Oaths Of Allegiance In Colonial New England
Charles Evans
37 chapters
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37 chapters
When Henry the Eighth renounced the authority of the Pope, in 1534, an Act of Parliament was obtained declaring him the only supreme head of the Church in England on the earth; and utterly abolishing the authority of the Roman Pontiff within the British Dominions. To give effect to this Act there was further enacted:...
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The Oath of Supremacy
The Oath of Supremacy
I, A. B. do utterly testifie and declare in my Conscience, that the Kings Highness is the only Supream Governour of this Realm, and of all other His Highness Dominions and Countries, as well in all Spiritual and Ecclesiastical things (or causes) as Temporal: And that no Forraign Prince, Person, Prelate, State, or Potentate, hath, or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, preheminence or authority, Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm: and therefore I do utterly renounce and
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Tenor of The Oath of Allegiance, &c. to be Taken and Subscribed by Recusants
Tenor of The Oath of Allegiance, &c. to be Taken and Subscribed by Recusants
I. A.B. doe truely and sincerely acknowledge pfesse testifie and declare in my Conscience before God and the Worlde, That our Soveraigne Lorde Kinge James is lawfull and rightfull King of this Realme and of all other his Majesties Dominions and Countries; And that the Pope, neither of himselfe nor by any Authority of the Churche or Sea of Rome, or by any other meanes with any other, hath any Power or Authoritye to depose the King or to dispose any of his Majesties Kingdomes or Dominions, or to a
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The Oath of Abjuration
The Oath of Abjuration
I do hereby swear that I do renounce the pretended title of Charles Stuart, and the whole line of the late King James; and of any other person, as a single person pretending, or which shall pretend to the crown or government of these nations of England Scotland and Ireland, or any of them; and that I will, by the grace and assistance of Almighty God, be true, faithful and constant to the Parliament, and Commonwealth; and will oppose the bringing in, or setting up any single person or House of Lo
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Combination for Foundation of Government known as The Mayflower Compact
Combination for Foundation of Government known as The Mayflower Compact
In y e name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwriten, the loyall subjects of our dread soveraigne Lord, King James, by y e grace of God, of Great Britaine, Franc, & Ireland, king, defender of y e faith, &c. haveing undertaken, for y e glorie of God, and advancement of y e Christian faith, and honour of our king and countrie, a voyage to plant y e first colonie in y e Northerne parts of Virginia, doe by these presents solemnly & mutualy in y e presence of God, and one
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Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity
Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity
The forme of Oath ... which liue in this Colonie ... the Oth of alegance to his maj ... fidelity to the same. You shall sweare by the name of the Great God ... & earth & in his holy fear, & presence that you shall not speake, or doe, deuise, or aduise, anything or things, acte or acts, directly, or indirectly, By land, or water, that doth, shall, or may, tend to the destruction or ouerthrowe of this present plantation, Colonie, or Corporation of this towne Plimouth in New
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The Oath of a Ffreeman
The Oath of a Ffreeman
You shall be truly loyall to our Sov Lord King Charles, his heires & successors, [the State & Govern t of England as it now stands.] You shall not speake or doe, devise or advise any thing or things act or acts directly or indirectly by land or water, that doth shall or may tend to the destrucc̄on or overthrow of this pr̄nt plantac̄ons Colonies or Corporac̄on of New Plymouth, Neither shall you suffer the same to be spoken or done but shall hinder oppose & discover the sam
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The Oath of a Resident
The Oath of a Resident
You shall be truly loyal to our sovereign lord King Charles, his heirs and successors, and whereas you choose at present to reside within the government of New Plymouth, you shall not do or cause to be done any act or acts directly or indirectly, by land or water, that shall tend to the destruction or overthrow of the whole or any of the several plantations or townships within the said government that are or shall be orderly erected or established, but shall contrariwise hinder, oppose, and disc
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The Oath of a Ffreeman
The Oath of a Ffreeman
You shalbee truely Loyall to the present State and Goūment of England [our Sou r Lord the King his heires and Successors.] You shall not speake or doe deuise or aduise Any thinge or thinges Acte or Actes directly or Indirectly by Land or Water that doth shall or may tend to the destruction or ouerthrow of these present plantations or Townshipes of the Corporation of New Plymouth neither shall you suffer the same to bee spoken or done but shall hinder oppose and discouer the same to the Gou r And
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The Oath of a Ffreeman
The Oath of a Ffreeman
You shalbee truely Loyall to our Sou r Lord the Kinge his heires and Successors; you shall not doe nor speake deuise or aduise any thinge or thinges act or actes directly or Inderectly by Land or water; that shall or may tend to the destruction or ouerthrow of any of these plantations or towneshipes of the Corporation of New Plymouth; neither shall you suffer the same to bee spoken or done but shall hinder oppose and discouer the same to the Gou r and Assistants of the said Collonie for the time
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The Oath of a Freeman, or of a Man to be made ffree.
