Recollections Of The War Of 1812
William Dunlop
7 chapters
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7 chapters
Recollections of The American War
Recollections of The American War
First edition, 250 copies Second edition, 750 copies WILLIAM DUNLOP, M.D. From original painting in the possession of Mrs. Thos. McGaw. Recollections of the War of 1812 By DR. WM. DUNLOP With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by A. H. U. Colquhoun, LL.D. Deputy Minister of Education, Ontario SECOND EDITION TORONTO: HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO. 1908. Entered according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year nineteen hundred and eight, by the Historical Publishing Co., at the Department
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The favourable reception of a small work on this colony has emboldened me again to come before the public in the character of an author, and as it is fifteen years since I last obtruded myself in that capacity, I have at least to boast of the merit assumed to himself by the sailor in his prayer, during a hurricane, "Thou knowest it is seldom that I trouble thee," and I may hope on the same grounds to be listened to. It is now upwards of thirty-three years since I became acquainted with this coun
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"My native land, good night."— Byron. The end of March or the beginning of April, 1813, found me at the Army Depôt in the Isle of Wight. Sir Walter Scott in his Surgeon's Daughter, says that no one who has ever visited that delightful spot can ever forget it, and I fully agree with him, but though perfectly susceptible of the impressions which its numberless beauties leave on the mind, I must confess that the view of a fleet of transports rounding St. Helens to take us to our destination, would
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I joined my regiment at Fort Wellington, and a fine jovial unsophisticated set of "wild tremendous Irishmen" I found my brother officers to be. To do them justice (and I was upwards of four years with them) a more honest-hearted set of fellows never met round a mess table. No private family ever lived in more concord or unanimity than did "Our Mess." Irishmen though they mostly were, they never quarrelled among themselves. They sometimes fought, to be sure, with strangers, but never in the Regim
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Luckily the moment we arrived at Toronto, we were informed that a gun-brig was about to sail for Niagara, on board which we were shipped. About sun-set we sailed, and the wind being fair, we arrived in the mouth of the Niagara river at daylight, and lost no time in ordering horses; and while they were getting ready, we were anxiously employed in examining and cross-examining witnesses as to the contradictory reports that were in circulation as to a battle. All we could elicit was, that there had
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We took up our ground on the left bank of the Chippawa, in the hope that we would be attacked in that strong position; but nothing was further from the intention of the enemy than such a flagrant absurdity. They, from time to time, sent small parties to look at us; and there was some very distant skirmishing, which proved very harmless amusement; but they withdrew at last, and we were ordered into winter quarters. Our regiment, with the 100th, took up their quarters at Queenston, where we were s
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Transcriber Notes:
Transcriber Notes:
Errors in punctuation and inconsistent hyphenation were not corrected unless otherwise noted. On page 9, a comma was added after "the American Army". On page 13, "déscgréments" was replaced with "désagréments?". On page 18, a comma was removed after "the first volley we fired". On page 24, "then" was replaced with "than". On page 35, "that that" was replaced with "that". On page 44, "Colonal" was replaced with "Colonel". On page 60, a period was added after "leave undone". On page 62, "32d" was
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