Beautiful Ferns
Daniel Cady Eaton
16 chapters
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16 chapters
FROM ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS AFTER NATURE, By C. E. FAXON and J. H. EMERTON. Descriptive Text by Daniel Cady Eaton , PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN YALE COLLEGE. BOSTON: ESTES AND LAURIAT. 1886. Copyright, 1885 , By H. B. Nims and Company. Copyright, 1885 , By H. B. Nims and Company....
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ADIANTUM PEDATUM, Linnæus. American Maiden-hair.
ADIANTUM PEDATUM, Linnæus. American Maiden-hair.
Adiantum pedatum :—Root-stock creeping, scaly, and copiously rooting; stalks scattered, a foot or more high, dark-brown and polished, forked at the top; fronds six to fifteen inches broad, membranaceous, smooth, spreading nearly horizontally, composed of several (six to fourteen) slender divisions radiating from the outer side of the recurved branches of the stalk, and bearing numerous oblong or triangular-oblong short-stalked pinnules having the lower margin entire and often slightly concave, t
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Onoclea Struthiopteris :—Caudex short, thick, erect, emitting slender subterranean stolons; stalks stout, a few inches to a foot long, chaffy at the base; fronds standing in a vase-like crown, dimorphous; sterile ones one to ten feet high, herbaceo-membranaceous, broadly lanceolate, narrowed from the middle to the base, abruptly short-acuminate, pinnate; pinnæ very many, sessile, the lowest ones sinuate and deflexed, the rest three to eight inches long, five to nine lines wide, linear-lanceolate
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PHEGOPTERIS ALPESTRIS, Mettenius. Alpine Beech-Fern.
PHEGOPTERIS ALPESTRIS, Mettenius. Alpine Beech-Fern.
Phegopteris alpestris :—Root-stock short and thick, erect or oblique; stalks sub-terminal, four to ten inches long, bearing a few brown spreading scales near the base; fronds one to two feet long, oblong-lanceolate, membranaceous, smooth, pinnate with delicately bi-pinnatifid deltoid-lanceolate pinnæ, the lower ones distant, and decreasing moderately; pinnules ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, doubly incised and toothed; sori small, rounded, naked, usually copious on all or all but the lowest p
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ASPIDIUM FRAGRANS, Swartz. Fragrant Wood-Fern.
ASPIDIUM FRAGRANS, Swartz. Fragrant Wood-Fern.
Aspidium fragrans :—Root-stock short and stout, very chaffy, with ample bright-brown glossy scales, which also abound on the short clustered stalks, and extend, diminishing in size, nearly to the top of the frond; fronds rigid-membranaceous, glandular, aromatic, four to ten inches long, six to twenty-four lines wide, lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed from the middle to the base, bipinnate; pinnæ numerous, oblong-lanceolate; pinnules many, one to two lines long, oblong, obtuse, adnate by a decurren
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ASPIDIUM GOLDIANUM, Hooker. Goldie’s Wood-Fern.
ASPIDIUM GOLDIANUM, Hooker. Goldie’s Wood-Fern.
Aspidium Goldianum :—Root-stock stout, ascending, chaffy; stalks about a foot long, chaffy at the base with large ovate-acuminate ferruginous or deep-lustrous-brown scales; fronds standing in a crown, one to two and a half feet long, broadly ovate, or the fertile ones oblong-ovate, chartaceo-membranaceous, nearly smooth, bright-green above, a little paler beneath, pinnate; pinnæ broadly lanceolate, five to eight inches long, one to two and a half broad, usually, especially the lowest ones, narro
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Cheilanthes tomentosa :—Root-stock short, chaffy with glossy subulate scales; stalks tufted, four to eight inches long, erect, rather stout, clothed with soft woolly pale-ferruginous hairs, intermixed with others which are flattened and decidedly paleaceous; fronds eight to fifteen inches long, oblong-lanceolate, webby-tomentose with slender brownish-white obscurely articulated hairs, especially beneath, tripinnate; primary and secondary pinnæ oblong or ovate-oblong; ultimate pinnules closely pl
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CHEILANTHES EATONI, Baker. Eaton’s Lip-Fern.
CHEILANTHES EATONI, Baker. Eaton’s Lip-Fern.
Cheilanthes Eatoni : Root-stock short, chaffy with rather long slenderly acuminate glossy scales; stalks clustered, four to eight inches long, erect, wiry, covered, as are the rachis and its divisions, with narrow shining pale-ferruginous scales and paleaceous hairs intermixed; fronds four to nine inches long, oblong-lanceolate, pubescent above with whitish entangled woolly hairs, beneath covered with a heavy matted ferruginous tomentum, and more or less scaly, especially when young, tripinnate;
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ASPIDIUM FILIX-MAS, Swartz. Male Fern.
ASPIDIUM FILIX-MAS, Swartz. Male Fern.