The Oath of a Freeman, or of a Man to be made ffree.
I, A. B. &c. being, by the Almighties most wise disposic̄on, become a memb r of this body, consisting of the Goūn r , Deputy Goūn r , Assistants, & a com n lty of the Mattachusets in Newe England, doe, freely & sincerely acknowledge that I am iustly & lawfully subject to the goūm t of the same, & doe accordingly submitt my pson & estate to be ptected, ordered, & goūned by the lawes & constituc̄ons thereof, & doe faithfully p
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The Oath of Residents
The Oath of Residents
I doe heare sweare, and call God to witnes, that, being nowe an inhabitant within the lymitts of this juridicc̄on of the Massachusetts, I doe acknowledge myselfe lawfully subject to the aucthoritie and gouerm t there established, and doe accordingly submitt my pson, family, and estate, to be ptected, ordered, & gouerned by the lawes & constituc̄ons thereof, and doe faithfully pmise to be from time to time obedient and conformeable therevnto, and to the aucthoritie of the Goūn r ,
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The Oath of a Freeman
The Oath of a Freeman
I, A. B., being, by Gods providence, an inhabitant & ffreeman within the jurisdicc̄on of this com̄onweale, doe freely acknowledge my selfe to be subiect to the goverm t thereof, & therefore doe heere sweare, by the greate & dreadfull name of the euerlyveing God, that I wilbe true & faithfull to the same, & will accordingly yeilde assistance & support therevnto, with my pson & estate, as in equity I am bound, & will also truely indea
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The Oath of a Free-man
The Oath of a Free-man
I (A. B.) being by Gods providence an Inhabitant, and Freeman, within the Jurisdiction of this Commonwealth; do freely acknowledge my self to be subject to the Government thereof: And therefore do here swear by the great and dreadful Name of the Ever-living God, that I will be true and faithfull to the same, and will accordingly yield assistance & support thereunto, with my person and estate, as in equity I am bound; and will also truly endeavour to maintain and preserve all the libertie
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Freemans Oath
Freemans Oath
I (A. B.) being by Gods providence an Inhabitant within the Jurisdiction of this Common-wealth, and now to be made free; doe heer freely acknowledge my self to be subject to the Government therof: and therfore do heer swear by the great and dreadfull Name of the Ever-living God, that I will be true and faithfull to the same, & will accordingly yeild assistance & support therunto, with my person and estate, as in equitie I am bound, and will also truly indeavour to maintein &a
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Freemans Oath
Freemans Oath
I [A. B.] being by Gods providence an inhabitant within the Jurisdiction of this Common-wealth, and now to be made free; doe here freely acknowledg my self to be subject to the Government thereof: And therefore do here Swear by the great and dreadfull Name of the Ever-living God, that I will be true and faithfull to the same, and will accordingly yeild assistance and support thereunto, with my person and estate, as in equity I am bound, and will also truely indeavour to maintain and preserve all
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Oath of Fidelitie
Oath of Fidelitie
I (A B) being by Gods providence an Inhabitant within the Jurisdiction of this Common-wealth, doe freely and sincerely acknowledge my selfe to be subject to the Government thereof. And doe heer swear by the great and dreadful name of the Everliving God, that I will be true and faithfull to the same, and will accordingly yeild assistance therunto, with my person and estate, as in equitie I am bound: and will also truly indeavour to maintein and preseve all the Liberties & Priviledges ther
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Oath of Fidelitie
Oath of Fidelitie
I [A. B.] being by Gods providence an inhabitant within the Jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, do freely and sincerely acknowledge my selfe to be subject to the Government thereof. And do here Swear by the great and dreadful name of the everliving God, that I will be true & faithfull to the same, and will accordingly yeild assistance thereunto, with my person and estate, as in equity I am bound: And will also truely endeavour to Maintain and preserve all the Liberties & Priviledge
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Strangers Oath
Strangers Oath
You A. B. Do acknowledge your self subject to the Lawes of this Jurisdiction during your Residence under this Government, and do here Swear, by the Great Name of the Everliving GOD, and engage your self to be true and faithfull to the same, and not to plot, contrive, or conceal any thing that is to the hurt or detriment thereof. [1652.]. This was, apparently, aimed at the Quakers, whose offensive attitude towards the Government was made the subject of further drastic laws and orders by the Gener
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Oath of Fidelitie
Oath of Fidelitie
