. In rowing up a river we have the stream against us, but in coming d
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107.—The Four Princes.
107.—The Four Princes.
When Montucla, in his edition of Ozanam's Recreations in Mathematics , declared that "No more than three right-angled triangles, equal to each other, can be found in whole numbers, but we may find as many as we choose in fractions," he curiously overlooked the obvious fact that if you give all your sides a common denominator and then cancel that denominator you have the required answer in integers! Every reader should know that if we take any two numbers, m and n , then m 2 + n 2 , m 2 - n 2 , a
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108.—Plato and the Nines.
108.—Plato and the Nines.
The following is the simple solution of the three nines puzzle:— To divide 18 by .9 (or nine-tenths) we, of course, multiply by 10 and divide by 9. The result is 20, as required....
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109.—Noughts and Crosses.
109.—Noughts and Crosses.
The solution is as follows: Between two players who thoroughly understand the play every game should be drawn. Neither player could ever win except through the blundering of his opponent. If Nought (the first player) takes the centre, Cross must take a corner, or Nought may beat him with certainty. If Nought takes a corner on his first play, Cross must take the centre at once, or again be beaten with certainty. If Nought leads with a side, both players must be very careful to prevent a loss, as
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110.—Ovid's Game.
110.—Ovid's Game.
The solution here is: The first player can always win, provided he plays to the centre on his first move. But a good variation of the game is to bar the centre for the first move of the first player. In that case the second player should take the centre at once. This should always end in a draw, but to ensure it the first player must play to two adjoining corners (such as 1 and 3) on his first and second moves. The game then requires great care on both sides....
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111.—The Farmer's Oxen.
111.—The Farmer's Oxen.
Sir Isaac Newton has shown us, in his Universal Arithmetic , that we may divide the bullocks in each case in two parts—one part to eat the increase, and the other the accumulated grass. The first will vary directly as the size of the field, and will not depend on the time; the second part will also vary directly as the size of the field, and in addition inversely with the time. We find from the farmer's statements that 6 bullocks keep down the growth in a 10-acre field, and 6 bullocks eat the gr
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112.—The Great Grangemoor Mystery.
112.—The Great Grangemoor Mystery.
We were told that the bullet that killed Mr. Stanton Mowbray struck the very centre of the clock face and instantly welded together the hour, minute, and second hands, so that all revolved in one piece. The puzzle was to tell from the fixed relative positions of the three hands the exact time when the pistol was fired. We were also told, and the illustration of the clock face bore out the statement, that the hour and minute hands were exactly twenty divisions apart, "the third of the circumferen
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113.—Cutting a Wood Block.
113.—Cutting a Wood Block.
Though the cubic contents are sufficient for twenty-five pieces, only twenty-four can actually be cut from the block. First reduce the length of the block by half an inch. The smaller piece cut off constitutes the portion that cannot be used. Cut the larger piece into three slabs, each one and a quarter inch thick, and it will be found that eight blocks may easily be cut out of each slab without any further waste....
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114.—The Tramps and the Biscuits.
114.—The Tramps and the Biscuits.
The smallest number of biscuits must have been 1021, from which it is evident that they were of that miniature description that finds favour in the nursery. The general solution is that for n men the number must be m ( n n +1 ) - ( n - 1), where m is any integer. Each man will receive m ( n - 1) n - 1 biscuits at the final division, though in the case of two men, when m = 1, the final distribution only benefits the dog. Of course, in every case each man steals an n th of the number of biscuits,
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