Aspidium Filix-mas :—Root-stock short, stout, ascending or erect; stalks rarely over a foot long, very chaffy with large lanceolate-acuminate scales and smaller ones intermixed; fronds standing in a crown, one to three feet long, half-evergreen, firm-membranaceous, broadly oblong-lanceolate, slightly narrowed toward the base, pinnate or sub-bipinnate; pinnæ lanceolate-acuminate from a broad base, pinnatifid almost or rarely quite to the midrib; segments smooth and full-green above, slightly pale
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PELLÆA TERNIFOLIA, Link. Trifoliate Cliff-Brake.
PELLÆA TERNIFOLIA, Link. Trifoliate Cliff-Brake.
Pellæa ternifolia :—Root-stock short, thick, nodose, chaffy with very narrow dark-brown scales; stalks clustered, purplish-black and polished, three to six inches long; fronds as long as or longer than the stalks, oblong-linear; pinnæ from four to fifteen pairs, all but a few of the highest ones deeply tripartite; segments elongated-oval or linear-obovate, sub-coriaceous, somewhat glaucous beneath, green above, slightly mucronate, the middle one in large fronds indistinctly petiolulate; fertile
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PELLÆA ATROPURPUREA, Link. Clayton’s Cliff-Brake.
PELLÆA ATROPURPUREA, Link. Clayton’s Cliff-Brake.
Pellæa atropurpurea :—Root-stock short, knotted, chaffy with very narrow long-pointed soft cinnamon-brown scales; stalks four to eight inches high, terete, wiry, dark-purple or reddish-black, polished or more or less pubescent with paleaceous hairs; fronds six to twelve inches long, ovate or oblong-lanceolate in outline, evergreen, sub-coriaceous, pinnate, usually twice pinnate near the base; rachises smooth or hairy; pinnæ four to twelve pairs, the lower ones long-stalked, and divided into five
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PELLÆA GRACILIS, Hooker. Slender Cliff-Brake.
PELLÆA GRACILIS, Hooker. Slender Cliff-Brake.
Pellæa gracilis :—Root-stock slender, creeping, cord-like, scantily furnished with little ovate appressed scales; stalks scattered, slender, a span long or less, brownish-stramineous, somewhat shining, darker and slightly chaffy at the base; fronds two to four inches long, thin and tender, smooth, ovate or ovate-oblong, pinnate; pinnæ few, the lower two to four pairs once or twice pinnatifid, the uppermost simple; segments of the sterile fronds adnate-decurrent, roundish-obovate, crenately lobed
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ASPIDIUM MARGINALE, Swartz. Evergreen Wood-Fern.
ASPIDIUM MARGINALE, Swartz. Evergreen Wood-Fern.
Aspidium marginale :—Root-stock ascending, stout, shaggy with long shining-brown chaffy scales; stalks rather stout, a few inches to a foot long, more or less chaffy with shining scales; fronds standing in a crown, one to two feet long, evergreen, sub-coriaceous, ovate-lanceolate, scarcely narrowed at the base, pinnate or sub-bipinnate; pinnæ almost sessile, the lowest ones broadest, unequally triangular-lanceolate, the middle ones lanceolate-acuminate, slightly broader above the base; pinnules
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Camptosorus rhizophyllus :—Root-stock short, creeping or ascending; stalks tufted, slender, flaccid, green, but becoming brown near the base; fronds a few inches to a foot long, sub-coriaceous, evergreen, smooth, gradually narrowed from a deeply cordate and auricled base to a long and very slender prolongation, decumbent and often rooting at the end; veins reticulated near the midrib, and having free apices along the margin; sori elongated, variously placed on either side of the veins, often fac
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ASPLENIUM PINNATIFIDUM, Nuttall. Pinnatifid Spleenwort.
ASPLENIUM PINNATIFIDUM, Nuttall. Pinnatifid Spleenwort.
Asplenium pinnatifidum :—Root-stock short, creeping, branched; stalks numerous, clustered, brownish near the base, green higher up; fronds six to nine inches high, herbaceous or sub-coriaceous, mostly erect, lanceolate-acuminate from a broad and sub-hastate base, pinnatifid; lower lobes roundish-ovate or rarely caudate, sometimes distinct, the margin crenated, the upper ones gradually smaller and more and more adnate to the winged midrib; the uppermost very short, and passing into the sinuous-ma
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ONOCLEA SENSIBILIS, Linnæus. Sensitive Fern.
ONOCLEA SENSIBILIS, Linnæus. Sensitive Fern.
Onoclea sensibilis :—Root-stock creeping, elongated; stalks scattered, nearly chaffless, a few inches to over a foot high; fronds dimorphous; sterile ones triangular-ovate, foliaceous, smooth, quickly withering when plucked, deeply pinnatifid into several oblong-lanceolate entire or sinuate or sinuately pinnatifid segments, the lowest pair sometimes distinct, the rest connected by a wing which widens upwards; the veins reticulated and forming narrow paracostal areoles, and, outside of these, cop
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