Whereas I [A. B.] am an inhabitant within this Jurisdiction, Considering how I stand Obliged to the Kings Majesty, his heires and Successors by our Charter and the Government established thereby; Do Swear accordingly by the great and dreadfull Name of the Ever-Living God, that I will bear Faith and true Allegiance to our Soveraingn Lord the King, his Heires and Successors; and that I will be True and Faithfull to this Government, and accordingly yeild Assistance thereunto, with my person and est
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Freemans Oath
Freemans Oath
Whereas I [A. B.] being an inhabitant of the Jurisdiction of the Massachusets , and now to be made free. Do hereby acknowledge my selfe to be subject to the Government thereof (Considering how I stand obliged to the Kings Majesty, his Heires and Successors, by our Charter and the Government established thereby Do Swear accordingly, by the Great and Dreadfull Name of the Ever-Living GOD, that I will bear Faith and true Alegiance to our Soveraigne Lord the King, his heires and Successors,) and tha
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An Oath for Paqua’ and the Plantations there:
An Oath for Paqua’ and the Plantations there:
I A. B. being by the P r uidence of God an inhabitant w th in the Jurisdiction of Conectecotte, doe acknowledge my selfe to be subject to the gou r ment thereof, and doe sweare by the great and dreadfull name of the eu r liueing God to be true and faythfull vnto the same, and doe submitt boath my P r son & estate thereunto, according to all the holsome lawes & orders that ether are or hereafter shall be there made by lawfull authority: And that I will nether plott nor practice an
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The Oath of a Freeman
The Oath of a Freeman
I, A. B. being by the P r uidence of God an Inhabitant w th in the Jurisdiction of Conectecotte, doe acknowledge myselfe to be subiecte to the Gouerment thereof, and doe sweare by the great and fearefull name of the euerliueing God, to be true and faythfull vnto the same, and doe submitt boath my p r son and estate thereunto, according to all the holsome lawes and orders that there are, or here after shall be there made, and established by lawfull authority, and that I will nether plott nor prac
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Freeman’s Charge
Freeman’s Charge
Yow shall neither plott, practise, nor consent, to any euill, or hurt, against this Jurisdiction, or any part of it, nor against The Civill Gouerment here established: And if you shall know any person or persons w ch intend, plott, or conspire anything, w ch tends to the hurt, or prjudice, of the same, you shall timely discouer the same to Lawfull Authority here established, and you shall assist, and be helpfull, in all the affaires of the Jurisdiction, and by all meanes shall promoue the publiq
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Oath of Fidelity
Oath of Fidelity
as followeth, I [Theophilus Eaton] being by the providence of God an inhabitant w t him Newhaven Jurisdictiō, doe acknowledge myselfe to be subject to the goverm t thereof, and doe sweare by the great and dreadfull name of the ever living God, to be true and faithfull vnto the same, and doe submitt both my person and my whole estate thervnto according to all the wholsome lawes and orders thatt for present are or hereafter shall be there made and established by lawfull authority, and thatt I will
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Oath of Allegiance
Oath of Allegiance
Administered at New Haven, in May 1666, under powers granted by Governor John Winthrop, according to his Maj ties Charter granted to this Colony of Connecticut in New England. You J[asper] C[rane], doe sweare faith and Allegeance to his Maj tie Charles y e Second, as duty binds according to y e word of God. And yo u doe hereby acknowledge that the Pope, nor any other potentate hath powe r or autority or iurisdiction in any of his Maj ties dominions, and y t only his Ma tie our sover n Lord King
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Civil Compact
Civil Compact
We whose names are hereunder, desirous to inhabit in the town of Providence, do promise to subject ourselves in active and passive obedience to all such orders or agreements as shall be made for public good of the body in an orderly way, by the major consent of present inhabitants, masters of families, incorporated together in a Towne fellowship, and others whom they shall admit unto them only in civil things. [Richard Scott, and twelve others.] August the 20th, [1637.] This limiting of the powe
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Second Civil Compact
Second Civil Compact
We whose names are underwritten do here, solemnly, in the presence of Jehovah incorporate ourselves into a Bodie Politick and as he shall help, will submit our persons, lives and estates unto our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and to all those perfect and most absolute lawes of his given us in his holy word of truth, to be guided and judged thereby. Exod. 24. 3. 4, 2 Cron. 11.3, 2 Kings, 11. 17. [William Coddington, and eighteen others.] The 7th of the first month, 1638.
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The Engagement of the Officers
The Engagement of the Officers
You, A. B. being called and chosen vnto public employment, and the office of ——, by the free vote and consent y e Inhabitants of the Province of Providence Plantations (now orderly met), do, in the present Assemblie, engage yourself faithfully and truly to the utmost of your power to execute the commission committed vnto you; and do hereby promise to do neither more nor less in that respect than that which the Colonie have or shall authorize you to do according to the best of your understanding.
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The Reciprocal Engagement of the State to ye Officers
The Reciprocal Engagement of the State to ye Officers
We, the Inhabitants of the Province of Providence Plantations being here orderly met, and having by free vote chosen you ——, to public office and officers for the due administration of Justice and the execution thereof throughout the whole Colonie, do hereby engage ourselves to the utmost of our power to support and vphold you in your faithfull performance thereof. [1641.] This Engagement was also agreed to by the Court of Commissioners and Election. September y e 13th, 1654. It is ordered by th
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The Preamble to the Law Against Perjury
The Preamble to the Law Against Perjury
Forasmuch as the consciences of sundry men, truly conscionable, may scruple the giving or the taking of an oath, and it would be nowise suitable to the nature and constitution of our place, who profess ourselves to be men of different consciences and not one willing to force another to debar such as cannot do so, either from bearing office among us or from giving in testimony in a case depending; be it enacted by the authority of this present Assembly, that a solemn profession or testimony in a
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The Combination for Government at Exeter, with the Forms of Oaths for Rulers and People
The Combination for Government at Exeter, with the Forms of Oaths for Rulers and People
Whereas it hath pleased the lord to moue the heart of our Dread Soveraigne Charles by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France & Ireland, to grant license & liberty to sundry of his subjects to plant themselves in the Westerne partes of America: Wee, his loyall subjects, brethren of the church of Exeter, situate & lying upon the river of Piscataquacke, wh other inhabitants there, considering w th ourselves the holy will of god and our owne necessity, that we sh
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The Elders or Rulers Oath
The Elders or Rulers Oath
You shall sweare by the great and dreadfull Name of the high God maker & Gov r of heaven and earth, and by the Lord Jesus Christ y e Prince of the Kings and Rulers of the earth that in his name and feare you will Rule and Governe this people according to the righteous will of God’s Ministeringe Justice and Judgm t upon the workers of iniquity and Ministering due incurreagm t and Countenance to well doers protecting of people so farre as in you by the helpe of God lyeth from forren Annoya
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The Oath of the People
The Oath of the People
Wee doe here sweare by the Great and dreadful name of y e high God, maker and Gouern r of Heaven & earth and by the Lord Jesus X y e King & Savio r of his people that in his name & fear we will submitt o r selves to be ruld & gouerned by, according to y e will & Word of God and such holsome Laws & ordinances as shall be derived theire from by O r honr d Rulers and y e Lawfull assistance with the consent of y e people and y t wee will be ready to as
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The Combination of the People of Dover to Establish a Form of Government
The Combination of the People of Dover to Establish a Form of Government
Whereas sundry Mischiefes and inconveniences have befaln us, and more and greater may in regard of want of Civill Government, his Gratious Matie haveing hitherto settled no Order for us to our knowledge: Wee whose names are underwritten being inhabitants upon the River Piscataquack have voluntarily agreed to combine our selves into a Body Politique that wee may the more comfortably enjoy the benefit of his Maties Lawes. And do hereby actually ingage our Selves to Submit to his Royal Maties Lawes
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8. It is ordered by this Assembly and the authority thereof y t all Englishmen being Protestants, y t are settled Inhabitants and freeholders in any towne of this Province, of y e age of 24 years, not viceous in life but of honest and good conversation, and such as have 201 Rateable estate w th out heads of persons having also taken the oath of allegiance to his Maj s , and no others shall be admitted to y e liberty of being freemen of this Province, and to give theire votes for the choice of De
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Oath of Councilors of Province of Mayne
Oath of Councilors of Province of Mayne
I do swear and protest before God Allmighty and by the holy contents of this Book to be a faithfull Servant and Councellor unto Sir Ferdinando Gorges Knight my Lord of the Province of Mayne, and to his heirs and assigns, to do and perform to the utmost of my power all dutiful respects to him or them belonging, concealing their Councells, and without respect of persons to do, perform and give my opinion in all causes according to my conscience, and best understanding both as I am a Councellor for
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